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Apr 2019 · 159
Miss you still
Mel Apr 2019
Sometimes, I do miss you when I'm alone at night, thinking back about all the memories we had together. And it still pains me whenever I realised that you wouldn't feel the same.

My heart still aches when I see you with her.

My heart still breaks when I know you don't need me anymore.

But then now someone is here to fix it, fix my broken heart.

I'm happy now, and that's all that matters.
Jan 2019 · 183
Mel Jan 2019
We always remember the little things that make us sad,

  But not the little things that make us happy.

To be happy or sad is a choice, and I hope everybody can see the bright side, for all of us deserve the happiness.

Reminder for everyone to remember the happy moments!
Dec 2018 · 139
Mel Dec 2018
Aren't human complicated?

We fall in love, just to fall out of it.

We wished to grow up, but then after we grew up, we wish we can remain as naive as how we were when we're still a kid.

We do things that we don't want to.

We accept love but don't return it.

We, just how many of us are included in it?
Oct 2018 · 240
Mel Oct 2018
Do your ever feel?
Like your heart is being pulled by a strong unknown force,
When the person you love,
Says something insensitive?

Do you ever feel?
  Like your heart really broke into pieces,
When the person you love,
Seems annoyed by you?

Do you still love me?
I wondered.
Did we fall in love too fast,
That causes you to fall out of it,
Fast enough too.
Sep 2018 · 157
Mel Sep 2018
Why do you hesitate?
    When I asked, 'do you love me? '
I guess you hesitated because
You don't love me like how I love you.
Sep 2018 · 194
I don't know, maybe.
Mel Sep 2018
You know what saddens me?
     When you ask him, do you love me?
He hesitated, unsure about the answer,
Answered, 'I don't know, maybe.'
Yes, this hurts.
Sep 2018 · 171
Will I ever?
Mel Sep 2018
Will I ever forget?
     All the sweet stuff you said to me?

Will I ever stop?
     Loving you so much that I forget to love myself just a tab bit more.

Will I ever?
Aug 2018 · 182
I thought I am strong
Mel Aug 2018
Feelings and anger,
    Sadness and judgement.

They bottled up,
     And finally,

I thought I am strong,  
        Until my tears falls non stop.
Aug 2018 · 147
Mel Aug 2018
Sometimes you just have to be
Because why hurt yourself
           When you can
Love yourself a tad bit more?
Aug 2018 · 149
Secret admirer
Mel Aug 2018
I remember those days,
Where you would sit near me,
And study while looking effortlessly,
Good looking.

I remember those days,
Where you would make stupid jokes,
And all your friends would laugh,

I remember those days,
But sadly you don't,
As I am just a secret admirer,
Who would only look at you from afar.

For the senior who I would never be friend with, Lance.
Apr 2018 · 191
Mel Apr 2018
Out of so many places that I have visited,
The place I missed the most,
Is your heart....
Apr 2018 · 137
Mel Apr 2018
I've been nothing but good to you,
Yet you still hurt me like this.

When I'm younger, I would blamed myself, for being stupid, as that it what you scolded me.

You labeled me, I kindly took the names with me.

But growing up, now I realized that I wouldn't need to be good, to a person, like you.

I realized after years of being hated, that I have the rights to hate you even more.

I realized that even after being kind to you for years, nothing would have change.

So I finally come to the sense that, it wasn't you who needs to change, it was me.

I should just care a little lesser,
Be a little evil,
And only give my kindness to the one that deserved.

And you, should be the one who I push away from my life, as our relationship are nothing but toxic.
Mar 2018 · 153
Mel Mar 2018
Depression is not a choice-
      It is a mental illness that-
Haunt you down,  lock you up,
      Without your consent.

He did not chose this life,
Having to deal with depression-
The constant sadness,
The tears that stream down his cheek-
Every evening without a valid reason.

Oh my,  depression,  
     Let the doctor cure you.
Oh my,  depression,
     Will you leave the poor boy alone?
Mar 2018 · 164
What is true love? This is.
Mel Mar 2018
True love is strong,
It can forgive betrayal,
It can give second chance,
Despite being utterly wounded by another half.  

Just like how the phantom of the opera,
Forgave Christine,
Even though what she did was betrayed him for Raoul.

