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Megan Sherman Feb 2017
Effulgent with the light of love, I praise thy sight
Enrapt by deep divinity of thine features
Basked resplendent in the languid light
Of thine enchanting aura, O mesmerising creature
Betwixt our statures, Gravity pulls
Compelling us to meet faces, kiss
The liquor of the moment churns
Dwelling in trajectory of bliss
Blissful canopy of the stars, clad in glow
The wild, unchartered frontiers
Caressed by scintillating sparks, light we go
Drifting on glowing, gentle zephyrs
Now thou hast shown me thy hearts direction
I'm enveloped in your care's protection
Megan Sherman Aug 2018
All souls that pray to Heaven in distress
Appeal to that realm's King to banish pain
For pity, peace and mercy and for bless
Find in love of him end of disdain
That hippy Lord, the shepherd boy divine
The sacred heart of Mary in thy chest
Is there beauty commensurate to thine
In all the world? I make of thee my nest
My rock, my passion, inspiration too
My muse, my altar, prophet love the child
Who tender in their sleep protect by you
With golden gentle aura ever mild
Angels song for thee exalts thy heart
Beget their alms of praise to honour thee
When on black day on hell's hill you depart
Hung upon a cross of misery
The masses weep in sorrow cry for days
Time condemns the crowd of braying brutes
Believe not thee but lies Barabus says
See Pontius Pilot in wicked cahoots
But thy compassion vindicates thy name
Jesus Christ the muse of divine souls
Indulge the joy of you without sin, shame
Your suffering? Their righteousness appalled
Let all the world all time praise thy sweet dreams
Of paradise for virtuous and kind
Who live as single heart one with no seam
And dwell in love: activity refined
Megan Sherman Feb 2019
So saccharine that ancient verse of love
That God weep upon its hearse on high
As to the cross it marched with crown, slain dove
A ****** 'gainst the people nailed to sky
Megan Sherman Jul 2020
Although sweet King, thou now with earthworms lie
Yet thy spirit dominates the sky
With Beauty suffice to be sung to ancient lyres
With wings and heart of heavenly golden fires
So great thou art, thine excellence is laurelled
A deity with whom I have no quarrel
Millions would testify it's true
That never has there been a truer King than you
Megan Sherman Mar 2017
She is a rainbow warrior, sweet messenger of peace
Deciphering the exquisite ethos of philosophy
In her inquisitive mind Reason is apace
And compassion is her theology
An artist of the word and image
She is a sorceress and magician
Who makes real a mirage
But nonetheless she is a strange physician
Diagnosing the fallacies
That riddle mind of man
And give him metaphysical malady
But answer him the rainbow warrior can
She stokes the precious flame of truth
To most of us, the truth, aloof
Megan Sherman Mar 2017
She is an artist of reason, sharp and sure
Who creates a masterpiece from logic
Her thoughts have me ever craving more
For their sequence ascends like magic
A scientist she is yet an artist
Who creates out of the raw material of reality
Yet the magic strikes, with her it didn't miss
It's alive in her and goes with conviviality
Her entreaties are so spirited
Fierce, witty and wry
Her mind is uninhibited
As wide and deep as sky
To the east, she goes in wayward trance
Filled with the rhythm of the worlds romance
Megan Sherman Nov 2016
One vision brazen and beatific
Captured in words which are suffice
To fathom the ineffable
Inexplicably surgical, precise

The splendour of the earth, transcendent
Captured by one voice refined
Waking to the sparrow’s music
She is risen, no more blind
Megan Sherman Nov 2016
Hark at thee sweet messenger
Evangelist of song
Bestowing thy faithful rhapsody
That rings around, along

Thy poetry gives thy life, thy soul,
To the world, to everything
When ears have heard her musical word
Their spellbound spirits sing
Megan Sherman Nov 2016
Her words are measured and methodic
Articulating life’s magick
Begetting a vision wild, rhapsodic
Her musings are divine, melodic

With ear and heart and mind and eye
Attuned to nature’s majesty
She observes the world that’s passing by
And conveys its beauty in her cry
Megan Sherman Mar 2017
On fluent wings as soft as smudges
The flying spirit diligently gauges
What is needed underneath
By peoples on the hills and heaths
O'er them she dutifully watches

She is the world. It's truest hope
Without her light I couldn't cope
She is more omnipotent than the pope
I'm tied to her with golden rope

