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Matthew Nichols Jan 2014
If I built a tower
Stood atop in power
Took every ounce of gold
Filled every house I owned
Flooded streets with my name
It wouldn't be the same

Because the things we own
Don't warm our bones
And the attention we take
Won't stop the ache

But when I saw you smile
It put my heart on trial
And I knew for better or worse
A truth that filled me to burst

I knew that every moment I chose
To pursue that beautiful glow
Was one I could never regret
A moment I could never forget

Every gift I place in your hands
Helps my heart to slowly expand
And every laugh I can set free
Was worth every bit of me

And I knew it made perfect sense
For every effort was at no expense
After the moment I began to see
The revelation welling in me

I simply never knew
I've waited my whole life to love someone like you
Matthew Nichols Nov 2013
Seems as though the world was gray
With only your eyes to light the way
Only a hope that they would stay
Do anything if I could find a way

Nothing I think could feel more right
Than what I see in your face so bright
Swallowed by the sadness and beauty of life
Two of a kind we are tonight
We could never again have to fight
Like walking into the tunnel of light
Heaven would envy the beautiful sight
Took our past and loved in spite

No matter who you are or where you've been
The only way is to try again
Head first and eyes closed
Is the only way to fall in love I suppose
Matthew Nichols Dec 2013
She loves with her body
Slowly moves into her mind
But makes it a hobby
To keep her heart hard to find

She doesn't yet know that I am no plunderer
My treasures of trove do not lie under her

No I am the most dangerous game
She doesn't know the rules or even the name
She doesn't know she is already playing
She doesn't know she will never be the same

You see, bodies fade with time
Could be gone tomorrow briefly mine
But a heart is forever
A soul, a serious endeavor

I will not settle for any price
These sheets are not my greatest vice
I will not play this game of yours
I will settle for nothing less nothing more

My heart is set my brow is hard
This puzzle will be mine to take apart
I will never have enough
As long as my eyes are locked above
I will not take shore until I see the dove
I will not give in until I have your love
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
Last night as I slept you visited me
Don't know what I thought it would be
A pleasant hopeful dream
All the things I wanted to see
But no, it wasn't those things
Not happiness it brings
But a reality that stings
Like seeing a puppet on the saddest strings

In this dream we shared a kiss
I looked into your eyes in ignorant bliss
But there was something in there I wish I missed
Still haunting me as I'm writing this
You pushed me away as I saw your heart
I ached as the moment fell apart
I tried to assure you, play it smart
But you had already decided to leave and depart

Your body lingered, stayed there with me
But your soul was miles away I could already see
I realized as I left the embrace
All this time I had given chase
You thought you didn't want what I had to give
Because you're too miserable to really live
You cling to pain to keep you alive
And I could think you're very right

But the truth is much simpler than that
You want to be caught in this trap
Because it's much easier to give up and die
Lay down and don't even try
You're caught up in being hung up
I said in my dream
But I don't think you listened to me

Because my mind doesn't know what you would say
If I told you I would never walk away
If I told you to give up this petty obsession
Stop inviting demons for your possession
One day you'll choose
Me or this bruise
And one day you'll be happy either way
You'll have everything with me or your favorite pain
Matthew Nichols Nov 2013
It looks gorgeous short
Of course
But I want it to be long again

Not to see it long again
But to see you pass through
*A hundred shades of beautiful on the way
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
I've got it all in hand
I'm doing all I can
Just follow the plan
I'll show you how to stand
Let's swing this spot light now
Yea we'll put on a show
I've got it all worked out
Just jump and then you'll know
I fall upon deaf ears like a crashing wave
Cause no one hears me shout when they start to cave

I've got it all in hand
The magic of motion
Lead you to dry land
Just feel some emotion
I hit this darkened town
Strobe lights to bring it down
I fill streets with happy tears
To drown out all your fears
I hear the sirens call
But they don't bother me at all
No they don't bother me at all

Don't cry don't cry
Just for tonight
You could say goodbye
If you give up the fight
How would I say
If I had the words
That it'll be ok
Even if it hurts
Matthew Nichols Nov 2014
Beauty crawls into the rage
Gnawing it's way to center stage
Closing my eyes to see your face
I know why it is I've come to this place