Just like how the phantom of the opera,
Gave Christine a second chance,  
Even though she leaved him when he is the one who taught her how to sing.

Just like how the phantom of the opera,
Gave Christine a chance to live forever with Raoul,
Despite being very in love with her.

This is true love.
Mar 2018 · 609
Love, nobody told me that.
Mel Mar 2018
Nobody told me that-  falling in love is easy, but getting out of it is hard.

Nobody told me that-  first love is going to be sweet,  but also particularly heartbreaking.

Love,  I didn't know,  that it would hurts so much.

I always wanted to think that, we are still together,  that I didn't leave you for good,  that you are holding my hand instead of hers.    

I am left in the dark now, alone,  with scars and broken heart,  with unhealed wounds and philophobia,  and there is nothing to blame but my own doing.

Now I always wake up in the middle of the night,  feeling extremely sad,  thinking about our memories together, and cry myself to sleep.
Feb 2018 · 169
For you, love.
Mel Feb 2018
Every part of my body hurts,
Whenever I thought about you.

Remember the days we used to be so close?  
Remember the days when we would fool around and chit-chat like what a couple would do?  

I bet you don't remember, for you have a girlfriend now, that makes you have butterflies in your stomach, every single time you see her.

Till now,  I still miss you,  especially your warm hugs,  and lovely kisses.

Till now,  I still love you,  even though I know you don't love me,  and you will never love me again..
Feb 2018 · 187
It's better this way
Mel Feb 2018
It's better this way,
  We ditched this toxic relationship.

It's better this way,
  We stop caring about each other.

It's better this way
  Because I wouldn't need to feel sad,
Dec 2017 · 195
Mel Dec 2017
alone in the coffee shop
the same old spot
cold stale coffee
that's what i enjoyed

alone with my book
in the lonely world of mine
as i imagine
mysterious thing that will never happen in life

alone with my laptop
in my emotional poetry world
as i write something
that's curing my, lonely sad soul
Dec 2017 · 176
depression mood
Mel Dec 2017
''nobody understand me''
he said as he slowly drift into sleep;
a sleep that he will never need to wake up again.
Dec 2017 · 152
why am i sad?
Mel Dec 2017
why are you sad?
you are the one that chose to leave him.

why are you sad?
you are the one who made him cry first.

why am i sad?
is it for the reason that the 'you' are actually saying about me?

why am i sad?
probably because i left him for good.

why am i sad?
i want to know too.
Nov 2017 · 218
Mel Nov 2017
Insomnia again.  
Oh well,  I'm exhausted
But I can't stop thinking.

Insomnia again.
Oh well,  I'm yawning,  
But my mind is racing.

Insomnia again.
Oh well,  I'm tired.
But my brain is not tired.

Insomnia again.
I seriously hate it,
How can I sleep?
Nov 2017 · 175
No one
Mel Nov 2017
Cold stale coffee,  
Used tea bags,
I'm kept awake by all this stimulants.

How can I say?  
How can I express?  
How frustrated,  depressed and stressed I am?  

Nobody is by my side,  
Deep asleep they are.  
I'm all by myself,  alone.
Nov 2017 · 327
First love
Mel Nov 2017
Y'all know what's up with first love?
Freaking hard to forget.  

I miss you so much,  
My first love.  

I'm still sad when I see you with her,
It really does hurt.

All the memories we created together,
Still haunt me every night.

First love, oh first love,
Will I ever forget about you?  

I wonder.
Nov 2017 · 161
Mel Nov 2017
Stressed,  depressed.
This is how I am.  

Sad,  deprived.
I'm always.  

Emotion control me,
As I slowly cry myself to sleep.
Nov 2017 · 302
Stop looking at me
Mel Nov 2017
Stop looking at me,  
Like I'm the one you want.  

Stop looking at me,  
Like you never hurt me before.  

Stop looking at me,  
The way you look at her too.

Stop looking at me,  
Like you are going to eat me up.  

Stop looking at me,  
Cause it hurts to know;  
Even though you look at me like this;
She is still the one you are going to choose;
Not me.
Nov 2017 · 212
I don't show
Mel Nov 2017
I don't show fear,
Doesn't mean I'm not scared.

I don't show stress,
Doesn't mean I'm not stressed out.  

