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Matthew Nichols Dec 2013
It makes me physically sick

To wait another day

No matter what the risk

I must soon find a way
Matthew Nichols Nov 2013
Look deep into the sky
Stars spin and collide
The tails of comets play
Swirling light in their wake

Leaving a sea of glitter
Like snow in dark winter
Do you like it?
I know you do
Quite splendid
And all for you

This world has no sun
Just you, the only one
This celestial dance
Of love and chance

Is all for you
It's very true
So next time you feel alone
Lost and broken, pain unknown

Look into the gem filled sky
And know you look into my eyes
And if ever you feel
Like there's something this world cannot steal

Then take flight on wings
And bring it to me
And we will flow
Across the starry snow

But never forget 
I never regret
That once I looked to the sky
And saw only your eyes

And took my flight
Just like you
Escaped my plight
For something true
Matthew Nichols Dec 2013
Everything I'm too scared to hope for

Like a wish read straight from my heart

I'm sinking into the perfection I adore

Zealous to be taken apart

All my dreams have turned to your eyes

Begging you to save my life

Every tear you've ever cried

Tonight we make those wrongs right

Hoping someday you can love this knight
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
I can't say I know how
Neither that I know why
But I feel it even now
Wings lifting me to the sky
Can't explain how you do it
Can't say you even know
How you break me bit by bit
Then build me up from below
Why do I get so nervous
When the weekend draws near?
Do you do it on purpose?
Letting me hope you'll be here
Do you mean to make me smile so?
To melt my heart with a glance
I wish you could only know
So I could someday have a chance
I know I shouldn't feel this way
Hardly know you in perspective
But I'm sorry I'm not sorry
It would all make sense if you'd let it
Perhaps I'm a fool
And you're just playing it smart
But to know someone's perfect for you
Isn't that how true love starts?
Matthew Nichols Dec 2013
Oh baby I'm worth the danger
I'm a game of Russian roulette with a bullet in every chamber
No maybe I'll never change her
But that won't stop me

Oh who must that be
On the edge of the smoke I see
Beneath the guise of a top hat
A glint from the eye of a tom cat

And Oh Tick tick tick goes the watch
Wind it up it'll never stop
And neither will he

Oh I don't mean to brag
Well yes I do but you're such a drag
And maybe a little story telling
Will get at the goods you're selling

Oh maybe it's all I can do
To feel alive when I'm next to you
And Oh maybe I'm more than you'll ever see
Maybe I adore the complexity

Oh baby pull me under
Come on, tear me asunder
Show me with your subtle flaunts
I can't have everything I want

But oh
What is this?

But oh
Craving a kiss?

But oh, shaking hands search for a reason
Burning brands mark my heart for treason
If I want to ever get out alive
I have to sever these warm ties
Cause the pain only finds me
When love comes and binds me

And oh!!!

And oh!!!

Run run run he'll never stop
Like the tick tick tick of his pocket watch
And you can blame all your romances
On the shame of your midnight dances
But you'll never know from where it came
Like the tom cat you tried to tame
Matthew Nichols Dec 2013
There are three curses of the soul
And each in turn take their toll
Upon me 
For all I feel and know
All I see

First is the curse of knowing too much
Secrets thought forgotten in the dust
Things I can never pull from my head
Things that keep me awake in my bed

Second is another of excess
Caring to much, dying in the process
Wishing only to bring you back to life
Wishing only to do what is right

Last and the most cruel of them all
The fire at the bottom of the fall
That which keeps me crawling through
The trench of darkness to find you

Hope, a poison of heart and mind
Hope to one day be kind
To give you back sight
To see your smile so bright
For this I would die
Maybe then I would see the light
Matthew Nichols Nov 2013
Looking high, looking low
Looking down deep below

So long I spent looking for you
Now I look for something new

Paradise my eyes had searched to find
Find I did, of the greatest kind

Now I look through Eden's wake
Knowing what I have at stake

But harder to find than you were to me
Is anything wrong with this lovely dream

Signs all around, they scream at me so
But where did the objects of their warning go?

So toxic you've come to think you are
But with every day it's more bizzare

Perhaps I've gotten lost in those seas of blue
Windows to the soul, it can't be true

This place looks nothing like you said
Only joy and hope, nothing to dread

But if this is your idea of my pain and misery
Then by all means, be the death of me
Matthew Nichols Nov 2013
Everything I have, I give to you
Like an hourglass must pour

Though someday our time will be through
You'll never be empty while I am yours
Matthew Nichols Nov 2013
What do you do?
What do you do?
When only one can live
And it has to be you

All you can give
If only you knew
What it would take
What you would have to do

Who do you trust
What do they mean
Would you **** if you must?
Can your hands stay clean?
What of humanity?
This is insanity

The countdown begins
The beginning or the end?

