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Mia Eugenia Jan 2015
We discarded each other like used tissues
And you never looked back
But I did
I ripped through the trash
Trying the find the broken shambles
Left over from who you used to be
Because you fractured yourself
But this time you didn't give me enough time
To put you back together
You let me try
When you knew it was useless
You let me love
When you knew it was fervorless
You let me hope
When you knew I was hopeless
Though time has taught me
That you are the hopeless one
I cannot forget about you
But I can move past the idea
That you are the only one
Who could possibly love
A person like me
But you
You will always manipulate
And toy with
And loose the people who care about you
And until you can move past that
You will always be alone
Mia Eugenia Dec 2014
It makes me think of when
You loved me
If you did
But at least then
I felt wanted
But I can't feel like that
Cause you were no good for me
And now I know
That when the sun sets
It leaves me alone with my thoughts
And that's not a safe place to be
Because your mindset is unhealthy
And I get wrapped up in it
And then there's no going back
If there ever was
Mia Eugenia Nov 2014
It seems like my life is a train set on a track
I'm tied to that track waiting for my own fate to destroy me
And it will
Or you will
Whichever comes first
And that kind face looking at me
Over the brownies rapped in napkins
That we say we will save for later
But end up throwing away
Is the only thing I can take solace in
In knowing that there is something to look forward to
When I'm walking down windowless hallways
That remind me of prisons
Everywhere but that table
Everything but that ponytail
Everyone but you
Has proven that they can do better
But we shared secrets over the Pacific
And across the skies we made ourselves
We made each other a fort to hide our cries in
To escape the world in
But that had to go too
And I watch them all walk away
From my bed
Where they left me to be alone
But they forgot about the most important thing
You love me most.
Mia Eugenia Nov 2014
I was foolish to think that things ever
It is always the same
The only thing that changes is seasons
I thought the north would help
A change of scenery
A change of pace
A change of color
A change of seasons
Maybe a change in the way I see my life
Or in the way life sees me
But I was wrong
Nothing changes
Mia Eugenia Nov 2014
I think It's about time to show my face
I've been hiding behind personas
Sung by my angels
For far too long
And it's starting to occur to me that
I don't need to be ashamed of how I feel
Or felt
There are a stack of unfinished verses
I tried to string together
But the feelings aren't there anymore
And this time I'm not lying
I think I'm done
I think I'm finally over with tear soaked pillow cases
And giving the universe all my words
But being too ashamed to admit their mine
So they're mine
They're mine I'm ready to come clean
Mia Eugenia Nov 2014
I'm getting to that place where this feels necessary again
Where my need for validation
Runs higher than my self worth
And I need someone to tell me I'm right
To tell me I'm good
To tell me I'm acceptable
And not in a passive way
I'm done being passive
You tell me what's good for me
And you go off and betray the only one who ever loved you
And that not me
And he's too far away to notice
But the six hour drive is nothing to him
Cause then he gets to see you
And you're giving him up for someone a thirty second walk away
You have the world on a string
But that's not enough
You need to cosmos too
And I thought I was done with all this
But it's becoming more and more evident that
It never ends
The stupidity never ends
The selfishness never ends
The greed
It never ends
And for me
Second place is all I get
I am perpetually wearing that blue ribbon
I try to hide it from new faces
Because it forces me to take off my mask
Which is probably see-threw anyway
Cause I've never been able to trick people for very long
They all seem to come to the same conclusion eventually
And when they do
I'm left
Sitting alone
Wondering what I could have done better
Id like to say the answer is nothing
That I did all I could
That they're all ******
And some day you'll find people who actually like you
But those words are more tired than the socks left on the handles
That will never be clean again
May 2014 · 339
In A Moment
Mia Eugenia May 2014
My life flashed before my eyes
And your face was nowhere to be seen
Apr 2014 · 450
Can I Be Done Yet?
Mia Eugenia Apr 2014
Can I be done yet?
Can I be done with the lies
And the fear that someday
Your back will turn on me
As it has to so many others
Can I be done with the being let down
Because the expectations I have of you
Aren't even that high
I just wanted you to be there for me
But you left.

Can I be done yet?
Done with the broken promises
Of love and otherwise
Because you had no intention
Of ever putting meaning into those empty words
Can I be done with the back and forth
I need a constant
I need you to stay
Or I need you to go
But I don't need you popping in and out as you please
And I would rather it is you just disappeared

Can I be done yet?
Can I be done with feeling like I'm not good enough for you
Or your family
Even though I have never tried harder
To be worthy of someone
Can I be done with the judgment
And the subtle ways you prove to me
That you will always be
More important to me
Than I am to you

Can I be done yet?
Can I be done with feeling like I owe you something
When you have done
Absolutely nothing for me
Except make me feel as if
I am unloved
By the people I love most
Can I be done with always worrying about you
When you don't bat an eyelash at me
Why do I know your problem
But you don't know mine
And more importantly
Why don't you tell me yourself

Can I be done yet?
Can I be done with doing everything for you
With nothing in return
With promises of payback
But those words always being empty
And void of any true intention
Can I be done with the disrespect
And having to get along
With everyone you tell me to
But you never want to be around my friends
Because they aren't good enough for you

Can I finally be done yet?
