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Aug 2012 · 433
Latter Day
Matalie Niller Aug 2012
in movements
and then
nice knowing you
Aug 2012 · 914
You Like It
Matalie Niller Aug 2012
you know
the way of everything
you like it
like it all-
like it like a frog loves watermelon
you won't get enough
not until
you don't like it
which is never
and i like it
Aug 2012 · 284
Hello, Poetry
Matalie Niller Aug 2012
don't even know
too soon
but maybe....
all is well
or acceptable
it's alright
for now
for later
not so bad
when things fall
together, apart
inevitables taking care of themselves
cells having souls
that's the goal
of all of us who'd like to believe
that cities are simply breathing rocks
Aug 2012 · 710
Jim Jam
Matalie Niller Aug 2012
She liked Jim's Jam
so sweet and thick
it was like little lumps of heaven
on top of toast
or scones
warm and crispy
like logs in a fire
newts on a fume
charred and musky
she liked a lot about Jim-
his smile, his laugh
but not his sads
so really
she didn't like Jim
not all of him
but enough for some happies
yummy Jam
fires and smoke
hair like a wolf
Aug 2012 · 554
Matalie Niller Aug 2012
night goes on
goes on
and wh oare we
to say what is what
not us
we aren't
much of anyhitng
but a bit of spunchen
right that
just waiting for the night
to go on
and on
into oblivion
like ****
the night goes on
and on
and then
we realize our lives
and we say
that's what's up
because we can't say much else
except to wamp
and belive in tomorrow
because what else
provides such hope
as finding a new day every day
Aug 2012 · 614
Matalie Niller Aug 2012
Pitter- Patter-
no more,
just shut up
can't take
nervey nerves
so dumb
no big deal
just feels
out of place
in my face
can't escape
would be a regret
until then
sweats and snips
no relief
not in usual pain killers or thrillers
just thinking far ahead
when everything will be
anxious for another reason.
Aug 2012 · 1.1k
I Got Worms
Matalie Niller Aug 2012
Smiled until toothless
then was never jolly again
the little kitty had fleas for brains
itchy in all the plausible places
drove to the market for some milk
came home with a tom cat
soon there were little kitties
with lots of love and lots of neglect
they fought and played and drooled and mewed
went to cat school
on vacations they went camping
in the mountains all was well
couldn't distinguish
day from evening
one person too far
enough rocks for the mittens
Aug 2012 · 579
Just Too Close
Matalie Niller Aug 2012
Just too eager
easy, wanting attention
affection, direction
the comes and the goes
love me ******
call me gorgeous
if you mean it
and even if you don't
I get off on knowing desire
desire it
desire me
balancing on air
falling into temptation
don't deliver me from evil
want to get there ASAP
if it calls me pretty.
Aug 2012 · 1.2k
Matalie Niller Aug 2012
Ow, my pride.
Sweet sixteen queen
hurtling towards womanhood
frisky and eager for escapes
all of them
exits, tunnels, heaven
turn off the light
I'm reading a ghost story
in here
my head
found a limo to ride along the way
real cheap and clean
recommend it to a friend even
odd, how gravity works
it does, right?
Ups and downs
sexually charged until about age 67
until then
let's be terribly naughty
why not?
Can't take lust with you
where you're going
can't even take life.
Aug 2012 · 691
It's a Website
Matalie Niller Aug 2012
what can happen
except ab-solute-ly anything?
Could maybe fly,
maybe see a coyote in the wild
stumble upon love
or make lust with a faceless nobody
who can be a somebody
for a while-
could camp out in a tree fort
for life
eat the continent of Africa,
it's well-seasoned,
could swim to Atlantis,
meet the emperor penguin of the Arctic
love it
become a hunter
leap from an aeroplane
tattoo purple ink all over my skin
then rip it off
only muscles
for climbing mountains-
can do anything
but what will I do
after all?
