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Five score minus eight years ago
January eighteenth two thousand twenty one
father of civil rights movement
the revered Martin Luther King Junior honored
as benevolent demigod figure
to the oppressed African American population

without whose bold risks
and subsequent brutal assassination April fourth
ninety sixty eight at the hands
of a crazed gunman (James Earl Ray),
whereby all the King's men
and all the King's horses...,

still aghast at tragic event
while reverberations felt forty two years later,
where embedded white privilege
begets continued racial strife
analogous to uncorked raging tempest
saddling people of color to human *******

(no matter ponying up excellent equestrians),
nevertheless wrought empowerment
advancing cherished dreams
of slaves recent descendents
allowing, enabling and providing
once attainable aspirations
only bestowed upon

the self anointed masters and early settlers of
the virginal North American contiguous land mass
yet…generations prior
to this prestigious public personality
Abolitionists pitted themselves
against the institution of slavery

incrementally raising awareness
regarding the abomination
forced servitude incurred on those shackled
thus setting the stage
for this grandson of A.D. Williams
a rural parsonage,

who ministered spiritual support
for the small congregation
(initially only thirteen members)
comprising attendants at
Ebenezer Baptist church in Atlanta Georgia
setting precedent for freedom

(at risk of life and limb) against scourge of
racial prejudice courtesy
of sharecropper grandparents
whose objection to racial segregation
based on an affront to the will of God,
whereby the young whip smart precocious lad,

(whose impact we now memorialize)
showed his true colorful promise
when a young student at
Liberal Crozer Theological Seminary
in Chester, Pennsylvania
where the yet uncrowned

eminent king came under the influence
of theologian Reinhold Niebuhr,
a classmate of his father's
at Morehouse College
who became a mentor by exposing
his protégée to liberal views of theology

planting the seeds of ardent activism
that gave rise to
The Southern Christian
Leadership Conference (SCLC),
an initial platform
allowing, enabling and providing acclaim

hoisted up by petard
invariably only heightened
(his) posthumous status
as thee most articulate orator
spelling binding the listeners
with his metaphors about his emphatic march

to a promised land where all
men/women could be brothers/sisters
and no person will be judged
by the color of his/her skin
raising morale of many dirt poor
ebony masses to feel a glimmer of hope.
Quite a vivid late afternoon/
early evening dream
transpired within me noggin
housed deep within skullcap
regarding right wing kooky
conspiracy plot to kidnap
a leary paranoid
schizophrenic king suspicious of trap

upon arising from lengthy nap
yours truly, who sought to pull himself
a generic garden variety chap
up courtesy his own figurative bootstrap
on account of groggy feeling
so methought to download
wake up quick app.

Before hurriedly bidding thee rabbit reader
a bunny fide hasta la vista
linkedin concatenated adieu,
(I bemusedly, kindly, readily, willingly
acknowledge (while zippily wiggling
mine button nose)

naysaying belonging to species and genus
Oryctolagus cuniculus Yemenite
my matter of fact honest to dog aim to write
creating literary masterpiece considerably
far less than one terabyte

no way no how attests
(quintessentially, simultaneously, vociferously...
waving shaky spear less to prove point
versus making verses to feign)
being adept with skill set of playwright

while playing fair and as (unbeknownst
until just recently) privileged white knight
such unfairness motivates
participation with Cherry Hill, New Jersey
Unitarian reparations group
genuine fellowship doth excite.

Caffeine consumption
creative process helps jumpstart
impossible mission to chart
outcome regarding crafting poem
analogous to elusive prey

thoughts slither and dart
to and fro, hither and yon
yet how ideal if literary endeavor
could possibly be mapped out
courtesy devine English flowchart

distinct symbols representing
how branching outcomes show start
to finish plot encompassing
picture of broken heart,
where love labour's lost

where all's well that ends well
pertaining to romantic tragedy
cue Romeo and Juliet
rent asunder torn apart.
Wherever you might be holed up
within this whirled wide web wassup?

Mein kampf still equals board
hardscrabble existence deplored
analogous to Norwegian bachelor,
whose Lake Wobegon nestled within fjord
forcing me to hoard

memories regarding
our long ago short lived relationship
and mine present married life inured
absolutely zero points
within game of life scored.

