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the true joy of sorrow
I went to church Sunday like I always do
My Pentecostal Pastor could see right through me
He looked into my eyes and asked me
"Are you living for God Tana?"
I looked straight back at him and said
"Yes sir."
I have tiger stripes on my hands,
I have them on my arms, legs and back too,
some are red and some are white.
I have tiger stripes lacing up and down my body,
proud because I've earned them,
proud because these scars,
   from memories I can't recall,
have made my teeth sharp
                    and eyes quick.

I have tiger stripes up and down my body,
Proud because I've earned them,
Proud because I deserve them,
Proud because I'm fearless.
 Sep 2013 Matthew Walker
A word created by the devil to make others feel ugly
A word created by the devil to lower self esteem

Our society lets the devil rule it by creating anorexic models
Wearing caked on make up
Telling little girls they need to look like Barbie
That make up will solve all your problems
The biggest lie the devil ever told was convincing girls they look better with make up on

Society tells girls there ugly unless they have the perfect waist
The biggest *****
The best butts
Why so magazines will sell
Why because men only want anorexic fake barbies for wives

Well it's just a bunch of lies by the devil
Believed by the little girls who want barbies
Believed by the girl that u call fat and ugly
The girl u make fun of for her pimples

So they turn to the devil and listen to him and starve themselves for guys who will never care
Cake their face with make up so u will call them pretty one day

But it's all just a bunch of lies
God makes no mistakes
Your beautiful just the way you are
 Sep 2013 Matthew Walker
Our culture is so broken and hopeless
People are judge by who they love
As if its a choice they made to be gay
They couldn't change if they wanted to

We can fight for our gun rights
But get upset when gays fight for their marriage rights
Because our culture has made Gay synonymous with the lesser  

If everyone is created equal
Then why can't gays get married
Cause we're scared they might revolt
Cause we're scared they might influence others

If you can't let others love who they want to then your incapable of love yourself...

You see men walking down the street holding hands
So you make fun of them
Call them *******
But when you go home you open up that **** site
Just another night cheating on your wife

Marriage in general is so corrupt
Husbands beat their wives
They cheat and lie

So when we see the love of homosexual
We get jealous and angry because its what we used to have
But now it's lost between the lies
So we try and hide it by fighting against same *** marriage
As if some how that will make it acceptable for you to cheat
Or to make yourself feel the like the man your dad always wanted

We need to look into our own lives before we cast the first stone
Because we are all equal
One man One God One opportunity

Our culture is broken by heterosexual media and religions telling us how to live and judge each other when they are the ones that are broken...
Controversial I know... Just wrote this poem today tell me what you think
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