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Megan Sherman Sep 2017
As always light is love then it is you,
As always wives love men then our love true,
As always rainbows tower over rain,
We destined to shine, our worries slain,
I cherish thee devoted to thy grin,
Suffice to make hearts throb, inspire sin,
My heart yearns such that fires couldn't rage,
As hard as her, betrothed for an age,
Your heart is such I could not mimic it,
Indulge its flights of fancy or its flits,
So while we are, let us to love obey,
So when we aren't, we live yet everyday
Megan Sherman Dec 2016
As if there's no tomorrow
I race in to the day
Yielding maximal joy
As the moments ebb away

As if the world is ending
And Armageddon begun
I frolic like a faerie
And pledge myself to Fun

As if this moment were the last
I yield to eternal delight
And behold the passion in loved ones
Blazing, burnished bright
Megan Sherman Oct 2018
As I meet the man, the legend infamous
And will this then (I thought) be true epiphany of him?
And so when the illusion is shorn is he still wrought bright?
(As if one alone could understand his Heart's motives,
So big a book to read, its story,
Fathoms deep in joy such as eludes even the Gods,
Who themselves know not the Beauty of their sketch.)
Megan Sherman Nov 2020
A soul is born in Heaven
Craft in celestial fires
Adorned with faith and Beauty
Suffice to be sung to lyres
Megan Sherman Feb 2017
As passion yields to memory, Heart's magic dies
Sullied by relentless attrition of time
As passion yields, out fierce feelings fly
Mind bereft of the profound, sublime
Enchanted no more the spirit rues
The famished soul quails in anxiety
Losing the lustre of Love's iridescent hues
It succumbs to wanton apoplexy
Betwixt the Loves the poet searches
Refining her enchanting snare
Holding high truth's torches
For power dwells in there
       I think I died, Love, I think I died
       When out of sight you, disdainful, glide
Megan Sherman Feb 2021
A spirited love of Democracy is

The sublime virtue, for such a passion

Unites the Heart and society, in divine liaison

In which humanity's heavenly destiny fruitions with ease

Love wakes the demos and gives it wings

Its flight majestic, salute by God

The democracy of the angel squad

A guide for the soul of man, and Heaven to Earth brings

To Liberty, the love of which I speak sings

Fierce rebellion against tyranny abloom

For Freedom, most cherishable of things

Time demands liberation of the soul

From the chains of servitude that suppress it

And repress the communion of one with all
Megan Sherman Feb 2018
My angel, boy lama, eviscerated of strength, my funny Valentine
Bang bang the shots, woke the cots, in which babes cry as he wilts and rots,
Hidden had been the one with heart regressed and barbed in brine,
Make fetid feast of humanity like one of hell's rats,
But immortality consists in manifestation of loves lights deed
In the here and now and so as we to future go dreaming, rocking to and fro
Your Peace become others' and world with fresh dreams bleed
You tower over time's rains like celestial rainbow
Megan Sherman Feb 2018
Visceral energies of primordial fire,
Doth through cosmic sun aspire,
To inspire worship of the flame,
Givers of life, we are the same,
But Moon distinct by subtlety,
Pearl in undulating, seismic sea,
Of God, defiled by treads,
And bad flags salute by tyrant's heads.
Megan Sherman Feb 2017
As you went, dear, as you went
My heart became a little lost
I didn't realise Love had cost
But now it haunts me as if Ghost
As you went, dear, as you went

As you went, dear, as you went
I danced alone in sullied mood
You inspired Love, yet feelings crude
Upon my peace, you intrude
As you went, dear, as you went

As you went, dear, as you went
There was a dirge, in my brain
A mad and melancholy refrain
I lust and long for Love again
As you went, dear, as you went
Megan Sherman Feb 2018

All summer Passion's blossom blooms.
At noon, a sight, on which to swoon
And stir with luscious light apace.
Hearts churn in motion bright with Grace!
Feel them bud. Their Love applaud.
For gratitude we can afford.