Memories are faded
But there was blood and gore
Violence unaided
Who are you anymore?
Lives were traded
Battles evaded
Camps raided
Doors barricaded
Blood cascaded
Light was shaded

Became the animals we were
Machines of death
Never did it occur
As we stole a breath

You and I stand apart
Waiting for the violence to start
All it takes is a little time
A little push, a little crime
And teeth are barred
Claws where hands used to be
You didn't make it far
Not from me

I am the best
You all could see
Last of the rest
Last to breathe
But I never was the same
I still see so much red
I know it was just a game
Still I feel the dread
Killed countless names
But it is I that is truly dead
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
I know they hurt you
Cheated, burned, and caged you
I'll be just like them soon
Only with a twist or two
I can't wait to cheat
It won't be fair
When I make you laugh
Even in your darkest despair
Can't wait to burn you alive
With the passion that consumes me
Can't wait to tell you a lie
When you ask if I know what we'll be
Can't wait to make you hurt so much
With a smile to burn your cheeks
For all you'll be wearing it
Every time I dare to speak
Can't wait to cage you up
No freedom in sight
From a loving embrace
Holding you through the night
How many tears you've cried
I will never truly know
How many more will spill the night
I vow to never let you go?
How many lies have been told?
But the truth always hurts worse
You're the most beautiful being I've ever known
Oh how will you live with such a curse?
Matthew Nichols May 2014
Oh how I wish I could be
Like those birds I often see
But I lack their weightless wings
I am too heavy to be free

I am filled with longing, nothing more
Like the anchor that sinks ,ship to floor
I no longer remember the shore
Only the sea of nevermore

As I drift on endless waves
Currents pulling me like a slave
I wonder what it's like to be brave
And what it's like to dig a grave

I start to sink, as heavy as can be
The sea has begun to swallow me
Then my weight is taken, it slowly bleeds
And now like the birds I am free

My wings catch air and I can see
All the world I could never believe
Opening to my final reprieve
As the shore of nevermore sores towards me
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
This is a story I wrote
Of a man so alone
All he needed is hope
So he can find his way home
He's got his heart, he's got his words
He plays it smart, he won't get hurt
All he wanted is to be heard
But he's afraid of getting burned
All he's known is so much hate
So much pressure to be fake
Turned his world into grey
Can you take it all away?
Never had a real model
Someone who knows him like a father
Why would anybody bother
He'll never be like the others
Never let anyone see
What he really wanted to be
He hides behind his smiles
Suffocating all the while
If you looked what would you see
A soul fighting to break free
Or just a sad comedy
Only I know because he's me
I wrote this story
I made this for me
I set the demons free
Locked my heart inbetween
Set fire to the fuse
Said I had nothing left to lose
But nothing is was I was afraid of losing
A slave to my fear of choosing
Now my shackles are weightless
My demons are shapeless
If I'm going to face this
I'm going to have to replace this
I'm not writing in blood
Not writing in stone
It's never enough
And I'm not writing alone
This is a chapter of war
A story of more
A legacy at the core
Won't stop till I'm sure
Lets burn these pages and breathe the ashes
Echo through the ages when this sky crashes
My words shake the ground where I shout
Watch your ears when I come screaming it out
I'm not backing down never letting go
Never going back till I put on a show
So sit back and watch me light the night
You're coming for the ride so hold on tight
Cause this story is for you and I
I'm writing the words to make it right
I hope you've got your pen cause you're not staying here
It time to run for our lives till there's nothing to fear
I'm swinging these bars wide open
And I know I've got you hoping
So just let everything go
And soon you'll know
You'll never hurt again I promise you so
Spill your heart and let your ink flow
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
I don't think you would understand what I would mean if I told you.

I don't mean that you are hot, or I like your makeup, or even an admiration for those amazing things you were born with like your eyes, your lips, your cheek bones.

No I mean that you are something else entirely.

When I say you are beautiful, I mean that if there ever were such a thing as an angel, it would look like you.
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
Look in the mirror what do you see?
Wretched, broken, sad and ugly?
Does it make your skin crawl?
To know you mean nothing at all?