I'm actually very fragile,  scared,  
Stressed out and depressed.....

I don't show it,  
Doesn't mean I'm okay..
Nov 2017 · 200
Do you remember?
Mel Nov 2017
Do you remember?  
The day we first talked.
I thought we were long lost friend,
From the conversation we had even though we just met.  

Do you remember?  
The day you asked me out.
I thought you like me,  
And the end of he day,  you told me "I love you".

Do you remember?  
The day you go without telling me?
I thought I wasn't important,  
But you told me " I am afraid I will not want to leave after seeing you".

Do you remember?  
The day you left me.  
I thought we will still talked,
But we didn't,  and it hurt so much to see you being with others.  

Do you remember?  
Our memories?  
I bet you don't.....
Nov 2017 · 153
Mel Nov 2017
He helped her,  
But he is also the one that ruined her,
Completely unarmored,
He hurt her.  
Nov 2017 · 208
Mel Nov 2017
She tried hard,
But get nothing in return.  

She planned everything,
Ahead of time,  
Yet the plan never works.  

She do everything,
Without people asking,  
And now nobody appreciate.

She is just a little girl,  
With a small frame body,
That hope for the best for herself....
Nov 2017 · 189
Dark soul
Mel Nov 2017
When the sky turned dark,  
And nighttime have finally arrived,
I will disappear.  

My soul is black,  
Full of negativity,  pessimistic.
It blend in well with the darkness,
When I camouflaged, and hide myself.
Nov 2017 · 174
Mel Nov 2017
That one day when I ran away,
Leaved this inhuman place,  
Was the time when I realised,
How unimportant I was.

Just like when caramel was missing,
Nobody misses it.
It was nice at first,  
But too sweet,  when time goes on.

Nov 2017 · 187
Maybe one day
Mel Nov 2017
Maybe one day you'd realise,
That all the while,
I'm the only one by your side.  

Maybe one day you'd realise,  
That without me,  
You are actually very lonely.  

Maybe one day you'd realise,  
One thing I know is,  
That one day will never come.
Oct 2017 · 188
Mel Oct 2017
I never wanted to write,  
I never planned to love poetry,
But the overwhelming emotion drives me crazy,
And the only way to be normal is,
To put all my emotions into writing.

So that I can be normal,
So that my emotions doesn't invade my mind,  
And make me think crazily.
Oct 2017 · 166
Mel Oct 2017
Her eyes was full of hope,
Imagining ****** bell would sprinkle pixie dust and then miracle will happen.

But sadly,  miracles rarely happens,
Society that can create miracles,  **** it themselves.  

Is the society that make miracle dies,  
They criticize, let hope dies.

One day,  when society learn to appreciate every individual,
Is the time when,  miracles happens.
Oct 2017 · 447
Mel Oct 2017
it hurts so much
                knowing that
i care, but you don't.

it hurts so much
                knowing that
i'm not important to you.

it hurts so much
                knowing that
you only find me, when she is not there.

so much... till i  need to cry myself to sleep
     so much... i thought my heart is going to burst
it hurts so much... it really does.
Oct 2017 · 174
Mel Oct 2017
Where am I?  
What am I doing?  
Is it right to do this?  

Everyday,  I wonder
All this questions
That I asked myself

Everyday,  I wander
All this places
That I go but still don't know
Where to go

Where should I be?  
Here?  Or there?  

Or should I even be..
Oct 2017 · 170
Mel Oct 2017
We were
Once so close....

But one day
You leave
Without saying goodbye...

And now
You act like
We did not even met before....

It hurts....
So badly
Oct 2017 · 157
Mel Oct 2017
You know why newborn babies
Are lucky?  

Because they yet know how to think
Because they yet know how to speak

Because they have pure hearts
Because they have clear vision

Because they doesn't know
How bad the world is

Because they are just babies,  
Full of innocence,  pure thinking

Unlike us.. Tainted heart,  blur vision
Don't even know... What we are.
Oct 2017 · 140
Mel Oct 2017
Without any doubt
I believe in you
            And that was the worst decision
               I have ever made
Oct 2017 · 171
Mel Oct 2017
Why did you lie?  
Is it because of him?
Or you are just plain greedy?  

