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 Aug 2013 ME
They told me it was metal,
but I didn't believe a word.
But now I find it's iron
of the strongest, finest kind.
Ah! Here is my little bellows,
I think I'll melt it down.
 Aug 2013 ME
ilkka sipilä
 Aug 2013 ME
ilkka sipilä
Nothing as lonely, as
a lonesome man traveling.
With the company of his thoughts
and some ideas.
Many problems and no solutions.
Music as his company,
the plane isn’t so boring.

Last week’s red wine,
(in the form of *****)
on his notebook,
has allied with the moistness
of his room.
So he skips a page

and writes a poem.
 Aug 2013 ME
Seamus Heaney
 Aug 2013 ME
Seamus Heaney

He would drink by himself
And raise a weathered thumb
Towards the high shelf,
Calling another ***
And blackcurrant, without
Having to raise his voice,
Or order a quick stout
By a lifting of the eyes
And a discreet dumb-show
Of pulling off the top;
At closing time would go
In waders and peaked cap
Into the showery dark,
A dole-kept breadwinner
But a natural for work.
I loved his whole manner,
Sure-footed but too sly,
His deadpan sidling tact,
His fisherman's quick eye
And turned observant back.

To him, my other life.
Sometimes on the high stool,
Too busy with his knife
At a tobacco plug
And not meeting my eye,
In the pause after a slug
He mentioned poetry.
We would be on our own
And, always politic
And shy of condescension,
I would manage by some trick
To switch the talk to eels
Or lore of the horse and cart
Or the Provisionals.

But my tentative art
His turned back watches too:
He was blown to bits
Out drinking in a curfew
Others obeyed, three nights
After they shot dead
The thirteen men in Derry.
PARAS THIRTEEN, the walls said,
BOGSIDE NIL. That Wednesday
Everyone held
His breath and trembled.


It was a day of cold
Raw silence, wind-blown
Surplice and soutane:
Rained-on, flower-laden
Coffin after coffin
Seemed to float from the door
Of the packed cathedral
Like blossoms on slow water.
The common funeral
Unrolled its swaddling band,
Lapping, tightening
Till we were braced and bound
Like brothers in a ring.

But he would not be held
At home by his own crowd
Whatever threats were phoned,
Whatever black flags waved.
I see him as he turned
In that bombed offending place,
Remorse fused with terror
In his still knowable face,
His cornered outfaced stare
Blinding in the flash.

He had gone miles away
For he drank like a fish
Nightly, naturally
Swimming towards the lure
Of warm lit-up places,
The blurred mesh and murmur
Drifting among glasses
In the gregarious smoke.
How culpable was he
That last night when he broke
Our tribe's complicity?
'Now, you're supposed to be
An educated man,'
I hear him say. 'Puzzle me
The right answer to that one.'


I missed his funeral,
Those quiet walkers
And sideways talkers
Shoaling out of his lane
To the respectable
Purring of the hearse...
They move in equal pace
With the habitual
Slow consolation
Of a dawdling engine,
The line lifted, hand
Over fist, cold sunshine
On the water, the land
Banked under fog: that morning
I was taken in his boat,
The ***** purling, turning
Indolent fathoms white,
I tasted freedom with him.
To get out early, haul
Steadily off the bottom,
Dispraise the catch, and smile
As you find a rhythm
Working you, slow mile by mile,
Into your proper haunt
Somewhere, well out, beyond...

Dawn-sniffing revenant,
Plodder through midnight rain,
Question me again.
 Aug 2013 ME
Camree Adams
Should I , go through ?
I want it bad enough
Yet the battle to tell
would be tough.
I imagine the greatness
but if i go through would
it be fun and games
or just a right down shame, a cry out for
help with a whimper.
Just the thought of a bad outcome makes me shiver,
I feel so cold  but the certain thought makes some people hot.
Their use to the unknown outcome that i urn for but
i am most definitely  soon to learn.
 Aug 2013 ME
Dristee Shakya
A Memory
 Aug 2013 ME
Dristee Shakya
I will fade away like a memory,
A b/w picture at the back of your head
With no trace of existence,
just like that gush of wind.
 Aug 2013 ME
Yah sure we can **** if you want
But just don’t kiss me while your fat **** thrusts inside of me
Tearing me apart
please please stop trying to kiss me

Just don’t kiss me because that would be too personal
 Aug 2013 ME
 Aug 2013 ME
Sick, twisted ***** ***,
Building and building to sweet release,
too hot showers scouring skin,
The stench of regret is not so easy to cleanse.

Dreams are for the foolish
A soft touch,
A sweet word,
A tender kiss,
How the day comes fast
dragging back 2 reality.

Then there was him,
The boy who seen right through me,
so softly he kissed me, tears fell from my eyes.

But dreams are for the foolish
Too good to be true,
silly little girl don’t you know you’re a ****
silly little girl you only get ******.
 Aug 2013 ME
Peace Love
You wore that shirt yesterday"

(Said the other classmate he has no idea what he is saying how much he is
hurting that my family is living in a shelter and we barely have
quarters for food much less laundry and if I so much as got a stain on
this one shirt I have clean my mom would beat me when I get back to our
room I don't even like this color it's yellow it was my brothers they
took so much with the foreclosure I wish I could never wear this shirt
again I wish you and school and everything would just go away and I
could lay down in my own bed and play my own video games and read my own
books and sleep just rest like you who have the privilege to taunt me)

Shut up"
 Aug 2013 ME
Martin G Blake
Time consuming life
Pain of life's consumption
Soul of past pain
Dang... How it went out with a bang
The slender lady sang sweet melodies
Of infidelities to get past the rain
Me I mean...
He or rather...
We moreover...
Three came to be, one.

Mind if I take time to tell...
No, better yet enlighten you
Of this unbendable, inevitable, unmistakable truth?
No matter how hard you try
Emotions only go as far as you are willing to fly
One way roads to dead ends and old foes
Green lights to nowhere but fake feelings and new acquaintances
When do you decide enough is enough?
When it gets tough and impossible,
Or when the lies seem as though they are going to eat you alive
Why try?
Cross your heart, hope to die...

Sea full of bitterness and unnerving endings to the story
Body battered and bruised
From the battle on the mountain top
Lost to the ones that don't really matter
In fact her and her masters
Can *******,
Those *******
As they torture and harass her
She said save it
I'm past em'
As in he...
Rather me...
Dang, what a bang
She shot me down while she sang
As I bled out in pain.
Mind, Body and Soul;
She chose my conscience to  blame.
About a girl that didn't understand her partner's feelings when her's were all that mattered.
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