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Megan Sherman Sep 2020
Once I flew on angels' wings
And fathomed Heaven's sky
The stars sung out and beckoned me
To soar with them on high
I leapt at the horizon
Beat wings against the moon
Touched bonny rainbow on and on
Through which fierce fires bloom
Bells of God rung out my name
Inviting me to be
A guest upon those mystic climes
In divine revelry
Megan Sherman Sep 2020
My Heart knows Love, a heaven
Tis morning of the soul
Ascending to Eternity
The realm that God patrols

I dance upon the stars
That, soft, spell out your name
My Heart knows Love, a heaven
I dwell in eternal flame
Megan Sherman Sep 2020
An angel called my name
He spoke with kindest tongue
He took me up upon his wings
And flying, we were one

And then, we soar to heaven
From Earth, a lesser realm
And the splendour of it was so rich
My soul was overwhelmed

We glanced upon archangels
They danced upon the sky
We were chasing light that follows
Where those bonny angels fly
Like one in love, enamoured,
We spoke with Shiva, pure
And he beget his wisdom
Irresistible to adore

Eternity was ours
The moment filled with bliss
And I thought unto myself
Is there a joy as this?
Megan Sherman Sep 2020
O bards, beget your wisdom, tell it pure
My appetite for it is wild, wants more
What divinations have thee pray to tell
With artful voice your message you tell well
The truth of other worlds you sweet convey
And to the law of Peace you do obey
The knowledge of God is yours, the mysteries
That transcend both time and history

O friend of modern age, of your request
To beget the knowledge with which I am blessed
I open up my arms, welcome you in
To honour thee I happy, joyful sing
The democracy of knowledge beckons me
To share the truth of all I sense and see
I hope the truth regales you, feeds thy mind
Superior truth is Love, activity refined

O friend, I thank thee for thy correspondence
And note your song has Love flow in its cadence
We need your wisdom in the modern age
A time when lies of shill outnumber sage
Nature stands attacked, her knowledge ******
Exactly as the monarchs have cruel planned
The trees must speak to impoverished modern ears
O tell me all the wisdom of your years


The trees salute your wisdom, as do I
In Nature we may find a superior sky
The monarchs? They be but exalted fools
You would do well to disobey their rules
The true lord is Ganesh, his love is sure
That cherub irresistible to adore
I tell thee, be devoted to his form
And of illusions your vision shall be shorn

When present times be cold and dark as these
And trouble be as fathoms deep as seas
We could do with the wisdom of Ganesh
But from his truth the modern folk digress
They seek for glory in material things
They see an angel and, ignorant, clip his wings
It makes a sage remorseful, these cruel times
O friend, write back, with your superior rhymes

The modern folk, you're right, are led astray
By status, wealth, I share that pain, dismay
But redemption is a possibility
If souls will to think and eyes to see
Our bond with universe is there, remains
When nourished, God's wisdom rains
I end this message with a soft salute
May knowledge bless your heart, take root
Megan Sherman Sep 2020
Alas, my tortured brain consume itself
And I am left in poor and bitter health
Voices, visions cloud beleaguered mind
The nature of them sorry and unkind
Captive to the dread of them I cry
As the beauty of life surpasses me, goes by
I pray for more than what they do impart
For they diminish and poison my heavy heart
Megan Sherman Aug 2020
As I loved, dear, as I loved
My soul was set alight, ablaze
I wandered oft in lovers daze
Love's marvel did my mind amaze
As I loved, dear, as I loved

As I loved, dear, as I loved
I walked beneath a Lover's sun
Through which the cosmic fires run
And in which we are one
As I loved, dear, as I loved
Megan Sherman Jul 2020
When my Heart was young, it weathered pain
Matched by the depression in my brain
My Loves did perish in their infancy
I the lost, beleaguered devotee
In my madness most undignified
And to madness only I was bride
Bad episode did ail me and oppress
I helpless for the reign of my distress

But time did ease my woe, apply a salve
And my troubles diminished by half
And now my Heart walks on more pleasant land
My delight my pain doth countermand
And now I waltz upon a freer sky
And the depression I proud defy
And once more in Love I do consist
My young pure Heart is by the Heaven's kissed
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