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Humans manipulate
And in turn destroy ruin dictate.
In the name of progression
All is lost to simple regression.
Startled me, it did
With darting speed, a small arachnid
That leapt, then rested upon doorframe
Fascinated me all the same

I’d seen these as quite loathsome creatures
This one epitomizing their standard features:
Clinging and spindly, longly legged
Many eyes – quick death, they begged

So grabbing a tissue, I prepared for gore
Having slain these things many times before
I wadded the weapon tight in my grasp
When the spider did speak – and I did gasp

“You are, sir, a gentleman, I do so guess
And I will so die at your behest
But perhaps from me something you could learn
And my purpose t’would be duly earn’d.”

“Go on,” said I. “Say what you will.”
Disgusted by the thing I’d planned to ****
“My life is short,” the bug went on
“Spare me and I’ll still soon be gone.”

“That’s no reason to your company savor
Sounds like I’d be doing you a favor!”
But it stretched and displayed during my hesitation
All the merits of its creation

I watched with skeptical cocked eyebrow
The spider approach and grinning now
“You’ve already spent more with me this spell
Than any other bugs could have lived to tell.”

“All I wanted in this spider’s life
Is not strength, nor size, a man nor wife
But just to hear I’m thought of separately
From other spiders you’ve killed lately.”

“So, with our promise and the final ****
Bugs appearing, no longer will
And all creatures, then, that you will meet
You’ll happily choose to love and greet.”

The spider and I consummated this pact
And suffice to say, I committed the act –
Crushed the thing to death betwixt
Fore finger and thumb, with tissue affix’d

Since that spider, the abhorrent gnat
On the door frame never a spider sat
But since the spider’s vague prediction
I have new troubles, this strange affliction:

A hatred I had felt so sure
Simply isn’t any more
And I must tell everyone I see
Just how the spider baffles me
I intently watched the movie
You watched me
You're looking for signs of fear
or sadness
Your arm around my shoulder
My fingers grasping yours
I feel safe.
Rest your cheek soft on my head
on your chest,
Our bodies melt together
I'm not scared.
Time limit, this won’t last for long
Hold me tight
Hold me close
We both know
I can’t stay.
 Jun 2013 Meagan Herrera
If I were a bit braver
I'd pretend I was jumping when actually falling
And go to the bathroom at night, strolling.

And in that nice diary I'm afraid to start writing
I'd use a pen even when crying.

I would pack no sweaters for a summer vacation
And in the winter only one...or three for any situation.

And instead of "I'm fine"
I'd answer: "I wish I'd get a sign"
That everything would be all right
And I would someday finally feel light.

I would use staplers instead of clips
And teach myself to do front and back flips.

I would take a step and never look back
And live my life off of a sack.

If I were a bit braver
I would go climb a tree
And actually do something after counting to three.
A Wolf in sheeps clothing,
hiding out in the open,
focused on not becoming a prodigy, everybody riding me,
can they see through the holes of my sheets, that underneath im not clone, but in fact a beast?
hiding from society?

Sense that im different, my beliefs are not the same,
to stay away becomes a mission, considered to be insane
coming up I wanted to fit in, enjoyed being the same,
but i knew i could do more, so much more i haven't gained,

So bit by bit the cloth came off, and questions were asked,
and I starting letting go of reality,  imagination I grasped,
strayed away from the sheep, all they could say is at last,
walked away with my head down, tail touching the grass,

I look back on my past as i walk away,
foot prints disappearing in the ground as my future erases
the memories are now being replaced, but certain risks that i take,
and wonderfully creative faces,

No longer in a sheeps cloth, but woven in my own clothing,
Being different is now accepted, ideas being thrown in the open,
Its rare to be rejected when you do your own thing,
And when the moon finally shines, I feel no foolishness when I sing,

who i am finally doesnt contradict with what i can become, and fire has consumed anything that shows who i was before,

so i howl from enjoyment

                          -Wolfboy, Zino
The autumn leaves of many colors,
Trees on fire, as time changes,
A little tiger sits on the barren ground,
Watching, Waiting,
For the leaves to come down,
One leaf falls and the tiger jumps, catching with ease.
Another falls, landing softly on the ground,
Little tiger pounces, and squeals with glee.
Mama, not far off,
Watches her little child, as happy as can be,
The little tiger watches as more leaves come,
And cover her from all around.
Mama comes, and little tiger jumps,
Scaring mama, making little tiger smile, happily
Where I am is somewhere sacred
Where I am is somewhere familiar
Where I am is a place hidden
behind so many recognizable traps
and unmistakable signs
It's a place so predictable
A feeling so sour
So rotten
So old
And I know I'll remember it forever
because I'll always feel the pull

Words are spoken
that are meant to change the course.
Acts reenacted
over sentiments enforced

If love were all to life
then life is mine no more

If wisdom came with age
There'd be nothing left to *****

Offered is a body, emptied
of everything it felt,
Playing one final game
with the meager cards it has been dealt.

A pattern is forming wherein nothing lasts
a hole is growing and consuming all within its path
Whatever I was before
I feel slowly molded anew
Whatever I once hoped for
my dreams now are few
spinning around one desire
one shining, brief embrace -
that lead me to believe in something
that can never be replaced.

All I am is hate.
All I give is pain.
My heart is used to grieving
over nothing
ventured or gained

whatever words i speak
whatever emotions flood my soul
it's nothingness that fills the ears
and mystifies the goal

you won't understand
whoever you are
these words aren't for you
or anyone at all
these words are simply full
of an empty, futile wish
i want to know there's meaning
i want to know there's life
beyond all the pointlessness
beyond the sharpest knife

so say what you will
say nothing at all
say you saw it coming
say you know it all
say you never loved me
say you never will
so that i can let go
and find peace in growing still

there was love, at once
true and false
there was happiness
that belied any loss

The part of me that hopes
The part of me that dies
The part disgusted by my treachery
and pathetic, selfish lies
The part of me that's hurt
The part of me that grows
Won't be satisfied by words alone
Nor his impassioned throes

It's a choice I alone must make
to sever bitter bonds
that hold me to a life so
ignorant, and memories long gone.

The change I could make today
So simple, so I've heard,
requires only mindfulness
and breaking from the herd

To become a ripple in the pond
a leaf
upon the fruited tree
so that when last breath I draw
the farthest thought will be of "me".
Desired truth, there isn't a use
Broken at the seams, too much to believe
Darling eyes deceiving me
Torn up compassion, no point of lasting
Stolen bodies; empty souls
All lies, hoax’s behold
Weeping willows, dreary fingers through toes
Lonely steps crossed at the known
What is unseen is yet to be told
Shouts of matter, never so pointless
Oh so sought-less
Separate bones, ripped to stone
Alone alliance, two way known
Whisper faith of bleeding nights
Open hopeless, helpless shown
Nobody is everybody, no new tone
Once said, never forgotten
Cracked dead, fearless so lost
Gone along the way
Fallen down in the death sway
mothers and fathers, without their child.
siblings, without their brothers and sisters.
the young and the innocent, killed in an act of anger and hatred
by a man who didn't even know their first name.
26 families with presents under a tree, never to be opened.
futures and potential, never to be fulfilled.
promises, regrets, last-words and mistakes.
these are the things that 26 families will be remembering this holiday season.
A time for joy and celebration, only a reminder
of the deepening hole in their hearts.
praying for all those effected by the Newtown massacre.. my heart goes out to you and your families. I can't imagine not having my little sister come home from school one day.. it's heartbreaking. rest in peace
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