My lips are drawn behind my teeth
As I walk with shadows far beneath
The only light I see at the end
Is that from your room where you lie in bed

My curse is as well my greatest gift
For there is only silence from the window I lift
Belly to the ground like the beast I am
I approach my prey, an innocent lamb

Moonlight flows across skin so soft
Taking my breath but I just can't stop
Your eyes so deep, blue and wide
Full of fear because I'm finally inside

You've never seen me like this
And I've never had even a kiss
I suppose we're both breaking new ground
Just trust me and please don't make a sound

Oh, when you start to cry
Quivering lips releasing a sigh
Clenching my fist in your hair
Why can't you ever play fair

Your fear makes you so delectable
A pounding heart so strongly detectable
Your lips are hot and streaked with tears
The pink in your cheeks draws me near

Your slender neck so pale, so exposed
Leaving all my logic fully desposed
My hands wander down your collarbone
Full of wonder as I'm sure you know

The first prize is better than I hoped
Warm and soft, they gently *****
Encased in pleasure from ears to nose
Pressing softly I feel at home

Your skin is sweet or so I imagine 
Across my tongue soft as satin
Firm but giving I can't help but squeeze
Maybe a nibble if I please

But there is more work left to do
So many places exciting and new
The bones of your hips hard as stone
Guiding my love to it's tender home

Your breathing has slowed as I work my way
I plant a kiss only to hear you say
Something of please, something of don't
But your body argues as you're far from cold

All the coddled advances
Ambiguous stances
Wasted chances
Intentional glances
Dead romances
Only enhances

Overwhelmed couldn't describe my senses
Having finally broken through your defenses
An end to unnecessary suspense
I will be sure to spare no expense

Like a fire amidst winter snow
I taste of your inner glow
All the want begins to flow
Seems like you're enjoying the show

Now it is time to see eye to eye
Leave your soul bare for I know your lies
I can see the need in your eyes
And you can see the rage in mine

Of all the things I ever deserved
I never spoke a single word
But now we know it's finally time
As we join together deep inside

Soon the sun begins to rise
Though I am left in eternal night
I wish I could stay by your side
But I know better of this life

Bruises will fade and minds will clear
And the noises you made will leave my ear
The sheets will dry and you will sigh
For I am gone with no goodbye

Because my world is what I've done and what I receive
But for you, who couldn't so much as believe
The world will be lonely and empty, as you are
Because it is our choices that leave the worst scars
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
Ask me to hold
The world in my hand
Ask me to grow old
Waiting to see you again
Ask me to stitch
Wounds so deep
Blood all lost
To the floor it seeps
Ask me to fight
Your burdened mind
Hold everything tight
That I could find
Ask me to stand
That I may lose
Never hold your hand
So bad I want to
Ask me to do
The things you won't
Ask me to choose
When you don't
I would do anything it's true
But never ask me to give up on you
Matthew Nichols Jan 2014
It's funny how you are the way you come to me
You don't arrive by car or sea
Not by air or rail
No letters in the mail
Just a text on my phones screen
A beautiful sound, a sight to see
A light that triples my hearts beat
That's what you are to me
Matthew Nichols Dec 2013
At first sight I knew
Like a man glimpses  the silhouette of a woman he could love
As she turns and fades into a crowd
And so he runs
Beats the earth with cold feet
Pieces of his world falling around him
Shattering into shards of memory
So my world crumbled
So I built a new one on a bed of the ashes
And there I planted seeds of beauty, happiness,
And so I have opened the gates to paradise for us
Matthew Nichols Nov 2013
These winter days are warmer it seems

But you make me think


Maybe it's me
Matthew Nichols Nov 2013
I've studied beauty all my life, and it's a strange and unpredictable creature.

One never knows where they'll find it and it can go as quickly as it comes. But you seem to be in possession of it at all times.