Apr 2014 · 388
I Just Want To Sleep
Mia Eugenia Apr 2014
The moons never talked to you
The way you wanted them to
Because they saw the truth
They saw your lies
In a way I could never
The northern lights dimmed when they caught sight of you
And the milky way shied away
Because if stars are good at one thing
It's fear
You've painted my heart black
And at first you told me it was so
I could travel the night with you
But I've recently realized how many things
Are wrong with that statement
You never cared about me
You cared about the wind
And how it disappeared when you got far enough away
You liked the seclusion
You feed off the feelings of lose
People feel when you travel
When the sky turns pink
Thats when you'll return to me
From you illustrious travels
My dear Foreigner
That is when I will trust you with my heart again
When the sky tells me it is right
Because the sky is the only person left who hasn't lied to me
And all I want is to rest in her stars
And all I want is for the lies to be done
And all I want is for the loneliness to subside
And it's not to much to ask for
Because I know just how to do it
Apr 2014 · 400
I'll Deny It If You Ask Me
Mia Eugenia Apr 2014
People slip through my fingers like sand
I can't hold onto anyone
Because there is always someone better
Why can't I ever be the someone who is better
Why am I not worthy of the same love that the world gets
Why do the children who I used to run with
Now make me feel as if everything has been stolen from me
Why am I never picked first in gym?
Not just in gym
Why am I never picked first at 2:00 am
Why am I always available
But the people around me would rather be elsewhere
There are no exceptions to this state of being
This loneliness
The company is only temporary
Because everyone who is important in my life
Has someone more
And it's no secret
People see
People laugh when I tell them who my best friends are
Because they know I am not their's
Why am I never their's
Why am I always alone
Sitting at my house
Writing these words
That you will never know were for you
I guess this is just a one way road
And I'm the idiot driving the wrong way
You'll never truly grasp how important you are to me
But I guess thats good
It's saves me a lot of embarrassment
Apr 2014 · 286
Letters To Constance
Mia Eugenia Apr 2014
I appreciate your praise
But it won't find it's home in my heart
I did nothing admirable
I failed you
I tired to keep him safe but
I should have never let him slip
And he fell so hard
But he got back up without me
And maybe that proves that I was right
That he never really needed me
That he was always happier without me
But neither of us ever had the heart to say it
I didn't want to admit it
But he never wanted to hurt me
Which is useless because he did
Many times
I didn't save anyone
I took credit for a heart that healed itself
Cause I was never any use to anyone
I never wanted him to get better
Because at least when he was low he needed me
To bring him back up
I'm sorry for all the lies
I should have taken better care of him
I promised I would
But I've never been good at keeping my promises
Your praise is appreciated
But it won't find it's home in my heart
Apr 2014 · 378
Hide and Seek
Mia Eugenia Apr 2014
I still ******* love you
And I don't know what to do about it
Because whenever I start to forget
The sound of Mosquitos
Reminds me of all the whispers
I bet you don't even remember what you said to me
What you promised to me
I don't expect that from you
Monkeys could see what you were doing to me
But I guess my inferiority got to me
And I let it slide
But if strangers tell me to stay away
Should I listen?
You don't even make an effort anymore
So why should I?
Why do I still feel the need to tell you everything
Because it's occurred to me that I don't know you
I don't know if I ever did
But I know that this person you've become
The hallow person
Isn't who I wanted
And I'm a horrible person for saying that
Maybe now that nothing is clouding your judgment
You've realized you can do better
Or admitted that I can
But you were never the kind to admit defeat
There was a time that I couldn't picture my life without you
I cried to you not to go
Not to change
Not to leave me all alone
But now the best thing you can do for me
Is to never speak to me again
I never wanted to be this person
I never wanted to give up on you
But you've given me no choice
Wherever you are
Stay there
Don't come looking for me
Because there is nothing left here
For you to find
Mia Eugenia Mar 2014
I thought maybe if no one else said it
It wasn't true
If no one else thought it
Then I could stay in denial
And pretend you actually cared about me
I should have known that can't last forever
But what can is the fact that
You made me feel like you're the only one
Who could ever love me
That's my fear
That I will be looking back at my life
And regret not having you in it
Though you don't deserve a leading role
In my future
You had a big enough role in my past
And I don't want you
To tell me you love me
Because I want to think that I won't say it back
But I could never deny you the love
You proved time and time again
Didn't belong in your palms
Because your hands drain me
They pull all my emotion out
And you use it the fuel your self worth
While demolishing mine
Mar 2014 · 303
Mia Eugenia Mar 2014
Your timing is impeccable
And I can't tell if that's something you strive for
Or not
Because it seems like every time the phone rings
I'm forced to say no
When all I want is to say yes
Because I don't know when
The next question will be asked
And jealousy was never my favorite
Dress to wear
But you seem to take all my hand-me-downs
But that one
But I'll sit here hoping that
The phone will ring again tonight
But expecting it not to be you
Mia Eugenia Feb 2014
I'm staring to a wet footprint
At least that's what I think it is
I can't really tell
My vision is too blurring
My eyes are too dry
Because the last time I let go
Seems so long ago
But I'm determined not to do it again
According to your institution
I'm not worthy of release
And all the eyes in this room
Are focused elsewhere
So why do I feel like I'm being watched
And why do I feel as if no one cares
And I'm wondering if I care
If I think the next year is worth this strain
And I'm beginning to be certain it isn't.