Forever and a day I strove,
These hands be comely to behove,
Psalms and paeans, Devotions true,
In which the cosmic fires brew,
Divinest music, Passion's rubric,
With Love's logic and Life's magic.

A life I gave to craft my art,
That it world's beauty could impart,
And speak its grandeur--heavenly bliss,
To see the sunshine as a kiss,
There joy as this? Be not remiss,
To share the triumph Heaven has.
Megan Sherman Feb 2017
At Noon I went out to see the theatrics of nature
Like a beau blooming babe, she swelled and shone
I was utterly enchanted by the mezmerizing creature
Ascended to her resplendent throne

Can I ask, earthly mistress, to feel thy touch?
To sense the smooth of your hands 'gainst my skin
It would charm me, and I'd cherish it very much
Were I to know something of Earth as kin

Embrace my libations at thy earnest altar
And drench me in your ancient blisses
In your enveloping care I never faltar
That's why I crave your tender kisses
Megan Sherman Aug 2017
Real - is Fantasy
Dreams - fathom - the True
Fact - is Poesy -
Science - a Religion - too
Rainbow hues - one light
Touch - indelible
Peace - sublime theatrics
Like Chinese fireworks
Megan Sherman Feb 2017
I'm at your side, Love, I'm at your side
My Heart is begging for your attention
Why should seeking that be a thing of contention?
To you my truest words abide
I'm at your side, Love, I'm at your side

I'm at your side, Love, I'm at your side
I'm tired of trapsing the labyrinth
And exalting you on passion's plinth
I wish I could go, retreat and hide
But I'm at your side, Love, I'm at your side

I'm at your side, Love, I'm at your side
There's nothing left for me to say
I wish that I could have my way
But I'll be cynic expecting love to, away, glide
When I'm at your side, Love, at your side
Megan Sherman Aug 2021
A Universe inside my mind
Arose when angels spoke
The kindest, purest spirits
Us bond with golden yoke

A sunshine in my stricken breast
Emerged when gleefully we flew
Throughout all creation
For which my spirit grew
Megan Sherman Oct 2018
Cruel times prevail, the hand of doom disdains,
The mouths of mothers, fathers and their child,
Bread and Peace for all a distant dream,
The glory of the worker's dream defiled,
By strutting Kings and tyrants of blue blood,
Prussian blue, opposed to Russian red,
The revolution, world yet ours to win,
The dream from which the honest battle bled,
Marx's words shine bright and cast a light,
Upon path of destiny, worker's delight,
A flame to lead us from beleaguered night,
Of Capital, its horrors and its fright,
We must take path of struggle, justice, toil,
The quest for righteousness it does embroil,
All human hearts in sweet, earnest endeavour,
Across the world's bright nations, sands and soils.
Megan Sherman May 2017
Aloft on divine zephyr,
A luscious little babe,
With elephantine head and lady's haunch,
Mind unknowable to sage,

She appeared from nowhere,
As if conjured from the dark,
But I knew, that if we flew,
Towards light we'd embark,

She didn't say a word,
She only ever winked and smiled,
But I knew in my heart I was one of her herd,
A carefree cosmic child,

After she winked she disappeared,
To beam to other faces,
That beautiful sweet elephant,
Who graces all Earth's places.
Megan Sherman Jun 2018
The break of summer bursts to life
In sweltering throng bees rumble and sing
Season’s clockwork turns on from spring
As sun’s ascent melts mortal strife
Below! A throng! Of people lean
And intervene upon the scene
As batchelor watches in thrall the sway of his wife

All Hearts and Souls stir in that midst
Of roses with the sunshine kissed
As life hath song: love, luscious supreme
Whose silence, felt, denudes Heart’s dream
But fever of life’s noon is here
For couple who evoke a tear
Their one Heart whole without a seam
Megan Sherman Aug 2017
A wit had wielded wanton words
To apply salve to my sullied spirit  
I knew in my heart I was one of your herd
Your heart of exquisite merit