Unreal, like a character from a book, each line elegantly and carefully written, down to the letter.
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
Beware Of The Dog**
Even if he sleeps
He isn't gone
Still anger seeps
Into his bones
It keeps him alive
All he knows
Rage and lies

He is the primal part of me
The part I hope to never be
He is the end of the war
The beginning of the blight
Black to the core
Absent of light
Always wanting more
Stalking the night
All he lives for
Is a ****** fight

His teeth sharpened
His claws honed
His muscles hardened
Iron for bones
His cage of ebony
Bars built by me
Walled in ivory
So he can never see

I feel the instinct
Baring jowls like a wolf
A killing machine
Rage waiting to engulf
It is the one thing I know I can do
Without a doubt, tried and true

For his blood is mine
So he always knows
When it's time
To come to blows
But I breathe it out
The burning stout

Because though a beast feels no pain
I know this means he has no gain
So I keep his cage locked
Cushioned, it must not be rocked

I know there is beauty in brutality
Grace in a perfect ****
No weight of reality
When blood begins to spill
But I know there is something better for me
A miracle that I see 
No one needs to bleed
For my soul to finally be free
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
Easy when a face can be replaced
Everyone enjoys the show like broadway
Easy to take a chance when nobody knows you right?
A song and a dance and you're a different man ever night.
Matthew Nichols Feb 2014
I still think about you often,
sometimes the idea of you

I never had a chance to love your words or your touch
But I love the idea of you

Part of me knows this life means nothing to time
Part of me wants to live every moment
But I can't decide

It's not because of you I promise
Just the demons and angels inside me

Sometimes I look over the edge of the barn
35 feet
To freedom

So I drink, every day
And I smoke until my brain is a fog

And sometimes the pain
Goes away

Sometimes the fear
Is kept at bay

Sometimes I sleep
14 hours
But I never dream
Someday I hope I know why

And I found a new game
To keep my mind distracted from my mind

I think you would like her
I do

But not as much
As you
Matthew Nichols Aug 2014
Aren't we proud of ourselves
Now that we won't go to hell
And our products will sell
Because our nation excels

Just ignore the smell

Cause it's ****
Blood, tears, and violence
That you can hear the silence

Bodies fall from flaming towers
As pigs strip the bones hungry for power
Grind them up into pretty white powder
Shove it up the nose of the poor black 

Put on a show and call it an election
Sprinkle blow on their wrinkled white *******
Keep our ignorance and bestow the reigns
Upon those who hear dollar signs at our pain

Swallowed all their lies now we're allergic to truth
Rather dump all our problems on the uneducated youth
Rather stack the bodies than speak, it's cold
But with our help they can pave the streets in crimson gold

When everything you love is gone
And you're trapped in the desert chasing a mirage

I want you to look at everyone you hate and all your friends 
And tell me as you die what makes you better than them? 

The man who has your back through hell and more
Is he republican or democrat? Rich or poor?

The woman who looks to you with loving eyes
Would you put a bullet in her head if the price was right?

Before we sell our souls for oil and sin
We might look at ourselves and think again

Because if you open your eyes to peer underneath
All it takes is a mirror to set you free
A pretty poem for a pretty world.
Matthew Nichols Jan 2014
Fight fire with fire
Flame with flame
Ignite my pyre
And curse my name

Throw a gift away
And burn my throat
Maybe if they stay
They'll never know

Maybe if I see
It'll never show
And if you knew me
You would wish it so
Matthew Nichols Apr 2014
Once all I knew was night
Every day was fight or flight
Then from dark I saw so bright
A glint of hope at the edge of sight

So I ran as a cold heart pounded
Warmer as the rising beat sounded
Haste had time I could not waste
This was nothing I had ever faced

But I noticed as I poured in
It had no effect on what I saw begin
The more I gave the more was lost
But I gained no reward for the cost

Instead it rose above my head
Out of my reach high instead
So I basked in its glow
All my troubles fell below

But soon it came, a turn of tables
I had to accept it, if only I was able
You began to fall away again
My feet soon knew the speed of men

But my heart knew the harder truth
There was no way to get to you
A thousand light years away
Is where you would always stay

Now as you grow dimmer still
I feel the dark begin to chill
Maybe I'll be fine without your light
Maybe I'll never see anything so bright

