you put it in me you took it away without warning you are never deprived of it you saw it in my eyes you didn't like how bright it was you bereft me of it
Count the doves in the 7pm pink,nostalgic sky Watch them blend in harmony with tricoloured flags As crips yellow leaves fall in the backdrop As faint chimes heard from a distant
Worship at dawn, spew venom at dusk Our brains preserved in jars, our hearts kept on shelves Hostages to pale white buildings are we not Decoding the labryinth that ends at the halo
A sip of whiskey to regain my conciousness A drop of blood to blind myself back again Anxiously search for the poisoned apple Disguising itself in the shine of its benevolence
The smell of incense and ashes embrace my body yet haunts my soul Amplifying my thoughts provoked by your blood and meat My picnic basket holds my fears and not your blessings At least for an evening, let me escape At least for a night, let me liberate myself from being your child.
over time my poetry rawer my feelings for you flakier be mine i wish to the heavens yet leave me alone i whisper to my atria as i count the last few days where nods and smiles matter i hope the viscerality of my feelings for you fades or stacked in a box at the back of my mind
The halo surrounding you converges to the centre of my heart; Every cell vibrating; Trying to unchoke my words; At least for a greeting
An inch forward; A lifetime's worth of courage; But its a cloudless sky, your eyes; The harmony of blue and white slowly vanishing; But they reappear, pixelating; With every step backwards.
my showers, stinging my meals, none my friends, equally as fcked up my mind, hollow my heart, beating my purpose, lost my scars, visceral my will, dead my sleep, awakening my dreams, comforting my reality, daunting my life, ending.
the torchlight is far beyond my reach clenching my jaw for mere crippling words clarity is for the unfortunate for those whose eyes melt ice
the deer locks its gaze onto mine humanising the brown ruins beside me am i fearful or divine if it only were my eyes whose death gave life to that flame
is loving the enemy treason if the patriot and traitor is one too many keys to too many doors but its dark the torchlight is far beyond my reach
throwing out structure for some raw emotions perhaps
In the mirror i look But not myself i see Countless windows and books Can never set me free
A parrot in the cage, a peacock in the wild Liberty in lock, conflict in freedom Turn back in time, a little while a child The mind is a script and its codes encrypt
Make it last but never vengeful The limit is the ground, standing on soil No water no air yet your glass if full Your thoughts to diffuse, your intent to dilute
My life has ended on a tingling note Yet my heart is beating, soul ascending Trumps your worth no jewel or crystal Precious is your clock, soon destroyed
Your gaze trapped me in a cell Shackled by the thoughts of you When you look away, I try to unlock my way into liberty Yet i remain there Glued by my own feet Because the gates give me comfort
In knots are my wires: Tangled, blocking my arteries: Darling to decide ask me not; If i choose blood or the complex;
Enter my labryinth with this code; Warn yourself, a gruesome path this is; Circling around and around, Never reaching the end; Because I snapped the wire.
every morning a reminder you're just a passing breeze/ a temporary tattoo/a coping mechanism every night a reality i live on the beach/ my heart stained with ink/ i don't need to cope
The abyss tempts me to enter it; Fear nothing it spoke ; No more wet cheeks, no more ruined mascara; My adrenaline leaped in with no clue of its depth.
yellow wildflowers from the creases of our brick fences match the dress you made me I've never worn them the patience enhances its beauty I will wear it one day I promise
red reminds me of what I wore when you kissed me, it mocks me to have knitted a blanket for two while the bed only fitted one the patience enhances its beauty I will warm myself one day I promise
white makes me surrender, not in the usual way it does, there are no angels dirt and blemishes find their way to be admired the patience enhances its beauty I will be good one day I promise
blue grew up with me, a lonely companion that stayed when you left bearing the throne's weight with its waves the patience enhances its beauty I will learn one day I promise.
A literal metaphor A stationary dancer A frozen river An agreement of rejections and denials
Love makes the world turn grey Love makes my arms turn red Chained to the musty bed Chained to the lifetime subscription of guilt
Lips quivering, legs shaking The humidity of the moment trapped in my mind Oxymorons in compliments, discomfort in moans The heat of your breath corroding my skin
The blue walls reflected in my water-filled eye Ripped pieces of thin black satin stacked in the corner of the room Dark, rough hands stripping away my consciousness Lighted candles in the dim chamber exposing my caramel skin
Is this a mid midsummer night's dream if this nightmare haunts me everytime the mirror stares at me? Is this a Disney fairytale if this tale drowns me in disgust?
This piece of paper rejects the kiss of my old pencil lead- Its blackness fading Its magic disappearing Its meaning slowly annihilating itself.
My muse has turned into a black screen; Embroidered with small white pills and Large doses of alcohol Radiating myself, this black hole in a galaxy with only stars remaining
In this vacuum, I ask myself only one thing Am I really a poet ? if the only thing I can write about now is how I have nothing to write about.
Have I reached the resonating point of my existence? For the downward trail I feel incoming Slowly pierces through this pink thing- that keeps me alive yet insane. Be the guest that I unwelcome Hammering down the bricks surrounding The same wires that hang around my neck, slowly snapping it- one tug at a time.
Born at the border Half of a fair, wheat-skinned goddess Half of a tall, dark mixture of strength and weakness
I ask myself if my favourite dessert is called paalkova or barfi I ask myself if the God I worship is the 10-headed ivory statue or the book filled with characters I don't understand
Born at the border Travelling between the north and south with a heavy heart, I ask myself: where is my home?
Amongst the colourful rituals Amongst the tribal rivalry I find the equilibrium of my existence The border is my home. I am the border.