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402 · Jul 2016
Who will visit my grave
Mark Tilford Jul 2016
Will I be left on my own
Will I become one of the unknown
Who will visit my grave
Cry, moan an grown
Will I be left alone
Will it be the price I pay
Because of the way I lived my days
My sinning ways
Who will visit my grave
On the cloudy and rainy days
Who will come and pray
More then a minute will they stay
Who will visit my grave
A single flower they gave
As I lay in my grave
an decay
Who will visit my grave
Will everyone stay away
Leaving me all alone
with my bones
A man not well liked or known
On my head stone
This will be engraved
Who will visit my grave

The man that dug my grave ?
401 · Oct 2015
This Poem (for someone )?
Mark Tilford Oct 2015
I do not know  
Maybe for someone in my future or
my past from long ago
"Who Knows"
This is not  a bio
Nor a request of
Just something to say hello
So!! "Hello"
Spark an interest
Something may grow
"A Desire to know"
Of course there is no status guo
"To know" !!
All it as to do is flow
I am not just any Joe blow
Right now I guess a John Doe
Because I am not known
To the people or person I am writing this to
You never know !!
It's 2 a.m. or so
Watching a T.V. show
Something they call a talk show (I think)
Rather be staring at a painting from Vincent Van Gogh
Laying here naked from head to toe
So I guess I got to go
Well any way
To Someone
I may or may not know
398 · Sep 2017
Mark Tilford Sep 2017
to see
living in the street
with nothing to eat
to see
turning away
not wanting to meet
to see
no one matters
to see
money is the only goal
to see
a sign
the test failed
to see
there is never
another view
to see
closed minds
to anything new
to see
no trusting
in yous
to see
no understanding
that lives
are lived
in many ways
to see
no loving
to see
choosing to
live apart
to see
no meaning
in words
they say
to see
that price
we pay
398 · Jul 2016
Last night
Mark Tilford Jul 2016
In my sleep
In my dream
Heavens team
I could plainly see
they came to me
Daddy was there
Grandpa and Grandma
Aunts and uncles to
To give me a preview
Of heavens realm
They grab my soul
and off we go
Weaving through the clouds
high and low
Then we slow
There for me to view
The pearly white gates
Streets of gold
Must have been one heck of a look
on my face
In his full grace
There God stood
It's all good
Guess what
He is not dead
He was greeting everyone
No one fled
Next thing I knew
I was laying, wide awake, in my bed
was I asleep
was it in my dream
No matter
I found out
God is not dead

Last night
397 · Sep 2018
I pray
Mark Tilford Sep 2018
That we never loose sight

That we always believe
We remember it is not about me
I pray
We never forget what will be, will be
That love is the key
He or she
It's free
I pray
That we do not forget when we were alone
We do not forget
the people that have no home
or the people we have known
I pray
We remember we all have the need
We do not forget that all
And it is so easy to mislead
I pray
That we see the face
not the race
We never forget all is deserving of a place
in this space
I pray
It is not to late to save this world
from these trying times
We stop crossing the line
We open our eyes and stop
being so blind
I pray
We start
being kind
395 · Dec 2015
It's not to late
Mark Tilford Dec 2015
to change our  fate
to start over and to have a clean slate
to stop the hate
to stop the mistakes
that we all constantly make
with that, I think we all can relate
God's rules. those, we do not have to translate
or ever debate
his word we need to reinstate
never recreate
or  berate
at the end, with him, we all have a date
heaven is really not that far
but we have to change the way things are
we all have to  bare his scares
it's his world where we all are
we cannot change what we have done so far
it's not to late
for a restart
for us to be a little more smart  
to stop the wars that we start
before it's time for us to depart
to fill everyone's heart
"we aren't"
it's not to late
to pull someone you know or don't know
in from the cold
to find a stranger and just hold
and console
or lead them back home
to do good like we have been told

it's not to late
to change our fate
the way it was foretold
395 · Jul 2016
Mark Tilford Jul 2016
This I own
I choose to be
I have chosen to be
It is sad, now, that I have no one
to call my own
No one living in my home
Have I been lonely
Non without tears
No one to comfort my fears
Nor to hear my cheers
No one waiting for me
Laying here still alone
No one laying next to me
For some reason, I did not think,
someone I would ever need
Now  becoming  more needy
Really need some one next to me
Yes I have family
They are so busy actually

