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Melissa S Nov 2020
There is a stranger in my home
looks familiar but is not known
I wake up and he is all I see
Why is he in the bed with me
I guess he wants to take me down
to see my smiles turn into frowns
turn my light into dark
have me not use my giving heart
In the shadows he waits to pounce
Progressing uncertainty ounce per ounce
He is a liar this I know
Tell me the truth before I go
Who is this stranger that I see
Why is he still in my home with me
Melissa S Jul 2012
She spreads her words across a symphony
of color at the days end
Hoping her loving expression reaches the moon
and that it transcends

The moon slowly rises from the sea
Looking everywhere for his love is he
Calling across all time and space
Searching for his light and that beautiful face

She lights up the big beautiful sky
He has witnessed this with his very own eyes
All the way from the top of Mt Hood
To the bottom of the Alabama Hardwood

They catch a glimpse of each other from behind a cloud
thinking maybe now we will get our chance
Then disappear out of sight and reminded of their fate
They will be forever chasing each other for that dance

So close but still a million miles away
She is the sun and the moon is he
Hoping for a love that can never be
Melissa S Nov 2012
Sometimes I feel like I am walking the length of a tightrope while you hold all the strings
Normally I would gravitate toward your end because of it being familiar
but I also want to just let go and see what the unknown below brings

It seems I have been underestimated since day one
yes I am small
yes I do cry pretty easily ~ it's genetic
yes I am naive...mostly about seeing the good in people when it is not there
but I also have a core strength inside me that is unrelenting in times of despair

So letting go of that tightrope does not have to be the end
Closing the door to some ...just opens the door for new beginnings to receive
Happier ones too.... it does seem
Melissa S Mar 2016
My green eyes
have more wisdom and clarity
My cheeks have a pinch more color
and I am smiling a little more merrily
if you can believe that ~ Big Cheesing :-)
There is an extra skip in my step today
and you want to know why?...
Today is MY BIRTHDAY!!
I happen to love my birthday because I am thankful I made it to another year. Age is just a number and my sweet boy keeps me young!
Melissa S Aug 2015
starts off as a whisper in your ear
something you hunger to taste
something you long to feel
and something you yearn to see
Then becomes a tormented dream
something you ache to have
something you crave to savor  
and something that...
just can never **be
Melissa S Jan 2016
The loss we have seen lately
of great artist is unbearable.
So many artist have passed on.

One thing that helps me through
is thinking of what they have left us.

The musicians leave behind their
great music to listen to and enjoy.
Other artist leave behind their
great movies, paintings, or even words.

No one ever wants to be forgotten
Hopefully they never will be
With these traces they left behind.

We too will hopefully never be forgotten
With our words
Remaining here
Part of our traces left behind...
Melissa S Jul 2017
Thanks for going back in time
Visiting some of the thoughts of my mind
He is a Traveler of time and space
Always in search of that perfect place
He has crossed the distance and the abyss
Into areas that don't even exist
Often heard but rarely seen
Even visiting me in the In between
He looks up to the stars and sky so clear
Always with wonder never with fear
May the compass of this traveler's soul
Keep directing him onward and forward
Always discovering new lyrics and words
Keeping the ladies happy and stirred
Really hearing what his heart wants to say
Maybe even find that perfect place to stay
Travel on good traveler but just know this
I will always leave the window open for that kiss :)
Melissa S Dec 2015
The significance of the number three
Is everywhere
In religion and life
but the number three
Has a deeper meaning to me
Three sisters
Two green eyed
One brown
We are forever bound
A tripod of love
Two would not do
Three is geometrically stable
The Love we share
I am eternally grateful

Sisters only we truly understand each other
because we all come from the same place
We all have been running the same crazy race

As different as we are the same
Saying things at the same time
Finishing each others sentences
As if we can read each others mind

Keeper of all my secrets
Loving me despite all my weakness

Laughter through tears
and tears through laughter
Help wipe away the tears thereafter

We will always be Sisters and Best Friends
but more importantly
We are Survivors
We can do anything
if we have each other to lean on
Our *Tripod of Love
Help me HP poets and tell me what you think of this poem please. I wanted to do a poem for my sisters for a Christmas present and this is what I have so far just let me know thoughts or suggestions
Melissa S Feb 2011
Ive never had a True Love Kiss
not really..