Jan 2014 · 333
No Light
Mia Eugenia Jan 2014
It took me a long time to figure out
That your smile is just pearly white
Cliches strung together by lies and smoke
Everyday the pain gets worse
But I can only think about
Why you don't care
And my bruises only care
That they never saw you
There are so many questions that I want to ask
Your dead eyes
But desperation was never a color I was comfortable in
I try and try
But all I get back are smiley faces that lead nowhere
And I thought we had a somewhere
I keep thinking
Trying to figure out what I did wrong
What I can change to make you
Keep your promises
But I guess I'm the one who broke that first
I can't change for you
If you can't love me for who I am
Who is going to
I have plenty of blank pages ahead of me
And if you weren't going to write them with me
I was at least hoping you would be a character
But maybe that's expecting too much
Maybe you're finally doing what's right for you
And maybe that means you leave me out in the cold
The least you could have given me
Was a flashlight
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
Nothing Like A Supernova
Mia Eugenia Jan 2014
Words don't carry much weight
When they spring from hallow lips
Let alone
A hallow heart
Where not even your blood cells will enter
For fear of being trapped
In that black hole forever
Just like me
I have been pulled into your nothingness
And I cannot escape the grasp
Of your need to be alone
And my need to be needed
You made me feel that way
Until you made me feel like
The raindrops that made lines on my skin
Were useless and unimportant
Compared to the ink dripping from your vanes
Because you always were a poet
You had the perfect words
For the perfect times
To make perfect moments
But only when you spelled it out for me
Your voice never delivered the same grace
As your tire tracks fade
So will my need to keep them there
Just because you've been somewhere
Doesn't mean you'll return
And holding onto indents in the snow
Is an arbitrary action
That I will no longer take part in
The only things I will hold onto
Are the tree branches that carried me
Long before you came around
And tried to take their spot
But you're just not strong enough to beat my oak tree
And it's a shame
Because all this time
All I've wanted to do is trust you
But your breath speaks lowder than your words
And it tells me the past and future
Both of which scare me
And I'll watch the fog roll in
And wonder if the grass ever gets frightened in the dark
Because I know I do
Colored paper and tea leaves won't keep me safe
Only you can do that
So since safely isn't an option
I will have to fight
But do me a favor
Don't trust in the rose petals on your doorstep
Fear them
Jan 2014 · 991
Check Your Priorities
Mia Eugenia Jan 2014
The heaviness of my eyes reminds me
Why I don't write your name anymore
There is too much time wasted on someone
Who walks through my life
And leaves all their **** for me to clean up
Leaves their life for me to fix
And if you really cared about me
You wouldn't blatantly disregard everything I say
I'm attempting to string pretty word together
To describe how I felt in those moments
But all I want to say is
You're a parasitic *******
You're a egotistical self pitying child
You're a reliable day ruiner
You're unapologetic in the worst way possible
And I have no more pretty words for you
You burned me out
You took the last shred of hope I had for you
And threw it way
Then washed it down with that first shot
I no longer believe you will be ok
I don't think you will ever be ok
And I just have one more thing to say about you...
You're a ****.
Mia Eugenia Jan 2014
Yeah, you know me
And you know what I was thinking
While trying to make my eyes focus on the florescent sphere
That makes promises it cannot keep
But tonight I will get into the shower
And wash this last year away
Wash my memories away
And tomorrow
When a fresh layer of snow will cover my window sill
All it is doing is covering up last years scars
But maybe
When it melts away
My life will be healed
And maybe this year I will finally fulfill my New Years resolution
But lets not get our hopes up
Because I cant have you
And I certainly cant forget you
Mia Eugenia Dec 2013
I had never felt closer to a person
Than in that moment
And now we were never farther
And I won't be the one to build the next bridge
Just to see you burn it
I thought you would whisper to me
The secrets of the universe
Little did I know
That everything you had said was falsified
And unimportant
I am not some crash test dummy
You can practice your feelings on
To see which ones break me
Just so you can sweet talk your way through
Eventhough I know you've never been too good with words
The most profound thing about you
Is that you can make people believe you
You can make me believe you
When I have witnessed your manipulation
Time and time again
But I always thought I was different
That must be the most idiotic thing I have ever done
Believe in you
Believe in your words
The ones that used to create clouds for me to live in
I could have lived forever in those words
But just like my smile
They pass
And they won't return
They are waved away into nothingness
And I have to watch as my life fades with them
And I could create a million clouds
And they would still never be enough