Now that my death is even more near
I fear
So many more tears
There are no more cheers
No one waiting upstairs for me
No one living in my home

I guess I will fulfill my destiny
and will die
Waiting for my death
No one laying next to me
No one in heaven waiting for me
394 · Oct 2015
Right now !
Mark Tilford Oct 2015
I want to be with you right now
I want us to trust right now
I want to hear you right now  
I want you close right now
I don't know how right now
There is so much I want to do with you right now
Right now
I want to sleep with you right now
I want us to be they right now
I want to feel your touch right now
I want you to come over right now
I don't want to be alone right now
Right now
Touch me now
Kiss me now
Make love to me now
I am yours now
Between us now
Come home to me now
Right now
My fantasy is you right now
My dreams are of you right now
My thoughts are only of you right now
You are all I want right now
Right now
Trying not to be a fool right now
Trying to make this real right now
Your driving me wild right now
Trying to get your attention right now
Just trying to exist right now
Right now
My love is real for you
This fool has fallen for you
My heart is full for you
My obsession is for you
Only live for you
Right now
All I do is think of you
I am in love with you
"Right Now"

393 · Jul 2015
This thing inside of me
Mark Tilford Jul 2015
This thing inside of me
Destroying me
Weakening me
Sickening me
I hate to say, it's getting the best of me
Fighting back at me
Whipping me
Winning over me
I hate to say, it's getting the best of me
Eating at me
Worrying me  
Taking years from me  
I hate to say, it's  getting the best of me
Changing me
On the outside of me
On the inside of me
I hate to say, it's getting the best of me
So many needles stuck in me
Taking so much blood from me
So many Doctor's seeing me
I hate to say, it's getting the best of me
The hospital a second home for me
Nurses nursing me
It's getting to be to much for me
It's killing me


I refuse to let it get the best of me

I have to ask

Why me ?????

This thing inside of me!
393 · Sep 2015
20 years ago
Mark Tilford Sep 2015
You slamming  the door and leaving me alone
20 years setting by the phone
Day after day
Thinking I heard it ring
Picking it up and hear nothing but a dial tone
Never leaving home
Did not know what it was like to use a comb
Never seeing my neighbors
The front porch filled with 20 years of papers
Living room filled with take out food boxes
Hearing nothing but the tick of all the clocks
Everyday hoping to hear some kind of door knocks
20 years setting playing with  building blocks
Stopped sleeping in our bed
The place we held divine  
Could not stand your body not being next to mine
20 years of me thinking about the times
that we  intertwined
when our life's aligned  
Been on a 20 year decline
20 years of being confined
Letting the bills go and always being behind
Who knew 20 years ago my life would unwind
20 years ago today
On this day
I can feel myself sleeping away
Trying to be brave

At the moment the phone
392 · May 2016
Do not give up
Mark Tilford May 2016
No matter how low
you may go

Take it slow
Until your able to take control

Dismiss your thoughts of letting go
Keep telling yourself NO

Do not give in
I promise you it will get better than it has been

Then your life again will begin
Then those thoughts, it will be their end

More than likely your asking yourself how does he know
I became that low

So low
I cut my wrist
As I clinched my fist

At that moment I looked down
And ask
My life how could I dismiss ?

Now when I am feeling low
I look at my scare
To remind me I can exist
I would be missed

So when your feeling low
Do not let go
Let those thoughts go
Say no
392 · Oct 2018
my last suicide
Mark Tilford Oct 2018
the weapon lay at my side
the hand written guide
i do not think
to decide
no divide
not mortified
thoughts, justified
the black crow
slowly shutting the eyes
the light subsides
do not ask why
390 · Mar 2016
My writes
Mark Tilford Mar 2016
Only my words
Am I a nerd ?
Only on the third word
A lot of the time they are so blurred
I just want them heard
But most often unheard
Some that are absolutely absurd
With no fancy catchwords
All of the time I rewrite and rewrite
and reword
Never hip and forward
Some that make no since
and that are slurred
All the above does not matter to me
You see these are my words
And I will never be