Your virtue is a perceptive mind
To righteous path devote
My demon slain to free cloud nine
From which my other demons smote

No conspirator unquestioned
In a raucous and righteous quest
The world revealed not seen as planned
Intention manifest
Megan Sherman May 2017
A world of splendour led the heart,
Into enchanted climes,
Whose magnificence is radiant,
Surpasses Shakespeare's rhymes,
If trespasser the Peace intrude,
Or walls begin to show,
The sun that's setting in the West,
Will lose immortal glow.
Megan Sherman Jun 2018
A year! - My head sunk beneath
Horizon which conceals the hell
Drags its prey along by teeth
Around, around the soul’s grim cell
An eternal year these torturous ways
Which make me see, sense, hear the soul
Of deathly fear, that reaper strays
To maim innocence with hot claws foul
My hunted heart, my shredded mind
Could never last the trials of fires
In which grim Lord in evil refined
Sets to torture and never tires
That empty, putrid and bitter eye
From whence the pits of torture surveyed
Roves its sights upon me as I
Relinquish hope for which I’d prayed
Megan Sherman Feb 2017
I am enraptured in blisses too divine to vocalise
When I am there, I feel the spark of the world
Which far outweighs any material prize
In my heart, adoration and affection swirls

Let me dwell in the imperceptible, beyond the well worn track
In thickets wild, unkempt and overgrown
And for communing with bliss, let me get the knack
Revealing multitudes of visions unknown

World is waking to go wild upon the call of Love
Love is magnificent, manifest and plural as galaxies
Those miracles written on the sky above
That envelop us in the Universal majesty
Megan Sherman Sep 2017
Prithee tell me, O babe, of Love,
Of wonders that you see,
Veritable, a treasure trove?
Endless, as deepening sea?

Thine life as golden alms beget,
To us from all time,
Doth the pain of past abet,
Immortal in a rhyme,

Thy fearsome eyes blaze strong as sun,
I enrapt in view,
Like a leopard leap and run,
Spots an unusual hue,

How should I speak but true to thee,
Mistress of my passion,
Kindling my joy and glee,
Love, exquisite action.
Megan Sherman Mar 2017
Atop the tor with ancient horn
Blows bardic spirit newly born
With magic emblazoned on their tongue
A descant begging to be sung
Through the saccharine morn

This is the song. The babes rejoice
To hear the magical ludic voice
They sway, and clap, and swing their heads
As bard goes round them with gentle treads

The music paints their passion red
Alight! For cosmic sense is said
The flame of love be theirs to behold
A treasure that can't be bartered, sold
That brings life back to the dead
Megan Sherman Mar 2017
Serenading over cosmic planes
The angels sing their spellbinding refrains
The philharmonics of the universe
Doth banish wicked, evil curse
That keep the spirit sullied, stained

Their joy is pure, their world is good
They are the guardians of the celestial neighbourhood
Their vibrations are rarely understood
For the people's eyes hide under hood

But the light and truth will unashamedly flood
To Earth, trickling vivid as blood
There is nothing left for Satan's men
We will begin the world again
In service of the greater good
Megan Sherman Feb 2017
Midst wizened trees the ancient word
Blows through ears that strive to have heard
The magic medley of the land
The stirring Spring gestates her garland
Dribbling music to the bards

We are the bards. Long time ago
We dwelled and swelled in Nature's glow
We lived, felt Love, but now we go
Searching for rainbow, to and fro

Our path takes us high and low
To truth, which raptures us in throe
The torch of truth be ours to hold
In streams of dreams and fires of gold
Sat brooding in desire and woe
Megan Sherman Nov 2016
I speak of times when love was strong
And I was faithful, although wrong
I lived in thoughts that fractured me
And made it known, albeit angrily

But my deepest thoughts I could not speak
And that was what had made me bleak
Like damsels and the moon I’d weep
And then I’d only wake to sleep

