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Darren Edsel Wilson
34/M/Philadelphia    DEW are my initials :) "I'm like a breath of lonely air, Bubbling up to the surface, To be brought so low isn't fair, But …
Sheldon Brown
jamaica    Just a cool down to earth guy that would like to be a Poet one day.......I tend to write sad, love and dark poems............I am …
philippines    “write with you heart, edit with your mind”
Joseph Schneider
NC    Life provides the contours, poets provide the shading and color ~ r All rights reserved.
Bob Sterry
Pacific NW    The only bicycle riding, poetry writing, word-smithing, amateur chef, cabaret singing, vice president of a tiny company in some as yet to be defined geography. …
the Sandman
clouds&bubbles in my head    Sandhita Chandra unmoved, unknowing that your Great Going had placed that moment, and altered all. ~
Nebulous the Poet
Would you rather re-paint the rainbow or find the pot of gold?
Rhiannon Grace
New Zealand    I am fighting a war against my own mind. I'm tying not to let my mental illness win.
Page Seventy Three
I like words and I like people who manage to beautifully piece words together and, sometimes, I particularly like people who can't. Definition of The …
Ryan Cripps
30/M/NY    I'm Ryan, I'm 30 years old, and I rhyme words. All writing material on this page is the sole intellectual property of © 2014-2023 Ryan …
Jeremy Bean
M/Detroit, Michigan    You can find my poetry book, MIND AFIRE on Amazon if you are interested in my further works Other than that I am a songwriter, …

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