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 Jun 2013 MC Friant
Are You?
 Jun 2013 MC Friant
We are
Dancing ribbons
Of satin gold
A light to heaven
Radiant stairs
Ladders spanning
Angelic wanderings
Promised stars

We are
A glint spark
On Eternity’s shoe
We glow with
Secret joy until we
Clap ourselves free

We are
In retreat
Yet we beckon still
To flirt with flames
Of cellophane
Which melt
Soft as flour
In our hands

We are
Sowing hopeful seeds
In tender soil
Again to plant
Such little flames
With hopes
To grow against -
The dark

We are
worth the world

we are*
 Jun 2013 MC Friant

Disregarding the cold

of Winter

they greet her

opening like little

books of Poetry

smiling petal’d pages

they open

budded curtains

and allow the Sun

To grow them -

Many flowers

Stand and hum

Amazing Grace

little dark girl with
kind eyes
when it comes time to
use the knife
I won't flinch and
i won't blame
as I drive along the shore alone
as the palms wave,
the ugly heavy palms,
as the living does not arrive
as the dead do not leave,
i won't blame you,
i will remember the kisses
our lips raw with love
and how you gave me
everything you had
and how I
offered you what was left of
and I will remember your small room
the feel of you
the light in the window
your records
your books
our morning coffee
our noons our nights
our bodies spilled together
the tiny flowing currents
immediate and forever
your leg my leg
your arm my arm
your smile and the warmth
of you
who made me laugh
little dark girl with kind eyes
you have no
knife. the knife is
mine and i won't use it
 Jun 2013 MC Friant
Sara Teasdale
I heard a cry in the night,
A thousand miles it came,
Sharp as a flash of light,
My name, my name!

It was your voice I heard,
You waked and loved me so—
I send you back this word,
I know, I know!
 Jun 2013 MC Friant
The lights are dimmed.
The movie is about to start.
But all you can think about is the boy sitting next to you.
It's your first date,
Hopefully the first of many.
You're nervous,
But composed.
As the movie starts,
You try to distract yourself from the guy sitting just inches away from you.
You look in his direction.
The movie flashes short glimpses of light on his face.
You see the small glint in his pure blue eyes.
You could melt in those eyes forever.
Then he turns,
Looks you in the eyes,
And gives you a smirk that sends butterflies through your body.
You feel electric.

He continues to tantalize you.
Eventually, you can't hear the movie anymore.
All you can hear is your rapid heartbeat in your ears.
You're so nervous you could pass out.
And then he grabs your hand,
And gives it a comforting squeeze.
He entwines his fingers with yours,
Making you feel special.
All you can focus on is him.
You examine his profile,
While your hands stay connected.
And you want to stay in this moment forever.

After awhile,
He turns to face you.
You look into his eyes for what seems like eternity.
He grins that grin,
Making all your problems disappear.
And he glances longingly at your shinning lips.
You know what he wants.
All you can do is smile back,
Before he leans in.

Your lips connect,
And fireworks explode in your heart.
Suddenly, you forget about all the bad in the world.
All that matters is you two,
In this moment,
Then, the kiss is broken.
Both of you gasping for air.
He smirks at you another time.
And you loose control.
This time it's you who leans in.
And you are connected once again.
There may have been a lot of other people in that theater,
But in this moment,
It's just you and him,
No one else.
You may never know how the movie ended,
Or who saved the day.
But you will know that you and him
Lived happily ever after.

Maybe fairy tales do come true.
 Jun 2013 MC Friant
Black or white,
We are all human.
Straight or gay,
We are all human.
Tall or short,
We are all human.
Small or large,
We are all human.
Republican or Democrat,
We are all human.
Smart or average,
We are all human.
Athletic or brittle,
We are all human.
Secure or insecure,
We are all human.
Outcast or accepted,
We are all human.

Society is defined by stereotypes.
We are so quick to judge.
But it shouldn't  matter what we look like,
Or what our opinions are.
We are all apart of the same race:
The human race.
We may seem different,
But we really are very much alike.
We all have the same parts,
Just our own ways of expressing them.
We all struggle,
In one way or another.
Reach out your hand to a fellow human in need.
The pain is more bearable together.

We are individuals,
But we are one:
One race,
One species,
One community,
One population,
One identity.

*We are one.
the cat is calling me
to feed him some fish kedgeree

he's clawing at my heels
he's impatient for his meal

he's chomping into his fish
and he is now licking out his dish

he's got a grin on his dial
the fish kedgeree has made him smile
and here we'll have a magnificent view
off a moon in fullest array
in the vastness of the open skies
its luminous silver face
shall stream with torrential beams
throughout the night
it will sail over the black sea sky
on a voyage
of majesty
such a grand display
this lunar show
astounding the eyes
with its mystical glow
the stars shall dance
dance all night
in accord with the brimming
shall dwell in the celestial plains
as the moon
on this night
shall regally rein
 Jun 2013 MC Friant
Emelia Ruth
The land flooded,
the sky was dark and wet.
I had reached the bottom of my jar
and there was no glory.
It was all drained away and swallowed up by careless mouths.

A pool had formed
in the flooded land
and in it sat two boys;
young like adolescences
yet humble and mature with knowledge.

I felt like I should know them,
but their faces were masked by their black hoodies.
And their voices matched everyone's
and they matched no one's.

One beckoned me to swim to them.
They were familiar
in a welcoming stranger way.
So I submerged into the comforting warm water,
and I slowly swam next to the boy.

The one who beckoned asked me,
"What is your story?"
just as easily as unzipping a jacket,
I spilled out my worries
he soaked up my loneliness and aches,
and I found myself
curled up in his arms.

He took my empty jar
and filled it with a glowing light.
The land surrounding
was still cold and dark
but the light inside was the one thing that brought me
warmth and renewal
and undying hope and joy.

He was the holy man.
Who welcomes everyone
and forgives everyone.
He is equal.
He is greater.
He is the one who sat in the flooded land
and waited for me
so that he could give me
a wholesome warmth
that I've never felt until now.
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