I have no new love for you
Just the same feeling of dread
Everytime you make a wrong turn
So basically that feeling never goes away
For your sake
I hope you find a way to keep it there
Because you're running out of time
And I'm running out of capacity
And you are taking up too much room
Not in my heart but in my brain
And that's a place I never wanted you
Dec 2013 · 567
42 Hours and 31 Minutes
Mia Eugenia Dec 2013
Knowing to not
And I'm still confused as to
How you got to either spot
You gave me no time to sort through my feelings
And decide what was fake
And what was meant for only you
What I could have tied with ribbons
And given to you
But I guess that's one less person
I have to waste wrapping paper on
This season
This season that is supposed to be a symbol of joy
Has been tarnished
The untouched snow
A constant reminder of what the world is hiding
And what you pretended to feel
Your wheels keep turning but I'm frozen still
In the snow storm that never came
And you seem to be forever stuck in the sophomore slump
And I wish I could say I won't help you out
But everyone knows that isn't true
Jump rope is not something you play with the heart
But I guess that's not something they taught
At private grade school
And I will walk with my head held high
Knowing that nothing I could have done
Would have saved you this time
But you couldn't even give me two days
To change my life
Mia Eugenia Dec 2013
I've been trying to brainstorm the perfect words
To describe the feeling of emptiness and fulfillment
And all the love I feel in my heart
For the nights gone by and the faces that come and go
But live forever in the hearts of the people
We shared that darkness with
That silence
Knowing that the next few seconds
We what we make them and nothing more
That the next few hours were completely in our hands
And we could make of it what we wanted to
The only time we have control over our actions
And knowing that this time
This night
This breath
Is for us
Us alone
The breaths I take now are not nearly as significant
As the ones taken behind the red curtains
So silent
For fear of ruining the serenity of knowing that
You have the world in the palm of your hand
But only that everything is out of your hands
All at the same time
And I will never have that embrace again
I will never be with those people
In the way that I was
But I'm okay with that
Because moments aren't meant to linger
And no matter how hard we hold on
They will always slip through our fingers
But that's the way it should be
Things are ruined when left in the sun too long
There are things down the road
I can just make them out
But I will never forget the hands
That helped me lift my head
To see those shapes before me.
Dec 2013 · 733
You Punch Me I'll Punch You
Mia Eugenia Dec 2013
What if the world didn't circle you?
What if, just maybe
There were greater forces moving us along?
We are just atoms
Held together by paper cuts and splinters
That we were too afraid to tell our mom about.
We are the same
So don't pretend like anything you do
Is superior to everything I do
Unlike you
I do not wallow in misfortune
Or blame anyone else for my spilled milk
And these will always be my problems
That you were too busy
To care about
Because you are chasing a future
That you don't want.
We are just people
And the tape you used to showcase your pride
Doesn't make you more
It just makes you a sad little man
With a handful of opportunities
When all you can do is
Steal those chances from others
Even though no one has threatened to take yours
And you believe that no one could
But the day will come when you will fall
And someone will steal one of those opportunities
You thought you had a lifetime to achieve
And I will be there to watch
And catch
And stabilize
And throw my darts at the people who thought they could hurt you
Because I want you to know
That I am there for you
Even when it's not a full circle
Mia Eugenia Dec 2013
I'm throwing my life away
But I can't tell if I'm the only one who doesn't care
Or the only one who does
And maybe killing myself would be more proficient
Than this torment I put myself through
But where would be the fun in that?
I am trying to find meaning in your words
Which used to be so easy for me
But all I can find is white noise
Because it seems like nothing we say
Is important anymore.
I choose my letters too carefully
To hide what I feel
And I seek for someone who knows
When I'm hiding my heart
I thought that could be you
I guess we all lie sometimes.
Dec 2013 · 434
I Don't Want Your Bouquet
Mia Eugenia Dec 2013
The flowers are dead.
The leaves aren't crunchy anymore
They no longer make familiar sounds
When I step on them
Making my way through a crowd of people who never really knew me
The leaves are too wet from the snow to be any help to me.
And the frost will come and go
Leaving nothing but water in it's place.
The grass will grow back in some places
But others will stay dirt
not being able to find the strength to go through the cycle again.
And the birds will return to sing a joyful song
To those who will listen
But I will not
Because I know they will be gone in a matter of months
And why find happiness in things that leave you?
And soon after they leave everything else will follow
And the flowers will be dead.