Someone to stand by my side when Im wrong
wrap their arms around me and make me feel like I belong

Someone to meet me on all levels mind, body, and soul
who shares the same likes, interests, and goals

Someone who knows me well enough that we need no words
our own language of unspoken thoughts not heard

Someone to make me laugh
and read to me on Sundays being lazy

Someone to make me feel safe
and make love to me like crazy

No I have never had a True Love Kiss
not really..
Melissa S Oct 2011
We are mesmerized as the purple twilight darkens the day to night
So serene as the sun radiates its last beams of light

The holes in my heart that once reminded me of the sandy shore
Have now been washed away by your love forevermore

Lay down with me on the colorful coral beds all aglow
Lets hide out from the world in the soundless surface below

Alluring tongue brings forth this lustrous pearl of mine
The sea calls out but has no hold in my lapse of time

You drink in the cool dark depths of me
And then you permeate in your very own sodden sea
Melissa S May 2013
The differences many.....
but we all share love of words
Melissa S Sep 2016
Can't you just listen
Please for once
I know God gave you ears
I know you can hear
but it is so much *more
than that
Please just *listen

To the sound of my voice
Take in the words
that I am saying

Uh uhhh
Stop right there
Can't you see I am hurting
Do you not see the pain
You do not have to fix me
Sometimes you just cannot
Please just hold my hand
Hug me
*Hurt with me
Sometimes there is nothing you can do for a person except
Pray for them ~ hurt with them <3
Melissa S Nov 2012
Love ~ Indifference...How it is sent out is how returned!!
Melissa S Aug 2017
Please sleep come to me tonight
Make my thoughts still
So maybe then I won't feel
Did I ask for too much? I think not
but nothing was exactly what I got
For he has taken my very heart
Stomped it and shred apart
This thing we call love
Feels more like a vicious cycle of pain
We love....We Hurt....We Forgive
Then it begins again
Melissa S Jun 2020
This thing called life is a series of experience
that colors our lenses on how we view the world

The unique shades we look through shapes our
perspective and makes our beliefs unfurled

Though we cannot look with other eyes
we can still try and see and appreciate their view

Tolerance and understanding will go a long way in
making the changes for this to come true

We have no way of knowing what others have experienced
in their past and with their own journey's of life

But we can make a promise to do better with how we
view these lenses in this time of strife
Melissa S Jul 2017
I followed his footprints in the snow
Thinking his path was the way to go
He didn’t even seem to notice I was there
I spoke to him as we walked but he didn't care
I stopped at several places along the way
He just kept moving forward with nothing to say
After a while I felt so alone and so tired
And I began to drift further and further behind
Though I could still see him way up ahead
He turned onto another path to walk instead..
Eventually I realized I could no longer see
As he moved relentlessly on without me
His footprints start to fade and then they disappear
He never even knew I was near
I stood at the path he turned to walk on...
Unable to move forward
And I turn to walk...

*Maybe one day our paths will cross again
Melissa S Mar 2012
Oh yeah he wanted me
One look into those smiling eyes and I could see
He wanted to forget and feel good for a change
To be who he really was and not keep feeling estranged

Oh yeah I wanted him too
I wanted to feel alive and pretend I was someone new
I guess I found a way to self medicate again
One taste of him and it numbed out all my pain

The inertia of all our heartache
Just got to be too much...

We wanted to just live again and be off that sinking boat
All we needed was each other to keep us afloat

How could that ever be wrong and thought of as tragic
When all we wanted was just to feel wanted  ~  bring out all that hidden magic
Melissa S Sep 2018
My son always surprises me...
and is way more brilliant
than I ever was... especially at that age.
Out of nowhere the other night he says
"You know we are all connected" and I say
"How do you mean?"
I can see the wheel just a turning in his pretty
little head and he says "we are related...all brothers
and sisters in this world." I agree with him and say "so
why do you think everyone fights so much?" and
without missing a beat he says "because they haven't
figured it out yet" <3
Happy Friday to you all!! :)
Melissa S Oct 2015
I think that I am all alone
then the wind whispers to me
telling me age old secrets from the trees

I think that I am all alone
when a lightning bug lands on me
it flits, it flights, it lights up the night

I think that I am all alone
when I look up to see a shooting star
no longer wondering where you are

and I just smile and send up my wish and prayer
to that wondrous castle in the air
Melissa S Oct 2015
With your 20/20 perfect vision one would think you could see clearly
Just do not remember the last time you looked at me dearly
Please can you see...
Take out all those other distractions
And get back to you and me
Melissa S Aug 2014
The Color of my world keeps changing
Reminds me of a kaleidoscope
One twist and the same pieces
are rearranged to create a different shape
a different color and different picture

Its like the kaleidoscope is my world
and I have mixed the paints to change
the pallet I call my heart.

Sometimes it has spun to color my world
red with dread

Other times it may be spun to color my world
happy with khaki

But regardless of what color has spun
My world will always keep changing  
I just try and go with the flow
Go where the wind takes me
Melissa S Feb 2012
Will you lend me your eyes for the evening and look upon this face, this body... like you never have before. Watch me undress slowly and watch my clothes hit the floor.  They say the eyes are the window to your soul and when you look at me my soul feels whole.

