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Two hundred and forty six plus months
into twenty first century celeb
and anonymous folks alike
gripped courtesy pestilence re: deb
buckle fishtailed, looped, roughed up...
wreaks/wrought havoc across world wide web.

As a secular humanist, I ponder
what (if any) benefit accrued
above any commentary,
yours truly applauds every first responder
as dazed and befuddled stricken wonder...

Explanation, whereby those
espousing religious bent
might attribute global pandemic
moost definitely Earth shaking event
particularly raining down

upon **** sapiens with merciless intent
indiscriminately mowing down,
perhaps... (albeit figuratively) meant
as object lesson... benignly to rent
asunder excessiveness smugness
that doth xcent...

Persons who don egotism
also dare trumpet
absolutism, despotism, elitism,
nepotism, sycophantism, vigilantism...

green lighting (within
red light district) strumpet
paying top dollar to secure former
in league with costliest, sweetist,
and tastiest crumpet.

Virtue and/or admirable human behavior
discerned amidst helter skelter
as moost every sequestered behind closed door
ooh, how challenging for parent(s)

to occupy child less than four
impossible mission to explain ****
roar to the smartest kid, who
most often focuses on self de jure

nevertheless prime opportunity
hashing, learning, sharing...
genealogical folk-lore
more (most) challenging
busying young adults
thank dog me two daughters grown more

independent (at ages 21 and 23 respectively),
versus yours truly
when he still lived at home
with his papa and mama
yearning to live alone
on island paradise way offshore.

I spent interminable and unaccountable
time hermetically sealed within bedroom
imagination roaming courtesy
reading material delving,
futilely escaping doom,

nonetheless luxuriating, plunging... foredoom
think wrath of livid mama and papa,
their embarrassing genetic heirloom
sole son with more'n faulty jibboom
upon me ship of state,
where dark shadows still loom.

Though booth progeny of mine
spared similar fate, and youngest
(behaviorally challenged, perhaps
influenced courtesy Aquarius sign
regarding developmental delay)
while she on furlough

(considered valuable employee
walks along straight dedicated line
at World Market - Bend, Oregon)
these days... motivates
herself walking off calories
after self prepared hearty repast,
she doth dine.
Hence... what better opportunity, I aver with zeal
presented to one local everyman token schlemiel
keystone state (Pennsylvania) three score lifelong
trumpeting resident in United States commonweal
experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms I feel

plenti linkedin with voracious insatiable appetite
to buzzfeed chronically hungry fancy feast appeal
courtesy poetic generic electronic communiqué 4
hard/soft bound nuggets, essentially noggin fodder
printed paginated good n plenti thought provoking

firing imagination (mine) moost any genre squeal
with excitement well written satisfaction guarantee
to assuage, mental massage bitcoin blockchain me
lack legal tender, but amenable safe passage steal
under cover of darkness, stay 4 delicious hot meal

pop slop special of every day curative against past,
present and future pandemics inducing batty *******
behavior, yet please truck over (and/or rig delivery)
regarding lifetime woolworth (dime a dozen pennies
on dollar) riveting, spellbinding, tantalizing timeless

tomes some dubbed cult classic literature, everlasting
an ideal getaway quarantined within dystopian surreal
"new normal" alienation courtesy social distancing ye
become linkedin among disembodied soul train flitting
hither and yon, to & fro across cyber spatial dimension

storied pages offer healthy escape to getaway funereal
smothering unnatural cloistered atmosphere confined
temporarily alleviate forced imposition to toe line heel
spontaneity crushed every impulse to commingle spiel
broadcast how contagious coronavirus contracted air

tight sequestration impossible mission, where isolation
induces cabin fever delirious skeptics hatch conspiracy
theorists to convince population mounting thumbwheel
(albeit invisible) prima facie Covid-19 originated in bats,
scientists concur possibly spread to pangolins* & human

nonetheless devout believers pray to divine power kneal
expiating, purging, repenting sins past, present and future
beseechingly, devotedly, fondly craning neck to empyreal
infinite cosmos all powerful rhetorically asking -
What's the big effing deal?! Rejecting panglossian retort.


