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Oh speedster Lance, Great Olympian Hero,
Hard peddler, you,the mighty french conqueror,
Triumphant slayer of the deadly breed cancerous,
Rode fast,won faster ,arms strong, pistoning legs,
Streaking,weaving past mortals lesser,or fairer then?
Was one aim JUST victory, or did anything else matter?
Did you ride on the straight and narrow, but forgot the path?
Many finish lines crossed,but never the true race started,
How did the lion heart wilt? The mind astray went?
Hard toils,grits grim, sweats wasted, false celebrations all,
Come now to naught,cause all isn't unfair be love or war,
Oh Lance,how did you wither unfair? Where did you fall?or Fail?

--------Thoughts on watching a mighty hero fall.----------
1-DESIRE:                                             4-UNCARE:
All of me now desires,be deep            Distracted ideals,a nature human                                                        
Wholly Inside of you,Pervade             Heavenly woven synergies broken                                      
Your mind, limbs, Heart, all pores      Power of pleasures mortal, killing magic                              
Soak in your salty sweat warm           Snapping wands,bonds dearly formed  
Mold dancing to a one united.             Sweet temptress transient, conquering care.

2-PASSION:                                                ­       5- DISILLUSION:
Bodies’ lithe now twined serpentine         We betrayed, cheated US, in neglect,
Straining desperate, for a merger             Holes in hearts bleeding precious Love,
Spiritual, souls both for unison striving    Admitting indifference cruel, ruining stealthily
Hearts two pumping as one to fuse.          Our paradise gained, won so easy, lost terribly.
Sacred is everything, this carnality too.     Chanced eternity wasted, destiny unmeant made.

3-LOVE:                                                   ­              6- REALITY:
Ensconced tight in warmth’s mutual,           Tempered in time space, 3-LOVE loyal savior sole,  
All is for sacrifice on our loves altar,              Enshrined indestructible, in being, memories relived.
Suspended thoughts, egos burnt ash            Pleasures now cynically felt, loves truly responded,
A Love Mindless meditating deep,                No dilemma human; I flow generous, as an epitaph,
In some state mystically enlightened.            Thanking destiny for this reclaim, my love,faring well.
home after long,
kittens in balcony,
in pots rare!
I shout shoo,
they wonder who?
mischievous eyes stare,
question home true!
momma she mews,
let them be,
dont hurt please,
pleading so true!
love coiled springs,
at life divine so,
new bonds formed,
offering out I go.
pails of milk,
just laid so,
they come hesitant,
pawing,now licking!
mother twining round,
kids happily filled,
right back in my pots,
sudden tears unknown,
I cry with momma cat!
Here now by many paths convoluted,
Ever trying the thoughts new, acted on.
Heeding just,streams conscious flowing,
Changed and morphed in an instant blinking.

Hair long,then shaved, now streaked orange grey
Suits to jeans,tore them,robes spiritual,now **** pray!
Was straight,turned metro,for all open,but curious still,
Body clean,got pierced, now adorning pasts tattooed!
Gurus, philosophies many, still a fool ever journeying.

Heard Bach,reggaed to Marley,wood-stocked,now fused.
Loved intense,let go easy,Kama sutras experimented on.
Traveled afar,lived as a local,now a foreigner everywhere,
Hip-pied from smoke to grass,yoga to parties raved hard.

Against wars, sat in for peace elusive,fought all,now stoic,
Never shocked or surprised,took all as came,now strong.
The set mind,everchanging,the physical a compliment cosy,
Unrecognizable now,existing totally, being happy, normally?
Many shout, freak! I smile,walk on to my home in Bohemia!
Confessions of a Blessed Hedonist.( tri word line)  
  -1-                                                    ­                -3-
Lived this long,                                                 what makes change?
Time just flew,                                                   a metamorphosis divine?
Mind playing games                                        worms to butterflies,
Heart desiring ever.                                           saviors, angels, messiahs?
extreme cravings doused.                                 what makes humane,
opiates in zillions,                                               friends, lovers, brothers?
Cocktails, a million.                                           Destinies unknown working,
Endless revelries futile,                                       in times unconscious,
Loves instant, genuine.                                       drunken slumbers dead,
Clean beds crumpled,                                         uncaring deeds cruel,
Checkouts late rewarded.                                   Unmanly acts shameful.
-2-                                                    ­                       -4-
Friends dear betrayed,                                         maybe one dream,
Away bartered loves.                                           among nightmares plenty,
Much monies made,                                            that one love-germ,
Abandoned ethics many.                                    under in-differences heaped,
Gods all rejected,                                                  faint glimmering self,
Except the Hedonistic!                                         beneath mountainous egos,
World enjoyed fully,                                             a sparkling life-sign,
Life wasted lovely.                                                 in cemeteries silent.
Morphing every second,                                       causes matter not,      
Into grandiose nothing,                                         by destiny’s graces,
Skeleton cynical final.                                           gratefully unscathed still.
Streched out gazing, on the sands,
Of one more of the common seas,
An orange orb setting slowly apparent,
Shiny path of light heavenly,reaching my feet,
Taking me briefly,to creations wonderous,
Minds magnanimous,hearts Alexandrian,
A short utopia of a world universally real!
The unrests forgotten, all toils borne stoic.
All shall pass,Endurance is all, truly Human!

As the path sinks into the deep waters dark,
To shine in worlds other,rays of morning hope,
I know they shall witness the same, some morning!
Night lights of revelry beckon me,the traveller ever,
I merge in them,the sunset feeling sacred in my heart,
Praying,May it hold true for all people all over Earth!
Now-I- am buried,burnt and dissolved,
One with this earth,blooming in the trees,
Flowing in waters, scattered in the skies,
Resting in the deep seas,dust cosmic in space,
What Destiny carried me, to this nothingness,
I care not,I live Here, and Now gone Eternal!
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