Aug 2012 · 1.3k
Matalie Niller Aug 2012
That's a load of lovely luckies
frolicking in meadows
flowers of sun melting mosquitoes and lady bugs-
don't mind except during pollenation season
need to reproduce
hard when you're dead
then you're decomposed
wouldn't propose any other way,
weighing pros and cons
coming up with brainy storms
thundering and enlightening as they may be
smell like lavender after wards
and the rainbows criss cross the atmosphere
like roads for the birds and airplanes
leading the way to another way
another then another
all together now:
Aug 2012 · 1.4k
Matalie Niller Aug 2012
Rumpled feathers wrinkled in time
switchfeet running on a half battery
a horrible situation if you aren't accustomed
but to the rest
an average day-
breakfast lunch and dinner
nutrients, calories, sustenance
cherry bombs make lovely sundae toppings
then all goes nuts-
kaboom, kaplow
may all the tall ones wear pin striped suits
and carry pinwheels
and pin buttons of political preference to breast pockets
out pops golden sunshine
rays of gamma and joy
proletariat eternity
cannot decide
between juvenile altercations
or the same ole same ole way of *******.
Aug 2012 · 504
Matalie Niller Aug 2012
Just a lonely somebody
walked up and said
"How do you do
the things that seem simple
like being happy?"
Who can respond
to such blatant honesty
in a socially acceptable way?
Butterflies bloomin'
intervention season
no real reason,
but sun and moon and weather are effective
in ruining moods
we're little animals deep way down
almost cute and endearing
if it weren't for brains and opinions and feelings
then we'd be perfect little
who wouldn't be happy
but at least we wouldn't know the difference
between two greater goods
and a hand full of disappointments.
Aug 2012 · 1.2k
Goodness Gracious
Matalie Niller Aug 2012
What a cluster-
sometimes you wonder
when things happen
if it was on purpose
or why you can't control the resulting emotions
like why you care
or why your tummy feels like a small ball of copper has been given a shock of electricity
just why
and might I add
who cares?
Aug 2012 · 2.2k
Bossy Pants
Matalie Niller Aug 2012
Magic mirror on the wall
tell a story, lies are fine
and so am I
just the other day a feller said
my, what great curves youu have
cars and such were never an interest
just a stupid investment
waste of time and money
late late for a very important slate
a new one
out with the old, in with the innovative
get creative
it's impossible
too broad, minds can be narrow as rails
trains pass through
rumbling, rumbling like rockslides in canyons
you in?
Fun can be naughty
not like when you're a child
that fun was preconceived frivolty
but this **** hear
yessir, this is real fun
you got it ***
maybe spark some interest in the papers
words with more words
darling tell me a story
make it **** good
about a princess who isn't beautiful
but still pretty, in a rather unnoticeable way
and make her a ****** who loves fire
take it up
makes me all sleepy
when your mirror talks in such silliness.
Aug 2012 · 2.1k
The Best is Yet to Cum
Matalie Niller Aug 2012
What filth
from such a sweet girl
not sweet
never was
just too lazy to speak  truths
apathy breeds misconceptions
those who care may not share
no, not an innocent doe
I'd hit that 'til the sun comes up
and some
and one
slam dunk in the face of foes
don't suppose
you expected much from the quiet kind of gal,
just a smile now and then
blush at the mention of unmentionables
I'd make your skin crawl right off
tell some deep dark secrets
thoughts of the perverted
it's all a ****** rodeo
if red is the seductive, the loss of purity
I'm blood on sheets
forming words that should never be strung together
but forever and ever
masquerading as nonthreatening
begging for a chase
to hunt and be challenged
shown the world from the truest source of understanding.
Aug 2012 · 908
Conspiracy Wary
Matalie Niller Aug 2012
Mother may I
shall we
do what is promised
in the name of shallowness
for terrible non-reasons?
Views are views
even if not agreed with
but should such narrow opinions
be displayed
or even thought of
at all?
When one is offended
there are many reasons:
most valid
others just in the name of argument
but should a personal
albeit ****** opinion
be judged for all aspects of one's life?
or maybe all will argue
because all are different
and winners and losers aren't real
but are merely mirages
and a thought kept in a head
can't hurt
so long as the sticks and stones remain weapons of language
and civility and courtesy can be practiced
like real live humans.
