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The glory of America,
now heats up
with agitation poised
to strike on the brink
sans legislation incites humiliation,
which goads desecration

as fete accompli *****
in armor of Democratic rubric,
constituting capitalistic
ethic, generic iconoclastic,
and jingoistic logic,
nor budging an inch

when mandating masses
swallow his drink
what huff huck –
this belligerent, dominant and
fervent hellraiser doth
bungle in the jungle

decreeing tacit Marshall law
fast as a shutterfly eyewink
as his cosmic crotch grab
doth put Venus under his sway
with his Mercury hill temperament
pitches the orbit of planet Earth

tubby comb out of balance
infected by hiz anti Jew pitter
damnations, excoriations, fulminations
Huzzah sing how **** derriere
didst Sat urn simultaneously
crushing crucible as an Uranus

indiscriminately plopping
two hundred fifty pounds of flesh
doubling down humming
his favorite Neptune
that dost affect Pluto hoc crass sea
repeating a self coined motto –

I yam almighty, therefore no fink
simply commandeering the reins of control,
a one man military intelligence groupthink
hut triad and true dyed in the wool
rip pug in ant guise zing rogue
rejoicing tuff fool, governing and hoodwink

king the die hard fans of dictatorial,
linkedin and monarchist ink
cube bus thriving on
wielding indomitable aggression
practiced in the Art of the Deal
incorporating an unanticipated jink

iron fist rule reigning down
vis a vis pro pens heave lee
and prop hen city
flashing hiz seal of approval,
which scribbled signature
doth not smooth monkey

serve hay puzzling kink
boot his frenzy to bulldoze
catastrophic, formulaic, and illogic
spells these United States
of America will become hell
in a handbasket worth repeating

with nary a trace of the grit of link
kin, the sixteenth president,
(whose ruggedly pioneering frontier existence)
found him steady and strong,
plus soft hearted as pelt o’ mink
the epitome of this forty fifth
elected commander in mischief.
courtesy Karen Windle a gift horse
ponied up late afternoon May18th, 2020
over roan nay bore lee volition.

Unbeknownst how she raised (cane),
and loudly wrapped outside the door
every ounce of her eighty plus pounds
slip of elderly lady petite bow legged
spry late 60's though older looking gal

argh – I expect unpleasant fallout after
piercing eyes unexpectedly discover
references made regarding aged waif,
who inexplicably signalled presence
in toto i.e. presents to comprehend, a
bounty, nah, not worth causing mutiny

nevertheless heave on lee delight hup
pea zing helter skelter discombobulated
alienation courtesy coronavirus lockdown
concomitantly venues to borrow books
puts serious and perilous bind aggravated
assault upon cerebral cortex regarding a

forced hiatus deprivation to binge read
reduced to peruse the daily toilet paper
no stimulation for imagination to indulge
magical mystery tour thwarted helter skelter
ye silently ask rather infer "what me bored?"

Despite severely circumscribed choices
whiling away hours, who knows lockdown
courtesy coronavirus (COVID-19)
warrants near indefinite closure accessing
literary material buzzfeeding noggin,
an egg gone eye zing torture rankles

healthy predilection to binge osmotically
passion for written word all the while
authors unbeknownst evoke quintessential
pleasant provocation dredging up
10,000 leagues below the jewel bedecked
cease son bewitched (Alder time) tremendous
metaphorical pristine hinterlands

Matthew Scott's vernacular semantic
hodgepodge orientation withered away
figurative gripes wrath and rail against
series of unfortunate events ala defiant
Lemony Snicket, when despair plummeted
to all time low, who should unwittingly
telepathically hear plaintive SOS sent

none other than intrepid Karen Windle,
who's mysteriously rapping announced
dog send appearance bore deliverance
(cue Banjos), where ecstasy didst delve
where still waters run deep, nevertheless
welcome respite when printed material
weekly magazines offered scant respite.
ah... the stuff a dream come true would be made!

Such would constitute,
the closest phenomena
approximating winning the lottery
cuz yours truly never blessed
winning sizable, nor
minuscule amount of money

beset with one after another setback
token scapegoat (no kidding),
plus puny size linkedin
with spindle shank legs
always bullied and
derided as laughingstock.

Whether rich or dirt poor...
since being young unemployed adult
(yupper, poverty mine bane and,
red badge of courage) the end result...
thus, aye cannot imagine state of euphoria

(yea right Matthew Scott), so just halt
such fantastical thinking,
before being totally shushed up,
nevertheless such luck
would invariably catapult

me into doing a sommersault,
pulling my weak back,
(I got a week back) out in the process,
how mine lovely bones would exult
similarly and/or hypothetically

if lottery numbers I chose matched,
more likely greater chance me getting struck
while inside courtesy lightning bolt,
or got automatically generated did score
winning ticket - suddenly this dolt,

would find himself mobbed by strangers
worse case scenario lured
by paranormal and/or occult,
perhaps stunned with
tranquilizing gun subsequently kidnapped

courtesy sinister satanic cult
comprised of rainbow goblins
trumpeting moral turpitude,
hence words of wisdom
occurred best not to insult.

