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Meow Sep 2021
I did not cry when my father died
Can you forgive me if I tried?
Mother, she's weeping herself to death
Mourning, wailing, was she not enough to save a breath?

I loved you, Papa
All the days we had, how come we never had goodbyes?
All the mem'ries we had, how come I can only play them in my fuzzy cinema?
I loved you, and we always will, only if you once more look into her eyes

Four-headed cruelty will now look
Say, such a disgrace we from him took
Spit out the barbaric consequences now,
But on the day he left, don't slap us with the why and how

Alas, here, a tear will shed
But I will not cry even when his body isn't here to die
Mother, please forgive me with a cry
But in eternal, you will see me cloaking in red
September 10, 2021
Meow Sep 2021
'Children, what will become of you?' she said
With words I can't further comprehend
I turned around and played pretend
While she's soaked in tears with prayers in her head

I dressed in red, them in black
I felt numb, them are sad
I had no tears, them are weeping
I wished I did, them didn't

Until death, there are hatreds
No one seemed to care anymore
Is this really what mourning feels like?
Is this what painless melody sounds like?

There is a huge stone camping in my heart
There is a metal clanging in my head
Somehow, I think it is just a shadow
I'd like to think it is just a cloud

Can I see through, what is there to see?
Father, now you're gone, how far did we know and love each other freely?
September 10, 2021
Meow Aug 2021
It's been so long since I wrote a piece
When I thought I will forever write one masterpiece
What happened to my way of life, love, and truth?
Was it foolish to trust poetry as a friend?
The strengths I used to have,
The weaknesses I once manipulated,
The opportunities I used to grasp,
And the talents I once possessed—
All are gone.

God, You were there with her
Then I turned my back and left You,
So You took her away too.

Society, they did not hold me then
But temptations are too strong, attempts to withhold are useless
I succumbed to their arms and all of a sudden, she was already meaningless.

Poet, why did you love her?
You stumbled and fell down the abyss of sins,
Stained her purity then left her weeping back to life.

Creature of pretensions,
Die now without the truth and the life
Write now your death wish
And be captivated by your worldly possessions
Like you were once enthralled by her.
Meow Aug 2021
how do you seek fondness
when fondness is in front of you, nothing else

rainy month of july
coffee still lingers in your tongue
doyle's wide open on your table
cat's peaceful in your bed

why would you seek satisfaction
if satisfaction surrounds you, nothing else

coldest evening of the year
shivering by coffee
thawing by her sincerity

who else would be better than her
if she's a radiation of love, no one else
Meow Aug 2021
I shall stay home tonight
For head is louder than the sphere's noises
Throbbing with words... I can be less familiar
The moderns, it said, are swallowing us whole
But who are us? Who spoke?
Emily... whispered to me
Through this loneliness of poetry
I am not a modern, she said, we are ancient
But why I am her patient? To her, who told?
Axis of modernity... that's where she is
Through this, we made love to each
So I will settle, I said, to your handsome endowma
Questions, questions... no more conundra
Through and through, I must deify you
Meow May 2021
I was not supposed to feel an attachment
Nor a curiosity about the unlawful schemes
But the night was spent with intoxication of sins and shameless dreams
That I was afraid to see the lapse of your ephemeral esteems

Both a disgrace in morality—
We often take wicked comfort without hesitations,
Gratify lust without devotions,
And give love without obligations

If such will be read by h—
Capture now the glances of my tongue-tied rage
Do not speak without certainty
For I might say, I, too, like thee
In the end, no confession happened. But if you were going to read this, I can confidently say now that I once had feelings for you. But opposites DO NOT ATTRACT. Not for me and not for you. Wtih all sincerity, I shall say that I am so excited to see you and to know you more than this virtual world we live in.
Meow May 2021
Delightful will never be the term enough to describe how the advantages weighed more than disadvantages after I met you

But do not fret! This letter won't be a farewell
Presence of mine shan't be abandoned so long as you live by my senses.

You are the dearest among them women united,
Unparalleled even by whom the society mostly adored
Shall I continue further how your eyes in the morning revive the nights I spent with me alone?

By all means, let me lead the way--
Saundra, they must have made you a warrior
As no one can depart me from thee
You guided me so well, not even I can take me far from your goddess beauty
The soul you took can never be taken back,
If tried, the poet just might as well be blocked.

I love you, and will I ever cease to love you?
Death will welcome me with arms wide open when that happens
You love me, but will you ever cease to love me?
Life will welcome you with a cloudless sky when you always follow your heart
And do not mind me for I chose to worship you in the name of love.

To this end, still these words aren't enough to utter
To utter the voices of romance within me
Always, will I come back to that morning of July
Where you became firstly beautiful,
That until now I find it difficult
To conceal the awe whenever these eyes land on you

Do me, hence, a favor
When the dog howls on December
Do return to this letter
And on his ears, these words you whisper
Will make him feel the pain no longer

And as you cradle him to death,
Always remember---
Once a poet wrote your name on a paper,
Your soul will remain in him forever.
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