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Siege warfare linkedin with aberrant behavior
transpires within me mind,
(not just today December 5th, 2020,
but everyday/365)
warrants depleting stockpile arsenal
constituting exhausting mental health
uprooting deep seated repellent pesky
daunting lost cause.

Overruled by irrational thoughts,
I feebly muster a lame duck
half quacked comeback
(think home team cheering at pep rally)
against analogous figurative agents provocateur
said nemesis bore down hard

upon sense and sense abilities
mine psyche undergoing
blistering, hectoring withering, et cetera
courtesy ghost of Emily Brontë
mailer daemons flitting to and fro,
hither and yon within wuthering heights.

Another necessity Emma gin)
awoke prided prejudice
to confront head on
beastie boy foo fighting (Irish,
no matter genealogy regarding
yours truly Eastern European)
mine talking head housing
private insane asylum.

Incomprehensible thought processes
chronically spin out of control
dictate mandate NOT to wash hair
until at least one week passage of time,
(an arbitrarily chosen number
i.e. seven days convenient block)
even if appearance looks unkempt, slovenly
grungy, et cetera as nirvana seeking guy.

Thus, I readily admit self held hostage,
whereby loopy thought provoking patterns
hopelessly, grimly, futilely find me surrendering
NEVER eradicating down battened ramparts
neurotic, lunatic approved, idiotic
mind mental chattering
babbling jabbering gibberish
housing concocted village people
dead set against shampooing oily locks.

Quite a tussle (think metaphorical hair pulling)
ensues within me scrambled noggin,
whereby pathetic psychotic pummeling
win knows scrimmage
scoring touchdown amidst
teaming muted brouhaha

allowing, enabling, and providing
harmlessly insane nettlesome
pesky skewed notions
ridiculous leeway to predominate
until yours truly USDA
qualified, hashtagged, certified...
as grateful dead among human league.

I generally mean mine mien mental state
moost occasions heavily marinated stupor
long established as external trait
psychologically time tested trooper
impossible mission to kickstart sanity
doppelgänger regularly revisits his soul asylum
hellbent antimatter he cannot vitiate
despite therapeutic laxative merely exhausts

well bred literate smoking doobie brother
eliminating aforementioned pablum
witnessed courtesy one floundering grouper
among plenty of fish schooled
hyphenated (high finned haggled)
burn hushed scaled poem
courtesy one unionised rebellious party pooper.

Spellbound with colossal mental grippe
(i.e. all-consuming figurative cerebral
obsessive compulsive forced membership)
magnetic resonance imagine indicated jagged blip
and/or nsync microscopy
showed telltale genetic authorship

regarding above stated mental health crisis,
whereby Sigmund Freud analyst did flip
lid freeing leeches imported courtesy Philip
Hansel and Gretel a mere slip
o' lass whose nose she always did turnip.
December first 2020 equals
thee above named sibling
whereby she completed
LXIII earth orbits around the sun
therefore incumbent upon me
(cuz yours truly to wish happy birthday

at receiving end of much largesse)
to wax poetic regarding beloved sister,
which brother of yours feels blessed
to experience and count
thee as his eldest sibling.

On clocking one year after another,
(which orbitz around the sun)
whip away approximating light speed)
I feel pitched to and fro, hither and yon
into the maws of utter madness,

and thee utmost like an anchor
serve to buttress mine emotional duress
more so acknowledged later in our lives
no matter steadfastness
of heartfelt care and concern

prevailed these three score years of mine
prompting yours truly to reflect
especially those vicissitudes
severely testing psychological mettle,
whether twas mine

tumultuous, opprobrious, hellacious...
descent into abyss of despair
(think bout with anorexia nervosa
that cost me mental, physical
and social expense),

I still figuratively pay the piper,
hence continue to rue
rarely ever taking stock
concerning unwavering love
toward one (me),

who fell short reciprocating gratitude,
where pseudo maternal tendering occurred
during formative boyhood
and even into emerging
adulthood days of mine.

