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MCWA Nov 2010
Stone glazed face locked aloof

steaming breath whistling cold

at the thought of forbidden adultery

relentlessly in heat; with only molten mocking

desire for his only lady in waiting.
MCWA Nov 2010
Verse lines designed to delight
O, how these can ev'r cure
the sorrows in the night
A sonnet to slip you into a dream
A limerick for laughs and a healthful beam
your soulful eye yearning to dance away defeats
as you hustle to absorb the rhymes and little upbeats.
MCWA Nov 2010
O Viking Gods of the Norse,
you governed the mighty seas.
your boats were built of gopher wood;
and you made wise use of a breeze!
MCWA Nov 2010
I'm on this Chain Gang, you see
'cause you're shackled to my heart

You're the ball on my chain;
I love you, tho' you drive me insane

You make me twigs and berries blossom;
You know just how to properly prepare
me meat and two veg

and it's sure temptin'when I'm with you
just to be livin' on the edge

Our love is a Garden
and you are the Rose

I picked you, you see
'cause you're scent attracted my nose
and watching you blush curled my toes
Sounds cliche', but that's how the story goes

My love is deep ; see how it shows?
and how deep is my love? Nobody knows.
MCWA Nov 2010
Don't throw babies out
with the bath water
Ya, had to watch
'cause they came last
in line; in that order
first came daddy
then the brother
after the filth
then came the Mother
down the line went
the sisters too
it stunk 'round the house
just like a zoo
then came the babies
who would come last
this is how it was
in the Past.
MCWA Nov 2010
Sparkling Sapphire Skies
   O, coherently dreamy
            elated;  I cry
MCWA Nov 2010
Thy September wind is most winsome today.
Seest the lovliest of lilacs and lillies sway ?
Seest the daintiest of daisies dance away ?
Seest the tangoing tulips seductive at play?
Seest them now, beckoning thee?
Hearest the lissome buttercups rejoice?
Hearest the lucid charm in their voice?
Hearest the lithe of the Myrtle tree?                  
Hearest them now , whispering to thee?
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