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Feb 2012 · 612
Love you...
Matthew Feb 2012
I still love you though you're dead
I cannot help that I ripped off your head.
I watched it bounce, I watched it roll.
Just watching it, gave me a pole.

I tried to catch it, but it got away.
who knew that even a dead girl, wouldn't stay.
So here I sit, I start to sob
I feel so sad, so I join the mob.

Even in death, she gave good head
it's such a shame that she's dead.
I never wanted it to be this way
But what the hell? It's still okay.

I bounce her head upon the ground
I laugh and play, I run around.
I love my soccer, but I have no ball.
This is what happens, when you fail to call.
Jan 2012 · 614
Ripped apart
Matthew Jan 2012
He was a good guy, she was his heart and soul.
These things he had always known.
She fought so hard, and fought for so long;
and then she finally stopped.
She was weak and he was strong, he held her ever so close.
She cried filling his arms with tears.
He cried, a piece of himself died along side her.

His love was strong, as she gasped for breath.
Her time was quickly coming fourth.
His love so strong, her heart and pulse so weak.
His heart ripped right from his chest.
She closed her eyes, and there she took a last breath.
He gradually picked up his knife.
With a jab to the chest, he stabbed where his heart once was,
and then he fell to the floor.
He clutched her hand saying "God please forgive me."
All grew darker, into her eyes he stared.

His breath then left, on that floor they died.
Hand in hand they were gone.
Sorrow fills that room, the place where loved once thrived.
In that room, they still hold hands.
Without her, his soul was lost. Without him, she was gone.
Even through death, they both still care.
And in death, he is still there, right by his Angel's side.
Sep 2010 · 656
Cold steal
Matthew Sep 2010
The lies we're told, the friendships lost
the things that hurt us the most.
Deception of the heart, often cold as steal.
The lies we often tell ourselves...

The blood pours, the heart rips in twine.
Another soul is forever lost.
The cold steal stabs, stabs me in the heart.
I feel my life going before my eyes.

The blood stains on the carpet, on the bed.
A constant reminder of you.
The cold steal on the floor, in my heart.
It's almost to much to bear.

I see the door out of this life, my chance to go.
I decide that I shall open it.
I pick up the steal blade, and ram it deeply inside.
Things quickly become dark now.

The light is fading, the light is fading;
I'm surrounded by the darkness
I shut my eyes, death slowly creeps in;
With one thump, my heart stops...
Copyright 2010 by Matthew
Jul 2010 · 1.0k
The statues
Matthew Jul 2010
A heartless realm we live in.
This place we call our home.
We are here-this realm of hell,
But to each shall hold his own.

The statue stands, it stares at me;
tormenting me with its soul.
This place I'm in, this evil land,
a place I never wanted to go.

The Raven hears my hollow words,
and mocks them back at me.
The statues cold, they stare at me
for they will never let me go.

This courtyards' dark, the buildings cold.
The statues' stares are of ice.
A glance so cold, a glance so frail
It sees and yet it cannot.

It's mourning me, my forgotten soul.
For this much I am aware.
It's eyes are cold, they stare me down
I begin to lose control.

The statues wings, I didn't see before.
I watch as the shadows grow.
The land grows darker; the land is cold
and yet I stand alone.

My cloths of black, my heart of stone
I feel without feeling.
I see myself, a reflection in water.
I now understand their glares.

This place I'm in, I'm one of them
A statue that is so cold.
I will see myself, never again
for I now belong to them.
Copyright: 2010
Jul 2010 · 673
Matthew Jul 2010
Little by little, I'm losing my mind

I'm slowly going insane

Oh, my brother, who was so kind

Please help me end this pain

I'm alone within this darkness

I think I might be in hell

Somewhere beyond, can you hear that hiss

Can you sense that horrid smell?

somehow how or another, you think I'm insane

I think it's quite contrary

It's not my fault blood falls like rain

it was my friend I shot and buried.

Little by little, you pick me out

I think you know to much

I must **** you, without a doubt

and serve you as a lunch.

Little by little I'm losing my mind

I'm slowly going insane

It's over-rated, don't be so kind

Or I'll stab you with my cane.
Copyright: 2008
Jul 2010 · 760
One thorn
Matthew Jul 2010
Around the grave, they all gather, as they quietly begin to mourn

In the middle of their hearts, stands a lonely thorn.

Poking and stabbing, and jabbing away, everything seems so lost.

Though it's winter, it's so cold, they don't mind old Jack Frost.

A man has fallen in a war, something that shouldn't be fought

But the government has it's lie, freedom should be bought

Around the nation, the people wonder why they need to mourn

It's the lies, it's the lies, being told by this lonely thorn.

The weapons blast, people die, blood spills upon the ground

Some people die, gone forever, their bodies are never found.

War is war, there are no sides, nobody can truly win.

But thanks to him, the war goes on, this should have been a sin.

The battles rage on, people fall, and families start to mourn

For the lies, that were told, now people are getting scorned.

There's a lesson in all of this, but nobody will ever see

It doesn't take blood, nor mass death, to continue to be free.