I still think of how hard I ran
That joy that had began
I think of you as you fade away
And hope to again see the day

I wonder why I write these words
My dreams have always been absurd
Like a man chasing the sun
I fight a war that cannot be won
Matthew Nichols Jan 2014
I'd like to make you think
And I do love to make you think
That I am a saint among men
A will of iron from beginning to end

I would like to make you think
It comes easy to me
That I am never on the brink
Of losing sanity

I want you to think I wasn't torn
When she only wants the night
Nothing more
It was but a trifle to say no
A lonely bed easily kept so

It has never crossed my mind
That a drink or two would bury me behind
That a fight in a dim alley way
Wouldn't make me feel alive
Knuckles made for darker play
Wouldn't have a place to thrive

If I could be honest with myself
And I do hate to be honest with myself

I posses the soul of a saint
Good is all I wish to do
But my heart is filled with pain
Always a struggle to stay true

So if you are to know me
As I would like for you to
You will have to see
Behind everything I do

I am a demon of an angel
Hating but kind
Living life through the angle
Of a tortured mind

Though I can't say who will win
Or when the struggle will finally end
I can say I will fight this sin
Try to be something better than I've ever been

And I will remember you
In everything I do

Because the world deserves something better than this
This angel who fell
So save me the sweetest kiss
And I will make it through this hell
Matthew Nichols Sep 2013
Did you know?
I'm sure you didn't
That somewhere below
Somewhere forbidden
There is a shadow of doubt
A valley of death
A thorn that won't come out
Stealing your breath
A wall of scales over your heart
Hardened to stone
A sadness pulling you apart
Knowing you're alone
That no one can help you
No one can save you
No one can break through
And who would want to?
There's nothing here but ashes
Broken dreams and shattered glasses
Your feet are cut and your hands still
A hole of misery you can't seem to fill
No blood left to spill
Nothing left to ****
Nothing worth knowing
Nothing worth showing
An empty husk, a barren world
A beautiful rose come unfurled
This is the end
This is your life
Can't defend
Can't make it right
Dead is what you are
Dead is how you'll stay
Happiness is so very far
And so easily taken away
....But did you know?
I'm sure you didn't
That nothing is broken
And everything is forgiven
I came to this desert to plant a seed
To turn the soil and let you see
To light the dark and set you free
To give you something to believe
Someday you'll see it wasn't all me
These shadows and motes are protection
To hide something beyond detection
The smallest flame of the thinnest candle
So fragile, the lightest breeze it couldn't handle
But you're wrong, it will never go out
It will burn through this cage
Set fire to your doubt
It will smolder every page
Of your sins you couldn't live without
It will take your darkness
And close the wounds shut
Soften your heart from the hardness
Bring fire back into your blood
It will burn you forever
Never let you go
Never let the pain
Torture you so
You are perfect, it's only fact
You must love with your heart and never take it back
Before anyone can truly love you too
You must simply learn to love you
If there is anyone that deserves your flame
It is the one who brought it to life
It is you who deserves the blame
It is you who lights the night
To put it short and sweet
If there was a way I could,
There is always one who believes
Who needs your kindness if you would
It was you, always you
That loves you, so love them too
Someone so perfect you need nothing else
If only I could show you how to love yourself
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
Hello again
My shadow friend
I don't know where home went
Don't know how daylight was spent
But it seems that night
Draws close to my eyes
I'll hold you tight
So you won't leave my sight
My angel of dreams
Has left it seems
Hung from the rafter beams
Swore she would never leave

But she was scared
Can't hide her eyes
I needed her there
To breathe my sighs
But there was no compromise
For her demise
How can she visit me
When my eyes can't see
No matter how much I sleep
I couldn't be free
There wasn't a reprieve
Not for her I believe
My dreams faded with hope
Dragging her below
But if there's anything she knows
It's that I won't always be alone

Someday the shadow and me
We'll have some company
So bright will you be
I'll be helpless when I see
You'll know I believe
And you'll rescue me
We'll find my angel of dreams
And I'll embrace her again
My heart stitched at the seams
She'll come back to me then
The dark may take me now
And leave me here unknown
But you'll find me somehow
And never again will I be so alone
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
You've always got one more thing
Sometimes your eyes, like sirens they sing
Your laugh, it sinks so deep
Echoes in my sleep

