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"FAKE" assertions unstoppably
bandied with beef,
(sans doughty deeds done dirt cheap)
courtesy of commander in chief
trumpeted as a way to backout,

embarrassment analogous to the thief
of Baghdad, when culpable faux pas
woe philly pops thought balloon of mine
reckons with transparent "good grief"
within mind of yours truly,

who finds himself dumbstruck
aghast, and shaking noggin with disbelief
how people can be so gullible
who would just as lief
eat a pin cushion to deliver strep throat relief.

First amendment teeter totters on brink
of dissolution mainly by the rat fink,
whose defamation against journalists
risking life and limb, yet not shrink

king enlightening liberal minded, who think
similar to myself, imposter
hood drums utter *******
while feeling teed off puttering

along Mar a Lago,
or another owned golf link
resorting to silence protesters
whisked off to the klink.

Distortions, (nee outright
blatant lies) saturate
social media platforms,
which followers didst rate

as their numero uno slate
supposedly reliable sources
harkening back to papa retaliate
Tory Bush prez administration,

regarding patrilineal shogunate
where Iraq summarily
targeted for crashing Kuwait
violating, jeopardizing, and

compromising vital oil, literate
folks suspected, that critical
lubricant mandatory to resonate
greasing western civilization

particularly self anointed great
super power USA, hence
alarmists didst exaggerate,
whose military intelligence

industrial leaders got irate
contracting complex projecting
global economy would vacillate
and, perhaps take Kamikaze nosedive

hence procrastination could not wait
demanding based on sketchy accusation
Saddam Hussein, and his ilk ultimate
harbored weapons of mass destruction

despite lack of distilled proof,
would severely truncate
nary a trace sniffed out,
nonetheless **** the torpedoes blitzed

in an effort to triangulate
miscreant running amuck
eventually met demise
with Bush Junior delivering

permanently placating tete a tete,
no matter dispensing top notch
fighting soldiers, whose strong
lifeless bloodied bodies remain prostate.
More than a bajillion painful eons
after pledging troth
with thee missus,
whom I definitely blindly wed
comprised great ta ra ra boom
de ay ye blood red

boomerang/ domino pizza pie
effect pronouncing lead
din saucy impact inducing
mushrooming reverberations,
she continuously smacks me with dread
naught (Hawaiian punch style)

upside the head
jarring delicate anatomical
soft as freshly baked bread
gray matter, qua delicate
psyche got skull fully outspread
knocking down intelligent quotient

less than porcine Nellie, one smart
pig in poke farmstead,
where unseen hemorrhaging bled
scarring, seething, and suffering
practically indelible contusions
finds me whirling back from Sheepshead

Bay to stone age of Fred
Flintstone, where shmoo zing schwilly
found yours comfortably numb,
and yet kept on truckin as if grateful dead,
asper decades worth oven
po' whetted unleavened bread.

This insufferable afflicted
brow beaten doughless bro
tantamount, viz time
and again forced to eat crow
yes (ma pet) even as prank no
joking even derided by (thanks to Yo

yo ma spouse) innocent looking Elmo
nsync with mouths of scared
bullies vitriol, which did flow
exploding like embers
kindled within me plenti glow

wing with blood lust vengeance
antithesis trademarked ** ** **
wing of Santa Claus, intending
to crush indomitable of this Joe,
whose spit fired spirit, also

suffered strafed bruised flesh
indistinguishable from indigo
girls or goo goo dolls know
wing no better than dodo
bird than besiege this hobo!
flagrant red hot poker rage
lacerated upon the head of this sole
male offspring, sans he who did
help to sire me, his vitriolic baggage
inflicted like graped shot,

and deployed barrage
also akin to inflicting searing,
menacing, and branding iron wrath
left indelible psychological blockage
insufferable emotional constipation,

wrought wretched state of human *******
resultant outcome witnessed breakage
of spirit, when hateful scathing verbal damage
invoked, exploded, and bombed mine psyche,
especially during mein late

adolescent, and into latter adult stage,
particularly cuz this anxiety riddled Harris
exhibited no ambition to earn a living wage,
nor maximize on any inherent strengths
thus this then much younger body electric

oscillated with zero voltaic amperage,
which family of origin assemblage
dynamic ratched tension nsync
on par with hotly contesting arbitrage
additionally compounded by

indifference toward parents, a disadvantage
living under their same roof,
mama's and papa's patience
wore thin, second progeny they did disparage
punctuated with ultimatums toward me,

which did nothing to assuage
intolerable passive resistance stance,
thus expletive laced
"midnight lectures" dosage
occurred a bajillion

times per week on average
annihilating my self esteem,
wherein this native son felt
less worthy than bacteriophage
analogous to useless atrophied appendage

yours truly emotional detachment
heck, I may as well have been
ice sill hated in Anchorage,
cuz me negligible care and/or concern
amplified palpable uneasiness, a drainage
in tandem with estrangement fueled umbrage.
Particularly pronounce abscess,
when rites of spring accursedness
prevails, asper testament, sans swell
scored psychological achiness
recording minecrafted history,

viz secreting acridness
permeates profusely predicated puberty,
akin to ambling au naturale adulteress
plethora plush plumage plus perfume
presage prickly profuse inauspicious pre/

post pubescent and adult affectlessness
propensity poisons primary predilection
pummeling poking pillorying
perpetual purgatory with aggressiveness.