Aug 2012 · 1.2k
Matalie Niller Aug 2012
Tropic and toxic
glasses full of Soviet enterprise
very expensive
blood diamonds and muddy bricks
thrown into the street
raining jujubees and tongue twisters
oh mister, let me tell you
a story
that time
it was true, I do not kid
and the knights of the feudal manor had no manners
at all
heads of tin
bellies of yummy, gummy
their disgust spread like the plague
all a mind sickness
slithery what-you-have-its
all up in their
phases of the moons,
too many to properly attest to
not very good questions,
studying never helps the potential
obscurity in life's energy
pouring through airducts
blocking chances of survival
Aug 2012 · 665
Matalie Niller Aug 2012
Catawba, said the bird,
it grows like the mighty Canadians
and is perfect for teas
say what?
Like shrivled little ants on logs
the water left our bodies
sweat and evaporation
hard work made such events occur
toiling away
night and day
doing that **** we do
which is......
One time I saw the sun come up
it sprang, so to speak
and on the peak of that afternoon
it fell down
but there was no moon
just a blackness without stars
or light
just had to feel around with hands and sounds and smells
felt like an animal
heightend and feral
good time to be unseen
who knows what the birds would have thought
they were real animals
we were just the blinded re-enactors stumbling around
even though everything was as it had always been
Aug 2012 · 699
Inspector Roboto
Matalie Niller Aug 2012
kinda cool,
not too shabby at all
maybe it's perfect
this whole whatever we all are
and nothing is truly awful
but unfortunate, at times
and pretty **** alright the rest
oh yeah
not horrible
simple really, if one can breathe
occassionally sleep
or not
too much greatness to observe
swerve the baysides
collect some efforts and shears
become air statues and memorials of testimonials of primative genius
downright loverly
splendid shining on
cathartic rhythms
Jul 2012 · 796
Tragic Stoning
Matalie Niller Jul 2012
I gotta feeling
and the only thing to make it feel real good
is a bit o' brickel
maybe a tower or two
I'm pretty picky when it comes to the Bahamas
can't tell me nothing
double negatives on photographs
tea for a lifetime
all mine
gobbledy- gobble said the cow
he was tired, like usual
and like all animals he slept
and crept, past varying levels of waving sleepiness
all a dream
wanted to sing sing sing
a song
but give me a tie
a tulle skirt
chalk it up to bad caulking
walking for miles for thrills
just killing time
not brain cells
though they're practically suicidal anywhere
gimme gimme some of that
oh yeah,
and some pine tree air fresheners
smells like a sewer down and around
Lilly Petes won't miss a bunch of nothing
for nothing.
Jul 2012 · 686
Community Immunity
Matalie Niller Jul 2012
We have standards here,
no litter, eye sores
no bird feeders or
"off" colors-
you want a fence?
We can put that through to the HOA
get back to you in two years
I'm sure you'll still want it then.
You like cards?
We play and chat
like good little women,
eat sandwiches and the like
like our mothers did
back in the day
you know
when *** was a myth and the world was for only certain people-
you know
a time where the air was pure as bleach
but you'll fit in just fine,
we'll be good friends
follow our lead and you'll be a lady in no time.
Jul 2012 · 952
Monsa Musa
Matalie Niller Jul 2012
He should have called the cops-
saw the crime take place
a robbery, not so well-devised
to many eyes it was unethical
though stealing typically is
when you're an onlooker with money and other ways to sooth your writhing soul-
he should have pretended to be contemplating the wall
its cracks, smooths, colors
he couldn't, though
he couldn't be an innocent bystander
wanted to be a heroic action-hero
took a brick right from the wall
it flew
made home in the robber's face
but he was made of steel
only stronger
He should have never come around
should have felt the danger in the air,
known his nature
he should have worn a bullet-proof vest
Jul 2012 · 553
Matalie Niller Jul 2012
Sounds like:
you know,
got a head in a musky chiminey
you and me
we're not so different
not so evolved
just play **** erectus
walking tall on all twos
but our minds are a stew
filthy, grimey
want some
Jul 2012 · 1.0k
Matalie Niller Jul 2012
Twerk it, girl
no no no
more thinking
slightly tipsy
no spine, all hips
more tipsy
like that, sir?
