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 Jan 2014 Wilted Seaweed
I compose to you the following from the darkness of a room.
I inhale a deep breathe filling my lungs, releasing it out with an anguish as I mouth of thee.

He who turned this reality into a dreaming state.
Who taught my heart to dance to tip-toeing beats, synchronizing with his.
Who set fire to a friendship and gave meaning to the music I love.
Who raised the bar high and portrayed perfection.

I compile these few words for you from the darkness of a room that once witnessed the rays of the sun.
For he struck a lighting beam the day he entered; and warmth ran through my entire body.
Yet, I shiver now from freezing winds and my thoughts never fail to recall thee.

He whom I said my farewells to and guided outside the room
Who was steered elsewhere as I claimed it was charcoal and not a heating flame. Never knowing, it was the passion that gave blood to my cheeks, curves to my smile, and music to my beating heart.

And it was time to wake up once more from the land of dreams to a bitter reality.
Back to a world with watery eyes resisting to surrender, lungs gasping for each breath he once took away, and a heart that morns over thee.

He who turned me into a poet; writing for the freedom of a stolen heart.
He who parted me with a flare that's now there resulting burn marks; scarring me with memories.
He who embodied my "The One".
He who granted me the taste of perfection; who can ever match up to thee??

He who turned me into a poet... & I shall forever write about thee.
If my mind were a piece of paper you'd be scribbles.
Endless circular motions that go deeper and deeper into the paper until the permanent marker broke through it.
The ink of you would work itself into every part of the paper's surroundings.
You'd be different colors too.
My anger, jealousy, happiness, and sadness.
Red, green, yellow, and blue.
You'd be fine tipped and bold tipped.
Piercing  specific places and blanketing every thought that occurred.
If my mind were a paper it'd be covered with your words.
Your words, too many, overlaid upon each other to become unreadable.
There would be none of my own, original, markings.
You'd be everywhere.
You're everywhere.
I just wrote this because I talked to my friend about how we seem to be obsessed with a person if we like them. They're all we think about. I'd love some feedback and constructive criticism since I might read some poetry on Friday
Clash against the norm
Silence the pretenders
Protest the unbridled hypocrisy
Tear it down
Spit in the face of denial
Trample your offenders
Give no mercy
For they have no compassion
In the face of adversity
Be a force of reckoning
Or die with a knife in your back
In a world of liars be not the fool!!
 Jan 2014 Wilted Seaweed
you pull up and give me a
Hug, I press my fingers into
your shoulders and forget to
imprint the feeling. Earlier you
said I should just say things even
if they come out garbled, you asked
"How are you?" but it was more like
How are you? and it sounded a
a whole lot like something more. So
I ask; Do you still love me? and your
answer is broken, but you are hasty
to return, and you? I say yes, no
hesitation and close the door.
All I remember are the two beats
my heart gave, loud and unyielding
the way my chest was tight and I
wanted to ask if you'd kiss me
don't look behind me, I am so
confused as to why i. Why...i.
why I?
(c) Brooke Otto 2014

This poem was a lot shorter originally.
 Jan 2014 Wilted Seaweed
Oh my little daydreamer,
Dreaming of better days
Dreaming of cotton candy clouds
and a sky you see your reflection in

Didn't anyone tell you silly little dreamer?
You can have anything you dream?
Open your mind, your soul, your heart
You are stronger than you believe

Daydreamer of mine,
Please don't grow up to be masochistic
Be a soldier that defeats any obstacle
Be a lover that loves in the loveliest of ways

My darling little dreamer
Be the dreamer of dreams for all of those who can't
For those of us who have fallen
For the ones who used to be daydreamers
Give me something beautiful,
something beautiful to write.
Something about how the good guys always win,
something about the books we read as children, coming to life.
I need someone to tell me how the prince will come,
and the weather will change it's season this time.
I need a little hope,
I need something to help me feeling inside.
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