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 Mar 2011 Meka Boyle
I am tired
of being told
that I shouldn’t
express what
I think and
who I

I know it’s
in my best

the world is never
ready for somebody
to challenge their

but I’m tired of that
this needs to happen
if I won’t speak up,
who will?

passiveness got me
no where

activeness has always
seemed to work

I know the risks,
the issues, what
can happen if I
go to far, but I
live in an age
where anyone
can say anything
and that alone
is worth exploiting

so I will say what I think,
what I believe in, how the
world should be!

I will scream it from the rooftops!
from the hills and in the valleys!
my voice will reign through the land

and as more ears turn
to face me and learning
sets in I will give one
fair caution to those
out there listening:

I may not be right,
I may well be wrong

don’t worship my prophesies
take them, and make your
A moment left of silence
A calling of all the hard times and good poems
Chasing insects, living our years
Bleeding the same blood we have
I'm one more lonely boy in the heart of the sky
We're swimming in endless space

A moment left of madness
Flooding the same paths we've walked for days
Calling Jesus, falling on floors
Sleeping in the same winter clothes
You're one more broken girl in the eyes of a wolf
We're swimming in endless space

Let's pack our stuff in boxes
and watch the snow fall into place
Clear and crystal
So anciently old,
So brilliantly fluid
And tastelessly cold.
To coalesce in vapour
Of limitless cloud,
To fall in fat globules
Of rainfall in shroud.

To cascade through air
As a mist in the fall
Or plummet as downpour
Through Calcutta’s pall.
Gathered in puddles
To flow down a drain,
Amass as a flood
To pour across plain.
To playfully tumble
From mountains of shard,
To flow to the sea
Where the surf crashes hard.

A field of marigolds
Bobbing in sun,
Nurtured by moisture’s
Life giving fun.
Green grasses grow
With barley and wheat,
Through the magic administered
By wetness’s feat.
Imagine disaster’s
Protracted drought
Where dryness obliterates
Green life throughout.

Sparkling clear waterfalls,
Hard pounding surf,
Trickles of crystalline
Cascades of mirth.
Rock pools so clear
That trout can be seen
And the bone china cup of tea
Served to the Queen.

Standing in rain
As it pours from the sky
With a grin on my face
Smearing mud from my eye
With arms outstretched
And a song in my heart
For the great joy of living
This water imparts....

Water my Angel,
My priceless gem.
A waterless world
Would bring death and mayhem.
An oceanless planet
As seen from the moon,
Would lack life giving blueness
And be hued in gloom.
Sweet water is life
In a miraculous way,
Thus we hail the Gods
Each rain swept day.

Sitting by the beautiful Manukau Harbour
11 March 2011
My mind, so clouded
By these broken awful words.
Forming sentences to ****
In ways so absurd.

I can't seem
to find a balance
of these words that
me to the brink of
insanity in kind
for I can't begin to
Inspired by someone else's poem idea of matching an idea with a written style.
If that bell tolls one more time
I’ll rip it’s clock work out.
What does a man do with
all these hours in a day?
How do you fill them with meaning?
What is the meaning?

Tomorrow I will lay next to you,
breathing in the air
knowing home and love
and life and hope.
Knowing you.

There are raindrops racing each
other down my window pane.
I have these pictures, some are
of us, some are of places,
most are of you.

Tomorrow I will caress your hair.
I will fix the sheets on your bed,
rub your feet.
I will listen to your day,
and you will listen to mine.

Tonight (******* it tonight!)
I keep the time without you.
I hate the clock, I hate the light bulbs,
I hate the way your smile doesn’t
light up your eyes in pictures.

Tonight I’m on fire,
burning to ash and bone.
Tomorrow I will rise.
The grass turns the hours - endless
Eyes though deceitful, lend us
The courage to find beauty in anything
Or in bending shades of light

**** your McDonald's drive-thrus

**** your ninety-nine cent ******* hamburger, taco, pizza, salad, milkshake, hotdog, cheese, chicken and ice cream.

**** your ever-penetrating, all-enveloping television stare
-looking into every home and obscenely tucking children into bed with your poisonous, dangerous nonsense

**** your deadly highways and metal death machines

**** your educational system which affords no opportunity and disgraces the intelligent by basing self-worth on imaginary symbols

**** your restriction of information and for appointing one man to represent anybody but himself

******* for breeding such similar beings

**** your twisted hatred of change & for arresting children while cadavers dry-**** the so-called american dream

******* for losing your own soul & destroying us daily

******* for putting faces on beauty and giving such loud voices to hypnotic fantasy

**** your favorite sons and daughters

******* for the wars which can never be won

******* for advertising Jack Daniels on the freeway

******* for a pack of cigarettes - seven dollars and fifty cents

******* for making my **** hard

******* for not looking at the stars every night

******* because I am poisoned by paper

******* for the starvation of spirit & pills handed out to numb the broken minds you've made & the shattered ones you avoid

******* for the homeless prophets

**** your speech decree & for rubbing freedom in the faces of the dying

**** your holy stars & stripes

**** your hushed genocide and & torture

**** your phantom masses and empty religions

******* for providing no wholesome evenings in my rotten town

**** your signposts and support beams

You are but a word
J.M. 01/26/11
 Mar 2011 Meka Boyle
Sleepy Sigh
If Our mad dances slow to dirges
And the dark barges in on the stars,
If yours and mine is Ours no more
And shy, pale-faced reminders sigh
Behind the back door a-nights, then
I shan’t write another word for you,
Nor for me, nor Us, nor anyone.

If Our wild eyes and frisky paws
Are stilled into purposeful tools,
And Our twittering, jabbering jaws
Lock up in the great presence of fools,
Then I will shut up my heart’s blood
Inside some useless pen. I will forget
What We were - what you have been.

I will charge myself with this heaviest
Of oaths: when We are no more alight
And the stars still shine,
And the flowers blossom,
And new babies are born,
And the pointless world still shakes with joy,
Then I shall write no more.

For when We are not, what happiness
Is there more than a choked off laugh
In a silent void?
 Mar 2011 Meka Boyle
the cigarette
of our pent-up passion
in your mouth
is the only light
in this dark place
the world
has forced us

as you slink down to me
somehow seeing
through shroud of black
your cigarette illuminates
a knowing smirk
upon the red lips
of your face

those lips tantalize me
making requests
I can’t hope to fulfill
and begging questions
I refuse to answer

I cannot see your eyes
but I know the future
they see

that cigarette burns in the black
teaching me the meaning of love

as you crawl forward,
awaiting the final pounce,
I know that your cigarette
will fall to the ground
and like our pent-up passion
it will turn the room to fire
and the world will soon
catch too
This world is running 'round,
Further out of my control.
In everyone's tears, drowned.
Coursing in my blood, runs phenol.

Burning everywhere I go,
That poisonous mix pumps.
Seeping through icy veins so slow,
Making me a useless fleshy clump.

They see me running, screaming
****** ****** in this awful town.
With great force from within, beaming
These filthy lies in full meltdown.

Yet, no one sees my frightful scene.
How can they? I'm sitting alone.
This moment, so wretchingly serene.
Still, my life is coming unsewn.

I feel it laying down now,
My life, so quietly it snaps.
So regally it suffers, I must bow,
For this substance causes collapse.

Burning inside I smile, so small,
Thinking of the glorified cause.
I gave up, taking this horrified fall
And making it to life's last pause.
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