390 · Jun 2018
is it to late
Mark Tilford Jun 2018
am I to late
living without you
is that my fate
letting you go was my life long mistake
now I wait
for the most important date
will you take
with your answer please do not
the times we had, we can duplicate
shall we step back up to the starting gate
start where we left off
we are not lost
i know our love is not gone
not with the unspoken bond
to each other I can feel
we are still drawn
come on

no answer

i was to late
387 · Feb 2016
A man
Mark Tilford Feb 2016
A man that never wore a crown of thorns    
That never grabbed life by the horns
Avoided all the yellow lights flashing and what it warned
Never looked into the mirror, so he would not have to see what it really showed
A man
That did not listen to all that was told
A man that did not travel on the smooth roads
But always took the side roads
A man that did not belong to any zip coed
A man
That never received or never gave, there was nothing owed
and nothing borrowed
A man  
That stuck close to the railroad
not carrying where it would go
Never saying hello
A man
That preferred to be a John Doe
That would never  stay awhile
That would always look ahead to the next mile
with a smile
A man
With his  own lifestyle  
Making it all worthwhile
Never having to reconcile
387 · Jun 2018
Mark Tilford Jun 2018
I am not a fool
I am not stupid
I am  human
I do believe in Cupid
I that night
I was hit by the arrow
I immediately, was in love
I was at first sight
I still was at first light
I will be at the next midnight
I will never make light
I know this is right
I will give you all that I can
I will be, only your man
I will be your biggest fan
I want to plan and plan
I will always stand by u
with you
I will make sure anything we will make it through
I give you my heart
I now start
I will give you so much more
I am yours

I love you
I do
386 · Dec 2016
Mark Tilford Dec 2016
I can not believe

Just friends
Is not satisfactory
All you need to do is agree
can't you see

How can we loose
So sad
If we do not have a romance
Take a chance

Could you ?
Would you ?

Promise I will be true to

I have feelings for you
When I am around you
I get so excited over you

To the end
That we can amend
Rules were made to bend

Make the best girlfriends

Make the best boyfriends

Please do not say it depends
Ask me when
Lets begin

You and me
more than
385 · Aug 2016
It's time for all of us
Mark Tilford Aug 2016
To stop all the fuss
Slow, there is no reason to rush
To stop making to much of stuff
It's time we
reach out an touch
each other
Forgiving one another
Remembering we are all sisters and  brothers
Start showing love to the other
Just like you would to your mother  
Not someday
but here and now
Not asking how
Making a vow
For us all to allow
Not forgetting
To smile at each other
Not forgetting  
This place is  for all of us
It's time we learn
Bridges we should not burn
The tables need to be turned
It's time for all us
To stop being afraid of each other
One another
385 · Aug 2018
Mark Tilford Aug 2018
Do we lie
Then deny
Do we let love die
Say goodbye
Do we trust
Then lust
Do we try so hard
Then put up a guard
When we get near
We fear
Do we dream
Then scream
Do we pretend
It will not end
Do we hold back tears
For years
Do we think the hurt will heal
Deny it was real
Did we not share
And never dared
Were we best friends
Then never again
384 · Jan 2017
I am a man
Mark Tilford Jan 2017
That, that kept the bible beside his bed
That thanked God every morning he was not dead

I am a man
That, that has no regrets
That forgives and forgets

I am a man
That, that did not want it all
That preferred living small

I am a man
That, that learned from making mistakes
That understood what was at stake

I am a man
That, that never forgot a name
That refused to play all the games

I am a man
That, that knew he was not perfect
That just tried to be correct

I am a man
That, that had no problem admitting to wrong
That admits to being a little headstrong

I am a man
That, that did not mind to share
That would comfort you in your despair

I am a man
That, that will never forget where he was raised
That will never forget those days

I am a man
That, that love has been bitter sweet
That, the one, he has yet to meet

I am a man
That, that has not forgotten
That he is just
A man
384 · Jul 2016
Mark Tilford Jul 2016
It can be a merry-go=round
Driving you down

Begging it to stop
Wanting to get off

Ah! but it never stops
Round and round it goes

Where it goes you may never know
O.k....How bout just a little slow

Letting you grasp
What it shows

Your mind blows

You cannot let go
Keep looking for the rainbows

There Is always tomorrow
You can't borrow

Round and round
Like the merry-go-round
Where it goes
Who knows
382 · Jun 2016
Mark Tilford Jun 2016
Tears shed for our peers
Yes, our peers
Human as they appear
June 13th 2016

Just out for a beer
At the start everything was unclear
A man is shooting dressed in his terroristic gear  
In an instant
It turned into unimaginable fear
Shooting people  
that were held dear
Fear with tears
Begging the man not to shoot
He knew is route
And continued to shoot
Hiding they could only see
the pacing of  his boots
Him again getting ready to shoot
His victims no time to dispute
One after the other he continued and
continued and continued to shoot
More then hundred times
He does his crimes
Dead are
Brothers and sisters
Yours and mine  
Yes our peers!!
May our government see all of our tears
and see our fear
And stop on behalf of the forty nine
these horrible crimes

