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Matalie Niller Jul 2012
Cleans like bleach
Mr. Magic does
liquifies organs and minds
nice of him though,
makes decisions for others
though they claim to want control
they really want answers
someone to say "Hey, here's how your life will be; no questions."
Mr. Magic
a mad machine
flushes eyes out with Listerine
doesn't need trademarking
just free parking
on the roofs of other cars
cherry stars
eats them one by one with the blood of
Christ it's hot out today
Mr. Magic
mop up this heat
we need slower heart beats
our veins getting runny
he'll help though
brillant guy
class act fer- sure
just tell me this Mr. Magic:
why so sad
all the time?
Matalie Niller Jul 2012
Sub-zero temperatures aren't conducive to photosynthesis
chlorophyll stuck in veins
freezing and thick, viscous
tips **** and ****
try to circulate nutrients
but nature cannot be altered
facts cannot be opinionated
tell that to the judge
small claims and chain gangs
game changing fame slanger
falling to the feet of the tall
once and for all
can't just sit and wait
at least *******
when all else fails
and it will
at least there are the simple pleasures
of air and light and sound
all around
and heightend senses of reality
and *******
and laughs, smiles
miles and miles
swimming in confusion
just want a touch
isn't too much
for a night on the town
lost, never found
alone in the dark
with another
not too long
just too right.
Matalie Niller Jul 2012
My my my
how time has flown
fully grown
cities living organisms
concrete equivalent to soil
buildings burst through the layers
windows errupt
wind in grass blades
marshes of alligators
chomping at nobody
publicity stunts
running for president
he shall be
so grand a guy
sweet, heat
low and usually
a bit
Matalie Niller Jul 2012
Riddle me this:
what do you think of my thoughts?
Are my eyes beautiful,
my hair soft and strong?
Does my presence make your insides smile,
your knees weak with fatique and desire?
True or false-
I am perfect
to you
Do you really want to hear my opinions
my stories and fears
or are you just waiting until I'm comfortable enough
close enough
to do things a Real Me wouldn't approve of,
gasps at
just wanting to wet your you-know-what
in my you-know-where
right, sir?
Yeah, I'm a ******,
is this a problem?
if you had any sense,
are you insane?
Can't possibly be any other explanation
just a silly old me
a ***** old you
nothing to bind us but biology
some laughs and my over-tenderness
too young and ancient for this ****
need a break
solitude solstace and Sierra Leone
lionsgate playgrounds, forbidden fruits of unknowledge
a reality
that isn't real
but good enough for me right now
am I not enough?
just not the one
for any
Matalie Niller Jul 2012
Original origami
feng shui of the tai chi
Lao Tsi
tao becomes all becomes tao
but for now
all becomes crazy
so funny, circumstances of life
like a silly little jigsaw puzzle citcom
situational irony,
"Oh, let's invite him!"
Oh, let's re-visit a drunken nightmare
too incoherent to say "stop"
thoughts stuck at the back of a throat
let's choke our chakras for a bit
get our green juices and black juices good and mixed up
like a splatter painting
I wish
kept it in like a champ
my own personal fault
too bro to be ***
not bro enough to be respected
interjected with comments, admissions
such nice compliments from terrible mouths
I know I can handle my liquor
I handle a lot
with shrugs and smiles
more liquor
just hand over the bottle
show you sometihng real impressive
ever seen a girl go super saiyan?
Humble be thy game
shallow be thy name
gnoming around
oh please, get a grip
even in boarderline unconsciousness
I know you don't find me that intriguing,
that brilliant,
just another girl too nice to hit
too paralyzed to think.
Matalie Niller Jun 2012
Skin peels like an orange
a little less acidic
still tasty
does that make one a cannibal?
Or just able to appreciate a taste bud in bloom?
But for real now
show a guy a self-respecting time
and he calls you cool,
cool is cooler than a fool
or maybe he wants to tear into your skin
and you want him to
so badly
but you can't be a lady and be a meal at the same time
Baking in the sun
tender and browned
wanting to be picked out of a boy's teeth later on
only a lonely little person
with false pride
a lovely mind
to some
to none
to maybe one
one day
it's an all you can eat buffet
you can be
if you're young and sweet
willing and presented on a platter
plastered, stumbling, giggling
kissing necks, promising future rendezvous
another truth
there will be others
but really
why not just be devoured by the first,
Matalie Niller Jun 2012
Still was the Earth
gravity gone, light splintered
where was the dream catcher?
Out in left field
drinking the moon's shine
that's probably why the light disappeared,
it was judgement day, you see,
and as per usual a certain someone was nervous
hysterical, really
a bit under the weather in the mind
but nobody was upset, only slightly concerned
too much feeling could hurt the heart
it's true you know
it may be better to have a heart of rusty nails and staples
than gooey candy and cardiac tissue
but which feels better when pounding with love?
Sing a song of sweet serenity
fill your lungs with forever molecules
the Earth was still
and still was there life in the eyes of the dead.
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