They think you're really something don't they?
And one, the worst fool, to want to stay
He's never known the heart break
Left in your terrible wake
He's never been hurt
You tell yourself
Never been lower than dirt
Never lived with eyes in hell

Who am I this time?
To make him cry?
Let him go
He'll find his way
He couldn't know
The burning pain...

But he does
Broken by love
Pushed and shoved
Fell from above
Nothing new
For him too
But the fire that rages within
Not consuming like yours
Not wearing him thin
Not fighting wars

It is a red hot flame
Burns the words of your name
He's seen your heart so cold
He's seen into your dying soul
He has a heart of ember coals
All for you if you wish it so
Not because he has something to prove
Not for satisfaction in closing wounds
Because you deserve this
Ever bit of it

He doesn't care if you don't believe in bliss
He'll see what you believe after a kiss
Take your fears and doubts
And leave them somewhere else
Cause there's no room in here
Not for you and I my dear
Matthew Nichols Sep 2013
Who knew, who could?
Who hurt you? Who would?
Who couldn't believe?
Who felt you breathe
And decided to leave?
Something I see
Inside the depths of your eyes
Something so free
Beyond your modest lies
Something is on fire
With the breadth of wind
The stillness of water
The quake of the earth
Such a beautiful liar
The last standing friend
The laugh that caught her
Never knew her worth
Are there words for her?
The stars that align in her eyes
The beautiful summer blur
Moving on without compromise
Catch it before its gone
And maybe you can be the one
The curve of an angels wing
In the grace of her cheek
Like warm snow before spring
In her lips before she speaks
Hands to beat the devils touch
Cause my heart to race so much
Her soul kindled by music and dreams
Reality never made a place for you and me
Her skin is like home
A place where you belong
Where nothing is wrong
Where the seeds of love and life have grown
Her voice like a wind chime on a stormy night
In the depths of fog she is my only sight
A million years I lived before you
But to make you smile
To let you know love loves you too
Makes it all worth while
To take the last tear from your beautiful face
Replace it with a smile that could light this place
To let you know there is nothing to fear
That nothing can touch you while I am here
To hold you outside of a black hole
So you know I'll never let you go
It may seem like its all for you
But you love to make me selfish
Cause the fire in my heart leaves me helpless
And nothing in this world was ever so true
Matthew Nichols Sep 2013
Have you ever seen a swan cry?
No? Always so graceful?
A rose turn unpleasant to the eye?
No? Always so beautiful?
Has there ever been an ugly rain?
Just drops of water so dreary and plain?
Maybe you'll see a frightful sunrise someday?
Or perhaps you only chose to see it that way
Beauty is all around us
For those with open eyes
And with eyes so beautiful
Surely it's no surprise 
You cant have missed the best of them all
The very thing for which beauty was named
Surely your face can't always fall
Too blind to accept the blame
The rose is a rose
Day in and day out
The swan never knows
Of any thing called doubt
The rain falls whenever it please
Ignorant to the likes of you and me
But one beauty is a work of love
A fluid mosaic of life and song
Not born perfect like the wing of a dove
But shaped by years so very long
Highs and lows of every day
Like valleys and hills in your soul
Everyone come and gone away
Love and loss taking their toll
See, unlike the swan, rose, or rain
You could choose to be grace or pain
You became something amazing
Not a product of nature
You can choose to take today
And love despite the danger
You chose to weave voice to melody
Not like a bird oblivious
You chose to make someone smile
To be the best of us
So when the world seems so dark and grim
If into despair you're gazing
Remember the beauty of life is within
For you my darling are always amazing
Matthew Nichols Nov 2013
I put my heart on paper it's true

When I try to explain my sadness with this art

My heart looks so much like you

I just can't write anything dark

So I suppose I want you to know

Though it's too soon for it to show

In so much dark you are the light

So for you I continue the fight
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
If I had one more tomorrow
No time to waste or borrow
One chance to tell you straight
One chance for a seed to take
One piece of life left to give
One moment I have yet to live
I would say what I meant
Though you wouldn't understand
If the message was sent
I would know I died a man

I would tell you I love you
Though you don't know why
Never taken a date for two
Never held you as you cried
Never been there for Christmas
To give you a gift
Just what you needed plus
So heartfully picked

Never protected you from a storm
Keeping the rain away and the covers warm
Never spent the summer together
Looked into your eyes under the stars forever
Never pulled you out of trouble
Just to get you deeper in it
Never ran a bath full of bubbles
Never played a game just to let you win it