Your smile it haunts me so
I need it again, I know
Like a drug you pull me up
Take me away with any luck

Just say the word and we'll be free
Time is all there is for you and me
Nod your head give me a sign
And I'll give you everything tonight

I'm not scared I'm not afraid
To pick up the pieces today
You have everything in me
To take you to the beginning
And learn to live from love

To keep friends close, enemies afar
To learn you're beautiful because of your scars
Just say yes and I will show you the way
Just please say that I can stay
I will never let you fall, you must believe
Because believing is all there is for you and me
Matthew Nichols Dec 2013
Do you believe in destiny?
Whatever it may be?
I like to think I'm free
That this misery
Wasn't by decree
Of a higher being
Beyond me
That I could flee
If I please
I think you would agree
If you could see
The smallest and largest degree
To which I am my own detainee
But whether I am drifting in a boat at sea
Or rooted to my fate like a tree
At least I think I'm free
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
Autumn comes with an amber skin
Violet eyes and a body thin
He whispers quiet so listen carefully
The rustle of leaves heard barely
He sweeps the earth to and fro
Only to craft a bed for winter though

For she is fragile and falls so fast
She needs a home when she lands at last
So Autumn works with his creaking bones
His pain only heard in the windy moans
He labors for her as best he can
Quieting the earth and cooling the breeze
He knows he must have a plan
Or when she falls she will die with ease

He finishes at last with the labor of love
As a chill descends from the sky above
He knows she draws so very near
But he is too tired to see her he fears
But she will know what he has done for her
How he has given everything to shape the earth
She will see as he falls asleep
Happy as can be for he believes

Soon she arrives silent until
Flakes begin to fall from her decent
Shed from her heart so very still
She speaks to the night on the wind
Crying because she is so alone
All the leaves are dead and the animals gone

Why has no one come to see her
After that fall she could be hurt
But no one cares for her
She breathes a sigh
Never does it occur
That this is a lie

She wonders why the world gets dark so fast
Why she is always awake with the last
If only someone could love her so
Hold her through nights so cold
Protect her from the ground below
But no one cares, this she knows
Winter passes and soon she must leave
Gone with the summer, no one will grieve

Autumn returns long after
As always but with quiet laughter
He thinks one chilly day
Not so far away
Autumn will stay
Oh what will she say

When she knows how much he truly cares
And how much he would do for his love
Surely she must be entirely aware
He can almost see her falling above
But so very heavy grow his eyes
He can't keep them open any more
Maybe a nap before she arrives
Dreaming of the winter he did it all for
Matthew Nichols Sep 2013
I try to keep my words modest
But in my heart the flame burns the hottest
If I were ever honest
I would say you're a Goddess
Matthew Nichols Dec 2013
If you knew how profound
How it almost shakes the ground
How I feel when you're around
You would only make one sound
Matthew Nichols Sep 2013
I feel like you're the girl I never thought I would meet
I've spent years thinking I was being unrealistic but I believed
Now here you come showing me I've spent my entire life settling
And that is something I won't soon be forgetting
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
This hell is yours
No one forced you here
They only showed you the door
And you chose to choose fear
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
It's a long story
How to steal a heart
Sometimes boring
And very hard to start

Sometimes tears may sneak into your eyes
Sometimes the chapters just seem to fly by
But this time I think you'll be in for a surprise
Because the story was never read to you right
This one has no twists, villains, or lies
Just the simple truth that I want you to be mine

Not just to have you in my possession
Or some whim of a lustful obsession
I want to steal your heart right from your chest
I'll take care of it and do my best
Because home is where the heart is so I'm told
So I will give you a home where we can grow old
Where you can be yourself and you'll never know a stranger
And all I have will be yours and you will never be in danger

We'll have windows to watch the rain
A fireplace to melt away pain
A bed of feathers to hold you tight
Through every beautiful starry night
But the best part of this home is something for you
Something to prove my words are true
Something that may seem quite new
I won't steal your heart without giving you mine too
Matthew Nichols Jan 2014
The first time I kissed you
And looked into your eyes

It wasn't real I knew
Just ghosts in my mind

And when my twelve hours were done
And I got out of bed

I couldn't wait to leave the sun
And fall back into my head
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
Innocence wasn't a place or a time or a moment. It was a feeling, a chance but you have to own it.