But deciduous, I shed my leaves
And at the loom of my life I weave
I have become a babe anew
And I wake to watch the world in bloom
Megan Sherman Mar 2017
Upon this wizened, ancient lyre
I'll sing the ballad of the Roses, till I tire
Each one of them a blessing true
Working diligently for the life of every one of you
A true Rose is a beating heart
In which lust for justice bubbles, brews

In Parliament, they call them Labour
But a Rose is anybody whose heart harbours
A love of life and all it's creatures
Considering the workers to be teachers
Imparting the wisdom of their experience
Marx, the most exquisite of their preachers

His words shine bright and cast a light
Upon the path of destiny, he predicts workers delight
But not before the struggle, toil
The quest for righteousness embroils
All human hearts in earnest endeavour
Across the worlds sands and soils

O rustic Roses, I worship and adore you
If you have time, allow me to implore you
To see yourselves the way I see
Creatures of brilliance and majesty
Who devote themselves to the truest fight
For workers wage and workers right
Long may your light shine at me
Megan Sherman Aug 2017
A battle of life that crept up coy, by stealth,
Strove to banish spirits to bad health,
A deception to corrode devotion to the divine,
With myth that transcend, corrupt the arch of time,
Gods we were, we are, will be
Nothing to fear, all one God, free
Under the sun and the Bodhi tree
Our hearts steeped in Love and amity,
But lies sullied the self, deceive its worth,
But Love will be found even in Loves dearth,
Her wisdom deeper than the Earth,
Warming my heart the breadth of its girth,
The devil sent to consciousness ****,
I'll never be a devils shill,
But choose to live by wit and will,
Condemn their lies with questing quill,
It strikes me we should be hopeful,
For the peoples hearts are forever lustful,
For future unencumbered by cruel dictum,
Freedoms reality triumphs over tyrants fictions.
Megan Sherman Nov 2016
The heart is the muscle of prayer
It is enigmatic, rare
Swings to a rhythm which moves like speak
In love it dances like a freak
Megan Sherman Aug 2017
Beatitude - thou art -
Accentuated Grace -
Doth gift of Heaven impart -
Fine art - frame thy face -
Megan Sherman May 2017
Beautiful Angel with eyes so bright,
Thou dost kindle my immortal delight,
Lifting me out of ocean blue,
When in regret I lived, in rue,
With long flowing hair and aura divine,
Thou art a vision of sentience sublime,
Glowering big in an aura of gold,
A mesmerising Beauty which to behold.
Megan Sherman Nov 2016
A waxing moon adorned by light
Your soul is a beacon burning bright
Making the fathoms of sky come alive
Such beauty couldn’t be contrived
Thou art full of wit and art
Which stokes a blossom in my heart
We fathom heaven and soar angelic
Your soul, my friend, the prizest relic
Megan Sherman Nov 2016
The Beast slants in to the girl in yellow
Her brown eyes smile, as wide as her lips
With candles the light of the hall burns mellow
In dappled light Beast leads Belle by the hips

Across the whole majestic hall
The couples glide and slide like water;
The burnished flicker on the candle-light is tall
In its background, a million shadows saunter

Gold-gilded hands in spiralling dance
Like Catherine Wheels spinning on parade
The guests whirl in their waltzy trance
As billowing notes of the music cascade

Free at last, Beast recites his verse
It banishes the witches’ curse
Megan Sherman Aug 2017
Beauty is the enigma -
That gaily flutters by -
On bonny stained glass wing -
Past discriminating eye -
Come slowly hither butterfly-
And sit upon my palm -
Masterpiece of nature -
Enamoured of thy charm -
Wings like stained glass panels -
Colour vivid and supreme -
Uniquely painted, sweetly tainted -
With pallet got from dream -
Oh if I could dwell like you -
Calm in chrysalis -
I'd take nascent flight upon my wings -
And dance in earthen bliss -
Megan Sherman Feb 2017
O sunshine, beauty of the day
Who inspires worship of the ray
That nourishes the famished earth
Warms the breadth of my heart's girth
Goddess, from my mind erase
The burns I've earned from Lovers' blaze

