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Melinda Barrett Aug 2020
The way that you treated people
How you left them in the dark
I knew you were a death eater
By the way you left your mark
Melinda Barrett Aug 2020
For you I once tried to color outside the lines
But you made me realize I prefer black and white
Melinda Barrett Aug 2020
Out of sight, out of mind
Rearview mirror, left behind
Melinda Barrett Aug 2020
It’s just not as easy as some people think
how can I be happy if pain is my ink?
Melinda Barrett Aug 2020
I can’t convince you to look at the sky when you’re fixated on the ground
I can’t continue to chase you when you don’t ever want to be found
Melinda Barrett Aug 2020
I hesitated and then restrained myself
The moment passed - you never knew how I felt
Melinda Barrett Aug 2020
Our ping pong witty banter or your penetrating stare
The electricity my fingers felt running through your hair
A cig always in your hand & a smirk always on your face
These are some of the images that can never be erased
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