382 · Apr 2015
Mark Tilford Apr 2015
The city torn

The place they say is full of thugs
To me they are people that have had no hugs
And has been replaced with nothing but shrugs
And denied real love

In a country that was born on
Liberty and Justice for all
I have to wonder who is the all
Where is the liberty in it all  

In one city of many cities
Where your color
Is important to others
When we all should be standing as brothers

Where people have to act on their fears
Then die by the hand
Of the very people  
that should not be bringing on so many tears  

To think that life/a person
is something
that they cannot endure
Something so pure

So to the citizens of Baltimore
Fight your fight
Please do not give up don't let them  
see you in flight
Stand for what you know is right

Stay calm
Stay peaceful
And the out come will be right............
380 · Apr 2016
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
Living life slow
Not a lot mojo
It's people so miss understood
Pregnant and barefoot
Sorry, this is not textbook
We don't have a lot of neighborhoods
Something better
A lot of woods
Filled with flowering dogwoods

Grew up learning about manhood
and Womanhood
To stand with our neighbors
We should
We just would

Family feuds
None, as along as you pay your dues
The Hatfield's and the McCoy's
We all know about their attitudes

We love our Whiskey
Our Makers and heaven hill
and our  moonshine  
how mighty fine

Spend our days
In the fields
Sometime wadding in the mud
Where we had just dug
Maybe loose our shoes
All we do is shrug

We speak with a southern draw
We call our mom, maw
We call our dad, paw
By the time we start to craw
And we consider everyone ya all
Where the stars shine bright
Where everything is just right
And everything is alright

379 · Oct 2015
Going somewhere
Mark Tilford Oct 2015
Needs to be anywhere
As long as it's a place of nowhere
I will go there
Before I have a breakdown
I need to get out of this **** town
No longer want to stick around
I am about to drown
You can see it in my frown
There is nothing here to keep me from going
somewhere not knowing
Maybe somewhere it's snowing
the moon is always glowing
Somewhere, it's calling for me
my destiny
A new place to see
Somewhere to clear the air
have a new love affair  
not have a care
Here or there
Going somewhere
where I can make believe
and will never want to leave
and my mind will stop moving
no more booing
no more need of overdoing
Going somewhere for some renewing
Where my thoughts makes since  
Going somewhere
Anywhere, Anywhere
To set myself free
It's all I need
377 · Oct 2015
Where you been??????
Mark Tilford Oct 2015
Heard the door shut!!
Out showing off that but ...????
Don't lie !!
It's true, I feel it in my gut
So you found your KING TUT??
He is liable to find himself with a really deep CUT..!!
What the ****!!
You are nothing but loose ****!!
Lying in bed as I take that last draw off my cigarette BUT
As you walk toward me you need to  STRUT
Need to act for me
like you did for him, a ****
Yes we are still going to ****
and ****
King Tut ain't got nothing on me
I will **** like a wild BUCK
How many times can you scream
Neighbors will call out the Fire Trucks
Now ***** who Is KING TUT
I looked back as the door shut!
I yelled  
"Nothing like a good
GRUDGE ****"
Mark Tilford Dec 2015
I pray
He watches over you where ever
you may go
I pray
He blesses everyone that you may know
I pray
He provides you with lots of silver and gold
I pray
He will keep you warm and out of the cold
I pray
He will touch your soul rather you are
young or old
I pray
Your faith in him, you will uphold
I pray
His miracles you will not withhold
but you will behold  
I pray
If your about to fall you will look up to him
and not fold
I pray
You will accept him as your friend until
the end
I pray
All your love you will send
to your enemies and no longer will you offend
but they you will befriend
I pray
A helping hand you will extend
in this weary world where no one rejoices
I pray
His word you will always defend
I pray
When you look to the east
and you see that star
you will  remember "daily"
Born - was - the - King of Israel
I pray  
Each and everyone of you have a safe and
May joy once again come to this world
371 · Aug 2018
buying more time
Mark Tilford Aug 2018
i check my pockets
i am out of dimes

may i borrow a dime
to buy more time
371 · Jun 2016
We are
Mark Tilford Jun 2016
Not defined by:
By a car
That we drive a Mercedes instead of a ford  
Nor a golden credit card
Or if we are the chair of a board
By all the awards
Or how we serve our lord
By how big our front door
Or from how much more
Nor by winning a war
Or by our décor
Nor what we can buy in a store
Or by our address
By that fancy dress
Nor because we can live on the highest floor
Or because we are good looking and adored
Nor by the big diamonds locked in a drawer
By that we have money galore

A class war??