I want to fly with her in cape
And feed her with a hundred grapes
Her light will scare a thousand kings
As her divinest music sings
O'er the sweet and sinuous moors
Megan Sherman Oct 2021
The lie, the rhetoric, the cruel deceit
In mask of benevolence the public meet
So wars, for oil, be sanctioned and supported
Whilst dictators of the west remain unthwarted

In new Baghdad the last king gone
But barons maraud with tyrants key
While soldiers dumped on streets, help gone
Turn to ISIS and pledge “we”

Pacifism, love anachronisms
Conflicts rage the world around
Forging a graveyard of innocent souls
And so humanitarianism bears a wound

I pray this prison we transcend
Put our hearts back on the mend
And treat foreigners as a friend
And so to brighter day we wend
Megan Sherman Feb 2017
Endeared with Heart like yours I loved
Enamoured of its spiritual wealth
But my vain, fickle obsessions
Left us in bad and woeful health
Holy, I committed to fantasy
Dedicated to the land of dreams
And all they promise us to yield
Though they betrayed me with fetid, fruitless stream
My love was devout, near religious
You were more than just a trophy
My feelings were prolific and prodigious
The blooming flower rosy
   But I go gentle, alone in to the night
   For all the mutual hate and spite
Megan Sherman Aug 2021
I've lived my life in error
Chased illusions
Drowned in the mirror
Had soul contusions

Beguiled by the one dimensional
Shallow spectres
Hypnotic and sensational
Dominate spirit's acres
Megan Sherman Jun 2018
On golden wings of blazing fire
Burnished with colours of desire
The angel Lennon grafts, aspires
With beauty suffice to be sung to lyres
I let my mind swim with golden sight
Climbed his wings, took nascent flight
Skies burnished with colours of delight
Aura in the sparkling night
To stratosphere I swooped, sweet soar
With that boy irresistible to adore
Ferried to seismic heavenly shores
As inspiration from the ether pours
We twisted, twirled beyond stratosphere
Where earthen angels rain their tears
Untainted by bludgeon of times years
Immortal dears soothe mortal fears
All four John Blake Buddha and Ganesh
Hearts with luscious light enmeshed
To them all pray in their distress
For mercy, pity, peace and bless
Upon a light beam we met angels of the sky
Chasing light that follows where those bonny angels fly
Mesmerised as they pirouette resplendently
Sirens snaring mortals to hear sweet eternity
Trumpet my arrival as I stand with Shiva, God
Pensive at the font of time, his wisdom I applaud
The true divine creator hidden behind religious fraud
Of his sublime divinity I, pilgrim, am assured
Then to cosmic churning to hear divinely truth
The music madly burning with its beauty rare forsooth
Transcendent destination borne of sultry spiritual path
And now the wisdom of heaven I in earnest surely hath
The churning music sang to me:
Embroils with my mind seismically
As truth knell out resplendently
Ascended from that churning ocean
In all its glorious commotion
To Kali dance in incessant motion
Ending my hearts trepidation
Vesuvian woman in golden O
Hath me mesmerised rapt in throe
She the deva see how she go
A heavenly rainbow to and fro
The golden O the Buddhist crown
Of enlightenment in which I drown
The snub of which the sages frown
A knowledge heart not head to own
Zoomed back to earth to take my place
As ambassador for angelic race
In us the light of love apace
A force to vanquish evil disgrace
Nirvana came a state of mind
Lucid gorgeous and refined
Time and love both intertwined
As in its clime I to the Bodhi tree bind
This my tale of an eternal door
Shown by boy irresistible to adore
He is a legend in modern lore
Sang end of war, could love no more
Saved me from a devils hand
On oppressed shore and oppressed sand
Helped a fallen spirit stand
Fixed her with his wanton wand
Lennon is the friend of sages
With wisdom felt not read from pages
Vanquish hell transcend the ages
Unlock the dark satanic cages
Megan Sherman Nov 2016
Our souls are fierce flames
That can’t be vanquished by death
They burn on and on

Even time's harsh hand
Can't efface the work of love
Which lasts forever

We are remembered
Inspiring smiles and tears
And actions that speak

Life keeps going on
Better for having had us
We walk on, beyond

Then we re-emerge
Our particles become parts
Of flowers and trees

Becoming starstuff
Arriving at infinite
Space once again we

Resume what we were
Bright celestial matter
Inspiring with light
Megan Sherman Feb 2021
Eternity works behind the scenes