Sure you do
**** and fully aware
shorts, just that,
enough to make men blush
flush and profusely excuse themselves
overcome with instinct
poor girl
she wants the attention
to be seen and not touched
like a museum exhibit
behind glass
delicate, fragile, beautifully preserved butterfly
dancing like a *****
respected like a scientist
can't have it all
actions become perception
dancing like that
you better get naked just as well,
going to be late for class tomorrow
call a cab
this girl's good to go
Jul 2012 · 505
Matalie Niller Jul 2012
Jab in the ribs
splintered bones
fragments of teeth
what's that?
Oh, just some fun
you know
kids being kids and such
face of mush
punch me again
it's pretty ******* fun
like the feeling
of brain reeling
no oxygen
just reaction
blind survival
not mad
just slowly killing
a pal
a foe
fists of limitless power
next on deck is bigger
though doesn't want it
more than I.
Jul 2012 · 598
Mr. Magic
Matalie Niller Jul 2012
Cleans like bleach
Mr. Magic does
liquifies organs and minds
nice of him though,
makes decisions for others
though they claim to want control
they really want answers
someone to say "Hey, here's how your life will be; no questions."
Mr. Magic
a mad machine
flushes eyes out with Listerine
doesn't need trademarking
just free parking
on the roofs of other cars
cherry stars
eats them one by one with the blood of
Christ it's hot out today
Mr. Magic
mop up this heat
we need slower heart beats
our veins getting runny
he'll help though
brillant guy
class act fer- sure
just tell me this Mr. Magic:
why so sad
all the time?
Jul 2012 · 1.5k
Matalie Niller Jul 2012
Sub-zero temperatures aren't conducive to photosynthesis
chlorophyll stuck in veins
freezing and thick, viscous
tips **** and ****
try to circulate nutrients
but nature cannot be altered
facts cannot be opinionated
tell that to the judge
small claims and chain gangs
game changing fame slanger
falling to the feet of the tall
once and for all
can't just sit and wait
at least *******
when all else fails
and it will
at least there are the simple pleasures
of air and light and sound
all around
and heightend senses of reality
and *******
and laughs, smiles
miles and miles
swimming in confusion
just want a touch
isn't too much
for a night on the town
lost, never found
alone in the dark
with another
not too long
just too right.
Jul 2012 · 1.3k
Octave or Two
Matalie Niller Jul 2012
My my my
how time has flown
fully grown
cities living organisms
concrete equivalent to soil
buildings burst through the layers
windows errupt
wind in grass blades
marshes of alligators
chomping at nobody
publicity stunts
running for president
he shall be
so grand a guy
sweet, heat
low and usually
a bit
Matalie Niller Jul 2012
Riddle me this:
what do you think of my thoughts?
Are my eyes beautiful,
my hair soft and strong?
Does my presence make your insides smile,
your knees weak with fatique and desire?
True or false-
I am perfect
to you
Do you really want to hear my opinions
my stories and fears
or are you just waiting until I'm comfortable enough
close enough
to do things a Real Me wouldn't approve of,
gasps at
just wanting to wet your you-know-what
in my you-know-where
right, sir?
Yeah, I'm a ******,
is this a problem?
if you had any sense,
are you insane?
Can't possibly be any other explanation
just a silly old me
a ***** old you
nothing to bind us but biology
some laughs and my over-tenderness
too young and ancient for this ****
need a break
solitude solstace and Sierra Leone
lionsgate playgrounds, forbidden fruits of unknowledge
a reality
that isn't real
but good enough for me right now
am I not enough?
just not the one
for any
Jul 2012 · 1.2k
O Rly Now
Matalie Niller Jul 2012
Original origami
feng shui of the tai chi
Lao Tsi
tao becomes all becomes tao
but for now
all becomes crazy
so funny, circumstances of life
like a silly little jigsaw puzzle citcom
situational irony,
"Oh, let's invite him!"