And so the family begins to cry, they slander that one thorn

The bell goes off as they leave, darkness is what they worn.

God stands next to them, trying to give them comfort

It's okay, my lonely child, I'm sorry for the hurt.

War is hell, hell is war, this is what we know.

People die, in the end, and the rivers end it's flow.

All shall stop, not a sound, except from a single horn.

Thanks to them we are dead, and now we are your thorn
Copyright: 2009
Jul 2010 · 508
My prayer
Matthew Jul 2010
This girl I like, in a odd kind of way
and yet we've never met
I cannot hide, not from her
I find this to be strange

I've never seen her in my life
only on a screen
This darkness fades; it's now light
Something from inside

What is this, tell me God
I am so unsure
Help me God, Help me please
Save me from myself

I am here, and she is there
and yet we are the same
I'm not sure, what I should do
I'm going to lose my mind

I'm so confused, I'm so lost
I don't know what to do
She is there, and I am here
How can we feel this way?

We talk, we laugh, and we talk
about what cannot be
For I am here, and she is there
I guess I'll never know
Copyright: 2009
Jul 2010 · 503
Matthew Jul 2010
A man alone, A man unheard
never to speak a word
He is a dream, a figment
of what he used to be

A man is married, he does not care
She is his to own
He torments her, all the time
An illusion, of what he was

A mirror is broken, a mirror is shattered
Pieces of him on the floor
He is shattered, he is broken
nothing but a dream

He is shattered, he is broken
he lies on the floor
The pieces of him, what he was
before he took a drink

He beats her often, he beats her hard
She is always afraid
He tries to change; He won't change
And yet she wants to stay

"I love him so, I love him so"
Is all she ever says
Beat her rough, beat her hard
So she'll finally leave

You loved him then, you hate him now
You are wising up
He hit you then, you shot him now
You are finally safe

The courts hate you, I love you
this is our debate
They let you free, you go with me
You are finally safe.
Copyright: 2009
Jul 2010 · 486
I could only try
Matthew Jul 2010
I tried to save her, I tried to take her away
From that awful thing
Without a trace, she goes away
leaving me to wonder

I'm hurt again, I'm not suprised
all women are the same
They mess with you, toy your mind
making you insane

My heart is hurting, it is broken
and yet i'm not suprised
I should have known, it would happen
She was only full of lies

She wasn't real, she wasn't real
Why am I suprised?
My heart is broken, **** this ****
I now know what I am

I am an entity; forever  alone
I am simply what I am
I am that shadow, within the night
Never to find my one

I am alone, it is my fate
that I never find my love
I am now, filled with hate
because she left me so

In the dirt, in the dirt
where my body lies
I am forsaken, I am hurt
and yet I am so numb

Because of her, I lost my faith
I will never find my one
****** again, not in that way
I guess I am alone

We are the ones, who lurk in the night
never to find our love
I am the one, who wreaks of death
never to be close

Stay away, so far away
and you will safe
from my hands, my twisted hands
who have pushed you away.
Copyright: 2009
Jul 2010 · 1.6k
I am darkness
Matthew Jul 2010
I am that shadow, the one who is still lost
I don't know why it's like that
I am that demon, I am that angel
that one who will always be stuck

I am that darkness, that wreaks of filth
you know what it is I mean
I am that entity, that used to care
I was once a living being

I am dead on the inside, I have you to thank
I am simply what I am
I am that shadow, that was once a man
I have since lost my identity

I turned to God, I asked for help
I have yet to find a reply
I am that shadow, that was a man
you make me want to die

Because of you, I feel so lost
you're always on my mind
Because of you, I'm only a shell
of what I used to be

I prayed to God, I prayed to me
none seem to help
I cried and cried, I fell asleep
and now you're in my dreams

I was a man, I really cared
I guess that wasn't enough
I am that shadow; I am that shell
of what I used to be

My sea is dark, it's so deep
I cannot see that light
Somewhere inside, deep within me
I know it must be there

I am that Angel, I am that demon
I always fight myself
Do I love you, do I hate you?
this is my own war

I wanted to help, I want to save you
From what you cannot see
I tried so hard, I tried to fight
But I am no longer me

I harden up, on the inside
to makeup for my loss
Because of you, I am a new me
I feel there's no love

Love is fake, a small illusion
of what we call lust
It's not real, you stubborn fool
you're thinking with your head

I drive my car, I leave my past
I drive so far away
You cannot see, you cannot hear
what I want to say

I am a shadow, I used to care
But now I am a shell
Who am I, what am I?
I am no longer me.
Copyright: 2009
Jul 2010 · 2.0k
Gothic Christmas
Matthew Jul 2010
This tree so light, this room so dark
This is out of my mind
Shattered glass; tainted souls
people aren't that kind

They give their gifts and yet they hate
while they pray to God
Save my soul, my tainted soul
Just save me from myself

This room so dark, and yet so bright
it's what you want to see
These rusted chains around my feet
it's a gloomy day

The churches sing out to their God
and yet they don't believe
In his love, and his compassion
for they have all judged me

The blackened windows, their darkened eyes
another Gothic Christmas
Thank you God for this suprise
why not **** me now?

