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I sit inside humanity
trying to find my sanity
I can't deny the vanity
these box of crayons they keep handing me
color off the wall and want to change the whole world
be a fireball, find a beautiful girl
keep her by my side
let it be let it ride all the time
but didn't you know that in reality it's a crime?
to try to be your self
only you and they judge
a memory on paper
but to them it's just a smudge
sanitized minds combine to climb the brighter side
reaching towards the light with fistfuls of fire and might
we are sight blind, so our ears hear the path
cutting through the struggle and strife under the cover of night
it's bad math when they add up all the love that they subtract
with their crack and guns and wars and crooked politicians
endorsed by equally corrupt private corporations
that sensation that your facing is frustration at the nation
freedom seized by the land of the thieves, home of the slaves
She makes us cry nights away
but we love Her to the end of days
rocking the brave face in day
can America come out and play?
no way I'm sorry, not today
She's meeting the Devil at 8 to negotiate a trade
She lusts for black gold and he likes the way her soul tastes
it's the kind of heaven made match only greed can create
I love this god-forsaken place
keep our god the **** out of our state
we've got separation here, best not forget mister saint
our tap water's tainted and the plastic bottles cause cancer
tree's are illegal, so synthetic ******'s the answer
to numb the pain when my fat pig heart ruptures and bursts
but gimme one more triple espresso and three more bratwurst
two more cheeseburgers, a whole chicken, pizza and roast pork
mashed potatoes and mac n cheese but before I get my fork
make sure everything's deep fried, covered in bacon that's cut thick
I was hoping to choke it down before the last vein rips
flatline by design, dead before 45
thank your leaders they planned it
soon it'll be your time to die, I'm not lying
it's just facts go ahead and look at the stats
your the first generation to not outlive the last
and it's sad but more pathetic cause you don't even want to change
so strange how these animals play these silly little games
with dangerous toys powered by hot lead and flames
Aim for the brain! they shout at boy scouts
who tout many kills their dark skills willed by even darker minds in the hills
the shrill cries heard as the innocence dies flying straight out the hi-fi
nice try but you need a hand
tonight on American Bandstand the shattered youth of an illusory nation
think about these statements, the word choice and the placement
its all hidden in the basement
everything from last to first just be glad you're in the best nation on planet Earth
now please, into the hearse
No no don't curse, you're not the first
Just think it could be worse
“I don't ever want to feel like this again”,
she whispered under bated breath
in the stage show that is her life
pain entered right, joy faded left

her eyes slowly permeated
by a gloss, which turned to tears
the pain slowly escaping
held contained for so many years

but she wasn't feeling sorrow
she was feeling something more
something I've never seen from her
or seen from a soul since or before

she wasn't upset at circumstance
but at her lack of a certain emotion
at least before she could yell
but now she didn't carry the notion

she was now numbed to it all
which scared her more the anything
she didn't feel the push to drive her
she could no longer feel the sting

she was now empty entirely
no sign of rage or elation
not leaning to one side of the spectrum
but in the middle, in a sad sedation
 Mar 2011 Meka Boyle
Chad Katz
The morph of bodies
of viscous crowds,
of pulsing sounds,
indulging mouths
in conversation and conversation
and the traction of
sheets of breath
on teeth;
everywhere, the room
breathes in unison.

And as buoyed stones
the water schisms and unfolds
around and leaves me
to face new currents,
unsure how to gauge
my own tenor against
the choral undertow.
I do not lament the clouds:
days like these don't deserve the sunlight;
skin so raw doesn't deserve to blister and blight.
A day that is built
for us to sit and watch the flowers wilt.

You let the silence speak for you
(as it tends to do.)
Love is a word that is hard to define
try hard enough and maybe you'll see that line
between the synapse and the feeling
between the prayer and the kneeling.
The difference between a spasm and desire,
a flashlight and a fire.
The difference between poetic words and idle chatter.
Yet all in all, none of this matters.

None of it matters when the moon looms over me
and no one is here to watch me bleed.
You can pluck the plant our sadness grew:
we fell in love, that much is true.
But things run so much deeper than this
and losing my kiss
won't fix any of this.

Since I know these words will be lost in the abyss
not to be read or cared for by your or by them,
I write without fear of infamy, and without any wish
of your hand in my hand ever again.

I am proud to say that you were once my lover:
we need lots of things, but we don't need each other.
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