Approximately three score
minus seven years ago
this then naïve and innocent
early twenty something,
now a middle aged,
diamond in the rough, jaded

two plus decades slavish
married male did not realize
his fair maiden perfect form,
she a capricorn
(who also shared
same January 13th birthday as myself,
though a half dozen
years Mycenae senior
hovered in mine immediate proximity,

a mere hello kitty whisker away,
which accompanying cat’s eye
soft nose smart pet appetite
saw me weight tool ******* up
to revere mother of pearl
opal mate ideal beau
now ex post facto finds
yours truly ruing
foregone soul mate to crow

in vain, though I cannot help pining
and lamenting where art thou – dow
ting she (MaryAnn Sage,
a young whirled, wide
webbed childless divorcee,
a couple of years shy of thirty)
ponders whereabouts
of this contemplative, furtive

and intuitive paramour, whence
swooning swain first experienced anew
an alien emotional lightness of being
within mine hardened carapace did brew
a propensity to surmise, intuit,
and detect a romantic joyful dew
drop similar to lovers in dustbin
of historical annals

dipped ‘ere farewell flew
common as the air we breathe,
this new found muse
sic cull passion grew
yet handled with kid gloves,
which lacked the means
to nurture and hue

a novel interpersonal ecstasy,
which with fits and starts knew
tony yen physics manifested
into a mutual attraction
despite any self-admission new
to this chap, whose skills
sans intimacy infantile

and as a result inadvertently caused grief
to a gal, (who valiantly
christened her vehicle Ruby)
hoping to stride down the pew
which outcome thwarted,
now tis much more

sands of mine lifetime
funneled down the
hourglass shaped queue
without any rhyme nor reason
find this bard **** to rue
how a golden opportunity indiscriminately

lost a flickr and sentiments
now akin to culinary
Michelin patschke stew
rather futile to ruminate
the long lapsed travails
that tripped a true
lee darling dame,

whose take on the matter,
this poet would cherish a view
yet….nary a clue exists if any possibility
to revisit that denouement recalling
the awkward fits and starts before
embers of warm reciprocity kindled
reciprocal an ambition to court,

jest and indubitably woo
to flip and shutterfly
at greased lightning speed
back to that contra dance
at Summit Presbyterian Church
at the crossroads of Green
and Westview Avenue.

Relaxing Music for Deep Sleep. Delta Waves.
Calm Background for Sleeping, Meditation, and Yoga.

Amidst human tempest
malevolent fiery brew
whereby renegades who
kickstarted effective coup
I laid down with
eyes wide shut yours truly drew

listening to above
world wide web hyperlink
silently lambasting rambunctious
hoodlums ewe
could literally feel
maniacal malefactors rage that flew

wrenching loose ramparts
held together courtesy democratic glue
as pillaging hooligans
shrieked ear splitting cry and hue
heard far away as Aleutian Islands,
where said sedimentary islands
capped by steep volcanoes

resemble an immense stony igloo
interestingly enough housing
a very reformed (Unitarian) Jew
whose state of the art cave
of course tricked out
with sophisticated internet connection
subsequently therefore he knew

upheaval despite Washington D.C. situated
approximately four thousand
and three miles away
much relieved to celebrate his upcoming LXII birthday
(January thirteenth – three days hence)
(enhanced courtesy boyish good looks)
far removed from former swamp

long since repurposed into Capitol Hill
the seat of the U.S. government, home
to domed United States Capitol, Senate,
Houses of Representatives and
neoclassical Supreme Court
linkedin with countless major beltway.

The information superhighway doth allow,
enable and provide live streaming access,
which unsettling all American (as apple pie)
terroristic travail etched creases
into mine permanently furrowed brow
suppressing appetite, hence

hoop fully explains bowl of uneaten chow
prepared by top notch chef
(recipient of many Michelin stars -
and stripes too many to count)
comprised by seafood an expert fisherman
(who trawls hundreds of miles)
spends many hours aboard custom made dhow.

Naturally mentally conjured
inquiry regarding why
and how a sore loser
must foment such anarchy, thus I sigh
especially troubled how an
anti-semitic, bigoted, depraved
self-glorified kook, planned
and venerated maelstrom well nigh.

Impossible mission to ignore
(just barely) aborted attempt
ruffians sought to overthrow government
characterized by one young punk
donned with animal skins and horns to bore

holes into human flesh, now arduous chore
borne by Joe Biden not only to decry and deplore
abomination weeks in the making extempore
since 2020 presidential election decreed
which results Trump did abhor.
While figuratively (yet electronically) rifling thru bajillion documents, I came across one written four plus years ago and slightly modified today January ninth two thousand and twenty one at approximately 9:42 PM, when Hillary Clinton Democratic contestant chose Tim Kaine of Virginia as her running mate and former forty second first lady got thoroughly thrashed during debates with he who must NOT be named.

Little did yours truly (me) intimate what horrific state of affairs the forty fifth president would wreak (his latest gig desecrating sacred government enclaves housed within Capitol Hill), although keen political prognosticators foresaw calamity plain as day. If only said metaphorical crystal ball gazers ominous premonition heeded and/or brave soul(s) with chutzpah (think yours truly) raised a ruckus to oust the newly anointed commander in chief.

