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Matthew Hillin Mar 2016
I am no longer the prince to my beautiful princess

I am no longer the hero worthy of her greatness

I am the faceless knight clad in shadow

I am the protector of my lady from all things un-hallow

I am the shield that blocks all her sadness

I am the sword that conquers all her darkness

I am clad in armor black as night

I am the bearer of the sword which is evil’s blight

I am never to be known for I battle in faraway lands

I am never to be known for I slay my dragons in unknown sands

I am the hero of the story she will never be told

I am the hero of the story she will never behold

I am the tomb marked by a single red sword

I am the tomb depicting the battle against evil’s horde

I am the faceless knight who will always protect my lost love

I am the Shadowed knight who will never feel the peace of the dove
Any advice on it wild be really helpful

— The End —