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 Dec 2012 Marmander
Henna Nair
The sprinkles on top makes me drool,
on top of the table of wool
The chip ahoy cookies are best
with the people who use the good words which are the guest
The fudge on top is so delicious
that's why its makes me grow fat cause it has no nutrients
 Dec 2012 Marmander
She was the girl constantly being thrown lemons
Expected to make lemonade over and over, she did
Growing used to the sour taste of what she had come to know as her reality
A child’s innocence
She danced through thunderstorms
Twirling through the rain like she twirled through her life
Graceful leaps of laughter sending her in circles, growing dizzy
Only to find that by the time her dizziness had faded nothing was ever the same
Tangy lemonade had returned
Gulping it down along with her insecurities, she kept dancing but the bitter sense of having to grow up so fast hit her like a bolt of lightning she had once danced upon
And finally the thunderstorms grew too strong for her
The downpour that once sent her soaring soaked into her shoes
Damp and despair into her bones
Where once she would have floated over the world she dragged her feet to safety
She’d now watch the droplets of rain hit the window pain
Struggle after struggle
Lemon after lemon
She was left with nothing but the compromise of happiness
The acidity left her melting
Draining the juice from her slowly until she was just a little dusting of zest thrown on top of what used to be her childhood
Her days of dancing but a bare memory
And the girl she used to know had since disappeared
Lost hopes she tucked herself away
Her only idea of dreams locked away in her dream book next to her bed
Frantic scribbles on each page
She wrote her feelings as her old friend Thunder cracked over head
Her faint remembrance of happiness
But a sound
A raindrop
A window away
She blocked her ears now
Willing the constant bang of her Thunder to stop
Couldn’t it tell it only caused her more pain?
Persisting past her pleads; it rang out louder and louder
Taunting her
Haunting her
It yelled at her
And for the first time since the lemons had been thrown her way
She yelled back
Breaking that window open
Broken glass like all her old broken hopes hit the ground
She jumped outside
Enveloped by dazzling drops of clarity and surprise
For her shoes were no longer wet and her bones no longer heavy
And the weight of the storm no longer pinned her soul down
Her lost peace now found
She danced
A dance for all the dances she had forgotten
A dance that left the ground trembling and the skies flickering in her wake
This girl who had been thrown lemons without rest
Had figured out the answer to the test
Finally understanding that she was never too weak to conquer the storm
She was as strong and as fierce as the winds around her
As gentle as a raindrop hitting an eyelash but as grand as a flood covering land as far as the eye could see
No longer would she compromise her happiness
Her dreams
For now she knew that happiness was for her taking and hers alone
That girl now knew that the next time life through her a lemon
She’d throw it back
And yell
“I am no longer bitter lemonade”
“I am a thunderstorm”

For my best friend who is beautiful, smart and the strongest girl I know, even if she forgets it sometimes.
 Nov 2012 Marmander
Dustyn Smith
Crying in the stall
Door shut, no one talks
Been in here long enough
Too long almost
Come out quietly
Like nothing's wrong
Fix my make up
Put on a brave face
Tell everyone that I'm ok
A bold faced lie
No one knows
I've hit rock bottom
Crying in a washroom stall
©Dustyn Smith
 Nov 2012 Marmander
A poet will hear a sad song
As the rain falls on the tin
They write the tears that no one hears
In the places pain has been

A poet will hear a whisper
In the early morning breeze
They write the call of the coming Fall
As it's talking to the trees

A poet will hear a love song
In the waves that caress the sand
They write the kiss that most will miss
Or maybe don't understand

A poet will hear a teardrop
As it's falling down your cheek
They write the sound when a tear is found
For its voice is much too weak

A poet will hear most anything
That others may not hear
From the very start they listen with their heart
And this makes it loud and clear
 Nov 2012 Marmander
Leonard Nimoy
A silence with you
Is not
a silence

But a moment rich
with peace
The damage is done
Blade already ******
Brain already shut down
Now numb and empty
So void of feeling
Hollow to the core
Substance is long gone
What is left?
Empty shell of a girl
Already damaged, done
Vacuous and blank
Like a sheet of paper
Not yet tainted
With lies already written
By my own devilish hand
A blank slate with
Room left for life
To be lived and loved
What is left?
Nothing, emptiness
A blank book with room
For written words
By my own hand
What is left?
Hollow to the core
An empty shell
Already damaged and done
 Oct 2012 Marmander
Cassie King
It's so easy to be an angry, emotional child
Dark thoughts filled inside you, running wild
Hating the world, hating yourself
Pushing good memories to the back of the shelf
Want to sink in the mud, and hide your face away
From the worried looks they give you every day
Some call you strong for surviving this long
But I think they might all be singing the wrong song
Anyone can sit there and be double sided
Be depressed in the dark, and in the light hide it
But the ones who are strongest are the ones who fight
Who refuse the demons, by day or by night
Our moods come and go, but they don't define us
It's more than just what we show to outsiders.
You excuse yourself from the party
And sneak off to the second floor
You hide out in your bedroom
And double-lock the door

The taste of birthday cake still lingers
That stupid song rings in your ears
Downstairs your guests are having fun
Though their host is not how she appears

You reach underneath your bed
And grab a box that’s made from tin
Shaking hands quickly remove
The sharp instruments held within

The tools of a sacred ceremony
That follows the emotional drain
The ****** ritual of release
The catharsis brought by pain

You grab the hem of your skirt
And raise it up past your waist
You stare down at battered legs
Milky white flesh you’ve defaced

A terrain map of your body
A reminder of who you are
Some may prefer a tattoo
But nothing lasts like a scar

Each memory is a torturous cell
Trapping you in an inescapable past
The pain and suffering that never ended
And the happiness that wouldn’t last

Ignorance may be bliss for some
But it comes with a price too steep
So relive those nights in your father’s bed
When he made you cry yourself to sleep

Soon you’ll make your way downstairs
And blend in seamlessly with the crowd
That fabricated air of optimism
Is the mask that acts as your shroud

A smile, a laugh or a smirk
False gestures you convey
You find it so easy to lose yourself
Inside the character you portray

Reality is too difficult for some
The real Sarah they can never know
You only do this for their own good
So let’s get on with the show

— The End —