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 Nov 2013 Megan
Lame Poet
"I just wish you could be more understanding."
"Where would you like to go, your highness?"
"I feel very crazy right now."
"I feel like such a *****."
"I have things you have told me repeating in my head."
"I'm sure your turkey tasted delicious and I'm sure the Christmas tree is beautiful."
"She doesn't want to speak to me?"
"I don't know, I have things to do; I'm not just sitting around."
"Nothing, I love you."
"It's not that easy."
"I will."
"I have to call him eventually."

 Nov 2013 Megan
Jason Walsh
So this is weird
I feel weird
I remember this feeling
I told myself I would never again
Why do I feel this

Because I need stimulation
No *******
No you
No you
Yeah that's what I thought
I know...
You're lonely you know it
I know...
Give in
I know...
Make bad decisions
But I don't want to...
*But I do...
 Nov 2013 Megan
Krusty Aranda
Whenever I think of her
I remember the good times.
The laughs and love we used to share.
The passion in my rhymes.

Whenever I think of her
I remember how we talked.
The long hours on the telephone
would never seem enough.

Whenever I think of her
I think of her blue eyes.
The purity of her perfect smile.
Her lips would tell no lies.

Whenever I think of her
I remember all the pain.
The despicable actions that she made.
The hope she gave me in vain.

Whenever I think of her
I remember how I changed.
She made me be a better man
by breaking what she had made.
 Nov 2013 Megan
pearly smile
 Nov 2013 Megan
it's almost funny how you can control your own thoughts and your own feelings. it's almost funny that it was this easy. but i dont think about this as often anymore because i am so happy. not ecstatic not elated. just happy. i am not eternally sad or mad or frustrated. just happy. i have not bathed myself in ***** water for weeks now and i have used soap in all the right places and made sure my taste buds were scrubbed. i feed myself with respect and i cuddle myself with people who make me laugh so hard i **** myself and they are the ones who make me think how i ever got bad. i reevaluate the things i say i regret doing, and now i do not regret doing or saying or feeling any of those things. they happened for a reason and now i am here. just happy.
 Nov 2013 Megan
Nick M
 Nov 2013 Megan
Nick M
I see your smile and for a moment it's like I know every thing is going to be alright
I love everything about you, all your mannerisms
When I tell you that you're beautiful and you smile, you look down
I tell you how cute your smile is and you cover it with your hand and let out a quiet giggle
In response telling me to stop
I can just look at her, just look into her eyes
My thoughts just go blank
and I hate thinking
I love how you try to look good for me
and I love that you don't have to try
Because I've seen you at your so-called worst
and there's nothing remotely bad about it
My day revolves around waiting to talk to you
It's like I'm obsessed
I am, I guess
I feel creepy but I don't care anymore honestly
I don't care because I want happiness
and she gives me it
 Nov 2013 Megan
Nick M
 Nov 2013 Megan
Nick M
I know you all too well
I know that look in your eyes when there's something bothering you
Your voices changes, I can tell easily
I ask "What's the matter, darling"
You reply "Nothing" followed by a forced smile
Because you know that if you're sad I get sad
You want me to be happy
I love you for that
But I know there's something bothering you
It bothers me that you won't tell me
I just want to make you feel okay
I just want to help
 Nov 2013 Megan
 Nov 2013 Megan
When you are asked
What you look for
You say eyes
And a smile
And overall beauty
Like most of the guys

So my endless nights of studying
And attention I pay everyday
To further become a more intelligent being
And the positive thoughts I cram
Into my brain
To have a beautiful personalty
And the millions of words
I tie together to form
A meaningful poem
are nothing

So maybe thats why
We spend countless hours
Just finding what perfect shade
Of lipstick brings out our smile
And pointless times
Fixing our hair
And precious seconds
Trying to excentuate our eyes
And thousands of dollars
Of metal and wire
To straighten our smiles

and maybe thats why
I put down my books
And picked up the makeup

But I've slowly returned

To the books


Beauty without
Is like a masterpiece
On a napkin
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