We should be defined by:
So much more
Or should be
369 · Jun 2016
The Urge !!
Mark Tilford Jun 2016
What makes you feel that you would want to
That you would like to
That you need to
So strong
It nags
Until you
Give in
To something new
Which could be way over due
What it is ,I am sure you have a clue
Getting a tattoo
The urge
For something taboo
To paint yourself blue
To pursue
Someone to *****
Or that is equal to
The urge
Drives you to do what is not good for you
Makes you do the wrong things
Almost everything
The urge
Can definitely make you sin  
When it takes control of you
That is when it begins
The Urge
I have a strong urge too
368 · Sep 2015
What scares me.
Mark Tilford Sep 2015
Taking my last breath
I guess the inevitable " Death "
Not ever being able to catch my breath
Having to dance my last dance with "Death"
Leaving all my friends
Not being able to make amends
Not being able to feel the summer and winter winds
Being conscious and knowing I am close to the end
My soul not knowing where to go
It being caught in limbo
Not being on God's  list
Never again being kissed
Not being missed
That sure would make me ******
Getting buried six feet under the ground
People stepping on my grave mound
Not ever hearing another sound
Not being able to fool around or to run around
Not being unaware
Not making it upstairs
Being kicked downstairs
Not ever feeling love
Being in the dark
Not ever hearing my name MARK
I guess you figured it out
Scares me.
364 · Feb 2019
364 · Aug 2017
Mark Tilford Aug 2017
We all have been foolish
Really blind
To the problems
Of Mankind
When we look into the mirror
What do u see
A giver
A believer
Do not be decieved
Blame we
For ignoring all the lies
The cries
Of humans being denied
Cast aside
There is such a divide
From hatred (dominated)
The love has faded
Humans are now jaded
Forgetting we were all created
Making us all related
We all have become separated and segregated
Evereday it is illustrated
It is being cultivated
In many languages it"s translated
And very much demonstrated
How much more can we ignore
Before we are all
By hatered
And humans
363 · May 2016
I Am Back
Mark Tilford May 2016
Writing, I thought I would never miss
But when I am doing it I am in some sort of bliss
Corny I know, almost better then a kiss
So what if it goes amiss
People dis  
Try correcting a kiss
Some may resist  
That would be the pits
Writings you can correct this
On this
In this
Of this
And make it more crisp
So with this
I have missed your work
And the network
All the fine artwork
I hope you have missed mine
It was not all that fine
But they are mine
None that would make the headlines
But still just the same I am proud of mine
Never trying to outshine
Some with a crazy punch line
Some with very short lines
Some even on the borderline
Some I guess I should have drawled the line
But genuine

I am glad to be back
To enjoy yours and mine
362 · Apr 2017
I knew
Mark Tilford Apr 2017
There were demons inside of me
Always taking the lead
Regardless of my plea
Never freed
The cause of my greed
The need
To mislead
Never allowing my heart to bleed
Causing the/my evil to breed
At tremendous speed
And they did succeed
You see
The demons give me no choices
All I hear are their voices
My soul never rejoices
Any good thoughts
They voided
Depriving me of knowing joy
Since I was a little boy
They love to destroy
The demons inside me
They have always ruled me
Them, I cannot flea
We are, we
We have become dependent
Never independent
They will never leave
They die with me

I knew
360 · Dec 2016
I Trusted
Mark Tilford Dec 2016
The first lie
The second lie
Then the third lie
I ignored
They continued
Then I was floored
No longer could I absorb
I could not ignore
All of my wondering
The answers came from you
There was more than just a few
Clue after clue
Two wrongs does not make it right
Now I have so much insight
Everything is not alright
In hindsight
Why fight
For what might
I will do my best to be polite
We will no longer unite
No appetite
Never come into my sight

