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 Jul 2012 Matt Walsh
 Jul 2012 Matt Walsh
I would tie your finger to mine
As to not lose you among the waves
As usual I know I could close my eyes
Visions you shine up my spine
Lost or found
Does the difference matter
As long as we dream beneath those stars again
I am too close to breathe in
The center towards nowhere pulls ever closer
If that string breaks I will reach out
Out into the pulsing sun of your life
Into the star of your mind
Would I be an angel then
The long faded memory
Compacted over and over again
As you replay in your mind
I shrink down into nothing
My soul rubs against the warmth of your skin
Do you feel every scream of my mind and body
Shouting if

You were not with another
 Jul 2012 Matt Walsh
G C Poulos
Hello to the morning, and its sunshine,
bringing light to this little world of mine,
Morning sunshine is special in its way,
of ending night, and bringing in the day.

But a rainy morning is alright too,
'cause it is sunny when I think of you.
When it is stormy, I picture my love,
and that turns the clouds to blue skies above,

Yes, rainy, or sunny, this love of mine,
fills every morning with her bright sunshine.
Do you remember the day you said goodbye?
Did you cry your most heartfelt cry, and how much did it hurt?
Did it feel like the heavens came crashing down
and on their way to oblivion, they collided with your heart
and stole it away from you?
Stole it away like that indian giving sun,
and however racist it may be,
it's true.
Goodbyes, if properly done, should hurt
You should feel the pain of amputation,
for although it's not external,
it's a part of you removed, but somehow existing on its own.
Goodbyes, if properly done,
should leave you empty.
Empty like that candy *****
after you finished cramming down your last savory bite.
Goodbyes, if properly done,
should leave you yearning for the future.
They should drive you to return
to that thing that you so foolishly left behind.
But, goodbyes, if properly done,
should inspire you to grow.
They should inspire you to create something new,
something fulfilling.
Goodbyes need to be cherished,
and although they arnt the same as a newborn baby,
fragile, innocent and naive,
you should treat them all the same.
Goodbyes are special, unique,
and even though it's redundant to say,
they are one of a kind.
Goodbye's, if properly done,
should not be done
at all.
I wrote this for my best friend back home.  I left for college and I felt bad that I left her behind.  I want her to know that no matter how far apart we are, we will never say goodbye to each other, and that I will never forget the person that she is.
when you're young
a pair of
high-heeled shoes
just sitting
in the closet
can fire your
when you're old
it's just
a pair of shoes
in them
just as
She stood with you
under the trees

the rain falling hard
the Sunday church service

had been a wet affair
the walk home together

then the bus
to the end of the road

and she said
Is it ever going to stop?

her hair was limp
and hung over

her forehead
her eyes bright

her complexion white

you said
But I’ve built an ark

in the woods behind
just in case

and she laughed
and took your hand

and said
How any animals

have you got so far?
Couple of woodlice

and beetles
and the odd worm or so

and you smelt
the scent on her

the warmth
of her hand

in yours and you both
under the trees

out of the rain
but the drops fell through

You remember that time
we went to the hay barn

to keep out of the rain
and we were wet through

and took of our clothes
and lay in the hay?

she said
snuggling closer to you

No can’t say I do
you said

and she smack your arm
and said

Oh yes you do
and there was a break out

from the sun
through the branches

as if you say
I’ still here

I’m trying to get through
and she looked at you

and you smiled
and said

I can still smell the hay
and you lying there

beside me
and the damp clothes

hanging over the hay bale
and you and I close

and warmth
and then she put

her finger to her lips
and shushed you

and drops of rain
came onto her head

Let’s keep it kind of holy
she said

and kissed your damp ear
her lips like a blessing

soft skin on soft skin
and she moved away

and the rain eased
and you both moved out

into the woods
She was spinning,
the world flowing around her.
She was her own axis,
everything revolved around her body and mind.
Who knew that one person would make it all stop?
Who knew that one boy could change the orbiting?
Surely, the girl didn’t.
He came from nowhere,
but from everywhere at the same time.
He knew nothing
but everything all at once.
He smiled at her,
but was stern with her.
He loved her,
but he was infuriated with her.
This boy changed her world,
and she changed his.

He was watching,
the world a film before his eyes.
He was the audience,
watching everything play before him without interaction.
Who knew that one person would pull him in?
Who knew that one girl could change the characters?
Surely, the boy didn’t.
She came from the top,
and he from the bottom.
She was shallow,
and he was in so deep.
She scowled at him,
and he could only smile at her.
She despised him,
but he loved her.
This girl changed his world,
and he changed hers.

They were dancing,
The world in their hands.
They were the leaders,
Controlling their fates with a small gesture.
Who knew two people had that effect?
Who knew that two people could bring such change?
Surely, they didn’t.
They controlled the world,
Without knowing it.
With a smile,
The sun came over the horizon.
With the tears,
The rain drenched the world.
With a kiss,
The people fell in love.
With a fight,
The people created chaos.
They changed the world,
And the world changed them.
Yessir I have felonies
and melodies both melancholy and miraculous
paragraphiculous and ridiculous
stole some shows and some thunder
thighs like two day old pudding slap 'em and ride the waves
drink up some dishwasher detergent chased with lead paint
not for the faint of heart just the stupid as ffffffffuuuuuu when under the right noises
and boyses and girlies all singing their swirlies
and twirlin' 'round like pinwheels of tin steel
ten feet off of the ground
hillsides like pill boxes full of coins and coincidences
unmeasured instances of grief and shame without a blame
no face to force hate just mirrors to show fate
and the stars in the sky with their winking teasing ways all
fall to the ground
will be dead within days
but they are not forsaken, maybe only spared
to avoid seeing the moment when sunny didn't share
and all went dark like absence of creation
animation of fears all mixed and respun into dope dubstep
to be grinded and mashed
and spat back up into the trees

— The End —