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Visions of him start to smear

as she looks into his eyes

His pain and screams a mystery to her

and all she sees is lies

He paid for this when her hatred grew

Not in gold or silver, but in life

in the currency of blood

into the purse of her knife

Once the image of an angel

now an incubus, most foul

Thinking back on her tears

she fails to notice his agonizing howls

And she sighs

Hands sticky

brow cold

Heart breaking

and it's all getting old

The moment has passed

and she sees what she has done

The light in his eyes dims

and then he is gone

She sits down beside him

feeling warmth for the first time in years

Loosing control of tendons

Too numb to feel her own tears

Her love ran beneath them

like a sea of red regret

as she stroked his hair and closed her eyes

and kissed the lips of death
 Jul 2013 matthewkirn
Nora Grace
Maybe I am crazy;
maybe the things I think,
the things I feel,
aren't thought or felt by others.
Maybe I'm a different species,
an alien from a distant frame of mind.
Why do these walls close in on me?
why can't I hear myself scream?
Why do I find death to be a solace,
a hope when it all gets to be too much?
Why do I love people who never love me back?
When will I break?
When will I fall?
As you can probably tell, this poem is kind of scattered and all over the place. I made it this way because it reminded me of the way a person's mind works; how we can think of something one second, and shift over to something else immediately after. I thought about what an insane person feels, whether or not they know or realize that they're insane, and if they do, when it will end.
No one understands how it is to get their other half taken away until it happens to you.To have that emptyness in your heart that no one can fill.To feel like you cant go on any farther without them by your side.To have to feeling of anxiety in the bottom of your stomach that no one can cure.When we try to get help from others they just blow it off their shoulders.They will never understand how we feel and how life would be without them in ours.
Powder of ashes like snowfall in winter

The air and army withered in a splinter

Smoky-grey flaky leaves dead and forgotten

Each cobblestone tinted and tainted

Things of dishearten

I stand in the middle of a big large road

With ashen embers resting on my lashes

My coat and tote limp from the bashes

People lay, some far away and some grey,

The death spell cast on all the bay

I feel a tug in my heart,

Shocked at the sight

Cursed fates for a deadly plight

I stand alone, guilty for having survived

No goodbyes or funerals to leave me teary-eyed

The carpet of carcasses in front of me lay

Left me with loud realization of a lonesome foray

I wished I were blamed for their unjustified departure

Or for my survival inexplicable in any form of literature

The sky now looks a faded rotten orange

With the embers settled like a thick mat on the ground

Suddenly the sound of tip tap made me jump

From my lost thoughts.

My coat and tote comes back to life

I feel a tug and around my calf a hug

The most innocent eyes looked up at me

And said, “Mommy, I want to go home please…”
Its good to be young,
In love with lifes possibilities.

Its a wild feeling,
Falling madly into your depth.

Its good to be fearless,
Unfraid in all the best ways.

Its an unending rush,
Wandering our way through tentative touches.
 Jul 2013 matthewkirn
Oscar Wilde
Thou knowest all; I seek in vain
What lands to till or sow with seed—
The land is black with briar and ****,
Nor cares for falling tears or rain.

Thou knowest all; I sit and wait
With blinded eyes and hands that fail,
Till the last lifting of the veil
And the first opening of the gate.

Thou knowest all; I cannot see.
I trust I shall not live in vain,
I know that we shall meet again
In some divine eternity.
 Jul 2013 matthewkirn
Elle Kris
We are straight lines
powdery and sharp,
carved into perfection.
We sit next to each other
without touching.
Not finished
 Jul 2013 matthewkirn
Jair Erazo
They say that even the strongest must fall
That even Achilles in all his glory and strength, fell to an arrow.
A mere arrow to the heel is all it took, for this once great man to fall
I don’t have the qualities of such a great man as him
I have no fountain of invincibility to submerge myself within
I must fall and surely will, but unlike him will not be slain
I will not see the great creator that brought me upon this Earth
I will fight till my last breath
I will die with dignity
I will Die knowing that I did what I loved and lived as I wished
I will not live my life fulling others dreams
I will love who I see fit and hope to God she loves me as much I will love her
I’m not sure of the mysteries that death holds, but i’m sure I will keep my memories
I will never forget those I loved, those I misbehaved with
I won’t forget those I hurt, ‘cause I’m human and perfection will forever elude me
I will never forget the mother that raised me and the father who taught the ways of men
And finally when the final seconds arrive
When the time comes for my demise
Remember me for who I was, not for who I wasn’t
Love me for my good deeds and forget all my mistakes
Cause all the wrong I did was without a single thought in my head
I’ll love you all always and will forever be in debt to you all
Remember me and keep me in your hearts forever
Cause I know for a fact you will all live in mine forever
 Jul 2013 matthewkirn
holding you close as you breath softly in your sleep
love courses through my veins, so deep
your smile gives me butterflies I can't shake
and I can't begin to describe the feelings you create.

the smell of you still lingers on my skin and clothes
as it starts to fade, I start to loath
that your scent will no longer be around
as I say goodbye I've fallen to the ground  

you're not gone forever, I know
but I can't help letting my emotions show.
I already miss you, even before we said goodbye
I will get through this, or at least I'll try.

Copyright @ Nicole Stowe
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