Mia Eugenia Dec 2013
Why cant the world see what I see in myself
The age old question that
No matter how hard you try to fake it
You have asked yourself
Every time the leaves started changing without you
And before you know it the snow is falling
But no friends are calling "you-who"
Outside your window
Because they never quite paid attention
To which one was mine
And social interactions were never my thing
I always do the wrong thing
And I wish I could say
"With you it didn't matter
Because you always made me feel normal
And loved"
But that would be a lie
And no one does that anymore
So why start now
Why fluff up your ego
And tell you what you want to hear
So you can use it as a boost
In other endeavors
That have never included me
I'm the sign on the highway
Covered with black cloth
Because the sign wasn't useful anymore
But no one cared enough to take it down
Mia Eugenia Nov 2013
There will come a time when you can't respond to your name
And your children will cry, you won't feel the same
But no tears will ever roll down your cheek
And you don't remember the words you desperately wanted to speak
And you told your daughter "Life will go on"
But she is beginning to realize it's the end of her song
And she is pleading and crying not to reach that last chord
She'll soon realize love is something you can't afford
Because the days dwindle down and then there are none
And you can't go back to change all the things that you've done
All the people you hurt and all the lives you have ruined
All to be the one who said that you've done it
And that's your reason for most of your actions
All you do is clutter my life and and cause a distraction
I circle the same question but I seem to be stopped
On the ways you flipped your hair and your personality swap
But I have to admit after all this time
I have to admit that you'll never be mine
Nov 2013 · 240
Mia Eugenia Nov 2013
I try to act like what you say doesn't effect
Who I am or what I do
But it does
Mia Eugenia Nov 2013
It's something I lack
Because the words you placed in my palm
Are bleeding through my paper thin skin
And becoming unbearable to think about
Because I know they weren't meant for me
I'm the last one picked in dodge-ball
I'm the last one picked at heart
And I will always be a safety to people like you
Who live their life trying to impress people
Who don't matter
Because they will never care about you
And I will never lie to you
So I will never tell you that I'm fine
I just wont offer the information
You are too busy to care about
I'll give it to the people who pray
Because maybe they will be able to do something
My feeble heart could never accomplish
No matter how hard I held onto the fall leaves
That fell into my hands
As I walked down the dirt roads
that made up your last night at home
And we watched the sunset at midnight
All I wanted to do was set the world on fire
Just to see people feel the heat again
Feel something again
We get so caught up in what we can't change
Why not focus on the things you wouldn't want to change
Like the sound of waking up to light rain
Or the smell of grass in late July
Roses never bloom when they are told
But while they might not always have their beauty
They always have their thorns
And I wish i had to the strength of a rose
I wish that every time you came near me you would feel pain
But instead I welcome you in
Because there is nothing you could do
That would make me feel like
You aren't good enough for love
So until you find someone to love you
I will just keep doing it
Because I know she is out there
And I know she'd want you to be loved
So I will
I will love you for the woman I have not met
For the woman who will take you away from me
Mia Eugenia Nov 2013
I inflict my own pain
So you can't hurt me
You can't torment me more
Than the snow
That always remembers my footprints
And where they took me
And though I can always hear the wind
It never seems to reach my skin
And I prefer red leaves to green
Because they appear to be on fire
And all I want is my life to
And have flames run through my vanes
And engrave itself on the back of my neck
To represent the childhood house
That might as well be ash
Because there is nothing left worth saving
Mia Eugenia Nov 2013
Consideration never ran through your blood stream
Instead you tattooed the seven deadly sins on the inside of your vanes
And stamped approval around the outside
You whispered sweet nothings onto your flesh
And sewed the thought that you belong into every stitch you ever got
But these are just blemishes you would rather show the world
Than let go of the past
Even though the people from your past aren't calling anymore
I'm the only one breaking down your door
To make sure you're still alive
Two sided or one sided
My friendships take many shapes
But no friendship has ever changed shaped as rapidly
As you have taught me to get used to
Our shape changes as often as our hair
As often as your mind
Because you never pick the right people
To give all your eggs to
Somehow you put them all in the wrong basket
The basket of someone who will never accept you
And you will never be satisfied with
Prolonged bus rides don't make friendships
And moving on doesn't excuse a dead battery
What has happened in your life due to reckless behavior
Does not excuse more reckless behavior
And I am the only one brave enough to tell you that
Doesn't that mean something?
Mia Eugenia Oct 2013
Your help is just about as useful as the quarters left under my pillow
In place of the bones I lost transitioning between childhood
And whatever stage I am in now
Because it isn't adulthood
It is a jumbled up mess of unwashed clothes and broken hair elastics
But mostly tears
And I have never viewed tears as a weakness
Always a strength
Because strong people feel emotion
Where weak people lack it
But even though my pillow knows my strength has no bounds
The world will never see power escape these eyes.
You'll never see the jeans laying on the floor around my room
And though I may still find coins behind my bed
They wont pay for the future they represent
And somewhere along the line
I went from making money from lost teeth
To spending money to get rid for them.
Your prayers are welcome but I don't know how much they will do
Because every prayer I ever made
Remains unanswered
Mia Eugenia Oct 2013
I spend my weekends in the clouds
A place I never thought you would return to
And the words you said
To the long-haired boys
Still replay themselves in my head
Making me more annoyed every time
Maybe it was my brain making things worse than they were
Or maybe its the fact that
Every time you replay a memory
You change it
Maybe you weren't as insufferable as i believe
Maybe You were just trying to hard
And maybe it was the fact that your bird flew back to you
If only for a night
And when we were alone you treated me like i mattered again
So maybe you just care who sees you give compassion
Because the second your little bird came flying in
She was the only thing that mattered
But that doesn't surprise me
What does is that I didn't care
I didn't care when you didn't pay attention
I didn't care that people were talking about you
And I didn't try to defend you
I've done enough of that
It's time for you to grow up
Without my help
Whatever you want the world to think of you
Is fine with me
And i wont try to tell people differently
And i wont get them to change their minds
Just like how i wont try to help you live your life
Too bad for you
I can move on
And you don't even know it
I didn't even know it until the night after
But you don't have me as you back up plan anymore
And I will sit in this five by two room
And do all the things that you cant
Do all the things that should keep you away from me
While you are great when you spell out your words
Face to face may not be your thing
Oct 2013 · 770
Don Quixote
Mia Eugenia Oct 2013
I want to see stars
And I don't mean the twinkle lights that are hung up outside my window at night
I want to see the sky curve
Because once you get a little taste of the Milky Way
City lights don't add to the skyline
They just obscure the beauty
That has already died
Lightyears away from where we are standing
I want grass in my hair and sand in my toes
And I want limestone walk ways
That lead me from place to place
Like my own personal yellow brick road
Chasing windmills isn't enough for me anymore.
