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i forgot how blue your eyes were.
it's as if you used food coloring to enhance them,
and i don't know if that's true,
but they speak of cold breezes and tired days.
i could see the life inside of them,
struggling, juggling,
things weren't always so sick.
i could feel the color pulse,
as if your heart, (that is larger than the one
in "how the Grinch stole Christmas")
took turns with your grandfather's clock
hanging on the tobacco-ashed walls.
the depth of what you've done, i cannot compare with
a yard stick or the years i
cried for myself, over
the river and through the woods,
there was always another one waiting to take me.
you have something i wish i had,
strength to recover from the battles
on the sidewalks and needles filled with glory
and traces of your own blood.
the iceberg blue from your eye sockets are different from your veins.
crystalline. bright.
and if i could i'd take it all away, the desire
nagging at your fingertips and the
on your back.
but since i can't,
take each marble of faith and
save it for the rainy days
and rundown shading nights,
the minutes you need it most.

but don't forget to forgive yourself.
© Danielle Jones 2011
We consider impossible possibilities
and read from a dictionary of abstract words
and try to grasp intangible ideas.
its a perplexing and troublesome thing

Altruism, Absurdism, Animism
A constant clamor of chaos
Word words words
Only in context can you understand

But how could I ever be sure?
You hear it, but could you ever know?
Does Idividualism, instrumentalism, Intellectualism
Mean anything to you?

Even if it does
there’s a gap in perceptions
the space between your eyes and mine
is a world apart, never to meet

Expression is futile
we can never make any connections
You reverberate in my ear
and echo out of me
I reverberate in your ear
and echo out of you
Pushing and pulling like the tide
constantly eroding the meaning

But once in a while
when I look at you
and say “I love you.”
You say “I love you too.”

By the twist of your mouth
and the gleam in your eye
I know our definitions
are one, and the same

Though our emotions are lost in translation
and its challenging to put it into words
Your reply causes such sensations
I have no doubt.  You meant it.
 Mar 2011 Meka Boyle
the shore
 Mar 2011 Meka Boyle
i'm hopeful,
i'm hopeful that this will all come together soon.

the answers will appear to all of these swirling questions,
overwhelming, drowning underneath, we all seem to be,
and as we keep swimming, the tide gets stronger,
as if there is no calm water ahead.
what will we make of this journey,
which path will we take? does it even matter?
my shipmates, we were tossed overboard,
one by one,
by choice or by force,
and as we reach out for buoys,
gasping for breath,
for a semblance of sanity,
we recall our problems being simpler,
a blazing sun,
her lips, my tongue,
a roadway for one,
the way i would run,
the way i could run.

tell me now, as oxygen is replaced,
with cool bursts of reality,
when will this be over?
the mirage of a shore, seems closer
than ever, and i'm sure
that it will all be explained with clarity
once i'm there, the meaning of this all,
we'll laugh about the urgency
with which we swam.

as we set off, water as smooth as a warm caress,
fully operational, easy as pie,
elaborate questions were simple, as our minds were,
what's next? where are we going?
who's staying for the long haul?

and when the initial wave of panic subsided,
as we soon realized the fate of our ship,
foreboding as the water seemed,
the blue reminded us of sky.

it didn't feel too cold,
a gentle winter gust,
we could practically touch,
the warm sand ahead.

but then the winds changed,
i guess our minds changed,
i lost sight of the eyes that were locked,
with mine while we sank,
and as i scrambled to find them,
i realized that this, was not a drill,
and there really was, no turning back,
sitting on the deck, playing board games,
forgetting my name, leaning on canes,
forever the past.

and i thought i'd be the best swimmer,
underestimated the strength of waves,
i see the splashes, of churning feet, far ahead,
others, drying off, laughing on land,
we were the same not long ago.

i swim with purpose,
the method has changed,
the destination, the same,
but just as i see those who've reached the end,
i see those who've chosen to wait,
rescue choppers, coast guards,
a lifeline, perhaps.
others, piecing together the ship,
hoping to see it once again, set sail,
and if i could shake my head,
without compromising my front crawl,
i guess i would.

because there's a point to this struggle,
that's what we've been told,
there'll be answers on that beach,
along with joyous recollection,
there'll be you and me, and everyone else,
and the water that we drink,
will taste so much better than
the bitter dreck through which we swim.

back on that ship, i recall,
a wise philosopher once saying,
"just keep swimming".
that blind optimism,
a pixar mindset,
said nothing of direction,
or inevitable casualties.
Written about the struggle of getting into medical school. Only later did I realize that that struggle would just apply to the next hurdle and the one after that as well. Copyright SMK 2011.
You walked into my life for a moment,
Oh, but only a moment,
And what's the pain?
That comes after a simple moment,
Look you in the eyes,
Glistening a reflection,
Of an empty hearted reality,
Just a moment full of glances,
And I can keep thinking out loud,
Or screaming in my mind,
Oh why oh why, couldn't I,
Say a simple, hi hello or hey,
Just glances, and I'm kept,
Thinking about what comes,
For you in the next sunrise,
Crawling on the horizon,
Tears I wish I could kiss away?
Frowns I wish I could flip, any day,
And the way your parents treat you,
And why you wear your make-up the way you do,
Glances and moments,
And the things we wish we never missed,
A drive in movie,
A cup of tea,
An e mail,
A letter,
A wonderful night,
And but kisses never had,
These moments, these glances,
Are at least moments,
So I will let them be,
Shed a tear,
And hope you get to see,
Marvelous reality.
You play love like a game
with an air of pretension
you have a real name
you'll never have mentioned

you made a new one your own
to show your quirky and creative
but you're not, you sit on your thrown
shallow and systematically sedated

you smoke each trendy cigarette
and drink your **** poor beer
you are nothing more than a marionette
with all those guidelines to which you adhere

so cut the strings, cut the strings
you little puppet on your pulpit
there is beauty in other things
beside your pretentious *******
Shall I compare thee
to a summer's day?


Because ********.
Here I am, I stand
for one thing
I stand tall and proud
and shrink -

It's like a magnifying class
being pulled away from an ant
as it grasps for its life

Here I am, falling
A simple hole in the ground
where I stomped angrily

the world spins with me,
the colors bedazzle and amaze
everything seems slow,
why is the clock broke?

Here I am, on the ground
now grasping for my life
here I am, an ant under a magnifying class
gasping for air
begging for life

the world spun with me
like a top that wont stop
and now it's fallen, and I am lifeless
© Matthew Albert Perry, 2011
 Mar 2011 Meka Boyle
Today there is a spanner
Stuck within the machinery
Life has twisted as many times
As it has decided to turn
And leaves me
Running short of the finishing line
Today the sun doesnt seem to
Warm that place inside that hurts
Today the pains of yesterday
Seem to penetrate my body
Like a car that fails its mot
I book in for a service
And hope for the best
But I thought I had smoothed the cracks
Left every stone unturned
Let go
Of all I couldn't control
Yet life leaves me weak
Teaching me that control is not the answer
May the storms blow over
As I know they surely will
May I feel the sun once more
Warming my soul
Take from me now
That which brings me down
May my fear
Which ever cell it dwells
Within me
Be scattered upon the wind
I really havent got time for all this
I'm needed
Always needed
So need to be strong
Within my fabric
Their seems to be a tare that needs sewing
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