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 Aug 2013 Matthew Walker
Reasons why I write.

Why? Because in writing I can tell everything I feel using words that are so deep for me. In writing I can express what I currently feel, I can use different point of view for my problem. For me, there are no nonsense post because  we wrote that and all of our feelings are in there, in those words, in those beautiful words.

I love to write because I’m a shy person. I start blabbering nonsense things if I get shy or  even when I feel like I’m gonna get embarrassed for that. I’m a shy person and in that case, I can’t tell people what I really want or what I feel towards them so instead of speaking with them, I learned a new way to communicate and that is to write.

In writing I can be everything I want. I can be the cruel villain in my life telling stories why I hate myself; I can be the girl who secretly have a crush on someone and stalks him everywhere. In writing I can express myself, I can tell here what I feel towards a certain person in my life.

I just love it, I love the feeling of posting it, seeing someone liked it and commenting at it telling me that they can relate to me or telling me that everything will be fine. I love the feeling of it, after clicking the publish button. No one can make me stop in writing.

I admit, I may not be a good writer, but, do you understand now why I write?

{ n.j }
 Aug 2013 Matthew Walker
 Aug 2013 Matthew Walker
Just let the tears
fall free from my eyes.

I'm starting to get tired
of silent cries.

I'm getting sick
of telling lies.

Let the tears fall free from my eyes.

 Aug 2013 Matthew Walker
That's what I am.
I am suffocated.

So many people
and my hands and legs
won't stop shaking.
I can't breathe
but I can't run.

Is this what it feels like?
To be so scared and afraid?
All you want to do is stay at home
forever and ever and ever...

No friends, no one.
Only me, only me...

I think I like it,
the suffocation and darkness
and this loneliness.
What's gonna happen to me?

I think I'm going crazy,
and that's absolutely fine with me.

Fall in Love with someone.
Fall in love, tomorrow if not today.
Fall in love, for the dark;
Or for the light of day.
Fall in love for restful sleep,
Fall in love to lie awake.
Fall in love to learn to give;
Or maybe just to take.
Fall in love, so you can feel,
Fall in love to numb the pain.
Fall in love to be better;
Or just to be vain.
Fall in love, to make mistakes,
Fall in love to right your wrong.
Fall in love in defiance;
Or maybe just to belong.
Fall in love, for the body,
Fall in love for the heart.
Fall in love to stay forever;
Or even just to part.
Fall in love with beauty,
Fall in love with flaws.
Fall in love for a reason;
Or even just because.
Fall in love for real,
Fall in love to fake.
Fall in love with the lies
Of a ruthless, heartless rake.
Fall in love for the fear,
Fall in love for the joy.
Fall in love for liberation;
Or even as a ploy.
Fall in love, just one time,
Or two, or six, or eight.
Fall in love at first sight;
Or maybe after a long wait.
But fall in love, you must,
For there is nothing quite the same.
If only to write about it;
For your five minutes of fame.
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