Though just thirteen plus months my senior,
ye donned role as guardian
bullies ye did verbally cuff
when I got decreed as scapegoat
passively resisted brickbats,
til badasses sucker punched,
mocked, chided wimpy me more'n enough,
hence when bullies
saw yar ferocity they ran,

cuz ye took no guff
said mean kids took off in a huff
methinks if only I had therapy dog
named Teddy and/or Ruff
to protect me against thugs,
whose insecurity rocketed
poor little Matthew Scott
they threatened harm
to brag as neighborhood tough.

Gratitude wells up
recognizing worthiness you
exemplify, a spouse
(Richard McGeehan) who
did ardently woo,

after asking to dance pas-de-deux
as lifetime partner,
plus recognized keeper
bonafide then young gal true
lee worth her weight in gold,
or any other precious metal.

Marriage (codified, indemnified, and ratified
June 1990 - courtesy Harvey Whitten),
between ye and ardent husband
will moost definitely stand the test of time
cuz, each to the other a counterpart
analogous to rock of Gibraltar.
Haint no rhyme nor reason
why writing a poem such an arduous chore
twenty two days afore
winter solstice twenty twenty more
or less three weeks from tomorrow
November thirtieth, I implore
the god/goddess of poetry,
perhaps found within Bangalore
highlighted by the 'Green Door'
guarded by the key don Eeyore
also known as Al Gore
him of Earth in the Balance fame
who by George got ambushed unsure
if he chad chance to claim victory tour
when former candidate did score
less electoral college votes
nevertheless in my mind before
thoroughgoing count did ignore
discarded ballots scattered
all across the floor
which outcome incurred Iraq war
insinuating weapons of mass destruction
the gung ** forty third president forswore
existed but quite a few
respectable Republicans did abhor
pinning such ambiguous lore
upon head of recalcitrant Saddam Hussein
bombed back to stone age
think lavishing primitive home decor
no imprecation heaped and hurled
upon United States military, nor
****, who nobody did adore
asking politely "por favor
can I pretty please take detour
to Galapagos Islands of Ecuador
made famous courtesy Charles Darwin
still popular best selling author
at garden variety generic bookstore
which borders on ridiculous for sure
yet inane rhyme tore
thru my noggin after writer's block
yours truly did deplore
he would spend countless hours in vain
every burst of creativity I did explore
found me smack dab against
figurative cul de sac and bonjour
to you too three score
orbitz after me late papa did bore
mama, she passed away
fifteen years before.
Me, an aging baby boomer
long haired pencil necked geek
burning, depleting, using... fossil fuels,
thus a global nonrenewable resource(s)
repentant consumer
admitting heavily trod carbon footprint
additionally deeply enmired
within very late adolescence,

hence I shriek
with utter dismay
starkly aware personal hygiene
suffers direct hit
grungy kamikaze pilot
courtesy this groomer
cause I shower once
every fifty second week.

All joking aside,
I recognized (after therapy session
on November twenty third
with Ms. Renee Cardone),
how deeply entrenched,
albeit psychologically,
and emotionally yours truly mired
as grossly immature,
especially where role
of fatherhood concerned.

Hormonal secretion superseded rationality
when call of the wild
pronounced irrepressible urge
to unleash pent up
testosterone laden gunnysack
bursting courtesy the dutiful sentry

courtesy yours truly
experienced heat of the moment
able, eager, ready,
and willingly poised to strike
think totally tubular
warm prickly fleshy appurtenance.

