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Megan Sherman Feb 2021
The Rainbow is a liquor strong

Inebriate of it am I

The Rainbow belts out seven songs

To serenade the lonely sky

That honeyed bow, ablaze, alight

Wends through sky, celestial arc

Dominates the air with majestic sight

Imbued by bright and cosmic spark

Blooms into view when sun meets showers

A disc of cosmic joy

Imbued with deep and magic powers

That enchant the day
Megan Sherman Feb 2021
A Ruby in the Sky

To crown Heaven and Earth

Significant to heathens

Gives life the breadth of world's girth

Within her, fiercest fire

How many worship her

And salute her Beauty bright

A treasure rare and pure
Megan Sherman Feb 2021
"Divinity" is what we feel-
Communion - between God - and Heart
Love - eclipse - the sorrow
Divinity - God's spirit's Art
Divinity is what we see
In Nature - majestic altar
And testament - to harmony
Divinity - as pure as water
Divinity is what we hear
As birds salute the noon
Their soft crescendo crowning Heaven
Divinity is Nature's boon
Divinity is what we know
Before - ever - we are taught
Instinct - surpass - Reason
Divinity is mutual rapport
Divinity is where all souls reside
Bright citadel - of creator's Love
Eclipses - treasures - of the Earth
That museums have
Divinity is a state of mind
Lucid - suffused with light
Enamored of - soul of God
In its inimitable flight
Megan Sherman Feb 2021
Besides my dreams
My spirit grows
Besides my dreams
The cosmos flows
Imagination suffice
To nourish dreams
That come on a beam
In subtle streams
The liquor of the moment churns
An intoxication for which I yearn
The world has no right my dreams to spurn
A blessed way my dreams discern
I shall indulge my nascent fantasies,
Decorate reality with contagious heresies
Besides my dreams
My soul regaled
Besides my dreams
I am not failed
Megan Sherman Feb 2021
My spirit fights for freedom
For all humanity
For Earth is tyrant's kingdom
A morally bankrupt fraternity

I've pondered revolution
And will to see it come
Mass power is the solution
That will bring democracy home

Rebellion is felt not taught
'Tis the province of virtue
Disobedience must tyrant fight
To redeem what's right and true

When rebellion comes, the tyrant fears
The downfall of his master plan
A baron's endgame taints our years
Derived from when society began

In possessive pursuit of power
The tyrant jails the democrats
Incarcerated for an immortal hour
By preening, imperial rats

But solidarity transcends jails
Their perimeters fragile, weak
And public enlightenment fast corrects
The tyrants' plethora of mistakes

Socialism is the sublime destiny
Heaven dare not forfend
It oft begins in mutiny
The working class a loyal friend

A hallowed thing, October
Into a new horizon
Its art suffice to save the soul
From devil's liasion
Megan Sherman Feb 2021
Visions of infinity
Enfold me and my receptive mind
I am immortal in eternity
All time lucid and refined

As all the heavens reveal themselves
And being rapt in awe
I embrace the higher realms
And voyage through perceptions' door

And when I flew through creation
Upon my guardian angel's wings
My mind soared in elation
As celestial beings in worship sing

Infinity thwart the transient
Adorned by immortal forms
Beneath the giant, divine tent
Of Heaven's sky, it is not torn

Of cosmos I am an initiate
It heavenly couture
To witness creation is my fate
A vision rare and pure
Megan Sherman Feb 2021
I felt a spark inside my Heart
The jolt, ecstatic surge
Did my repressed passion start
Dare I satisfy Love's urge?

Spark violate the stupor
Begun in heartache past
I do not dwell there anymore
To cherish you I must

Electricity's commute
From body to the brain
Gives you a loyal salute
As passion cascades, rains

Rare creature tell me, if you feel
As ardently as I
My feelings suffice to be sung
In the Poet's cry

'Twas in our destiny to meet
Draw nearer, till we kiss
I walk now on much surer feet
That cleave a path to bliss
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