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 Sep 2013 Matthew Walker
How do I explain this to you?
It's something I have never had to say.
All I know is that this is something new-
And that I have never felt this way.

I have never seen a smile like yours
or heard a laugh that's quite as cute.
You are opening all new doors,
that's leading me to something new.

I've never felt this way before,
when someone tells me they love me.
But this time I feel my heart drop- fall to the floor
and I think I am beginning to see.

Something new is not something bad.
I am learning to smile and love once again.
With your help I am now letting go of the past,
and learn that I can once more "begin-"

I do not have to forget all that has been done,
I just need you to smile and take my hand.
Because it does not matter what has gone wrong-
I know that you'll understand.

You are certainly not the type to judge-
I like that, that is new.
The more that days pass the more I feel loved...
I am really beginning to like you.

I cannot imagine anyone else next to me-
It's just something I can't picture in my head.
And I also cannot imagine, cannot see, or think of anyone else inside my bed.

What is this feeling...
It is something entirely new.
I have never felt the need to say it...
But I need to tell you ...I love you.
 Sep 2013 Matthew Walker
As I lay in the puddle of tears on my bed
I feel so alive
My mask has been taken off
It's truly me
The words I speak are so me
Almost too me
There so unclean that hurts my ears

When I wake up from my bed and head out to school
I turn around and grab that "happy" mask right off the shelf
Just hopping no one notices it's a mask
I look so calm
So collected

You could never tell that on the inside are scares so deep
So alive
That I relive them everyday

But when I get home I open up your stories and feel so alive

How can I ever share myself with anyone
When can I trust people to love me for my scares
For my scares make me
But at one point they broke me

So when I close ur book
I take off that mask
Smash it to pieces
I tell myself tomorrow I will be myself

When I get up I make a new mask
A better one
One that can't be broken
One that can hide anything

Maybe one day together we can break it
But for now I'm fine with always being "happy"
 Sep 2013 Matthew Walker
When we are little kids all we do is want to grow up
Adults ask us what we want to be we say adults

When were old all we want to do is be young
Kids ask us what we want to be and we say dead

Why is that all we want to do is grow up so fast
The years fly by
Soon your 18 looking in the mirror like I can't believe what I have become I was gonna enjoy high school make lasting memories
Everyone always does

Then we take that step out of our parents doors
Knowing this is what we have always wanted
But we're scared
We have lost so many friends already
We have cried enough nights to sleep
To know that growing old is a curse

You dream of that day being 18 and seeing what it brings
Your so excited that you rush through life to get there

Why is it so hyped
More rules
Have to pay your own bills
Living in a new city or state
Crying your self to sleep cause you miss your mom and dad
Cause you miss hanging with your bestfriends  every second of everyday

Then we finally get to the end of our life and we look back at those pictures
Those joyful days
Without a care in the world

But now that your old you have laid your parents to rest
Seen twice as many friends leave your side
Still cry yourself to sleep at night

But those pictures you burned them so you don't have to remember that you were once a kid
Because a kid has everything without knowing it and you have nothing while knowing it
The tables have turned so much
You wanted to be old you got your wish but now that your there you realize it was hyped up and it's a curse

Now you can't wait to die
To see those friends
those family members
that you have lost
Another night thinking
of all the times
you were there
when no one else was.

you're actually here
with me
and it feels like
no one ever was.
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