Reflection upon helping beget
"star student" and shayna punim
two darling young
twenty something daughters,
though living social on their own
the former a resident of Oakland, California
the latter calls Bend, Oregon

home sweet home,
whose lives still impacted
when both girls
wantonly, relentlessly, yet mercilessly
buffeted courtesy deplorable
home environment within which,

neither parent gainfully employed
(both hobbled by mental health issues)
additionally progeny unfairly
spent impressionable years
under roof in squalor and filth
at 1148 Greentree Lane,

inviting Montgomery County
children and youth services,
which household (severely cramped quarters)
adrip with clutter
(generations worth of Zison precious heirlooms
substantial number of antiques)
majority relegated to the dumpster.

Thine eldest offspring
long since being master of her domain
continues to cite decade plus years
(perhaps even a ***** dozen)
as source of present psychological woe
at present still in throes of double whammy

woeful loss of paternal grandfather - Zayda
who passed away October seventh
at age ninety one
in quick succession,
she sadly bid adieu beau,
he absconded back to Puerto Rico
(his home/mother country)
without rhyme nor reason.

Impossible mission to decipher kismet
particularly what appeared as promising
relationship betwixt our lovely lass
and boyfriend, whereby
she found herself high and dry,

yet saddled with deux
capricious, garrulous, mischievous,
oblivious, rambunctious, vivacious...
tortoise shell mottled kittens.
written few years ago
preceding breakup of first born offspring  
and her Puerto Rican born beau,
when existence of averred progeny did flow
smooth and minimally disrupted
she exhibited countenance with radiant glow.

recalling family feast of yore
COVID-19 wreaked havoc and tore
fabric of civilization
global impact great as third world war.

this own lee brother of yours
dashed analogously graced
on par how a marathon runner raced
to Macbook Pro laptop computer post haste

soon as he got back
to his domicile nestled and encased
in the bucolic, democratic,
and fantastic spit (tune) of land marginally defaced

woodland partially hydrogenated oils baste
surrounding Highland Manor Apartment our aced
in the hole, whence he i.e. mice elf
(Matty Mouse) with threads of gratitude laced

within a feeble attempt
to burble, cobble, fiddle, easy as gravy,
an inscrutable letter placed
in the output queue

soon as all
the typo O graphical errors erased
and, though struggle to convey love
for such an endearing older sister,

which digitally squawking,
aye did not cut and paste
boot doth admit to allowing,
a saucy bit of small potatoes sayest

in ma trademark (truemark)
stuffing of fluffernutter (that taste)
(courtesy of flaky Tony the corny tiger),
which gibberish aims to waste

juiced spare moments,
and tubby direct, ernest and frank
lemme communicate without resorting
to caginess,

but NON GMO, gluten free roaming thoughts to thank
ye (Amelie Beth), and Rich McGeehan
for welcoming a small group
of family and friends
to your Woodbury, New Jersey abode,
somewhat near Redbank
to relish the salad days of times gone by,
when as kids residing in Audubon
or Collegeville, Pennsylvania,
we tricked each other with a harmless prank

such as hiding a fuzzy wuzzy Willie,
or scaring the other
with the molded Creepy People that doth rank
as laughably innocent, these topsy turvy times,

when faith no more
eroded camaraderie among village people
unity withal fellow Americans did tank
especially as the world wide web

iz going necessitate thee
to fill in the BLANK
thus moments to share
a tasty repast did help me to crank
out this artichokes gibberish,
which when placed
atop pyramid of cranberries sank.
as didst this heart of darkness
within soul asylum
of papa and momma genes
to two beautiful young women
re: daughters, whose absence

felt as gloomy fiends
similar to the Ogre encountered,
when goose that laid golden egg stolen
by Jack of beanstalk
of story book fame as a cash cow means.
Worrisome male pattern baldness
never recedes from forefront of mine noggin.

Though loss of hair
NOT characteristic within genes,
nor hearty chromosomes,
nevertheless, anxiety prevails,
that yours truly will witness bald pate.

Additionally his mood directly
linkedin with plethora of irrational notions,
whereby such groundless, mindless, rootless...
senseless thoughts underlie and sway moody blues
of super tramping fo fighting beastie boy.