Hast thou ever heard lament
Like this, of torture and torment
I yearn for Suns irascible smile
To be enamoured of her warmth and wiles
To fathom love and soar divine
And in fulsome heat be intertwined

Should thou abdicate from sky
I would tremble, wither and cry
A guardian, attesting to the care
Of heaven, you're proof it's there
A presence that commands the flowers
And gives light to lovelorn hours

What passion cannibalised my mind
What of me is there left to find
What did my artful love achieve
No success for my souls repreive
Divinest light, you are the guide
To you, and only you, I'm bride
Megan Sherman May 2017
Because I could dare to believe,
The angel Lennon stooped for me,
The contact between two kindred souls,
And eternity,

We quickly flew - he knew not slow,
And I had climbed his wings,
With passion and with ardour,
Most cherishable of things,

We passed the earthen angels bright,
Blake, Buddha and Ganesha,
We passed them diligently working,
With Love's light enmeshed,

And then, upon a lightbeam,
We met Angels of the sky,
Chasing light that follows,
Where those bonny Angels fly,

We paused before a God that seemed,
Like Shiva, bright, supreme,
Painted like the cosmos,
With pallet got from dream,

And then to cosmic churning,
To hear divinest truths,
The music madly burning,
With beauty rare, forsooth,

Since then - I am an angel too
Guardian of the South,
Feels good to me that I strove to fly,
Right back in to spiritual health.
Megan Sherman Apr 2017
I give my heart to Earth, to compassionate creatures,
Beat to beat, skip to skip, it's theirs,
My heart plays a riot most illustrious, tis begging to be heard,
For Earth inspires me to form an earnest L word,
Beat to beat, skip to skip, it's theirs.

Whenever I am lost in my head away from Earth it's pain,
So I hurl my heart at her with joy,
Immerse my Self under the cosmic canopy,
That mystical frontier, beneath which we can,
Comprehend it's truths so strange and queer.
Megan Sherman Aug 2021
Beguiled? By whom am I beguiled?
Not Kings; for they are mean
The arbiters of irrational wars
Their lust for blood is keen

By rebels? Yes, they have my Heart
I fear their end, demise
At hands of an immoral state
Whose corruption deep as skies
Megan Sherman Apr 2017
Beleaguered with thee I haste me to sleep,
The sweet kingdom wherein I find my deepest bliss,
But then doth start a count of sheep,
Interrupted by bonny bait of your elusive kiss;
For that coy pleasure I would give treasures, alms,
Or a multitude of illustrious verses,
Present to you with Lover's palms,
Still you blight my day with cruelty, curses.
O Lord, save my soul from this dankest cage,
So I should not be a captive of unfruitful Loves,
So I should enjoy my youth and age,
In flight, like one of Peace's turtle doves.
In Love, alive, in Love's dearth, dead,
I curse the Beauty who doth command my head.
Megan Sherman Feb 2017
With ears attuned I am beloved of your babble
The blisses numinous, transcending time
Sings loud and clear above the rabble
The charm in to my heart chimes
Although I know you have constructed an image
Of me in your mind, rather thoughtlessly
I have no suasion to let you know it's a mirage
So I'll let you wallow in that falsity
You think you know what I think I am
Presumptuous and rude
I ask to get off passion's tram
Wondering why I ever brewed
    I go looking, for other babble
    Disillusioned amongst the rabble
Megan Sherman Apr 2017
Be now peaceful and singing and dancing,
To whom do we owe the pleasure of being guide by a divinely wrought star?
Spread thy arms and be akimbo to the blessings.

Blessings brood where the mother sews her seed,
And where the troubador begets interlude on Love's truth,
Blessings rain in streams of dreams,
I'm covered in the light of their aura,
Lent from an endowed heaven so a haunted Earth can see.

Let there be light!
His first exclamation. The only rule correctly accredited to him and to which I will obey.
In lore a Hebrew King, in reality, a world of light and love he is,
In all of us.

