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340 · Aug 2013
Leap of Faith
ME Aug 2013
You wont loose a thing
yet you fear you’ll lose it all
and then you do
what you think is what you
and what you do is
the truth
so fear not my darling
lets take it all as it
one day at a time
and the days will fly
for you
324 · Jul 2013
A Place Of Grace
ME Jul 2013
When I see you
You take me for
A trip where I
See everything
Its beautiful and I adore
The colors of you

Never been here
Its unlike anything
I ever felt before
The way we shine
Unlike anything
Ever before

When we meet
You put a calm to my spirit
You let me go with you
Once alone but never again
A miracle of two
To be found inside a light being
With no one but you

You make me find
What I’ve been looking for
Faith lets believe
O’ im sure
The heart is heavy and the soul may bleed
Day in and day out
Star in nothingness
Finding a way out
Finding a way in you
That has never been

I’ve been in a place
The darkest one of all
One big fall all lost in space
And when it all collides
Your brought back to life
And so I wait it out
To see you again
One last time
Can’t let you go
Your the part of me I never show
259 · Oct 2013
ME Oct 2013
There's not enough time
I got to speak my mind
Don't leave just yet
It's not over till I say it's over
We have money for death & the price for hate, is paid with life
204 · Oct 2017
ME Oct 2017
I gaze at this mistful eerie light
The longing of heart
A constant world of night
Striking a match of the past
Thinking back of a time
Where the future lied ahead
Realizing that errors were made
And thats what made
Me who I am
ME Feb 7
Do you ever feel like you run as fast as you can
But you are getting nowhere?
Turn that frown, upside down
and switch it all around
Go somewhere and do it slow
Breathe out and enjoy the flow

Life is full of surprises
It has it’s up’s and downs
Twists and turns
And while you might feel, you didn’t get the chance to blink twice
Embrace the surprise
Embrace Life

Whether you are looking to create a new setting
Or get a new frame for rediscovery
To extend your courtesy in a different country
Or just spend a little more time with your family

We save the date
Save a game
Save our tears
Save our planet
Save up
For you

It could be a road trip with your partner
In a new place
In a new car
But always
In the color of love

Remember who you were
Remember where you are going
And who you want to be
This is your journey
This is your destiny
173 · Oct 2017
ME Oct 2017
Glowing drops of rain
Recipe of perpitual disaster
Blind iron trees
Growing pains
Fight or flight
Beat that dusty old carpet
Yell for help
Lead the way
Hearts will heal
Blind as day
All there was is
All there is

— The End —