After richly lathering and
thoroughly massaging aging scalp
constituting head property one very familiar
long haired pencil necked geek,
I subsequently rinse out shampoo
and proceed to shake out matted hair
back and forth to and fro
(think whiplash) goes sodden crown
even thee missus **** sitters me a freak.

In the mane, I seek to emulate a puff (fee) daddy,
(albeit with spindleshanks for legs),
the laughing stock of mankind,
no more muscular since being a wee little laddie.

Euphoria and joie de vivre harkened
likened to when angels sing
nsync with me, a yankee doodle dandy
IF freshly washed golden locks
fluff up like cotton candy
other disgruntlement arises
spurring yours truly to drown sorrows
courtesy one hundred proof brandy.

E'er since being a little
extremely shy (viz introverted) boy
a boot deux and half score years ago
bullies threatened de facto scapegoat
mine self esteem they did thoroughly destroy
e'en little Lord Fauntleroy
complicit as well every other goy,

thus yours truly wished
he could transform himself into Donald Hoy
(offspring courtesy large family once resident
within Arcola, Pennsylvania)
whose hairstyle I envied
and felt within lovely bones (mine) joy
could be experienced if some abracadabra ploy
would render our bodies switched.

Nowadays aforementioned scene
once read about in popular science 'zine
state of the art medical breakthrough quite routine
synonymous with waving magic wand
easily mastered courtesy run of the mill teen
ideal way to pick up (i.e. earn) extra green,
especially helpful during
2020 holiday season dulled sheen

courtesy COVID-19 pandemic,
no matter impossible mission
to wipe away mean
coronavirus bugaboos that cannot be seen
with naked eye, under microscope
spiky cell appears quite keen,
nay mesmerizing evidencing
articulated exotic pristine
innocuous fantastic characteristics.

Rather then kvetch concerning balding patch
finasteride, (a 5α-reductase inhibitor)
down the gullet and pharynx hatch,
whereby upon shiny skull appears thatch
e'en Samson would be envious unable to match
profuse locks of love,
and Delilah would find herself
in tug of war match.
Mother would patschke
early that day in the kitchen,
and recruit any guest, who
blindly ambled thru front door
suddenly trapped unwittingly
squarely (triangulated) into kitchen
forcibly impressed to help

set up buffet tables
and/or given carte blanche to prepare
some mysterious dish,
(a hodgepodge of ingredients),
that suffered no shortages of compliments
unfortunately could never be duplicated.

Guests harkened far and wide
word of mouth boastful rantings and ravings
superseded culinary Michelin Guides
to dole out seven stars,
which wordsworth meant "exceptional cuisine
promised hungry visitor
a special satisfactory journey."

"Time to eat" (usually bellowed courtesy father)
generated an orderly stampede to jostle in line
and commence maximizing capacity
testing sturdiness disposable plates could hold
scouting, shoe horning, staking...
place to become comfortably numb with satiation.

Amidst various and sundry masticating jaws
(with each respective mouthful
of food glorious food -
cue said Oliver Twist song title)
followed by draught of spirits
ejaculations of delight issued,
and punctuated the sound of silence

when not additionally interrupted
courtesy sibilant crackling
popping, and snapping
wood burning stove,
which aforementioned heat source
lulled well fed tummies
whereby heavy eyelids drooped
while heads sank into chest.

No matter hunger pangs quieted
evidenced by casserole, glass, pyrex...
scraped clean rumors heralding dessert
quickly awoke wine weary souls
analogous to sluggish animals

awakening out their hibernation,
when self anointed maître d'
showcased good n plenti desserts
(pies, ice cream, cookies and cakes galore)
she made house special
comprising secret ingredients.

Upon being stuffed to the hilt
(dear kith and kin mother
all counted as family
think taxidermist specimen
readied for mounting)
all pledged a unanimous
New year's resolution
vouchsafed to start on diet
come January first.
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