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 May 2010 mary gallagher
My Captain my Captain
I swallow you down
You taste smooth
And so refined
You make me feel
Nothing at all
And that’s all right
I really don’t mind
Take me away
From my reality
Shut my mind
To all that’s real
I hope to forget
The woes in my life
So bartender
If you please
Another round.
Self censored
I bite my own tongue
Till it bleeds
And small seeds
Of doubt and worry
From my throat
Down down down
To my stomach.
Can’t breathe for the
Can’t speak for the thoughts
Rifling through my heart
Tearing apart the layersI have sewn.
Ripping at seams
And spilling through the gaps
Fears planted
All I can do is gag.
look at the stream of life, the
streaming of consciousness,
each in their own contained,
bubble. their private world, heading
in one direction, toward

One destination.

yet separate, disparate, diverging,
Disassociating. Why is this? as
machines show no recognition, so
too, is the car’s shell aptly
assumed; purposeful, intent, yet is this

oh but there is not time to
Stop. to think reflect muse wonder for,
the stream continues, rushing…
flashing… by, in a droop, a mere
of the eye. is this an


the final great escape? or just
as we know it.
He skimmed and slipped over
Your skin, which he wished
Was his to touch; he stitched
His hand to yours and gripped

So hard you felt your bones,
Crush, curdle, you plead, don't let go
But he did, he tore away
Two weaved hands, they bled that day

Raw, afraid, with dread you felt
Your way through the darkness in which you dwelt
The hand it scarred, it left its marks
On the walls you scraped, bled, dried and marred

— The End —