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Remember the past? man, those were the days,
Where the hardest decision was what games we would play.
Our biggest worries were scraped knees and curfews,
Now we have to worry bout late fees and work blues,
We'd get our boo-boos kissed and healed by our mothers,
And spend countless hours playin Mario with my brothers.
those were the times, I wouldn't trade it for the world.
My childhood was awesome, I can't put it into words.
The poem that I'd never write..
The kind of poem that'd show me in a different light.
I scoff at Benja F bills
Women come and go,
I be popping pills that make the world turn slow.
I yolo *******,
Holler at team swag,
Money and the *******,
Tell her throw it in the bag..

That's the kind of poem that I'd never write.
The kind of poem where I ****** everyone in sight.
I keep it real hood.
Gangster all day.
Look me the wrong way,
Dead body in the hallway.
You don't want no problems,
I'm strapped like Velcro,
Dummy I don't play no games, Nintendo.

This made little sense,
something wasn't right.
This is the kind of poem I would never ever write.
A lonely boy, writing in a cell,
Introverted silence, trapped in mental hell,
Surprised he isn't mad yet, his soul is very brave,
Sooner or later, probably sooner, he will cave.
The weight of the world on his shoulders is too heavy,
Though he tries to keep it calm, it's hard to keep it steady,
He teeters on the borderline of sane and going crazy,
To think of just how strong his bright mind is, is quite amazing.
But the answer's clear, he's sane cuz of the pen,
Though used to being solitary, poetry's his friend.
Often lost in thought, and always deep in writing.
Cutting through the hearts of readers, it is kind of frightening.
His art is beautiful, what this young kid does with synonyms,
Because he realizes poetry makes dreaming limitless.
Writing is my medicine,
Without it, I'd be dead.
Or inside an asylum, sitting, talking to a bed.
I'm a seed of hope,
And one day I will sprout.
Till then, my poems say,
what I cannot with my mouth
It's the, highly lyrical, pinnacle breaking, mystical, miracle making, atypical poet slash prophet.

The tricky, sick trickster, mister, tongue-twister, off the scale, Richter, freedom dream fighter.

A bit unusual and, slightly delusional, it's indisputable, beautiful written poetry.*

Words flow just like a novelette,
Make music like a castanet
A master of the alphabet,
Just tag that as my epithet.
Let me start by saying that you always seem to make my day.
You've brought more warmth into my life than the hottest solar ray.
Your complexion is perfection, in the most literal sense,
If I'm crazy or justified, I'm sitting on the fence.
Should I talk about your lips, how I imagine fingertips, running over them, slowly, as if leaning in to take a sip,
Or how even the simplest text, makes my heart beat without rest,
So fast and hard, it feels like it'll jump out of my chest.
I could really keep on going all day long if I so wished,
I could write you novels based off a shortlist.
But the truth is that I like you. I really do, I like you.
Now tell me that I shouldn't but I really cannot help it, I kinda want you to myself, I know it's selfish, you I cherish,
But I like you, that much is clear.
And part of me wishes that your man would disappear.
I'm sorry, I really haven't slept much,
I'm not thinking straight.
But the truth is still the truth, am I really to blame?
I mean, how can I resist, thinking of your lips, the thought alone fills me with bliss.
That's some crazy ish, yea I made a wish, and well, no wishing well could grant me what I wish. I am just a fish,
Swimming, lost, captivated by precious pools of blue,
I wanna feel your soul, ever close and dive deep into you.
The truest love, you couldn't plan it,
Easily the only one for me in all the planet,
Her love's the kind of habit I could never kick off,
And I swear it's true, you, I'll never get sick of.
It's surreal when I say that you are my girl,
even Webster would be, at a loss for words.
There aren't enough verbs, adjectives in any language,
To show you how I feel and how you relieve all my anguish,
But I think I can manage, to express some,
part of how I feel, I think we make a good sum,
You plus me forever, that makes perfect sense to me.
I think I want to marry you and make some memories,
some would call me crazy, even claim that I'm insane
Well, yea, I'm freaking crazy, crazy for you and deranged.
Does any of that frighten you? Tell me and be honest.
If it doesn't, then I'm ready to make you a promise,
To love you forever and we'll never be apart,
I'll love you til the end, even more so than the start.
If you share your heart with me, you'll get mine in return.
Do you accept all of the conditions and the terms?
No need for signatures or any documents for this,
We can make it real and seal the deal with just a kiss.
Every thing I told you comes from the heart, it's true.
To summarize and put it simply, I'm in love with you.
The walls are closing in,
the isolation's smothering.
This sense of dread and doom is overwhelming me and covering,
I'm loving it, the masochistic part of me's in heaven.
The other side that's dead inside, screams "I want to end it.
Beat up and physically demolished every week.
That's the last time anyone says I'm a freak.
Hold the metal to my wrists, I think the darkest thoughts,
Things could've been so different if I had received more love.
I push the metal blade in, and feel my life escaping..
But to my surprise,
Then I awaken..
This world is ****** up, so we need to change it.
Some might not agree and think I'm a deranged kid.
Well, maybe I am...
... Then again, maybe not.
We need to save this planet, cuz one is all we got.
If we pull together, we can make this a better world.
But we've grown too focused on sarcophagi and burials.
It's scary though, the situation's pretty grim,
There's a chance to save it though the chance is pretty slim,
We need to keep hope alive, no way that I am giving in,
The world that I envision's better than the one I'm in.
At the most, it seems that all one can do is hope,
Let's rid the world of evil vices, things like guns and dope.
I hope it's getting through, this message that I send,
I fear I'll fight this battle til the day my life does end.
It feels like one against the world,
Surrounded desolation,
Cuz in a sea of people,
I still drown in isolation.
I am, highly outspoken,
and, overtly open,
wear my, heart on my sleeve,
where it's not, hard to get broken,
I love, live in the poem,
a life, full of much hope and,
'Love' in my hemoglobin, good emotions keep me going,
Don't take this life for granted, we're all granted special moments.

*I wish I could spread the word to the world,
   Love, be my slogan.
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