All time a hidden guest

In the mansion of mortality

Where souls must come to rest
Megan Sherman Dec 2016
A bright rush of sensation
Sets my heart astir
I wallow in fond feelings
Of Euphoria

Passion cascades through me
Electricity's commute
From the body to the brain
Its aura I salute

Euphoria is transcendent
Knocks me flying sideways
I bask in it resplendent
For one touch, my heart ablaze

She captures and enchants me
I'm bursting bright with glee
I wonder, mind asunder
How I share this mood with thee
Megan Sherman Feb 2017
Ever, ever lovingly
I went joyful, smitten
By the ***** mouth of Love
I had been sorely bitten
The path I followed was a dance
Enamoured of thy blisses
Waltzing in enchanting trance
When magic strikes it never misses
Ever, ever lovingly,
I went joyful, true
But now I rue this journey
For it does not feel kin to you
Megan Sherman Nov 2016
Mutating, manifesting
Forever, endlessly
Dreams are harnessed to words
That multiply infinitely
A snake consuming its own tail
That striking emblem of eternity
My words go on and on and on
In an everlasting jamboree
Megan Sherman Dec 2016
Creationism is enough
To satisfy a Fantasy
But only Science does justice
To Nature's fantastic Prodigy

Life's vibrating matter
Mutating infinitely
The stubborn, selfish gene
Persists defiantly

Mysteries of Creation
Encoded deep in spirals
Evolution is endless
Its truth is immutable
Megan Sherman May 2017
Nature has a hand that's skilled,
Her excellent design,
Transcend whatever Creator willed,
An art through time aligned,

Across generations,
Activity refined,
Which hone the shape of Nature,
A truth to which dogma blind,

All across Earth's spectrum,
All creatures, things progress,
In a linear direction,
No room to regress.
Megan Sherman Nov 2016
Existence in its fullest bloom
Sings sweetly out to me
Awakening of Spring a tune
Which knells out merrily

Birds beget stacatto sounds
Their transcendental song
Which rings across the Earth, around
Its ways, up and along

And if you strain you’ll hear the work
Of solitary bees
Vibrating in the background
At a most peculiar frequency

Sharing their sweet treasures
As they circle flowers' girth
A contribution too vast to measure
For they do the work of earth

When thunder shakes the firmament
It riots through my brain
Only stopped by lightning
That heavenly refrain

Where nature dwells songs do swell
The sounds are in the plenty
Ranging from the rancorous
To the sweet and to the dainty

Crescendo of the summer
That noisiest procession
My sad ears dote on its gay notes
Which rise in supersession
Megan Sherman Dec 2018
A mask betrays with phony facade:
As I swagger down life's promenade
In a delicate, dandy, dope disguise;
Trajectories of a life bequeath
Sea of vicissitudes beneath
Which sweet serenity, yet violence, lie

'My friend, you look well, I admire that face
So bravely smiling against fall from grace
When devil crept on you by stealth with blades
And that you are redeemed from hell
It's visions and fires that **** the soul
For you, one of the angel renegades.'

And so I nod and smile in coy consent
And sing not the true tale of my lament
About the time the beast be strong and fierce;
Has my perspective changed since then?
For sorrows still seep from my pen
My pain imperishable, an eternal year

I paint a smile and wear it like a crown
While underneath despair, horror is grown
Which contradicts the drastic dance
Of happiness I dare to feign
To quell the melancholy refrain
That sings of time of spells, a fugue, trance

Now, Love, you are my life, as it is now
Would have me in a recurring bow
Celebration for an enormous sun
Inside your great and golden chest
Hides the sunshine in your breast
Comet which blast and killed Lord Saturn's fun

So soar: in stratospheres and vast beyond
The sight of sparks as to heaven you abscond
I follow, traversing valleys, fathoming stars
The candles clap, angels herald you
As through an apocalypse you flew and flew
Gathering steam, as light touch wounds of wars