Oh, let's re-visit a drunken nightmare
too incoherent to say "stop"
thoughts stuck at the back of a throat
let's choke our chakras for a bit
get our green juices and black juices good and mixed up
like a splatter painting
I wish
kept it in like a champ
my own personal fault
too bro to be ***
not bro enough to be respected
interjected with comments, admissions
such nice compliments from terrible mouths
I know I can handle my liquor
I handle a lot
with shrugs and smiles
more liquor
just hand over the bottle
show you sometihng real impressive
ever seen a girl go super saiyan?
Humble be thy game
shallow be thy name
gnoming around
oh please, get a grip
even in boarderline unconsciousness
I know you don't find me that intriguing,
that brilliant,
just another girl too nice to hit
too paralyzed to think.
Jun 2012 · 655
Can't Blame a Flamer
Matalie Niller Jun 2012
Skin peels like an orange
a little less acidic
still tasty
does that make one a cannibal?
Or just able to appreciate a taste bud in bloom?
But for real now
show a guy a self-respecting time
and he calls you cool,
cool is cooler than a fool
or maybe he wants to tear into your skin
and you want him to
so badly
but you can't be a lady and be a meal at the same time
Baking in the sun
tender and browned
wanting to be picked out of a boy's teeth later on
only a lonely little person
with false pride
a lovely mind
to some
to none
to maybe one
one day
it's an all you can eat buffet
you can be
if you're young and sweet
willing and presented on a platter
plastered, stumbling, giggling
kissing necks, promising future rendezvous
another truth
there will be others
but really
why not just be devoured by the first,
Jun 2012 · 797
Fermented Vomit
Matalie Niller Jun 2012
Still was the Earth
gravity gone, light splintered
where was the dream catcher?
Out in left field
drinking the moon's shine
that's probably why the light disappeared,
it was judgement day, you see,
and as per usual a certain someone was nervous
hysterical, really
a bit under the weather in the mind
but nobody was upset, only slightly concerned
too much feeling could hurt the heart
it's true you know
it may be better to have a heart of rusty nails and staples
than gooey candy and cardiac tissue
but which feels better when pounding with love?
Sing a song of sweet serenity
fill your lungs with forever molecules
the Earth was still
and still was there life in the eyes of the dead.
Jun 2012 · 1.1k
Connect the Stars
Matalie Niller Jun 2012
Let's do **** together
**** some ghosts eat some zombie innards and outers
eat me
I got big lovely brains
taste like warm honey
stickiest of the icky
mickey mouse club house
getting twisted up in your zipper
bring it on down to my dimension
the fifth
pleading for mercy or attention
maybe to be left alone with a stack of cash
crash the waves against the starry night
kiss me you fool
****** ***** ape
gaping at a film reel like it's more interesting than my emotions
need some distractions
always some abstraction
of false affection or sobriety
gimmee a break, a piece o' dat ***
bongrips to make you feel blind
yeah that's it
what's his name?
Still remember
flash back to brown eyes and sweet stares
smiles to make a belly shrink and swell
selfish in needing a gentleman
wanting to turn him naughty
make him an inmate who hasn't seen a woman in 40 years
too late
fall down some stairs
wake up with bruises, confuses the neighbors
shut up I'm fine
always fine
always lyin
God I love the summer
Jun 2012 · 1.9k
Matalie Niller Jun 2012
Cute, sweet boy
his eyes light up and gaze
yes, ******* gaze
like I'm some beautiful princess or wonderful mind
when you drunkenly look down into me
and it feels great
like I'm a human
your human
and I want you to wrap me up in your arms and tell me how you love things
maybe teach me some more guitar
tell me how I have the prettiest face and the blondest hair again
why aren't you being so forward anymore?
This is the last time we will be together
why aren't you kissing me?