Oh save me now, from your people
hands that are so cold
I'm not Christian; for I am real
I am not corrupt

Thank you God, for this day
another Gothic Christmas
Here's the church, at my door
I cannot believe this
Copyright: 2009
Jun 2010 · 632
Matthew Jun 2010
A life so dark; a life of illusion
A life that had to be born.
A life unwanted, a life of hate
A life that nobody wanted.

Because you tried, you cared, and cried
Everybody turned away
A diluted life; a delusional life
Another knife in the back.

You are not wanted, you are alone
nobody can ever love you.
You're the embodiment of Grey...
The embodiment of emptiness.

I am like you, for I am nothing.
And yet I feel like everything.
A spinning ball, out of control
All that remains is this Grey.

A demonic past, a lack of future
this is where we are.
A nation falling, my life is falling
As the graves continue to be filled.

The color Grey; a place unknown
A place where we can live.
The life of peace, it can never be
for we can never forgive.
Copyright: 2010
Apr 2010 · 704
Gothic Lullaby
Matthew Apr 2010
You close your eyes and I close my heart
to the things I used to be.
I see your peace, you see my pain
There are no words to say.

I close my eyes and dream of pain
I dream about my agony.
Why do you care if I have changed?
I hated who I was.

Always happy, always joyful
never with a care.
They ****** me over, and you will to
It is meant to be.

You're a ***** without being one
and yet you act so innocent.
I scream to you "Just freaking die!"
And yet you never leave.

Shattered glass; the water of my soul
spilling onto the ground.
It is my blood that you will shed
and yet you do not know.

My mind is ash, my soul so cold
My mind is growing numb.
I'm a zombie and yet I live
Let me eat your brain.

A rock so soft, and yet so hard
everything has a double.
You were kind without being kind
I admire such an ego.

The temptation hurts, it hurts my eyes
I want to rip you apart.
Piece by piece, limb by limb
I **** again and again.

My mind unstable, my heart is black
and yet you see a light.
I am the wolf who seeks you out
for you are my fair game.
Copyrights: 2010
Feb 2010 · 728
Hand so cold
Matthew Feb 2010
I see the shadows, they take me awayinto a place so dark.I see your hand, a hand so coldI know I'm about to die.You see me cry; you feel nothingYou are what you are.The hand of death, the darkened AngelThe one that we all fear.There are no tears, from you hollow eyesFor you have a job to doI cannot fight, for I am trappedPlease get me out of here!I touch your hand, a hand so coldit feels just like a knife.Piercing me, into my soulI see your glowing eyes.You take me down, into this placea place so very cold.Without a word, you let me goand now I'm all alone. I saw your soul, a soul so coldYou are what you areYou are the reaper, the death AngelWhom I only met once.
Copyrights: Matthew(Written for the group: Dark Poets Society)
Feb 2010 · 507
Matthew Feb 2010
Your eyes so cold, your heart so numb

I know what you are

A monster, a tyrant, I'm so dumb

to think this could go far.

Your face is pale, you never speak

I can't say a word

Never again, you'll think I'm weak

But you'll never again be heard.

I'm not dumb, I'm not smart

I am simply sick.

I look at you, rip you apart

Am I finally psychotic

I had to do, what I had to do

I couldn't leave you here

I took the knife, I got rid of you

and thus I end my fear

I lay your body, ever so still

I drop it into a hole

This I know, you'll never feel

I watch you as you roll.

I am weak, and yet I'm not

I hope I pay the cost

For this crime, I hope I rot

Assuming I don't get lost
Copyrights: 2009 by Matthew
Feb 2010 · 479
One Thorn
Matthew Feb 2010
Around the grave, they all gather, as they quietly begin to mourn

In the middle of their hearts, stands a lonely thorn.

Poking and stabbing, and jabbing away, everything seems so lost.

Though it's winter, it's so cold, they don't mind old Jack Frost.

A man has fallen in a war, something that shouldn't be fought

But the government has it's lie, freedom should be bought

Around the nation, the people wonder why they need to mourn

It's the lies, it's the lies, being told by this lonely thorn.

The weapons blast, people die, blood spills upon the ground

Some people die, gone forever, their bodies are never found.

War is war, there are no sides, nobody can truly win.

But thanks to him, the war goes on, this should have been a sin.

The battles rage on, people fall, and families start to mourn

For the lies, that were told, now people are getting scorned.

There's a lesson in all of this, but nobody will ever see

It doesn't take blood, nor mass death, to continue to be free.

And so the family begins to cry, they slander that one thorn

The bell goes off as they leave, darkness is what they worn.

God stands next to them, trying to give them comfort

It's okay, my lonely child, I'm sorry for the hurt.

War is hell, hell is war, this is what we know.

People die, in the end, and the rivers end it's flow.

All shall stop, not a sound, except from a single horn.

Thanks to them we are dead, and now we are your thorn.
Copyrights: 2006 by Matthew

— The End —