There was a time when you believed that anything could happen and only tomorrow could be better than today. Then life dealt you some hands that made you doubt your way. 

And start to think the world is much darker than you knew 
But it simply isn't true.

Somewhere within you there lies beautiful eyes for seeing beautiful things. And I'm going to find them, and give them wings.
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
Fire on water, watching the sun rise
For a moment I thought I saw your eyes
Whisper of wind ruffles my hair
I almost swore you were there
Laughing on a couch with friends
Maybe I glimpsed you on the end
At night as I slept with the dead
Felt your weight on the lonely bed
At dawn a chilly biting breeze
Reminds me you're not here with me
But I still hold on to believe
Someday you'll open up and see
There's a world of not I but we
Just open the door and set us free
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
I'm short on words I'm afraid
Only fragments come to mind these days
But there's a story to be told
In the few I hold

Far, this one for you, to start
Sometimes miles, mostly in heart

Waiting, not my favorite one
But it has to be done

Falling, you and I 
In different ways sometimes

Doubt, has me plucking apart flowers
She loves me, she loves me not, for hours

Hope, bricks to build our home
Though hard to do here alone

Beauty, on my mind all the time
Your lovely fingers laced in mine

Embrace, I felt something in you
Did you feel it too?

Lastly Happiness, the reason I'm all out of words
Hard to speak when you smile so hard it hurts
Matthew Nichols Nov 2013
Tired of this gift of sight

Fighting this war for so long

Tired of trying to know what's right

Always knee deep in what's always wrong
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
I don't know why it's so hard to admit
To tell you that you're so hard to forget
Summon the courage to give up and submit
Just look into your eyes and I would find it

Why can't I say I just want to kiss you
Maybe it's because I already miss you
Maybe it would just get worse
Or maybe only at first

Maybe I'm afraid of what you would say
That you would look down and turn the other way
Think I'm just a kid with a game to play
Rainbows and flowers if he had his way

Maybe I don't know if you're ready yet
It's a lot of chips to place on a bet
But I know that isn't true
If anyone's ready to be happy it's you

Maybe I'm scared to hope its me she chooses
I could just be scared it'll be me who loses
Or maybe one day these words will have their uses
And they'll spill out when I'm all out if excuses
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
If only I knew how to say
That we are all drowning in terrible pain
But rather than run the other way
We must stay to fight another day
Of all the demons I have to slay
I never feared them though you may
Sometimes it may seem my heart is gray
But it is from many battles, I had to pay
For I am alive more than they
And I never was scared of the fray
For fear is how we truly fall prey
Our hearts become easy to betray
Our souls are lead too far astray
Our weaknesses held out for their display
Our minds too dull to hardly obey
Our eyes too closed for our thoughts to sway
And to our horrible dismay
We just continue to decay
Though we never feel it for all it weighs
We just close your heart and begin to pray
But the only way to hold the fear at bay
Is if we start living now, today
So mold your heart of the softest clay
Mold it into the most beautiful vase
And fill it with love that will always stay
And maybe someday you'll feel okay
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
Just let me see
I don't need to breathe
A flash of white
A blinding light
Filing rows
Bright it glows
Lips that flow
And down I go
Weak at the knees
Light in the head
Got what I need
But I missed what you said
Cause you took me miles
With those perfect smiles
Matthew Nichols Sep 2013
Painted through the ether
Like a spray of stars
****** if I'm not a believer
Someday I'll be where you are
In the dark peace of space
Floating so slowly
Shining beauty on the face
Of I, so lowly
Burning yourself to light the world
No one else knows what you are
But I'll pull you down to earth
My beautiful shooting star
Elegant skin
Like the silent moon
Slipping through my hands
For dawn is coming soon
You may be so far away
Peeking from the twilight
But for me gravity holds no sway
I will take my flight tonight
Dive into the black unknown
I don't need the light of day
All I need is you alone
And I will always find my way
Matthew Nichols Feb 2014
4 years old, I found her
Silence surrounded her
She wasn't moving, still as stone
After all the soothing, I went home