But for all the fury and the force of you
Your manifesto of love, superior virtue
My sky is toppled still
But as I on River Styx am sent
A little sully to my lament
To see comet strike Saturn, a dying thrill
Megan Sherman Aug 2017
Farthest heaven fruitions - sweet -
A dream to which we run -
Like unencumbered horses -
To realm beyond belief -
Dwell deep in cosmic sun -
Creep to zephyr divine -
Gold - beautiful - trapped in its teeth -
Then to cosmic churning -
Burns with passion rare -
Drumming up a blare -
Doth stir a little tear -

Lust for - honeyed glow -
Oh! We don't fathom -
From whence we came - to which we go
Megan Sherman Nov 2016
My friend you are a feral angel
A rebellion on wings
Instead of staying square in rank
You'd rather go rioting round Saturn’s rings
For lack of God you are nonetheless guide
By love’s sweet, simple philosophy
By its exquisite ethos you abide
You live most impossibly
Once an evangelist for heaven
You one day peered beyond
On Earth you saw so much potential
Of Earth you grew quite fond
So you exit God’s jurisdiction
Dissenting from one law divine
The disapproval might thunder
But you’ve long already transgressed the line
Teach me how to disobey
To fathom love and soar angelic
I’m convinced you have a better way
May forever feral angels frolic
Megan Sherman Apr 2023
They may sneer at me in malice
Criticise and carp
Sully my shine by slinging mud
And my self-perception warp

I think my star annoyed them
As it, fiery, lit the night
A platinum bead, pearl of heaven
And conduit of light

But they wished to see that star to fall
Plummet to destruction and obscurity
And as the bad luck poured on down
Over my life, they gloat with glee

But I eternal rainbow
That towers over, upstage the rain
When judged by god for lies, misdeeds
They’ll finally be smothered in their shame
Megan Sherman Feb 2021
Fires of gold
Are thine aura
Rivers of passion
Are thy heart
Infinite flowers
Are thy spirit
Image of Heaven
Is thy soul
Megan Sherman Feb 2017
Fires of love, fathomless spirit
Stokes the embers of my Heart
It trembles for the truth of it
As if struck by magic dart

Electric pulse as Heart gestates
I cannot let this feeling pass
In transcendental visions I feel
Truths form crystal clear as glass

Magic flame, lucid blisses
Painting my heart with joy
Touching it with tender kisses
Pleasures sweet and coy

Towards direction of my true Heart's bliss
I go with enchanting, wanton stride
Is there another joy as this
Than to by purest passion abide?

Cleansed of curses, I go bright
Fathoming God, soaring divine
Sauntering in eternal delight
O sweet, this path of mine

Fires of Love, fathomless spirit
Stokes the embers of my Heart
It trembles for the truth of it
As if struck by magic dart
Megan Sherman May 2017
flame of god
thou art my guide
to you
my truest words abide
angel, angel,
spirit true,
blessed fires,
run through you,
what fine art,
could frame thy face,
and capture thy,
immortal grace
Megan Sherman May 2017
Flame of Peace, awaken me,
To touch you with my chilly hands,
To feel and invocate the light,
To spread to distant shores and sands,
And in that truth will soar, take flight,
Bobbing over eternity like spirit's kite.

I feel it, keeper of the flame,
That warmth upon my broken breast,
To keep it there for an eternity,
Would have me feeling and doing as my best,
A lightworker for infinity,
Heartbeams go from you to me.
Megan Sherman Mar 2018
Drenched in teal, adorned by sparks
Bright, fierce, the churning stars
As to Heaven the wings embark
A voyage grand, afar
The moon soft scatters tender light
As rainbows tower, over clouds
Touched by angels, in their flights
Zoom past, clad in immortal shroud

O sweet and soft their fiery wings
On which they bright, aspire
As through them, all creation sing
Burnished with colours of desire
Zoom up and up, twirl, pirouette
In marvellous and majestic commotion
Circle the skies in wonderful roulette
Pure and deep and rare as ocean

Love is their life and their life devotion
Committed to triumph of God's Heart
Which churn with Love in incessant motion
Doth the creed of Peace impart
Hath angels singing adulations
In happy songs of happy cheer
Singing loud their celebrations
For the Lord, who's ever near
Megan Sherman Aug 2022
I walked away in floods of tears
After you got your claws in me
I buried the pain over the years
And it rest at the bottom of my hearts sea

But memory beat the deep, deep fathoms
Your smile resurfaced in my mind
Dreams and love are not made of atoms
But consist of an ether, mysterious, refined