When awakened hours, days, weeks later
parents (if still living at home)
would spring into action
renting out my former bedroom

to another heavily tattooed and pierced
long haired pencil necked geek
sporting dreadlocks
the late Bob Marley would envy
if still alive.

Castles in the air
suckers' poor me,
thought cha might care
to dangle false promises
and deliberately ensnare
buzzfeeding gussied up

glittering essentially bupkis
that doth blindingly glare
finding meek geezer passively submitting
theme of mein kampf -
never ask for grandeur,
which outcome would interfere
with grist crafting poems.
prepared a meal fit for (psst... me) a king

Actually professional cook
(trained since infancy)
long a staple of our family
since... oh way before
my bubba's zayda's time
naturally became (according
to rules of primogeniture)

the feudal rule by
which whole real estate
of intestate passed
to eldest son, i.e. yours truly
automatically included:
aide de camp, chambermaid,
essential frisson gourmet hotelier,
jack of all trades.

Thus surprise meal of
mid/late afternoon May 17th, 2080
constituted: gluten free pasta
(celiac raged rampant
one generation to the next),
vegan cheese, V8 juice,
diced onions and garlic,
and steeped with special

ingredient – namely tlc,
not available anywhere
but, just enough
tender loving care to buzzfeed
the whole mishpacha,
which gathered from far and wide
every Sunday afternoon
since Moses parted the Red Sea.

How glorious to feast upon:
delicious smelling than tasting,
humongous apportioned
splendiferous concoction
conglomeration ofttimes referred

to as popslop,
which general household name
lacks culinary delicacy,
and honorary specificity.

The meal made manifold more appreciative
after a hard day's night sleeping
within an ornate bedchamber
comprising our lofty abode
upon groggily awakening each morning,
I betook sweeping view
out uppermost bay window

pleasant view of Schwenksville proper,
(which I accomplished
with flying colors
eight days a week)
experiencing vibrant dreams constituting
living social the life of Riley.

After adequately supping on repast
which if any leftovers got repurposed
for next sumptuous meal,
either one prepared later that same day,
or come the morrow promised taste buds
to experience out of this (Martian) world
another savory experience fit for none other
than king of schnorrers!

Contrary to popular belief
hen pecking mother goose,
nor her ilk of coterie of four
and twenty blackbirds
purportedly baked in a pie

completely groundless supposition
crust a stale rumor
circulating courtesy deluxe
twenty first century technological
and ecological (of course)
invidious rumor mill.
Otherwise known as
absentee ballot/ mail-in ballot
if ye read no further... please exercise
opportunity to cast ballot
obviously freedom to choose,
but take serious stock of human *******
(desperately calling out
for the Maugham me)
regarding: economy, integrity, monetary, xyz...

Anyway, twas quite
pleasurably comfortably seated
cerebrally assessing optimal choice(s),
carefully using dark ink
to designate candidate(s) on roster
without being inconvenienced
versus scouting out parking space,
doubly troubled with meteorologic curse

as weather turns severely inclement,
subsequently wading thru
still waters that move deep
(cue electorate getting
splashed courtesy angry driver)
finally standing in long line
closely resembling infinite jesting
looping Möbius strip.

Throughout mine voting career nsync
back then a whopping $2.30 =
Pennsylvania minimum wage
ohm eye dog...!
en/vintage/1977.htm lists oenophile vintage
I teetotaler shied away alcoholic usage
wine not axe else questions,
who experienced tutelage?

Extreme social distancing stage
then identified as introvertedness,
sublimating any rage
me i.e. wallflower never invited to party,
thus remain shtup in boyhood bedroom
when chronology equaled quarterage
compared to present orbitz around sun

now... still smarting - essentially
never made psychological pilgrimage
to adulthood, oh for sure parents
found withdrawn behavior (mine) an outrage
depriving yours truly natural
linkedin interpersonal discovery(ies)
emotionally shortchanging me – noncoverage

replaced with buffering self in isolation
yea... kinda like quarantine mirage
minus coronavirus - COVID-19
never learning/mastering dating language
hence... alone within
mine emotional wilderness
analogous to Matthew

Scott Harris's private hermitage
20/20 hindsight heart wrenching gauge
long haired pencil necked
hippy caricature just a lad
dinned during rosy 1960's flowerage,
reaping what I did sow
with rusty and fragile equipage.