I asked my father if it was normal
That her death meant nothing to me
I had to bother, he was too formal
But finally he set it free
The only words he said that day
Echo in my head on endless replay

Romance and smiles we shared
But all the while I was prepared
The hollow monster of endless regret
Had followed me as it will till death

I felt nothing for her as I knew I would
I did everything for her as best I could
Only a show, a beautiful dance
Nothing true ever came from that romance
After all was done and we parted ways
I asked if it was normal, only to hear her say
The only words she said that day
Like I didn't deserve what she had to say

A fun game, not to be played often
A game that never softened
To be or not to be, was the goal
And tonight I finally have the answer
As this torture took its toll
And sadness spread like cancer
I watched the world from 35 feet up
And wanted so bad to jump

I made my choice and was finally free
It's a beautiful world for the last to see
An angel found me as I slipped away
I took a moment just to say
Is it normal, to feel only sadness and hate
She only stood silent, then, hand in hand, we walked away
Matthew Nichols Sep 2013
If you are the one
And I for you
Then stop being one
And let us be two
We could be three
Maybe one day
Four or five?
Who could say?
A Four letter word
Between us two
Worth more than a million
I could give to you
If roses can be red
And violets blue
Than who said
We couldn't be two?
A hundred days
Equal our one
A thousand moons
For one sun
If a heart grew
Twice it's size
For just once
That I saw I your eyes
Then I could say
In just three words
In every way
I love her
Matthew Nichols Dec 2013
Once again I find myself
Outside the dream peering in
But at least I found myself
Once again
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
Take me back in time
When we were young and we believed
Be the rhythm to a rhyme
I wound through the air for you to see
There was a day was there not
When we loved and never fought
Our hearts for control
Never tried to stop the flow
When did we let it go?
When did we stop trying to grow?

Remember a time, it's all I ask
Just please take it all back
Meet me where the world was easy
I'll be there waiting just believe me
I'll show you fireflies in the woods
We'll dance in the snow and never feel the cold
We'll walk the rain without our hoods
We'll love with hearts that will never grow old
You can tread the lonely stars with no fear 
No such thing as a fall if I catch you my dear

Live with a back unburdened by this world
Laugh with the laugh of that little girl
That I know still breathes
Still warms my heart when you are near
Eyes full of light beneath
The sadness and the fear
Dry that beautiful face and look for more
Inside this chest beats a key to the door
Unclench your fists and reach through the silence
Show the world the meaning of defiance
Don't leave me here without you
This place was meant for two
I understand so much, I do
But paradise is nothing without you
Matthew Nichols Dec 2013
Always so casual I wish I could be
Just like you so you couldn't see
All the feelings inside of me
Wanting to be spoken free

I wish you couldn't know
How I miss you so

And how much I wish I didn't
But I can't keep it hidden

I don't know how you do this to me
But stop me before I say please
Matthew Nichols Nov 2013
When I play piano
I think of you

Like the keys, everything black or white
Here or there

But in tune

It may seem confusing
Too complicated

But with a little patience
And a gentle touch

Beautiful music comes to life
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
            Are the most amazing person I know.
            You take my hand and light my days?
            Leave I would miss you so.
            The one to light my heart ablaze.
            Everything I could ever give.
            To help you learn to live.
Matthew Nichols Nov 2013
Sweat soaks our collars
Sons speak with fathers
Mothers wring
Their hands of spring

The temperature is rising
Distant news of fighting
Speak of revolution
Peak of evolution

Matches set to fire
Flames on the bridge grow higher
No retreat
None we need

Voices in the night
Torches quell their fright
So it begins
Road to the end

They watch from their windows
Down the ramparts we assemble
Voices boom
Speak of their doom

Soon we dawn our armor
Soldiers made from farmers
Say goodbye
To this life

Guillotines are raised
But hearts are still ablaze
Filled with hope
We march the *****