You tried the other night
I resisted
I was afraid:
of being a *****
of a kiss leading to more
but now I'm ready
I want the kiss and you're being a gentleman
you take me to my house and tuck me nicely in
then kiss me goodnight
just once and say see ya
I ask for another
you sigh and give in
but I want more
and more and more and more and more
until you're all gone
but what?
You left me
tucked up tightly so that I can't even chase after you
you're gone alright
never again to look into me like I'm great
never to make me feel special
I wanted you, you know
I looked forward to you
wanted you to touch me all over
would have made you feel like a stud
but no
I had my chance to fulfill my "needs"
and I acted like you owed me ****
like respect
I really just wanted to makeout
and cuddle
but no
I was afraid
and now you're gone
only **** boy to show interest
and now you'll only make my heart sad.
Jun 2012 · 652
Matalie Niller Jun 2012
Every day at a quarter to three
Jasmine drinks her cup o' tea
she takes is slow
two lumps of sweet
and when she's done
falls to her feet
she prays and preys
for bugs on the ground
she licks them up
spits them around
she then gets up
walks to the door
steps outside
calls neighbors "******"
she's not so nice
though was once sweet
was probably all
the kitchen heat
gave her nausea
made her sick
made her marry
a stubborn *****
no air conditioning
not a soul to help
he beat her mercilessly
made her whelp
then she cried
she gave a shout
and knocked that ******
Jun 2012 · 822
Matalie Niller Jun 2012
Had another break down
she thought about the boy
stupid boy,
stupid for many reasons.
Instead of feeling
she drank some magic
it tasted like purple fires
and she went blind for a second
then the problems began,
a ****** nightmare
men with the heads of horses, genitals of squirrels,
tennis ***** fell from clouds
grass ate feet
she fell
ground swallowed her whole
she ended up in a cave with some gnomes
they taught her about tragedy
how it isn't really real
just a shame to be thought of
how her heart ache was just her head's way of perpetuation the propaganda of television,
how melodrama was addictive and the most dangerous substance on the planet.
She was dumbstruck at her foolishness
then she was released
back into society
she saw the boy on the street
she said hello
he responded
and she moved on down the street
never thinking of the boy again
except when she was most lonely
and even then
she found solace in the pulling of lonliness,
strength in sadness
its powerful taste giving her energy
and the harmless little boy never bothered her mind again
she was new
broken and better than ever before.
Jun 2012 · 1.1k
Matalie Niller Jun 2012
Not one for sunshine, she preferred the shade. Understandable. Arizona can be a real ***** if you know what I mean. Even the cactuses are dried stiff and developed sun-callouses. She was tired of drinking sand in her water, sand in her air, lungs grity like dentist tooth paste. She was also blind, never saw the yellow of the sun but knew of the light, its brightness its harsh ways. She was aware of the prickly green cactuses, the rattle snakes with their innards cooking during lunch time. This woman wanted to live with trees now. Desert had been a past time to dream about during her youth, she heard of the bitter dirts and dry airs and miles of flat land broken by large mounds of mountain (that she never saw but trusted existed). Her nephew was a grown *** man, coming over every now and again to keep her some company while her company slowly reduced her hours, told her to lay off working, her bones were getting brittle, would snap, a hip would pop, and really the way she stared without seeing into their eyes was just a little unnerving. She hated her job. Hated her nephew, who even without seeing his face could tell he was a large, sweaty pastey guy who constantly wiped his face with a towel. She wasn't sad or unpleasant, just real, honest with herself and others in ways people couldn't quite appreciate just yet, not yet. Not until one day they realize all isn't peachy and fine, and that everything is insane, and then they realize the insanity is what makes everything worth living for anyway. She could see this. With no sight, she could see and she would smile, then frown because she could feel the curiousity of onlookers trying to figure her out. People weren't for figuring out, they were for watching and moving along as if nothing had ever happend. And in this way, she moved.
