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Matalie Niller Aug 2012
kinda cool,
not too shabby at all
maybe it's perfect
this whole whatever we all are
and nothing is truly awful
but unfortunate, at times
and pretty **** alright the rest
oh yeah
not horrible
simple really, if one can breathe
occassionally sleep
or not
too much greatness to observe
swerve the baysides
collect some efforts and shears
become air statues and memorials of testimonials of primative genius
downright loverly
splendid shining on
cathartic rhythms
Matalie Niller Jul 2012
I gotta feeling
and the only thing to make it feel real good
is a bit o' brickel
maybe a tower or two
I'm pretty picky when it comes to the Bahamas
can't tell me nothing
double negatives on photographs
tea for a lifetime
all mine
gobbledy- gobble said the cow
he was tired, like usual
and like all animals he slept
and crept, past varying levels of waving sleepiness
all a dream
wanted to sing sing sing
a song
but give me a tie
a tulle skirt
chalk it up to bad caulking
walking for miles for thrills
just killing time
not brain cells
though they're practically suicidal anywhere
gimme gimme some of that
oh yeah,
and some pine tree air fresheners
smells like a sewer down and around
Lilly Petes won't miss a bunch of nothing
for nothing.
Matalie Niller Jul 2012
We have standards here,
no litter, eye sores
no bird feeders or
"off" colors-
you want a fence?
We can put that through to the HOA
get back to you in two years
I'm sure you'll still want it then.
You like cards?
We play and chat
like good little women,
eat sandwiches and the like
like our mothers did
back in the day
you know
when *** was a myth and the world was for only certain people-
you know
a time where the air was pure as bleach
but you'll fit in just fine,
we'll be good friends
follow our lead and you'll be a lady in no time.
Matalie Niller Jul 2012
He should have called the cops-
saw the crime take place
a robbery, not so well-devised
to many eyes it was unethical
though stealing typically is
when you're an onlooker with money and other ways to sooth your writhing soul-
he should have pretended to be contemplating the wall
its cracks, smooths, colors
he couldn't, though
he couldn't be an innocent bystander
wanted to be a heroic action-hero
took a brick right from the wall
it flew
made home in the robber's face
but he was made of steel
only stronger
He should have never come around
should have felt the danger in the air,
known his nature
he should have worn a bullet-proof vest
Matalie Niller Jul 2012
Sounds like:
you know,
got a head in a musky chiminey
you and me
we're not so different
not so evolved
just play **** erectus
walking tall on all twos
but our minds are a stew
filthy, grimey
want some
Matalie Niller Jul 2012
Twerk it, girl
no no no
more thinking
slightly tipsy
no spine, all hips
more tipsy
like that, sir?
Sure you do
**** and fully aware
shorts, just that,
enough to make men blush
flush and profusely excuse themselves
overcome with instinct
poor girl
she wants the attention
to be seen and not touched
like a museum exhibit
behind glass
delicate, fragile, beautifully preserved butterfly
dancing like a *****
respected like a scientist
can't have it all
actions become perception
dancing like that
you better get naked just as well,
going to be late for class tomorrow
call a cab
this girl's good to go
Matalie Niller Jul 2012
Jab in the ribs
splintered bones
fragments of teeth
what's that?
Oh, just some fun
you know
kids being kids and such
face of mush
punch me again
it's pretty ******* fun
like the feeling
of brain reeling
no oxygen
just reaction
blind survival
not mad
just slowly killing
a pal
a foe
fists of limitless power
next on deck is bigger
though doesn't want it
more than I.
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