*Pangolins, or scaly anteaters, mammals of Pholidota order.
The one extant family, Manidae, includes three genera: Manis,
Phataginus and Smutsia. Manis comprises four species found
in Asia, while Phataginus and Smutsia each include two
species living in Sub-Saharan Africa.Wikipedia.
How fast the years did clip and leap away,
till your Earth orbitz count ninety decades
+ uno journeys orbited around mister sun
encompassing metaphorical magnum opus
figuratively paginated bound compendium,

whereby chronology Boyce Brandon Harris
also known as papa san 'pon being drafted
his six foot 2 inch tiptop chiseled physique
(musculoskeletal frame shrunk) dada fought
the good fight one among many raw recruits

stationed south 38th parallel serving admins
Harry Truman, & Dwight David Eisenhower
bolstering strongman Syngman Rhee against
Kim Il-sung during 6/25, 1950 – 7/27, 1953
war (actually stalemate) whereby former and

latter controlled South and North Korean as
separate countries - father (soldier of fortune
(he art not yet in heaven, whatever Unitarian
equivalent would be) hoping to live at least
until Tuesday, November 3, 2020 to vote for

fightin Joe Biden, meanwhile Zayda to his 5
grandkids keeps low profile at Normandy
Farm Estates upscale retirement community
whose delicate health (i.e. congestive heart
failure) could (does) pose hardship visa vis

his immune system susceptible to microbes
(particularly strains) virile which could spell
death of beloved nonagenarian, whose dim
eyes sees approaching exit (stage door left)
out webbed wide world of living survivors.

Mayor presence be regaled as presents
courtesy second rate poetaster
born (only heir - hiss supple) while ye still
tread, albeit ably helped along with cane.

H-A-P-P-Y     B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y
Early morning April 8th, 2020
meteorologic destiny manifested...
rumbling atmospheric thuds,
promised natural exultant
sound and light show
subsequently within minutes
dully rightly appraised as dud,

yours truly forced himself awake
way before dawn's early light
all for naught, yet...
thus hours later summoned,
perhaps lame poetic material
(think) potential Earth shaking
literary cause not lost

expressing disappointment
'pon absent dramatic booming anticipation,
electrifying fascination, injecting glorification
atavistic beastie boy within me
awed, charged, fascinated, jarred,
witnessing (i.e. seeing and hearing)
humbling experience beholding

dynamic latent forces unleashed
intense earsplitting, blinding
spectacular singular sensational
magnificent natural phenomena
far surpassing, née dwarfing
extravagant pyrotechnics wrought
courtesy innovative **** sapiens.

Time and again
without fail - exuberant delight
always gushes forth,
no fanfare for
totally tubular common man,
whose feeble insignificant powers
laughable and lamentable

puny human specimen
easily flicked (think
humongous sized fingers
particularly middle digit)
sending me airborn
pirouetting head over heels
at mercy of Mother Nature's whims

among brethren and sistren
constituting fray'n chipped
foo fighting ship of
motley crew zing fools
metaphorical human league
bajillion **** sapiens
even if/when global

standing military combined
be they: armies, marines,
navies... fighting force
nope, still no match
against tectonic and volcanic
potential and/or kinetic energy.
Lucky young guys and gals
admission courtesy yours
truly finds small (medium)
poetaster at large rubicund
perhaps anonymous reader

lollygagging (cyber space)
while away leisure stunned
boot why such shock despite
old & decrepit peppy gunned
no longer doth comb when
god ole temptation beckoned.

Peak procreative years (mine) 4 foo
fighting excellent ****** amidst goo
(albeit sticky) nevertheless, envious
(guess) no matter libido truly extinct
flagellum equipped motile squirming
microscopic male reproductive cell.

Yes... inexplicable to yours truly why
upon waning hours of April seventh I
a run of the Mill (on the Floss) mellow
solitary, ja Democratic trumpeting guy
(donned with predilection to reflect his

nonestablishmentarian 20/ 20 hindsight)
every now and again prompted well nigh
ruminate, notate, and by
to experience fatherhood at least once
again though not a parent I feel gun shy

especially mine eyes seen glory... when
these out of sight myopic left and right
brown (not tubby cornea er anything)
aye shudder to think "camera-type eye"
cannot envision day of reckoning when...