Will you lend me your ears and savor the growls and moans that escape my lips for you.  Making my pleasure known by sending out all my verbal cues. You watch as the pleasure overtakes me...sending me to the very top of the world's tallest peaks and all along the bottom of love's deepest sea.

Will you lend me your lips to play, tongue to dance and mouth to graze with my lover? Plunging each other to the depths as we explore and as we discover.  Can you taste the pleasure of you pleasing me? Inhale my sweet kisses and breathe me in more deeply.

Will you lend me your strong hands that are able to guide and tease. Marinating fingers finding hard ***** ******* and wet pleasure spots eager to squeeze . Warm roaming hands that help finish ******* my most intimate clothes and hands that need no encouragement but bring forth the greatest pleasure bestowed.

Will you lend me your body so hard and pressed to mine... loving me with all you got and taking your sweet sweet time. Will you love me from every thought that comes to your mind all the way down to your curled toes of delight? Will you love me all day and throughout the night and when the sun wakes us with its first rays of light?
Happy Valentines Day!!
Melissa S Feb 2011
Feel that? Its the wind of change blowing
Don't know what it is yet but I know its coming

I hope its bringing something good this time
because this wind has been here before
didn't bring me what I wanted
but sent me to sorrow's shore

Lost oceans  and troubled minds
Trees swaying and confused times
Looking around the shorelines for any sign

Wind is really blowing now
Should I stay or should I go
Melissa S Dec 2011
Sheer curtains billow with the nights breath along my bare skin
Just wishing that it was you... here to taste me again
Slowly my hand traces and reaches down
My eyes closed listening to nights symphony all around
Imagining its your sweet lips and tongue while I touch
Screaming out in delight when it all gets to be too much
Melissa S May 2019
Strong like a foundation
Rock solid in every way
Her skin is soft as velvet
God built her this very way
She hides most of her fears
Wears all her hats like a boss
She flows against the stream
and is the calm in the chaos
A beautiful mystery to unravel
One layer at at time
Only people close to her
Know the thoughts of her mind
Her eyes show compassion
and fierceness just the same
From the ashes she will rise again
and Woman is her name
This is a re-post but wanted to share again since Mother's Day is coming up.
I miss my mother everyday but I know she is still with me in some ways.
Love and Blessings to you all
Melissa S Apr 2016
Strong like a foundation
Rock solid in every way
Her skin is soft as velvet
God built her this very way
She hides most of her fears
Wears all her hats like a boss
She flows against the stream
and is the calm in the chaos
A beautiful mystery to unravel
One layer at at time
Only people close to her
Know the thoughts of her mind
Her eyes show compassion
and fierceness just the same
From the ashes she will rise again
and Woman is her name
This is for all the women here at HP. Since Mother's Day is coming up in the states here is a shout out to all the moms in our lives! Hooray for the mothers, grandmothers, godmothers, stepmothers, mothers-in-law, aunts, wives, partners, sisters, friends, fellow moms, mentors and people who love with a mother’s heart.  A Special shout out to my Mother in heaven I love you <3 and Happy Mother's Day!!
Melissa S Nov 2011
Can't take back what
Has already been
Detestably spewed out
Melissa S Aug 2012
When all else has failed....    
                                           My words can console me!
Melissa S Nov 2015
We all have defects and flaws
Some are more hidden
Behind disguises or walls
They are still there
Just have to look deeper inside
We are all imperfectly perfect ~  Unified
Our style is unique
We call it our own
No need for any masks
Our cover is blown
Its the mistakes that makes us
Who We Are
So let's love our flaws and all
Embrace them
Like our very own *Wrecking ball
Melissa S Nov 2016
I feel it on the tip of my tongue
I feel almost giddy
It's like a secret that I just remembered
I want to get the wording just right
but it's too fuzzy to get the full details
So I try to focus on what I can
I try and write what I see
What I feel
What I hear or taste
I close my eyes
Lean my head back
Then the paddles hit me and bring me out of my dream state
The thoughts vanish in thin air
and I just know I was on the verge of something magic
It could have been a good one
Maybe in those few moments before waking from a dream
I can figure out what I want to say....
I feel like this about about a lot of poems that I never finish
I just know they could have been magic if only.....:)
Melissa S Jul 2012
I am the moves to the dance you have done
and the voice to the song you have sung

I am the thoughts that grow from within
before your thoughts even set to pen

I am the magic that forms on the brush that you hold
and the melody from the music that unfolds

I am what is behind the alluring touch you so crave
I weave around all that you so freely gave

I am the one who inspires
I am your lust wrapped up in desire

This is not a ruse
I am who you call out to for help
I am your muse
This is for all the women here at HP

— The End —