Jun 2012 · 774
Matalie Niller Jun 2012
Fun costs too much money
just gimme a job
watch yer kids
feed yer dogs
wipe ***** from floors
sell organs
pawn heirlooms and the clothes off me back
need some money honey
have a future
maybe, if I have some money
want a roof later on
even a tent will do
just need some *****, stupid
Jun 2012 · 879
Smidgeon of Malt Liquor
Matalie Niller Jun 2012
Let me rest me head on your shoulder
such a good pal
am i annoying you?
Do you think my hair is messy
or my eyes blurry?
Am i talking too much?
Sorry i laughed too loud
i don't mean to be annoying
just the way i am sometimes,
i promise i'm not so bad.
Do you respect me?
i'm not a **** like the others
not at all
i won't even kiss you if you think i'm repulsive
do you still respect me?
i'm sorry
i'm sorry
sorry i touched you
sorry i apologize too much
just say it's okay,
that i'm not so annoying
am i?
i promise i'm respectable,
i'm just so sorry
i'm me.
Jun 2012 · 1.2k
Comment allez-vous?
Matalie Niller Jun 2012
Je suis tres bien
je pense,
mais aussi tres triste.
Je ne sais pas,
ma tete est tres comble de problemes,
"porquoi je suis tres bizarre?"
"a quel temp nous sommes manger?"
Tous mes amies sont tres belle
mais les garcons ne me pense pas,
ils aiment mes amies.
Je dis "d'accord"
mais je suis triste,
c'est possible je ne veule pas l'attention
mais je ne sais pas.
C'est possible
je suis un etranger.
Jun 2012 · 1.7k
Geese Eggs
Matalie Niller Jun 2012
Is there a doctor in the house?
I think I'm having southern withdrawl symptoms
shakes and such
brain a blubbering mess
why give one so much feeling
if they can't get rid of it healthily?
Too much for one body to handle
maybe throw in another personality
nothing bad ever happend
just a technical problem during manufacturing
a wire connected wrong
or not connected at all
amygdala super sensitive
looking for comfort in wrong places
stupid faces
blazing aces
therapists are kind but really need a map
words only convey so much
can't help if they can't understand
whose fault is that?
Probably the broken robot
doesn't speak in proper vernacular
accustomed to being freakish and safe
greasing joints with *****
circuit boards of tofu scramble
electric feed back every once in a while
when I cough
perhaps new meds will calm overactive internal reactions
or maybe being all vulnerable to candy hearted young men
spilling secrets and insecurities to friends
but they'll all leave
Europeans had no problem taking over lands
staying with natives
eating their foods
but if the natives had shared their deepest secrets and feelings
pilgrims would have gladly returned home for persecution
than to put up with an emotional Squanto.
Jun 2012 · 744
Unpaid Parking Tickets
Matalie Niller Jun 2012
"Let me be your home" she said
it's all she could offer,
just peace of mind and comfort of familiarity.
"Is the rent high?" he asked
joking, in a way,
also making her seem like she had a price to be haggled
they were in like
and liked things so.
Spaniards in space-
that's what these two were,
just a couple of conquistadors
navigating relationships and apartment listings
ended up in her heart
view of the lungs
things were good,
she made breakfast, he did dishes
they visited the brain every now and then
see the scenery
museum of neurons
they love that stuff
rightfully so
they lived quite happily ever after
in her heart
until the attack-
then things got weird,
but their love survived the paplitations and cholesterol
they could survive anything.
Jun 2012 · 931
Matalie Niller Jun 2012
Monsters make marvelous pets
and friends
and gods
don't need to be scaley
just powerful
enough to crush bone or spirit
enough to spit logic into the wind
splat in faces
take up spaces
non-believers, over-acheivers
angry beavers
all the same really
made of carbon and hope
floating through the time line
expanding and contracting with the seasons of the universe
be the bee
the ruins on mountains moved with seismic surges
survived storms
bend in the breeze
scream obscenities
loader than sound
faster than sight
perception deception
cartoonish *******
and that is how
the world is made.