Which ought be welcome when it exhibits itself
Light which strikes and sparks the soul
Eviscerates portents of ill health
Connect us to the one and all

You repented for my hurt, as I did yours
But we burdened by toxic legacy
Yet my inner tiger roar
And will for us a future free

Of petty hostility that leads to hate
Hate, hate, an irrational state
So I serve my heart up on a plate
And try this union to create
Megan Sherman Nov 2016
Meditating on fire
For eternity it seemed
I was transported to the other realm
It had the quality of lucid dream
An elephant fluttered up to my side
Projecting her soul in to my own
She winked cheekily and disappeared
For her touch I felt that I had grown
Peering up in to the sky
A dome of interlocking flowers
They surged with colour bright
I could have stared at it for hours
All at once the vision left
I was drifted back to Earth
But I don’t feel at all bereft
I’ve had another birth
Megan Sherman Mar 2017
The world in unison
The world as one
Hearts sink at sight
Of the setting sun
The world in unison
The world as friends
As if one constituency
To each other we tend
All hearts in unison
In grief and sorrow
Knowing that some
Are bereft of Life's tomorrow
All hands in unison
To steep in prayer
Devoting homilies
Filled with perfect care
All life in harmony
Will find it's way
This song is for Albion
And the warrior spirits there
Megan Sherman Feb 2017
From the ***** of God, multitudes of visions cascade
In to the peripheries of consciousness
Epiphanies herded in to magnificent parade
Fulsome in all their lusciousness
Which God it is is not always clear
But the form of her Beauty is sharp and sure
The enchantment grows as she dances ever near
Consists in her blessing perfect care, cure
Bursting out of the hinterlands of repressed psyche
She, spirited, splendid, dances
Sweeter than peaches or lychee
In enamouring trances
     O form of forms, your beauty sharp
     I honour you on lofty harp
Megan Sherman Jun 2018
Love’s footsteps fall in sacred ground
Like roses on a blessed mound
Love’s mystic heights descend to ground
Where pity peace rejoice in sound
Megan Sherman Aug 2021
Rather than scars
My Heart has a freckle
For each and every love
That has consumed me
Megan Sherman Sep 2017
When we submit to cosmic flow of light
Irrepressible, we will triumph
The mirrors, fogs will dissipate, take flight
And angels guide the way with loving lamp
For future free inspired minds ignite
Seeing life's reality in dreams
Of freedom flowers dancing out of night
Paddling like children down loves streams
Megan Sherman Jan 2018
This much I know that news is show
An agenda drums a beat
And when the military elites at work
They strut on lying feet
The ones with muddy boots beguiled
By propaganda rank
Their bodies pile up higher
On the planes and riverbanks
As bankers plate of coins fills up
Was it the rothschilds in that plane
Shooting up those journalists
Or Halliburton,whatever, they're the same
I believe in innocence
Doth yet withstand a cynics trial
And as a girl i know how men
Pressure and beguile
Just stack the facts which we not lack
Despite securities façade
They sought to **** one with the knack
For making the heroic grade
A special ops one of their props
Sorry but it's true
Women pit against a friend
Dr King would rue
Friends keep secrets but i can't help
Light up your life with this
We communicate funny hopeful things
Sneak free from bars in bliss
Megan Sherman Nov 2016
My friend, my kin, my lover
Thy Destiny awaits!
So make with haste to leave
Our dark, diminished straits

In love, in life, in friendship
We yet besieged each other in war
Its rueful consequences
My wounded mind abhorrs

Caught in the cross-fire
Our sorry souls were maimed
Mocked in public view
I had the shock of your esteem explained

Out of this conundrum Love
Our staunch, strong souls must climb
And hopefully sad memories
Will be effaced by time

So you’re still my kin, my friend
You see true love forgives, lets go
Like a flower that needs to trim the stem
That’s dead, so new life can grow
Megan Sherman Sep 2017
Friendship - a gift from time
'Tis churning ever sweet
Sure is sublime
When pure paths meet

Destiny - peace - to fruition
Like field in the sun
Of freedom flowers
Through which we run

To the horizon
Leap at stars
As the mind
Swoops and soars

The things that we
Destined to see
On seismic seas
For infinity

As to heaven
On wings of fire
We are ferried
By desire
Megan Sherman Feb 2018
From infinity word comes, immortal form, in which,
All that is true and good has been found their,
Radiant light came to touch all hearts,
To warm us with wise beauty rich.