Hindsight always 20/20!

Egg gads, I ham aghast,
(and turning green with disgust)
at increasing popularity
witnessed by Donald Trump,
hence aye aerate thoughts,
how *** a nine his banal, demoniacal,
egomaniacal, fanatical, guttural, and hurtful
culling frightening insight, where
portentous Portuguese Man 'o War debacle
doth crowdsource, Flickr, Snapchat,
Twitter and indeed long foster
my plenti full overactive imagination

to induce writhing expressions of fearfulness
proportionate burst of haughtiness)
while he doth stump
would animate mine rear
i.e. rather noxious flatulence
expelled from outward doppelganger of ****
pull stilts skin cuz this chap haint Noah fan,
but wood vouchsafe
tub be a Jimmy Neutron
n Spongebob Squarepants
Ark n saw wing enemy against
da dull don dat does pumps

swaggering bravado with fist swelling ego
analogous to his body infected
with severe case of mumps
that brazen denizen hurling
and spewing volcanic fiery spittle
with incense against others –
to him mere lumps
of protoplasm heckled as inferior to himself
boasts as proof of favoritism,

that enervating, fawning,
gabbling feverish arrogant mania for him jumps
higher than expected,
while he commits faux paws which bumps
his ratings higher, he gleefully endorses
pandemonium toward gloating gumps
shun from the uproarious querulous
and populous madding crowd
regarding return of native son.

Throughout launch of his campaign,
banally, devilishly, and fiendishly
character assassinating those opposed to his views -
inducing me to harrumph and dump faith
in humanity, wondering what ruse
smart democratic pol mongers can conjure up

while pacing in soft shoes
woeful sentiments sans his attempt did render
competitors to drop out in ones n twos
whom he purportedly considers apostates,
and heathens cons heed Make America Great use
all manner of bullying
(determination whose occipital pupils

coalescing into searing
grape nut size wrath poisonous daggers)
forcibly silencing any jeers
when necessary plagiarizing neo **** playbook -
with trophy wife eliciting "who cares"
attitude closing in on pinteresting
for United States chess board foursquare,
which deliberate intent
to foment n wrought prostrate -
music to those hoteliers billion dollar ears

sans defeated apprenticing contestants
hearing sobbing tears
with vitriolic violent bilious
inducing jabs of his will full brittle spears
reputations of personalities
(men and women politicians
his especial flavor of scathing,
scandalous, scabrous sordidness

spewed squeamishly to grab
by the figurative crotch
(ala Michael Jackson)
the hello kitty 2016 presidential election),
whether liberal, conservative,
heterosexual or queers
thus tis find this muddling middle-aged mwm
abject psychic fractal shears.

The following poetic addendum composed way buff fore this (in my mind) atrocious, cretaceous, enormous, ferocious, garrulous, hellacious, indecorous, malicious nemesis, pernicious, querulous, rapacious, specious, tedious, unrighteous, vicious, dangerous demon must BE STOPPED IN HIS TRACKS ASAP!

this portion dashed off
(while driving an open white hearse slay
so many months back before sale him
slotted the most coveted
Casino biggest win -
before the political imbroglio
much more upsetting than today

Axe the old don
A trump peter n piper
of incredulous hellish crud - be gone
With the ha airbrushed pompous ****
so the Macy jackal hound doth run
After public outcry yelps
for his hide and proletarian discord won.

Donald Duck Trump ™!$ - a pompous ***
makes war with his big brass
knuckles and bucket of crass
maligns vis a vis character assassination
with soundcloud of broken glass
inciting banal deathly
hallowed expletives toward lass
sees – especially Fox Television
news anchor woman Megyn Kelly
inducing said personality

to bear the brunt of brutish mass
of vitriolic n vile insults
from incriminating verbal pass
so…ex post facto
viz mine NO VOTE from me
thus this digital screed to disallow him
to accept the oath of office,
cuz he will hurrahs
from such a snooty arrogant
simian with sass.

I van a try to describe while sitting on me ****
How he oh bomb in lee rages with gnashing teeth
while back a slump
blasting Democratic nomination as a sham –
from special interest bro and sis turn pump
he, the epitomy of crass bloviation,
a malignant lump
whose rants sans presidential outcome
a sham rocking red bull
in a China shop with his millions beds this,

that and another woman to ******* jump
disseminating gene pool –
Obama null lee birthing
more quackers and additionally doth ****
the mass media as some foolhardy charade
and caricature of a frazzled grump
this arboreal clothed ape
erecting taj mahal ******* symbol
where players dump
and gamble away hard earn cash

for his (hmm... mew zing) hello kitty,
as if that cachet to grind and bump
lambasting with that maniacal leering pout
while hair *** runs rampant with red bulls
in a china shop atop his bulbous aerosol
sprayed heady measly shaped
ulterior motive aimed his sights
to become pastor of muppets
dis eased cranial hologram
of a cretaceous, facetious and insidious mump.