Jun 2012 · 1.2k
General Dysfunction
Matalie Niller Jun 2012
Mind a steel trap
stealing thoughts and memories
cars and high chairs
the Shang Dynasty of "The" great wall
never once said
"What if I can't?"
they only said *****, please
let's build a wall to the moon
Nepal wanted to join in on the fun
captured children like Hansel and Gretel
fed them their own feces they puked for weeks
no candy here
just cold hard abs
like the ocean
tye-dyed head stones
skipping graves rather gravely
could you spare some change?
Nah man just some odors
re-ordering from Fed-Ex
exponential increase of refraction
all base
tickle me Elmo
and give me strength.
Jun 2012 · 1.4k
Wayne's World
Matalie Niller Jun 2012
Catch a falling star on your tongue
soak in the gaseous matter
millions of years of history and marination
long ago
careers were optional
we picked apples and drank milk
big n strong farm folk
tire swings and moonshine
tractor disasters
Ford made robots of robots
gym class saw mills
ashes to ashes
well hello there my jumpy friend
not enough sulphur in your supper?
Tatted body guards in grass skirts
hubba hubba
let the shayman give us some insight
fire side and full of hallucinogens
we will see the future and past simultaneously
martians will be proud
shame on you jumpy junior
mince the words like horror-flick killers
jack of all trades
let this be the silk road to tradition.
Jun 2012 · 622
Matalie Niller Jun 2012
I love the smell of toxic waste in the morning
licking gum off the floor
hopping off wagons and onto rabid rabbits
lemme get yo numbah
how much you got?
You on salary?
Get tips?
Wanna see me put my fist in my mouth?
I wanted to go to college
but sometimes life is funny,
you know
like a darkly written novel
adapted into an even darker film
then watched by a suicidal tween who writes the lines on his walls
fires burn but also give life
think of the forests
doubled edged pinky ring
nothing too dangerous
just thinking such things
stop being silly
stop assuming
***** that ***** who is perfect and has the attention of your attention
let's just have some fun and torch a bank
make sure the money is good and scorched.
Jun 2012 · 1.7k
Matalie Niller Jun 2012
Freckles and tanned I will emerge
like Venus from the foam
hair all salty
and he'll be in awe
or he'll be checking out my friends
or he'll be checking out other girls
or he'll be asleep
oblivious to all
so seductive in his indifference
oh please
make his body not be so perfect anymore
make him unappealing
or me more so
at least catch his attention,
honestly not over him yet
getting closer
stupid abs........
Jun 2012 · 1.4k
Kermit the Hermit
Matalie Niller Jun 2012
Paws and reflect
we're all good little kids
in bleachers, listening patiently,
allowing nonsense to continue
then the trees fell
things got out of hand
kids became adults with super strength
lifted the floors up
threw chainsaws into crowds
they grew up that day
that hour
and nobody pitied the inhanced
only wished they could join
could be as jaded as the them
climb mountains and spit acid
melt rocks with a look
but no
such characteristics were reserved for the up-and-coming
gods and titans
full of potential energy
bursting at the seams of the skin
splitting open into laughter and mockery
they will save the world
or at least give it a hell of a run for its money.
Jun 2012 · 1.9k
Fetal Position
Matalie Niller Jun 2012
Let's go for a naked dip-
my bathing suit is cute but so is my birthday suit-
oh egg head
don't fall and crack
spill brains and embryo everywhere,
not good for the kids at all
might leave mental scars on long-term memory
let's get tatted like good old native americans
I am Chief Awesome
you are Franchise Emperor
pouring fries and salt into my arteries,
slow, delicious death
why must thou be so appealing?
Don't be so stupid
taste buds are my best buds
blooming like beautiful bulbs in berry season
absorbing flavors and releasing neurochemicals
oh so sensible and seductive
get a hair cute Mr. Scrutiny,
you are outdated and overrated
Power-aded lemon-tossed
concluded in cuddling under stars and blankets
blame the infantry
they couldn't save themselves
poor things
just doing duties
just not all appreciated
but we do the appreciating
graphite collages and collagen fills
spill orange juice on tables
perpetually sticky
dodgeball eyes
yes we will be friends.
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