Archers man their stations
Swords shake with frustration
Soon we move
To save you

Blades against the evil
Arrows fly with eagles
Walls torn apart
All for your heart

The faces of their generals
Grim against the rebels
Away they fly
Oh they try

Drawbridges have fallen
Wounded they are calling
For a truce
To stop the coup

Don't enter the basement
They will offer any payment
But I know
You're down below

A room made of chains
Heavy with your pain
I cut through
My sword true

A ballad for the ages
Played on all the stages
They remember
That cold December

When a boy became a man
With faith he took a stand
A love for you
Was all he knew
Matthew Nichols Apr 2014
I can't find my words
When I always could
It feels absurd
But it feels so good

And then I awake
And you weren't there
The dream was fake
But I still feel your hair

You're still in my head
I can't deny
That what you said
*Wasn't goodbye
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
Don't you say a word
Don't make a sound
These feelings can't be heard
Over our hearts so loud
Don't tell me of blurring lines
Of tragedy and company intertwined
Don't tell me you're afraid this time
When there's nothing to fear if you're mine

There's no apologies to be made for you and I
Nothing to cause your heavy sighs
There is only truth in your lies
You're afraid to feel alive
Like Alice in a wonderland 
Let me take your hand
And tell you how far the rabbit hole goes
Because this reality is all for show
There's a place waiting for you and I
Beneath the stars but in the sky
When or how I cannot tell
You will see you created your hell
Don't pay attention to these frail words
They're nothing compared to what has occurred
Inside our hearts we'll never be the same
If only you could let it change
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
It's the danger that draws them near
It's the blood that keeps them here
I feel it flowing through your veins
Bringing a blush to your lovely face
Can you feel me in your neck
Creeping into your head?

Blurring the lines of life and fantasy
Of what was real before me
Maybe it's not what I say that makes you mine
It's the smile that runs sparks through your spine

Or the eyes slow and warm
Sinking into yours 
Makes you feel like a ghost
For a moment free of flaws
The very thing I want the most
Or perhaps you're nothing at all

You can't predict me
Can't place me
Can't see into me
Can't be free of me
I am everywhere
Like smoke in a dim room
Lulling you anywhere
A dream made just for you

Take the bet and toss the dice
I'll always win with these snake eyes
And all the cards played oh so right
I'll take the chips before your eyes

Are you scared? You're breathing so hard
But you can't turn back you've come too far
Your heart is beating so very fast
But you're finally here at last
Fingers like feathers grace your skin
Leaving trails of fire from beginning to end

Too much to take at once
A lot of work for a bit of fun
Hands moving to and fro
Drawing warmth from deep below
Meeting piercing eyes
So blue and deep as a mine
Drinking the heat as you drown
In a sea of sapphire pulling you down

Skin melds together into soft red velvet
Froze your lips so I know you felt it
More than two bodies we are two souls
Spinning through the stars hot as coals
Fall into my atmosphere
And find me here

Time doesn't know how to get in
It will wait for us until the end
The deeper you get the more you see
Everything is strange inside of me
Nothing is as it seems
Intoxication sinking into your dreams

Like a walk on thin air
I'll take you everywhere
Before you know it your feet are up 
You'll be swept away in this moment of us
You could surely get used to this
Wrapped in cool grace and burning mystery
It was only a moment of true bliss
Let's see if you can catch me
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
Here I sit as I've sat before
Blowing smoke rings, nothing more
Never a stir or knock at the door
Just I alone as always before

When I take a moment to watch a ring
Float away on invisible wings
Lead to the sky on the thinnest string
I tried to grasp it but felt the sting
As it disappeared between my fingers
Nothing of the beauty stays to linger

And it's that moment when I think of you
Beautiful and free floating on air
And I know if I try to capture you too
I will leave with hands lonely and bare
Beauty is not a flower to keep
Stored on a shelf in perpetual sleep

It is fluid and ethereal
Not made of any material
For life wouldn't be fair
If I could keep you all for me
I have to let you taste the air
Because beauty is only beautiful when it's free
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