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There's gotta be a price to pay for the fame I'm drowning in my head
There's gotta be a better place for me to rest dragging this coffin as my bed
Well death's knocking on my door I'm begging him for more just a little more
And he's slowly takes my soul before I have it all before I take my fall

There's gotta be a better way to escape my fate I'm running out of time
There's gotta be a better place for my soul to rest I'm paying all my crimes
Well hell is taking now my soul I'm losing my control as I weakly crawl
The fire's burning well my skin tortures me within I am just an empty hole

God save me!I'm sorry!Forgive me!
What have become of me?It's too late to be free!
God save me!I'm sorry!Forgive me!
I'm far away from heaven!Hell is where I meant to be!
A new song on progress..
Now before you say anything about the title I ask that you read this.

Have we all been wrongly judging Satan
consider this, if everytime you tried to do
something good, someone else takes the credit
and makes you out to be a bad guy,
no one really knows you
but everyone hates you
and everything that goes wrong in the world
is always your fault.
This is what happens to Satan everyday.
So if all of this happened to you
would you not be as twisted and evil as him?
If this life is false
then what is truly real
all these painful emotions
or this love that I feel
if we're not truly writers
then can we find our voice
if this life we know
it was never really our choice
and if what we know
is all just lies
then why do we
cover our eyes
if we're not dreaming
then we're not living
and then who am I
to tell you
another lie...
 Feb 2014 Marley Jane
alexis hill
They wanted to build
a counter culture
a version of
needed straight from

I shoulda' been born in the 60’s

cause I recycle more than
I create trash and like
an acid flashback,

I don’t even have a license
just bicycle from point A
to point B

I realize,

I shoulda' been born in the 60’s

they call me a hippie but
the fringe and leather
don’t make me

it’s that I practice what I

I listen and I teach
I reach out to the old
Gandhi and passive resistance
tryin' to make a difference
even if peace don’t
“exist” at least I don’t
reach out to war
as if it’s at my fingertips

and just like braidin’ hemp
the center splits-

I shoulda' been born in the 60’s

I listen to classic rock
and jam to an mp3
records and tape decks
old school

is where you'll find me

Jimi and Zeppelin and
The Doors make me jive
without that music
I don’t even think I’d be alive

it’s that drive-
like man, you’re either on the bus or
off the bus

but I hopped coast to
cause in love we trust
west to east in a retreat,
just to find the true me.

I shoulda' been born in the 60’s

I wear flowers in my hair
and sat on stoops
in Haight

I grew my hair long
and I sport natural waves

I don’t wear makeup or
go to raves
I try and find my grass roots

while they sport white collar jobs
and dress up in their suits

I write poetry and rhymes
I paint and I draw the line where man-

I should have been born in the 60’s
but I’m 93’
and thats ok with me.
in this current day and year
of 2014
I am ugly.
Amy says to herself in the mirror;
wishing her face was clearer.
Wanting her smile to be brighter.
Longing for the skin around her waist and thighs
to be just a little bit tighter.
She's nowhere near perfection;
nothing short of a defection.
Just one of the few flaws on Humanity's gorgeous face.
Or so she believed
before she could really see
the true so called "beauty"
those around her posessed.
Most of them are all faker than fake.
Coated with a plastic cake
hiding their distinctive features
to the point where your face
is just like hers
making all hope of individuality disappear.
Pretty much goes against everything we're fighting for, huh?
All of you claiming to be so different; what happened to that, huh?
Oh and let's not forget "skinny".
'Cause, baby, skinny itself just isn't skinny enough is it?
Craving attention as if it were vital
like the air we breathe.
Lying about your home life;
Wearing your pain on your sleeve.
Like savages, we crawl;
desperately begging for reassurance from everyone else
but ourselves.
They've taken your personalities
and made them indifferent.
Making it so that you are so much easier to form
into what others see
as beautiful.
Well take it from me then, Sweetie,
this oppressive standard of beauty is sickening.
Sickening like the *****
traveling up your throat and out onto the toothbrush
you are using to conform yourself to this standard.
Sickening like the pounds of cover up that are quite obviously
clogging those pores.
But oh, the lies you've told have already filled
enough of the gaps in your heart.
Face it girl, you don't even know who you are.
You've been engrossed by the standard
you all swear you're not a part of.
It is disgusting;
ugly, almost beyond repair.
Now Amy, she is beautiful.
That's right, take a good, long stare.
She won't change herself to be like you.
Can't you see you're miserable?
Pathetic, it's true.
I am beautiful.
Amy says to herself in the mirror.
Wishing, wanting, longing
for all of you to hear her.
 Feb 2014 Marley Jane
Eva Nein
 Feb 2014 Marley Jane
Eva Nein
I have lied to my parents:
"I'm fine."
"It was wonderful!"
"I slept well last night."
"No...nothing's wrong."

I have lied to my friends:
"I'm not tired."
"I am happy."
"You did great."
"It was no problem."

I've lied to myself:
"I feel great!"
"I'm not sad."
"I can do this."
"It was awesome!"

No one ever guesses:
"Me too."
"Thank you!"
"Well I feel amazing!"
"That's great. Let me tell you..."

But people lie to me too:
"You look great!"
"It was no trouble at all."
"No, you didn't stammer."
"I'm telling you, nothing's wrong."

Don't we all lie?
To stay sane,
To stay happy,
To deal with people,
To make others happy...

Maybe not all lies are bad.
But maybe,
Maybe they are.
Maybe the lies hurt.
Maybe we are kidding ourselves.

What if no one lied?
Even to stay sane,
Even to stay happy,
Even to deal with people,
Even to make others happy...

Is the truth really that bad?
To say:
"That wasn't good."
"No. I don't like you."
"I'm having nightmares."

I will admit now:
It won't be easy.
People might get hurt.
Friends may start fighting.
People might stop being friends.

But people would say things like:
"I'm scared."
"I'm jealous."
"I really like you."
"You are a wonderful person."

So people might
Fall in love,
Make friends,
Get help they need,
Discover something new.

If you could not lie
Would it be so bad?
What would you say?
Who would you say it to?
My love, if you die and I don't--,
let's not give grief an even greater field.
No expanse is greater than where we live.

Dust in the wheat, sand in the deserts,
time, wandering water, the vague wind
swept us like sailing seeds.
We might not have found one another in time.

This meadow where we find ourselves,
O little infinity! we give it back.
But Love, this love has not ended:

just as it never had a birth, it has
no death: it is like a long river,
only changing lands, and changing lips.
When I talk to you
tears form in my eyes
but I'm not sad
its just the butterflies
I get in my stomach
and I want to sing you a song
but i'd just run away
when I get all the words wrong.
Which is weird
because I wrote the song
and it only had one verse
so it wasn't very long.
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