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If you want to know what I write about,
look in the mirror as you walk by.
Do you see your eyes;
sometimes green, sometimes brown,
but always filled with kindness.
You hold your smile there,
that's how I really know you're happy.
If you want to know what I write about,
look at your feet when you have someplace to go.
Do you notice how one foot turns in more than the other?
Putting a bounce in your step;
a bounce that becomes more profound as you get hyper.
If you want to know what I write about,
listen to the echo of your laughs.
You have three different ones;
each bringing a smile to my face when I listen.
They are so infectious, I can't help but laugh, too.
If you want to know what I write about,
look to the creator of your dreams.
The beautiful mind that paints the pictures on your eyelids as you sleep.
I want to know what it thinks about constantly.
Who do you hold in the back of your mind?
What secrets do you keep?
What feelings do you feel?
If you want to know what I write about,
look into your heart.
Look at who you are,
what you do,
what you stand for.
Look at you.
You are my best friend.
You are why I write.
A little rough around the edges but you get the point.
I swear on everything that I care about
that I really do try to be happy.
But sometimes I get so tired of trying
that I just become sad for a bit.
And I hate when old habits come back
just to bring me new secrets to keep.
Completely rambling
I was everything,
           then I was something.
Now I am something,
           falling into







Ask me why
I believe
in God.

I'll say:

I think I'm addicted to sadness.
I want you to know that it's okay to be broken. To just be the thousands of tiny pieces that you are. To not always be whole, but sometimes hollow. I know you hold things down in your chest; pushing them back to hide in all the darkest places of your heart. But I know it takes more out of you than you are willing to recognize. I know I'm the opposite of you and I get in trouble for that. And in all honesty..yeah, it does hurt to be ridiculed for just dealing with things how I need to. In spite of that.. I don't want you to ever feel like I do. Stop being so insecure. I know people have hurt you and I know I'm probably one of them. But those boys who have lied to you and fooled around on you.. That is their own insecurities coming out of them. They are good for nothing and I swear to you, in a few years it'll show through. Just realize you are beautiful and the best friend I've ever had even though we fight constantly and **** each other off. You may not always have the attention of the people you want or be praised by the people you want. But you've made me smile at least once everyday for the last three years and that has to be worth something, doesn't it?
Your blue eyes are the ocean,
and I drowned myself at sea.

Your smile is as bright as snow,
so I freeze to death in winter.

And your kisses taste like cigarettes,
so now I'm addicted to smoking.
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