Oct 2013 · 513
There Are Giants In The Sky
Mia Eugenia Oct 2013
Stomping and strumming over my head
And the charred up remains of songs
I burned in last years fire echo above me
And the worst part is i can't turn you to ash like the rest
But I cant ignore the thumping
As it shakes my house
And makes the walls close in
And the windows darken
And the wallpaper turn itself into unfamiliar shapes
That climb of the wall
Because a little glue isn't enough to hold the demons in place.
These floors aren't thick enough
And these walls not strong enough to endure your stomping
Just because you have he biggest feet
Doesn't mean you need to makes the world think you are a giant
Save you feet for a different house
And save your strums for a different set of ears
That might enjoy what you have to say.
Mia Eugenia Oct 2013
If only the answers could be written out in front of me
Then maybe I would know which way to turn
When the choices I have to make are not completely black and white
My life is made out of grey area
And no matter how bright my flashlight is
It isn't strong enough to fight off all the shadows
Taking refuge in the corners of my mind
Waiting for the moment to carry me to an unwanted place
In an unwanted time
In an unwanted life
Right and wrong are now unrecognizable things
And maybe I can tell the difference
But admitting my mistakes is always going to be harder
Than continuing making them
And my life was never supposed to be like this
And my name was never supposed to be used like this
And my days were never meant to be spent like this
In fear of anyone finding out my true plans
Of anyone finding out who I really am
Before I have the chance to figure it out myself
And the lines around the block
To see this lonely girl
Explain to a crowd of people who don't know her
Why she does the things she does
And you will be disappointed with the answer
Because she did it for the most scary reasons
But mostly
To be happy
Oct 2013 · 861
In One Breath
Mia Eugenia Oct 2013
My breath reaches for the stars
Creating clouds to obscure their vanity
But my fingertips pull me closer to the cement
And knowing that the last step is longing than the rest
Is helpful on the way up
But soon forgotten on the way back
Dirt gets in between my toes
As I run towards comfort
That may or may not be
Fantasies of a child's mind
Playing hop-scotch
In a teenagers body
In a teenagers life
Walking down the
At school
Pretending that you cared enough
To carry my books
Even if my class is on the other side of the school
Aren't even books that are able to be carried
Especially by you
Because you don't even know what classes I'm taking
And all I'm asking of you
To treat me like you did before
When you still thought you needed
To gain my love
Because just cause you have it
Doesn't mean I can't take it away
All I'm asking of you
Is some time for
Heart to grow open
And consume the love it's given
The love I offered you
But threw away
All I'm asking of you
Is to be a
And own up to your feelings no matter how small
Because this might come as a shock
But you need me
And I can do without someone
Wants the world on a string
Without ever casting his hook
Into the depths of his mind
Where he will
Find the questions he is looking to ask
To match the answers he already knows.
Your head
On a pillow too far from mine
Yet I wish you could be farther
Because we only seem to work when
We have something holding us back
And I don't know
This came to be
But dysfunctional as it is
As we are
I wouldn't want it any other way
And the stars in the sky scream for my
But I'll never tell the sky
It is far too vast
Far too many souls to tell
And not enough heart for me
So maybe
Will tell the blades of grass
I pulled out of the earth
While listening to silence
Because we never needed to say anything
Maybe I
Tell the flies that circled my head
That night it all seemed like it was over
And it was all starting
In one breath
And I wish the planets would
A bit more forgiving
But they remember everything
Every letter I threw out there
A bird from a nest
That would never be able to fly
Just to see if they could float
But I guess my wings will never be strong enough for
Mia Eugenia Oct 2013
I might not walk the walk
But I can talk the talk
And the words I release may not speak to the masses
But I don't care
Because that's how I like my vowels to taste
When I let them escape my lips.
And the stars you place in your jean pocket
Will die waiting for a chance to return
To more appealing skies
But you will rocket off and take their place
As long as it isn't permanent
Because nothing you do is.
Clouds are my constant
The only variable is what they bring
Clarity or just another storm
It's not for me to decided
But I will speculate
On the likelihood
Of a happily-ever-after's existence
Because as far as I can tell
The Big Bad Wolf didn't die that day
And The Ugly Step Sisters are out to get me
And my prince is no where to be found
So I guess its time to step up
And save myself from my dragons
And I will take its scales and craft you a bowl
To remind you of every tear you weren't there to catch
And every smile you let fade
And this moment is unlike any other that will ever happen
Because I made my decision to ignore
Being ignored.
I'll clap dust out of the clothes
I always hoped you would return for
But always knew you would rather buy more
Lookalikes can't fill the spot
Kicked into you by a dead sunflower
And I can try to repair you
But all I have is a role of tape and some string
I used to tie our friendship into colors
But couldn't avoid the fading of my blues.