hate making (figurative) spectacle (wry
ming poems impossible mission without
ability to see, but near future visualizes
optimism exaltant mood blind as bat cry

tears of joy (re:) gaining ability to delight
to sit and/or stand watching fresh paint dry
favorite pastime as coronavirus also known
(COVID-19) nifty and groovy innocuous eh

handy handy acronym establishing quite dye
*** mite reputation when good times run dry
whetting appetite of ginned up entrepreneurs
meanwhile mayhem across globe goes awry
as medical practitioners nsync with scientists

pool their knowledge amidst race against time
aware every ****** seconds spells do or die,
puzzlement prevails felled others squeak by
with razor thin prognostication, not succumb

make miraculous recovery in a blink on the fly
instantaneous become asymptomatic odds defy
punishing fate inducing atheists beckoning sky
beseeching cosmic force allowing, enabling,
+ providing free and easy breathing of alveoli.
flush... the toilet with good frisson!

(alternately titled long windedly
using lower case letters:
no matter tidily bowled over based
upon real events, perhaps subject devoid
of literary merit and/or taste
no embarrassment, cuz
I got nothing to cover
despite precious time going to waste).

Analogous to constipation,
constitutes full term pregnancy,
perhaps umpteenth or first,
which former offal ****** function I durst
mention, said subject doth stink,
yet... exercising bowel
applicative, constrictive, effective,

exhaustive, gesticulative, instinctive,
massive, oppressive, qualitative,
quantitative, significative and unitive
(beg to differ if ye think me perverse)
both scenarios prone to stress and strain,
difficulties can arise evacuating bowels
gluteus maximus muscles severely pursed,

radiating sharp stabbing sensations
behind junk in trunk quarters felt
until bulging temple veins ready to burst,
where piles of hemorrhoids
foul ****** tortured and accursed
necessitating Judas Priest well versed
to issue last rites while

appropriate official dull livers worst
news to missus, whose
inconsolable sympathies nursed,
nevertheless bit torrent of sorrow
honor alone time with grateful dead
subsequently finds medical personnel disbursed,

privately newly minted widow mourning
tears for fears immersed
bemoaning sudden permanent absence
gone fore e'er foremost farter figure first
instance obliterated, when posterior
uproariously (actually not funny)
inflicted hemorrhage emergency,

die hard ludicrous poet (me) experienced
all expense chauffeured ride in hearst
aforementioned purportedly roughly comparable,
courtesy hearsay, when
hypothetical woman with child,
(here, I metaphorically paraphrase)
as maven ready to take aim giving birth

(nine months after satiating
hankering call of the wild
buzzfeeding miracle worker whipped thirst,
and temporarily appeased
inherent maternal yearning
to beget offspring, then... off to races
sprinting at greased lightning speed

amazingly enough slightly protruded womb,
(among other fledgling
and/or practiced moms avid runners
all touted as winners relay race crossing
finish line simultaneously
comprising distance measuring more'n verst.
a cure gets distilled and/ or found
for pandemic, thus... I expound.

(Yupper - courtesy coronavirus CORVID-19),
how ja guess my good smear it in friend?! -
within Perkiomen Valley, Pennsylvania
toyed with thought to withhold or send
hmm... perhaps superstitious end
synonym with ominous trend,
methinks hoop fully auspicious,

and synonym with propitious will not abend
mine luckless mien kampf,
cuz the latter two similar lend
heft well woolworth
their weight in gold - words,
would moost notably, likely,
and heavily portend

toward disastrous, disadvantageous, disharmonious...
to Matthew Scott Harris,
whose time on Earth would
uninhibitedly, uneventfully, and unabashedly end
(ous ending intimating "possessing, full of...")
in this case foreboding...,
yours truly rendered permanently

incapacitated to offend
sense and sensibilities
honorable sacred tenets to poetics
tantamount to committing sacrilegious sin
if hypothetically practiced orthodox church goer,
and believer in reincarnation legend.

No matter getting cremated
(ha - of course after I die -)
good one, though... ha) crafting epitaph,
impossible mission to claim alibi,
while on leave from life,

and into cerulean heavenly sky
of course this guy would never lie
even in jest..., though all joking aside,
now tis golden opportunity well nigh
to compose obituary (mine of course),

one garden variety
(veggie burger eater) generic guy
who... doth not fear death, nor shy
about bidding permanent goodbye
to sordid vices that
DO NOT (no way) apply

to yours truly, he **** sitters himself...
well rather ** hum, (especially as singer -
for Curmudgeon Dummkopf Ensemble
(also known as the all star Schlemiel band),
no idea, I cannot explain why.
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