Gestate bright stars - truth - bursting with might,
Which scatter sparks through dormant minds,
In which creation unfold apace,
Truth in which free mind take flight.

I speak of Buddha, eastern sage,
Neath idol skin, words speak beyond age,
Through whence the cosmic passion rage.

Happy were he, content that,
Minds worlds evolve in a state of flux,
Illusion of order retired to mind's attic box.
Megan Sherman Mar 2018
Sorrows deep hath haunted you
Thy summer hath been defiled
Time hath turned thy heart to blue
Tears triumph, vanquish smile

'Neath brave and courageous facade
A tender heart beat cowed and scared
Time hath turned that soul's abade
To blue, to grey, from rosy red

Dear the one who braved time's burn
Dearest, deem you ever true
But I will keep as time doth turn
Your heart from red, to blue
Megan Sherman Jul 2018
This fugue of despair that haunt my brain,
In visions, voices, swamp me in disdain,
Till all my hope is gone, happiness spent,
That packed its bags, made for the door, and went,
Captive to the dread of visions I,
Feel as if devil has toppled my sky,
These errors, offspring of my haunted head,
Are from the realm of Hell born, reared and bred,
At my battle my strength was not staunch,
As parasites of voices bleed my haunch,
As through paranoia and delusion trudge,
As I captive before visions, Devil the judge,
I, cast in chains of voices, chase for light,
The facades of the world? Sick of the sight!
Yet being strong in essence, I fierce fought,
For knowledge more than what the visions taught,
I rubbed my eyes, and stared them deep, and found,
That they had no real Form, and have no ground,
Visages or mirages that I saw,
And magnifying them, I spot the flaw,
I stretch out to Heaven, take me away,
From Hell, as I go soaring through clear day,
A journey start on trembling, frightened feet,
To Truth, and Bliss, that I, relieved, do meet,
Not oceans fathomless could quench the thirst,
To be hurled back to glory, fathomed first,
When I was well, had sovereignty of mind,
But then the decoys of delusion find,
In the array of falsities that plague,
And take away one's power, vision gauge
Plunge one in to things that art not real,
But to the Lord of Heaven, my appeal,
And for my destiny? It be to soar,
Through real eternity, forever more.
Megan Sherman May 2017
I immerse my Heart in meditation,
Gestating deep unencumbered by thought,
To feel it pulsing divine vibrations,
Is a skill that can be learned not taught,
The purity of thought is an immaculate creation,
A mystery of the world
In seeds of thought the future in gestation,
In them the path unfurls
For all she gives, my appreciation,
In my heart affection swirls,
Soothing my past's laceration,
Begetting future's pearls.
Megan Sherman May 2017
Makes Truth known,
Unto Heart,
Each word strikes,
Like magic dart,
Going silently,
With tender treads,
Weaving golden,
Magic threads,
That unite all souls,
And embed in them
A gentle flame,
Which marks the soul,
And gives it,
Golden frame.
Megan Sherman Aug 2017
My roots consist in freedom
Not in tyrants whim
Only a true warrior can lead them
Righteous cherubim
Indigenous to all the earth
Going ever softly, ever soft
Warming my heart the breadth of its girth
By loves light borne aloft
Megan Sherman Feb 2021
Ganesh, my Lord, enchanting child

The wisdom that is his is ours

For Love he wakes me to go wild

To live in Heaven's eternal hour

He makes me start the world again

And redeem the ancient lore

A magical and sublime friend

His virtues keen and sure
Megan Sherman Sep 2017
Plant flowers in the garden of my heart,
Make it happy smile and love impart,
Peace in which to hide, passion gestate,
Have me lust for life insatiate,
Sew the seeds throw bread for the birds,
Bring the people dancing in their herds,
To party raucous with the birds and bees,
The flowers in their rosy revelry,
You a seemly sight with watering tin,
Nurturing the light of life within,
The wild, wanton garden of my heart,
Make it happy smile and love impart.
Megan Sherman Aug 2017
"Flowers" are the gestation
Of Earth's diadem
At noon, a sight on which to swoon,
Posed atop a stem
"Flowers" are the Beauties
That snare, bewitch, beguile
They have no airs or graces
No need for face or style
"Flowers" are the message
Of healing that heaven send
Their sublime beauty soft
I dare not forfend
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