A liar
359 · Sep 2019
a tear
Mark Tilford Sep 2019
a tear
from fear
will not disappear

through the pain
a constant

to the cheek
it smears

another tear
this fear
wiping, it too


those things
i do not want to hear
may i wake in a year
to the tears disappeared

a cry
of defiance
in silence
the fear

a tear

in the constant voices
i hear
the fear
a tear

labouring for life
my conscious spirit
shown in

a tear
352 · Dec 2015
I did not know
Mark Tilford Dec 2015
that love would not last a life time
that this world would be filled with so much crime
that there would be so many mountains that you would have to climb
that life would be so fast, as the clock again chimes
that I would not have someone to call mine
now that I settle into my prime

I did not know

that I would not have sons or daughters
that life could be so easily slaughtered
that there would be so many times in rough waters

I did not know

that I would be as rich as I am
that I would only be I'm
that I would only be where I am
that life would not  be as shiny as a new dime
that there would be so little time

I did not  know

that there would be so many people,  that I once knew
that there would be so many things, that I would not do
that there would be so many things, that I would be new to
that there would be so many things, that I would not be wise to
that there would be so many times ,that I was not true to

I did not know  

that I would be witness to what people go through

I did not know

there would be so many times that I would not be proud
of what I stooped to

I did not know

that death could come so soon
that this I am not immune to
that God loves me no matter what I do
that he will forgive me to

350 · Jun 2018
Mark Tilford Jun 2018
Not whole
Asphalt streets full of darkened holes
Darkened light poles  
No shadows
No patrols
Losing control
Covered in dark clothes
Taking life's blows
As it goes
It is closed
Time slows
Only the darkened knows
Smelling the dark rose
Living by the dark scrolls
The dark future exposed
When the dark side arose
There is nothing to suppose
The dark will not propose
345 · Apr 2015
Believe !
Mark Tilford Apr 2015
I had to believe
Once I was  conceived
Once It was  time for me to leave
Born not to disbelieve
Certainly nothing yet to grieve
That would make me not believe
Not yet deceived
As I grew I believed
There was so much that I/we could achieve
If only we would believe
Our self  
His self
Her self
It's self
Yes! That's all I had to do was believe
Now I look at what I have believed
I have to wonder if I have been deceived
Because there was so much that I believed
Normal things that I wanted to believe
That I never could achieve
And I believed
And I believed
And I believed
But just because I did not achieve
Does not mean that I will ever give up on what I

343 · Apr 2016
My Thoughts
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
My Thoughts
They creep in
Their cover will not be blown
Hearing  them
In very low tones
Where do they come from? Unknown
They come all on their own  
Keeping me company
So I do not have to be alone

My Thoughts
They are my friend
My girlfriend
My boyfriend
On them I can always depend
They are not pretend

My Thoughts
I create
In my silence
That I never speak  
They are never leaked
Never shared
That, I would not dare
They are my affair
Some of them are prayers

These are
My Thoughts
338 · Jan 2017
my love
Mark Tilford Jan 2017
after i slip away into the dark space
into the unknown place
after my end
remember, the look on my face
on the day of our first place
not the sick face
remember, my strong beating heart
not the fading part
remember, my soft touch to your face
not the times
that i could not reach up, to touch that smiling face
because i was in a bad place
remember, when i would lay with you
the warmth
remember, the lighter times
not the darker times
the times that were only yours and mine
remember, all the joy
not this sorrow
remember, our time is borrowed
we are not promised tomorrow
remember, my love
lasted the whole time i was on this earth
it will last beyond my re-birth
remember, i had no fears
do not cry
do not shed tears
remember, i am just in a different place
i will always be watching over that smiling face
i was sorry
i could not stay
it was meant to be this way
my love
333 · Sep 2018
At the doors
Mark Tilford Sep 2018
I do not need my heart anymore
I am standing in front of two doors
I will not be living anymore

Walking through
Into the darkness
To the afterlife

Which door will I reach for

One will lead to the light
One will lead to the night

It is so quite here
I am on my own

Heaven there are no lies
Hell nothing but cries

Which one
The gun
It has begun
I cannot run

The sun

At the door
332 · Jul 2015
This World
Mark Tilford Jul 2015
So many people using a gun
So many lashings by a tongue
Greed, a ton
The hatred is never done
Everything and everyone as to be outdone
It's just not fun
So many people shunned
The Bible redone
So many killings by someone's son
The life of the devil has begun
Love, there is none
This world
Becoming unfurled, uncurled
Staying in madness and in a twirl
The things in this world would make anyone hurl
What happened to God fearing
The good is disappearing
And everything is interfering
The bad being so domineering
No one cheering
The ugliness in people always appearing
This world is dying
And we just keep on denying and defying
While ignoring it's crying
Everyone keeps on lying
This world
Needs so much prayer
Do you think anyone would dare
or care
I hope they are aware
This is all our affair
Can't you see the despair