Why did you took it?  
Is it because of money?  
Or you are just plain greedy?

Won't bring you to anywhere.
God is always watching,
And one day,
Karma will hit you.
Oct 2017 · 154
What is it, that we want?
Mel Oct 2017
Humans are like kites
We wanted to fly high
Yet we also want a person to hold the string
To lead us

We often thought that people are trying to control us,  
Yet we are the one,  
Who want to be control

Because without a person beside you
Following you
Leading you
Is lonely....
Sep 2017 · 266
Differently same
Mel Sep 2017
Different faces,  
Different heartbeats.

Different skin tone,  
Different voice.

Different shoe size,  
Different height.

Different name,  
Different identity.

Everybody is different in their own ways,
But we bear all the same similarity,
That is, we are all humans,  and needs to be appreciated.
Aug 2017 · 331
Realise it, love
Mel Aug 2017
I don't think you will ever realised if I never told you.  So,  let realisation hit you.

You are beautiful in your own way.  

You are one of a kind.  

You are perfectly imperfect.  

You are brave,  stand up for your rights.

You are you,  be you.

You are well loved by the people around you,  so love yourself because you deserves it.

Realise it, love.
Aug 2017 · 177
To you
Mel Aug 2017
To the person I love,
I hope you are happy.

To the person I live for,
I hope we can live together forever.

To the people whom I care,
Continue be yourself and be proud of who you are.

To the people who care for me,
Thank you because of your effort to remember even little things of me.

To everybody,  
Embrace yourself,  love yourself,  be yourself,  take in all the positivity and destroy all the negative thoughts in life.

To everybody,
I hope you are happy everyday!
Aug 2017 · 270
Love is
Mel Aug 2017
Love is,  being together with the person you love

Love is,  waking up to the scene of him
Sleeping soundly beside you

Love is,  seeing him going to work
And placing a kiss gently before he go

Love also is,  letting him be together with the one... He loves.
Letting him be happy,  even if he's happy without the need of you in his life.
Aug 2017 · 177
Mel Aug 2017
How can you do this to me?

When all I do is to help?

When all I wanted is for you to be happy?  

When all I wanted is to... Share my thoughts with you?  

When all I wanted is to... Have you to love me?  

Why did you do this to me?  

Jul 2017 · 333
I wonder
Mel Jul 2017
Sometimes I lay on the floor
I wonder what am I hearing
This weird sound of what?  

Is it my heart beating?  
The clock ticking?  
Or just some random sound I'm hearing when I finally take time to relax?  

Sometimes I wonder
Or is it what I'm hearing
Is the world crying?  
The heart of the world,  beating?  

Till now I can't stop wondering
Or is it the bacteria that's moving?  
Is it the earth particles vibrating?  

Or is it me,  silently crying in my heart
Is it the footsteps of mine,  wandering around in my imagination?  

Or I'm just,  plain crazy?  
I keep wondering,  till I fall asleep
Hoping I wouldn't wake up to face reality again
Jul 2017 · 210
Shot of whiskey, only.
Mel Jul 2017
He can like you
While others don't like you

Just like you may be his cup of tea
But not other's cup of tea

Just like some like fermented soy bean
Some hate the smell of it

Just like some love to eat durian
Yet some hate it till they think it shouldn't have existed

Just like you love your bed smell
Yet others hate it

But one day
You would definitely find the one who love your bed smell as equally as you yourself do

You don't need to be everyone's favourite

Because why be everyone's cup of tea
When you can be his only shot of whiskey?
Love is.
Jul 2017 · 853
Greed, betrayal, karma.
Mel Jul 2017
Greed,  drives people crazy
It makes you do
Bad things.

Greedy people,  are crazy
Betrayal is the thing
They do.  

But karma is what truly crazy
Cause it hit on crazy people
Like you.

Karma oh karma
One day when it hit you
Don't regret.
A poem to show how I hate those who betray for money.  One day when karma hit you, don't regret.
Jul 2017 · 216
Sun, moon, light
Mel Jul 2017
Betrayal,  a thing we hate
Yet we always do

We talk behind people's back
And expect no one to do so

Friends,  colleagues,  even our boss
We betray

They do good to us
Yet we do bad to them

Just like the sun gave light to the moon
Yet the moon eclipsed the sun
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