Metaphorical three strikes disadvantage,
nonetheless below shows initial POTUS,
spouses (FLOTUS), plus
respective vice presidents
upon me attaining
legal Pennsylvania voting age.

Jimmy Carter
Rosalynn Carter
Walter F. Mondale
Ronald Reagan
Nancy Reagan
George Bush
George Bush
Barbara Bush
Dan Quayle
Bill Clinton
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Albert Gore
George W. Bush
Laura Bush
Richard Cheney
Barack Obama
Michelle Obama
Joseph R. Biden
Donald J. Trump
Melania Trump
Mike Pence
Uneasy thoughts commander in chief...

Will be elected president
(putative tsar of United States
forever long he lives)
until... he abdicates faux
official crown to Jared Kushner
will be handily elected
Tuesday November 3rd, 2020.

Said foreboding intimation
insinuates, percolates, undulates
within mine subconscious...
incumbent clinches Republican
presidential (rigged) election.

Afar off legion (aires)
herald and trumpet proclamation subjugation
heard within mine prescient mind,
yet amateur prognosticator (me)
gently suggests populace arise up in arms.

Analogous to extra sensory perception
awful fate would bestow
yours truly and/or the missus
when former 2009 Hyundai Sonata
exhibited unfamiliar noise,
though no mechanic,

I felt deep with these lovely bones
an apprehension... nay
strong aversion to drive,
whereby trusted automotive technicians
1405 S Township Line Road

Royersford, Pennsylvania 19468
validated hunch initially experienced
while holed at Notre Dame
courtesy ghostly encounter
with incorporeal spirit Victor Hugo.

He also offered safe haven
to avoid (and sit out onset)
think subsequent resurgence
coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
and sanctuary when

Trump proclaimed king,
whose sixth sense (prescience)
chimed nsync with this beastie boy.

Though definitive ominous fate
yet to manifest as inevitable doom
best recourse would constitute
rousing rebellion to thwart
impending totalitarian control.

Become alert here and now
stark reality will find proletariat apprenticed
whereby sacred freedoms slated tubby scrapped,
and fidelity forced upon madding crowds
to bow down in obeisance
toward self anointed despot.

Savoir faire and square
every metaphorical morsel
relish exercising leftist rights
while still able, eager, ready, and willing
puncheon against expected restraints
slowly encroaching on American liberties.

Expect sacred enshrined inherited privileges
incrementally (barely discerned) undermined
with each passing day, week, month...
whereby an hour will arise
when strict mandatory obedience

violently enforced courtesy military
no merest hint of mutiny tolerated
as each surveilled individual
indeed monitored linkedin
near microscopic technologically

sophisticated electronic contrivances
think implanted microchips at birth
or rather requisite synthesized comestibles
mimicking texture, flavor, consistency...
blind taste tests could never distinguish

genuine animal products
versus plant based foodstuffs and drinks
expectant women forced to consume
formulated by products embryo absorbs
growing fetus subtly manipulated

chock full nutritious sustenance
effectively insinuating mind control
advanced biomedical engineering
sanctified integrated circuits
designed thru genius grants

offered **** kids
all other curriculums cost free,
ah.. at long last
free college/university education.
(alternately titled: venerated
uber transcendent state haint give me no lyft)

Ultimate mission (ofttimes possible)
closed eyed insight courtesy meditation
ideally buoys state of consciousness
to naturally induced doze zen realm
disgruntlement arises if yours truly
unaware headstrong winds overtake helm

I invariably drift into light sleep
hours later jostle awake
(analogously experience self named
compressed Rip Van Winkle syndrome)
just smidgen fifty plus shades
gray grizzle coating chin

clumsily amble toward nearest sink
splash cold water across face
apply towel - daub cheeks
various sundry mucus loosened
thick globs phlegm
subsequently, significantly, satisfactorily

expel smallish secretion
out nostrils (pressing
one ****** nostril closed
expelling repeating process
other nostril cleared) Semitic nose
clean as a whistle

don glasses to espy time
digitally printed white
within rectangular panel
courtesy electricity illuminating
Verizon set top box
reckon eyes clockface reads

what the ĩ in dog's name...
of Sam Hill, Judas Priest, Matthew Scott...
dadgummit yikes, the time
way past bewitching hour
relaxation cast sleeping spell,
I awoke with a start

'curse saliva drooling and curdling
chin see? ole beastie boy body (mine)
aging baby boomer codger
don't be fooled by
boyish good looks (mine)
nevertheless feral, corporeal

being somewhat refreshed
particularly quaffing
to smooth edges jagged grogginess
thus set self able, eager,
ready, and willing to dash off

aforementioned poem at expense
handily deferred (furloughed)
exercise ma moose hills with
two fifteen pound dumbbells
least till complete literary task
which snuck up
from outer limits of twilight zone.
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