Now translated into bumpy
layman's/woman's terms, aye
communicate, albeit stylishly campy
adhering, colluding, and choppily try
trending without trademark obfuscation,
nonetheless, a feeble
attempt might still defy,

an honest to dog ambition to express
how blooming in the dales less
sons glee aware, how lovers press
lips close together, when yours truly
shuttered himself in bedroom
of boyhood home to cope with stress

thus denying, depriving,
and destroying bone
a fied hankering,
asper this pooch hood doth hone
ache, never to experience puppy love
til pooch later in life,
when he became at present

male version, sans crone
revisiting, reliving, and
reflecting being alone
without ever touching, savoring,
and rubbing smooth cheekbone
of a lass - see, this thy reason
Matthew Scott doth bemoan

observing young bucks,
who liberate kickstarter jangling hormone
he oozes with envy those whippersnappers
gathering rosebuds while they may intone

enjoyment, qua the vitality, virility, and victory
before youth fleetingly passes versus millstone
weighing heavier with each passing year
before the grim reaper doth phone!
Attorney General William
Barr black marker in hand
kept promise to censor vital
details of Mueller Report
swift as Usain Bolt candidly,
grandly, lustrously, roundly

youthfully blocked out more
rapid than an elegant eland
vibrantly, regally, magically,
and gracefully skirts borderland
which favored topography
constitutes grassland or woodland,

far more pleasing to observe,
than reading adulterated brand
of aforementioned compilation,
distillation, edification, fortification
zeroing questionable activity
upon head of trumpeting brigand,

whose arrivistic, bombastic, caustic,
demonic, electric broadband
outsize ego still convinces
me, thee commander in chief
delegated one or more chargehand
perhaps while delighting as

gourmand savoring chateaubriand,
where his best buddies imagined
themselves in seventh heaven cloudland
every so often taking siesta sans repast
or golfing with grisly handicapped clubhand
non verbally communicating,

in viz sub bully taking a peas zing
cues from presidential high command,
which coterie (i.e. den of thieves)
manipulated social media with nefarious,
insidious, deleterious, et cetera
analogous to "FAKE" contraband,

maybe even milking innocent cowhand
unwittingly planting GMO electronic
bugs amidst future bovine fodder cropland
to allow, enable, and jackknife demand
that moost every eligible voter tricked

induced by virtual reality dreamland
with sinister motive for thee "Apprentice"
rule his kingdom, and expand,
realm asper Medieval days
declaring himself chieftain of fatherland
and/ or North American motherland

where naysayers guillotined
by uncontested firebrand,
who without provocation
very likely bomb into Stone Age
formerly edenic, lush, verdant
geography into flatland

rendered hostile, poisonous and uninhabitable
nonetheless radiating for miles with gangland
forced labor tilling barren, desolate, fissured
landscape erecting unsightly grand
standing room only (cause he know Shylock)

terrain (reign) vast highland
manor as poobah, and husband
to his only heiress, the former
a kooky monster from foggy bottom marshland.
Kickstarting Expungement Father Incurred

Within a sea futility aye wallow
riptides exemplifies sorrows
drowning me into undertow
bitter aftertaste hogties ability
to make headway, and shuck off tow

warring internal strife at this stage
of my life mein kampf,
a failed one man show
so many instances, I didst wade
into abortive oarless row
well nigh impossible to affect

equitable fair family status quo,
nonetheless an opportunity to wax po'
whet tick, sans saturated
noggin of this primate
doth horrendously overflow
wing with yesterday's

defiant spite gives no
mercy now as looming grim reaper
ready to scythe,
and unforgivingly mow
soul of this sole sun,
doth somberly bell low

mine hounded conscience
comeuppance in the know
suctioning all oxygen vacuums
the being of this generic joe
king pawn's ability
to breathe with every inflow

and exhalation of air analogous
a tsunami of sentiments
blindsiding every hello
jaggedly relentlessly shearing,
punishing, and cleaving
nocturnally visible dayglow

mine conscience rip
snorting to and fro
upon psyches of
parents, siblings emo
ting tender loving

care, and in exchange
courtesy of this (doughless) bro
two sisters, (who twisted
with frustration), decades ago
grown daughters and self!
Serious intent to read
latest issue of TIME magazine
found attention pleasantly distracted,
when I became keenly aware
of flora and fauna bursting,

blooming, buzzing, and twittering
oblivious to yours truly sitting stock still
in folding lawn chair
marveling at each budding
natural born architect and engineer

each respective constituent
living organism engrossed
delicate as deft potters crafting chinaware
observing good and
plenti hive nesting reverential species
trumpeting suave and donning debonair

without any pretentious fanfare
merely obedient to genetic coded wear,
exclusive domain glorified, ordained,
and sanctified by divine imprimatur
contemplating if despair

experienced by coterie of biosphere
not including **** sapiens,
and/or aghast that their extinction
dooms them to disappear,
which undeserved fate unfair

for innocent animals and plants
critically contributing as
unique vital gadgeteer
linkedin to significant role
evolution indiscriminately licensed

met with preserved concord, versus mutineer
extant among bipedal hominids
each and every simian forebear
generally recent primate ancestors,
whose short lifespans predated medicare,

but more particularly modern man/woman,
who flagrantly extracted precious
minerals, plundered mountains,
usurped possibly, sans sadling muleteer

and/or forced chaingang extruded
raw materials to concoct wear
able, munitions, disposable,
and most importantly

deadly ordnance for ****** warfare,
never quenching thirst for mortal Kombat,
nor scooping up riches galore,
no matter wealthy status equals bajillionaire!
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