God is returning to this world beware

This World  
331 · Dec 2016
Again and again
Mark Tilford Dec 2016
I go numb
From the things that I  see
It makes me feel so humdrum
Yep, really glum
Feeling nothing
As small as Tom Thumb
Just dumb
Just setting back waiting for God to come
To clear this earth of all the pond ****
Again and again
I ask
What have we become
Where did we come from
All of us living to the beat of our own drum
Again and again
I feel nothing
Happy faces
Sad faces, replaces
In so many places
Love, just traces
What happened to good graces
There is no bases
For getting caught up in the rat races
And forgetting the human need for
331 · Aug 2015
Mark Tilford Aug 2015
I am thinking of the memories over and over
The highway that lead me to no shame
How it's never changed
It has stayed the same
Lead me to love and never no pain
Showed how much I had to gain
As it was leading me away
It was begging me to stay
What would have happened
If I had never traveled and I had never seen
And I always had to wonder "where"
And I had never been there
Never left me in the dark
Could always count on it getting me home
Never left me alone
Taking me to my favorite fishing hole
"Charlie's Hole"
Where I was always stumping my toes
Where it snowed
But never stopped me from being on the go
Took me to Grandma's for homemade white cake
But it was not mine to take
It allowed me to walk
And me and it had some very long talks
Lead me to the back woods
Lead me to Indian Cliffs
Where that Indian Chief
Was carved into that rock and but still kind of stiff
Where I road in the back of my Grandpa's truck
Always keeping my head tucked
Lead me to my friends
Where there has never been any ends
Where still to this day it leads me home
Where I never feel alone
Someday it will lead to where I will have my finale rest
One last time it will lead me home
330 · Apr 2016
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
I don't care what people say
Even though I was not raised that way
Momma says "You have to care what people say"
I have reached the age
I don't care what they say
They say whatever they want to say
They don't go with me to pray
My bills they sure don't pay
So let them say whatever it is they say
On any given day
Their thinking cannot be swayed
So they can keep what they say faraway
If you listen to what people say
There is usually hell to pay

I don't care
What they say  

Why would you care what they say
329 · Dec 2016
Mark Tilford Dec 2016
I want you to tell me how
With all these clouds
How our love can be allowed
Regardless of our promise
of our vow
I don't know
After you went solo
Our love you overthrow  
When you let everything go
Bringing us down so low
It has not been that long ago
I think his name was Joe
What a low blow
It still burns
As the world still turns
Lesson learned
Loving you what as it earned
You will not listen to my terms
They are firm
I see through the charm
No matter the tears or the performance
It is of no importance
With all the clouds
It is storming
Because you gave no warning
I am listening

You can tell me
329 · Sep 2015
The intention of the mind
Mark Tilford Sep 2015
Well being, it's a curse!
The brains waves it will disburse
With it's nonsense verse
Leading us to the bad that we will be submersed
Saving it's good intentions
Nothing  will  be reimbursed
Causing such thirst
Making it come first
Seeing the worst
Sometimes it plays over in your head
as though it was being rehearsed
Not allowing you to dread
It moves you fast ahead
No speaking of it's intention
always unsaid
It's intentions are well designed
causing your state of mind
only from one mind
your mind
Maybe not of sound mind
or a opened mind
it's intention is to close your mind
to undermine
Listen to it
It will be hard to stay of sound mind

Most powerful,
The subconscious mind
328 · Nov 2015
I pray this world
Mark Tilford Nov 2015
Would calm !!!!!
Humans would learn something other than "Harm"
How can we live when we are all on alarm????
Just seems it would be a better world if everyone was disarmed
Instead of rearming
Could we all live in peace without bombing???

Country against Country
Christians against Muslims
Muslims against Christians
Blacks against Whites
Whites against Blacks
Get what I mean
This world gets smaller and more lean
It's just a money making machine
Maybe it's time for all of our God's we worship
to come, to intervene
It appears that everyone is out to destroy this world
and it's  no longer their white pearl

This world I thought we shared
Eventually it needs to be spared (of)

Soon I am afraid we will ask
"Do you remember this world"
  It was calm and serene
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