Never laughed at how cute you get
When your mad and I know you want me dead
Never slipped out of time
Never made you truly mine

But you see, these things I don't need
To know you're worth loving with everything in me
Because it doesn't take time
Doesn't take moments
Because in this heart of mine
You don't have to grow it
All I do is look with a heart open wide
And I see you and I swell with pride
Because there's so much to love in a beautiful soul
If this last moment is the only time you'd believe me
If unconditional love would pull you from this hole
Then my life would have meaning
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
The wolf on the hill watching the sheep
The vision of ghosts that haunt your sleep
The black rose, the sapphire sun
Nobody knows where I am from

Or what I am it's hard to tell
Beyond hearing sight or smell
A remnant of a forgotten place
The secret lines never traced
The broken glass never replaced
The shifting smoke without a face
The monster come and given chase
So hard to see the cultured grace

No one understands they never will
Running away from the foreign chill
Always perfecting my certain skill
Of never jumping in to get a thrill
Never going straight for the ****
Instead I watch from the window sill
And so I sit atop my hill
Just waiting for the blood to spill
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
I saw through the prison bars
A sky too black for risen stars
No way out of this curse
Trapped here for better or worse
I screamed till my lungs gave out
Then I sat with silence all around

Never thought I could be saved
Never thought I could be brave
Never thought I would see the day
Never thought I would find my way

That's when you came
To save me from the flame
Bursting through the sky
Blinding my eyes
Like a comet on fire
Ready to make me a liar
A vessel of desire
Everything I admire
Impossible to expire
Never fails to inspire
When it's down to the wire

She is everything I wish I could be
Everything I wish I could see
Every day
If I had my way
There would be nothing to say
Just be mine today

She hurts like the rest of us
Struggles with the best of us
But someday I will show her love
And it will finally be enough
Though she doesn't yet hear the thunder undone
She will always be to me, my Wonder Woman
Matthew Nichols Nov 2013
Sometimes I want to tell the truth
Blurt it out to see what you would do
But that scares me, very much so
What would you do if you were to know

Maybe that's why I use these poems
So I can speak to you, subtly so
Maybe I'm content to ride this hope
Never have to hear you say no

I care for you I truly do
If you knew you might care too
I think you are perfect, flawless, I do
But I know it's not entirely true

I know you have some problems inside
You try to run and hide
I know you're hurt, pain on your face
I know it won't disappear with my embrace
I know I must be patient
To hope to make a dent

But I also know one day
It will all fade away
So I will wait
To say what I need to say
Matthew Nichols Jan 2014
It seems I've found my calling
Maybe unsound and appalling
But it's got you down and crawling
Like that gown you're falling

I love catching little flies
Hatching from their little lies
Flying straight to the spiders web
Love and hate spinning the threads

I love the moves of the pieces
A game, it soothes and releases
I love clawing to the top
Gnawing till you drop

I love a little work for the mind
And you're not above a little work for my time
I love the little words that mean so much
Floating like little birds till you crave the touch

I love to dance to the piano slow
A lovely trance within your soul
Soften your stance with every note
Just a chance I'll take you home

I love a trembling whisper
But don't detest a shout
Above what's within her
She's dying to get out

I'll set fire to this town
Get me to higher ground
Bet a liar you're going down
Forget to aspire and you'll surely drown

This is where I belong
Hands in your hair, soft as a song
Eyes everywhere so don't stay long
But remember, All is fair when you play god
Matthew Nichols Oct 2013
If I could speak to your photos
I'd know you better now
I wouldn't be feeling so low
Wouldn't be standing beneath this cloud
If your pictures could hold me
Maybe I could fall asleep
Writing our life story
Only in my dreams

I just need you here
To hold all my fears
And tuck my last sins way
I can't stand to wait another day
I know I'll find some other way
To know what I need to say
I know someday you'll see
You were always meant for me

If your pictures kept me warm
Like the smile that still remains
I could stand another storm
Let it wash away the pain
If you smiled as much as the albums did
I could light up the dark
If you saw the world with one light kiss
I know you'd feel the spark

I just need to feel you
So life won't try to steal you
I just need to give you back
Everything lost in the attack
I need to see you happy again
So we can finally make this end

If you were your photos
Always in my head
Then god only knows
What you would think of me then
Don't know if you ever had
Someone like me
That loves to make you happy
Lost inside your sea

As long as I have your photos
We will never be apart
If you'll ever speak I don't know
But I'm here when you're ready for my heart

— The End —