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Jun 2017 · 381
matthieu Jun 2017
it has dawned
on me again
the time
i attempted
to be manipulated
by the caress
of your arms
down to the
pasty skin
of your legs—
i could sense you
no matter
where you go
you leave
a trail
for me
to follow

then suddenly
it just
came to me
this something
right turns out
to be
a whole lot
i was fooled
i became tethered—
my thoughts
my say
weren't considered
tough luck
to date
still undeciphered
and even

as i go back
into the verse
i remember
the first verse
it was me
all along who
attempted this
manipulation first—
and she just
my thirst
Jun 2017 · 215
rhythm and blues
matthieu Jun 2017
you're not the sea
i'm not the shore
we meet just once
not always sure

you're not a branch
i'm not a tree
i break at times
you are not with me

i know this time
at last we're strings
we may be broken
we still though sing
the highest hope
we think would bring
us close to someone
and be something
Sep 2016 · 320
matthieu Sep 2016
it was in one of those seacoasts in the upstate we managed to stay in, where we just let the surge of waves wet our clothes on, talking about our indelible times and some other pretty things; practically seizing every moment left for fear that we may not be able to do it once more or forevermore, inasmuch as you'd move into a much farther place in search for greener pastures. i can't blame you for that, and i think what's happening is, nevertheless, good in a way it could help us grow individually.

years after years, we never lose connection.
i see you grow. you see me grow.

i found you motivated. you found me hesitant.
i found you carefree. you found me caged.
i found you determined. you found me hopeless.

until you muttered yet another pep talk that has nothing to do but to make me any more resolute.

"missing you comes in waves," she said. *"and i'm already drowning."
Aug 2016 · 314
matthieu Aug 2016
it's bad
when i'm sad
i need you
then the desire
goes strong
to bleed you

longing for you
i do
and to ease it
i know
none to do

not to yearn
for you
during this state
of wanting you

as it doesn't
just melt me
any few
it constantly
me of you
Aug 2016 · 242
17th of december
matthieu Aug 2016
time has come
let's whoop it up
throughout this day
of instant fame

greeted with some
pictures in vain
i'm flustered—i didn't
see your name

waiting for you
to come that day
all heard was nay
what is to blame

if i yearn for some
to happen today—
wish you
my birthday
Aug 2016 · 245
almost all most
matthieu Aug 2016
this day marks
the end
if not the beginning
of all things
all frightening

and i mean
how has it come
to an end
when i just started
to befriend
the core of what
i'm fearing

it's the gist
of what was
termed brisk
the chills
when you meet
the mist
and surely
there's the risk—
we all pine
for something
just when we're
so close
from fulfilling

— The End —