Mia Eugenia Oct 2013
The sky is empty
All the stars have fallen
From their places in the heavens
Like the tears scattered
In the books I filled
Cover to Cover
With details of how my life
turned out.
Leather bound mistakes
And annotated embarrassments
That I forgot to return to the library.
Descriptions of eyes glaring at me
And whispers spoken by friends of friends
That I can hear all too clearly
Above my head.
And I use periods too freely
They are supposed to symbolize an end
A beginning
An idea
All of which I do not posses the nerve
To proclaim to anyone
Besides the friends I seek
Behind the bright lights.
And your song resonates from across the hall
And all I can think about is how
I would ****
To hear you sing it again.
And you've taken away my daydreams
But I don't want them back
Keep them
Because all the silly stories I made up
Were there to provide a false sense of proof
Behind the love you were selling
All the stupid fantasies I conjured
Were there to build you up so high in my head
That the real you could never compare
And you would never be able to hurt me
Only I could do that.
Even if the presents you gave to me
Wont stay on my wall
I will always keep a place for you in my heart
If you ever realize that it is the one constant place in your life.
But in the end you are just one of my
Leather bound mistakes
And annotated embarrassments
I forgot to return to the library
And I'm afraid to admit
That you will never find your way back there.
Mia Eugenia Sep 2013
Trust is shattered and perception altered
And my faith has been attacked just like the collection of venomous cells
You so casually tossed over your shoulder
And you are a cancer
Creeping into my mind and making me attack myself
And feel helpless
Because there is nothing I can do to stop you
From doing whatever you want
You say you can't picture your life without me
You should get a better imagination
Because I will not apologize for having emotions
I will not accept being the first call when your sad and the last when you're happy
I'm not here for you anymore
I'm done
Mia Eugenia Sep 2013
My minds been compromised.
I can't form sentences
But when I do
It's just a jumbled up mess
Of the broken words
That fell out the window
That one cloudy night
Last May.
My minds made a compromise
With my heart.
One wont feel for you
If the other doesn't think of you
But they both have problems with
Keeping their promises.
Your tear-soaked "sorry"'s are on my clothes line
A different color for everyday
I cried to you through florescent light.
Caring is written on the ball
That I always throw correctly
But never really hit the target.
Caring is spray painted on your ceiling
But you always seemed to miss it
Every time you went to sleep.
Caring is the name of the one-way
Dead end
Street that I walk down every single day
Hoping for a different outcome.
And hoping was always something
I had left to those
More experience in short comings
Until I realized that the people
I should have been relying on
Were the people who hoped blindly and
Got everything they didn't know they wanted.
And for some reason
I wish it hurt more when you don't answer
Because then maybe I would have a new emotion
To connect to your smell.
And God only ever shed his light on me
When he knew I was indecent
But to be lit at all
Is a blessing itself
That is the only right answer to that question.
Mia Eugenia Sep 2013
This piece of glass that has always been between us
Isn't so see through anymore
Is it
The shades of grey have taken over
They make me feel disfigured
And I can't reach through a computer screen
And hear the voice that so often resonates
From the speaker on my phone
But so infrequently in person.
All documented nonsense
From a world I built up
To protect my outer shells from crumbling
And it isn't fair to blame you for everything
But that won't stop me from doing it
And it isn't right for me to always side with you
But that doesn't mean I'm going to stop.
But nothings fair
No one is fair
And I hate that word
Cause it reeks of entitlement
And is spray painted on every house I've ever walked by
In this little suburb
That nobody wants.
That word oozes with self righteousness
As if just because you don't see it as right
It must be wrong.
I hate that word because
Four letters that used to mean something in this world
Have been hollowed out
By spoiled children
Whose parents braided their hair
And are throwing a fit in the market
Because they cant buy the sugary monstrosity of a food
Whatever they saw on TV this week
Screaming about how it's "not fair"
Because Susie gets everything she wants.
And I would know because I was one of those kids
And my dad always braided my hair for me.
Most of all what isn't fair
And isn't right is
For you to know that you have that power over me
And exploit it
Use it to turn to when no one answers
But like you said before
I always answer
And I always will.
Sep 2013 · 356
Four Hour Walk Home
Mia Eugenia Sep 2013
I overdosed on clarity
There aren't numbers to count
The number of times I've watched the sunrise
And wanted you to be there
And there aren't words to describe
How my hand feels when it isn't near yours
But I realized
While sitting on the side of the street
Counting the clouds
That I don't need those things
And I don't need you to complete
The moments in my life
That feel empty.
Mia Eugenia Sep 2013
My vision is cloudy.
I stare out to the yard
And I fear all white and red lights
Because the serenity of this moment
Must not be ruined by you.
There are blurry outlines of beings everywhere
But I prefer it this way
Because I'm a coward
I would rather not know what's coming
And acting surprised when something shows up
Then have time to prepare
For what I know it bound to happen.
Some would see this as courage
The ability to go through life freely
And without restraints of the imagination
But I see it as another way for fools
Like me
To blame the world for their misfortunes
When I know I could have predicted this
Of only I put on my glasses.
Mia Eugenia Sep 2013
My writing is a pool of unattainable thoughts
Trying to find explanations where there are none.