By: Baron Von Ivan Mal N. Ya.
Our unhinged president,
(a veritable loathsome miscreant)
cannot get away with ******,
nor will mine paltry poetic
(side winding) gambit
help clinch deserved punishment
for leader of free world hell bent
on destroying civilization.

Nevertheless cathartic and therapeutic
to craft (ala literary blitzkrieg)
sentiments lambasting atrocious,
egregious, malicious, nefarious,
opprobrious, seditious, uproarious, vicious...
***** deed(s) done dirt cheap.

I exercise freedom of speech to relieve and air
impermissible, reprehensible, terrible... behavior
that finds me aghast at presidential malfeasance,
yours truly reacts to horrible unconscionable and
double trouble flagrant malfeasance unleashed
courtesy commander in chief generating, loosing
rioting, where yawping hardy madding crowds

begat: agonizing, antagonizing, authorizing,
baptizing, cannibalizing, capitalizing, comprizing,
compromising, demonizing, destabilizing,
epitomizing, glamorizing, jeopardizing,
metastasizing, patronizing, prizing, seizing,
terrorizing, traumatizing, vandalizing credo,
ethos and faith bolstering United States.

Impossible mission to function amid
chaos erupting, germinating, inducing
kindling making overt quakes spurring
ignore, reboot, fail flashes across mind
scape feeble endeavor to summon hope
and retry to jump start or kick start life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
regarding overarching linkedin woe

experienced by one garden variety
generic, aging, long haired pencil
necked geek predisposed to anxiety
whereby a half dozen prescription
medications help tamp down once
debilitating panic attacks, whence
body formerly wracked with vertigo,
nausea, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Methinks thee boorish, blimpish, brutish,
childish, churlish, dullish, foolish,
gangsterish, goyish, gruffish, hoodlumish,
impish, loutish, nebbish, oafish, ogreish,
peevish, plumpish, piggish, roguish,
rowdyish, ruttish, selfish, thuggish,
unbookish, and wolffish zealot of
self importance feels no remorse.

Four years from now said unnamed villain
could rightfully within incredulity once again
be elected to become forty seventh president
welcoming white supremacists in the main
linkedin and extolled as their captain my captain
dredging up spirit of Mark Twain
long since buried at second mark
on a line that measured depth,
signifying two fathoms, or 12 feet.
Heartfelt congratulations
to Raphael Warnock,
now slated to become
first Black senator of Georgia
cuz he defeated Senator
Kelly Loeffler quite a shock
as troopers fuel related headlines
Jon Ossoff also declared victory
over Republican Senator David Perdue

arrows drawn whereby
quivering feathers tautly nock
democrats experience
Pyrrhic victory worse fate than
death (courtesy madding
and mobbing crowd) knock
king prospective peaceful
Biden transition aftershock.

Protesters (Trump supporters)
storm Capitol Hill caw
zing pandemonium think
outsize dagger studded claw
dripping with innocent
blood slain victims immediately
spark warring factions
trumpeting zealotry where draw

ma (i.e. drama bordering
on traitorous and treasonous)
ruffians amass upon storied
Washington District of Columbia scuff law
hooligans inciting unrest
by tossing incendiary grenades
setting civility aflame literally
exhausting literal last negotiable straw.

Government of the United States
overtaken courtesy coup
d'état quickly dissolving
constitutional and democratic glue
political harmonic convergence
goes out figurative window
******* kickstarts fracas,

then chaos erupts like tinder in lieu
of law and order signals
institution of martial law no control
nor precedent to manage upheaval
in recent memory review
wing history in vain, thus
may force (to survive) be with you.

Yours truly (me) dumbfounded
at chain of alarming events aye
can't breathe mortified at impending
take no prisoners battle cry
need powder milk biscuits and
good n plenti raw bits to fortify
though dead of winter, I sweat bullets
as if month of year July
forecast laden with maelstrom

amidst and across globe well nigh
fearing total mortal kombat
raining down from the ominous sky
wondering (on a star) how repulsiveness
of megalomaniacal forty
fifth president affects millions of devotees,
whereat my illustrious,
fulsome countenance begets
****** features best hashtagged as wry.

I await with bated breath for apocalypse
and what promises (last picture show)
close approximation to Armageddon
wanton destruction and death
yes once and for all annihilating

adultery, bigotry, cupidity,
debauchery, effrontery, frivolity...,
but additionally decimating
life, liberty and pursuit of happiness
as showdown by Republican diehards
roiling violence and sowing seeds of anarchy.
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