Emerge from thy darkness and sing for sadhana,
Only happiness can manifest,
And mirth, and jest.
Megan Sherman Oct 2017
It's time to get drunk on the heady lilt of spring
The elements in ecstacy, seduction of senses
Dreamy pastels, scattered soft and burnished
Bright like passion, Eostre ascendant
Irresistible insurrection of berries bloom like babies in the bushes
Alms at the altar of the goddesses
Purifying time's font
                         Way of the well worn track
Unencumbered by regimes
The berry blossom dances oblique in dappled shade
Half-shying from the day, and yet holds its neck
Under sun to honour publicly
A frolic that warms half of the year
Megan Sherman Feb 2021
Besides my dreams
My spirit grows
Besides my dreams
The cosmos flows
Imagination suffice
To nourish dreams
That come on a beam
In subtle streams
The liquor of the moment churns
An intoxication for which I yearn
The world has no right my dreams to spurn
A blessed way my dreams discern
I shall indulge my nascent fantasies,
Decorate reality with contagious heresies
Besides my dreams
My soul regaled
Besides my dreams
I am not failed
Megan Sherman Feb 2017
Rapt in your eyes, the fever of the moment burns
Stoking ripples of magic in the deeps of my heart
Intoxicated on the liquor of the moment, it churns
The majestic truth of Love it diligently imparts

In fires of red, your spirit's beacon beckons me
Cascading bright with mad sparks of bliss
In its flame I am warmed, made wild and free
Touched and blessed for its passionate kiss

With ardour, be the blossom to my Spring
And beautify my soul's barren plains
We'll warm it with Love's carolling
That mutual refrain
Megan Sherman Aug 2017
Be treading light - ever lightly -
Going soft - with magic treads -
Uniting souls invisibly -
Weaving golden, magic threads
Imparting peaceful music softly -
Upon all hearing heads -
Angels flair - for exquisite blare -
Is art from which divinity doth stare -
Megan Sherman Aug 2017
Bethrothed? For whom am I bethrothed?
Not King, for vainglory,
That wanton sin, consists within,
Leviathan not fact but story -

To man? '''Tis not an oddity -
To be borne aloft on passions hearse -
They say it most of Fame but I -
Think Love for man is bigger curse -

To woman? Is she there?
Compassion incarnate,
With her inexhaustible Love,
We will skip insatiate.
Megan Sherman Nov 2016
"Faith" is suffice for comfort
If the abyss encroaches on thee
But only the Surgeon prevails
Making blind eyes see

"Faith" deceives and says the pivot
Of the universe is the human race
When the crux of our existence
Is lost somewhere in outer space

"Faith" is impotent next to fact
When Reason is apace
But ignorance defends itself
For fear of losing face

"Faith" just means a belief
Held uncritical, unthinkingly
But I have become a sceptic
Oh Science, inform me
Megan Sherman Oct 2017
Peace in life living; people the all imagine
Grove of gold, I walk softly to
Be strength to hide in as fierce rain
See how we go dreaming rocking to and fro
Megan Sherman Jun 2018
Gold knowledge shames illusion where it preys
Dead counterfeit perspectives on the truth
Cast gray against truth’s beauty rare forsooth
Shadows of night to the lush of day
The sages in their sweet, sanguine pursuit
The scholars yearning for the quench of sun
The gurus in whom cosmic fires run
All in their quest the truth salute
Truth’s dawn refracts the visions hidden by
The barricades, bastilles and brigadiers
Who stealthy, quick encroach upon the sky
Hath visage of a god eclipse sun for years
Yet nature’s crown cast at long last her ray
Which inspire worship of the day
Megan Sherman Dec 2016
Beyond the reach of Yesterday
Are Futures subtly aligning
Untethered from the Errors
Of the past; they're undefining

As Yesterday yields to Tomorrow
We acquire fond Memories
Time testifies to all that's told
In Myth and Prophecy

A plethora of possibilities
Consists in Time's manifestation
The Future is abundant
We labour at its Creation
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