I wouldn't expect you to understand because I don't myself
Like my words
I am floating aimlessly
Because my goals are unreachable
And my dreams are undesirable
Closing my eyes
And catching flies
Will only get me as far
As their wings can take me.
I am forever glued
To the spot you left me in
When you told me you'd see me again soon.
All lies.
I was warned and I continued because
I trusted in the man
Who I thought had
The heart of gold.
I was right
You do have a heart of gold
But it makes you greedy
You concentrate on how your happiness
Is immensely more important than
The people who loved you
And I say I understand
And I plead others to have reason
But I have limitations
And you are testing my tolerance
And your balance
Trust me
The tightrope your walking on
Has two ends
And I am only holding one.
Sep 2013 · 576
Hello My Name Is: Stable
Mia Eugenia Sep 2013
The only constant is change.
That must be your reasoning for why
Your emotions are constantly changing
Are you trying to find some stability
In a life where there is none.
And if I am the closest thing you have to stable
Then you must live your whole life
In the last ten minutes of Titanic.
Well good luck in the future
Because I am done being your rock.
If you've never noticed
People step on rocks
And the pebbles don't even get a thank you
When you use them as stepping stones
To cross your precious river.
Not only am I not interested in being
Walked over by you
I do not intend to spend the rest of my life
As your stability
Because do you know what happens to Stability?
Nothing happens to Stability.
Mia Eugenia Aug 2013
You own the world don't you?
And you let it rest on your *******
Because you have to prove to the people
That you don't give a **** about them.
We Can't Stop is your summer anthem
And you follow it like it's the Bible
But the Bible never did much for you
Did it?
God never whispered in your ear and told you which way is up?
Well then i guess you'e just like the rest of us
Aren't you?
Out of everything you've done
Is that the hardest thing for you to admit?
Forging your life to follow in the footsteps
Of a fictional character
Is no way to go through life
But I guess no one ever told you that
And even if they had
I bet you wouldn't listen
Because you spend your time trying to convince everyone
That you're happy with what you have become.
The saddest part is
Your sweetness isn't a mask
It's just hidden by one.
Aug 2013 · 467
Mia Eugenia Aug 2013
Things keep coming back
And I don't know where to put them because
My shelves are filled with the fallen stars of yesterdays news.
I leave bread crumbs trailing behind me
Not so I can know where I've been
But so I can know where to turn back and run to
When the flowers at my feet start to wilt.
I wish had time to sit and smell the grass
I remember how I loved that smell
When the world was simpler
And I didn't spend my time tripping over pavement
trying to get to a building made of glass
That I can hide in
And I'm always hiding
But I don't want to be anymore
I want to lay in the grass and feel free again
Like we did that summer.
We swore it would never get better than it was in that moment
And though those were just words we spat
breathing in the Jerusalem air
They became my truths.
Don't you understand?
The feeling you get when you think
That this is the best it gets for you
Is not a happy one.
Not for me.
For me it was a feeling of complete despair.
Mia Eugenia Aug 2013
O' bright one, tell me of the stars
Tell me about the songs each one sang to you
Whisper to me the secrets of the sky
Of the darkness you encountered
But of how there is light in the darkness
So you knew you'd never be completely lost.
Write me bed time stories of your adventures through Saturn's ring's
And the craters of the moon.
Tell me of how the face there was carved by you
In honor of the life you've left in a black hole
Somewhere in the depths of space.
Speak to me of the immensity of the universe
And how it only makes you feel larger
Because you got to witness it all from your flying machine.
Tell me of the crystal flowers you picked
In a meadow lightyears  away on a planet like earth
Only the grass is purples and the sky is orange
And the people are happy.
Dear Traveler, Tell me of the wine you drank
With the kings of far off galaxies
And tell me what you told them of earth.
Help me picture the waters you swam in with the beautiful mermaids that lead you astray
But remind me of how you don't care because you got a good story out of it.
Tell me of all the mistakes you are happy you made
Because the stars never judged you
And the planets never abandoned you.
Tell me of the people you met and the lives you changed
Because someone touched by light cant help but shed it on other people.
Tell me of the times you danced all night
Because a young maiden with three heads
Was just too much for you to resist.
Tell me of the field of glass hearts you had to walk through
To get to where you are now.
And then
Blessed One,
Tell me why any of it matters.
Mia Eugenia Aug 2013
I can't hide from the pictures on my wall
Or the shadows in my room
Or the ballet shoes in my closet
That used to fit perfectly.
The mirrors know what I've done
And the Hand-Me-Down clothes judge me
From their untouched spots in my closet.
The old school books know my past
And the summer reading I haven't done
Attempts to tell the future
And it's probably right.
The old toys stored under my bed
Used to keep the monsters away
But now my stuffed animals help them
Reach through the cracks in my wood floor.
Unfolded laundry spills my secrets
To people who walk by
And folded cloths offer up gossip
To anyone who will give them some attention
Even though
Anything that is folded hasn't been touched in years.
Winter shoes are crying for approval
And summer shoes are screaming for a break
And I'm lost in the middle looking for both.
But my blankets and pillows have it worse
Because they can only guess why
I cling to them when the lights turn off.
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