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Apr 2016 · 1.4k
No disrespect intended
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
The difference in me and you
You were busy making a life
I was busy living a life
Apr 2016 · 330
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
I don't care what people say
Even though I was not raised that way
Momma says "You have to care what people say"
I have reached the age
I don't care what they say
They say whatever they want to say
They don't go with me to pray
My bills they sure don't pay
So let them say whatever it is they say
On any given day
Their thinking cannot be swayed
So they can keep what they say faraway
If you listen to what people say
There is usually hell to pay

I don't care
What they say  

Why would you care what they say
Apr 2016 · 315
After many years
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
You call
I can't pick up the phone
I start to tremble inside
Maybe I should just let it ring and brush it aside
Out of sure pride
I am thinking why
I am about to die
The memories rush back in
Of how they lied
I reach down to answer
I stop and pause, right before I decide
Still my feelings cannot be denied
I fold

I pick up



Right off the bat
I hear  
I am so sorry I lied
Leaving you in the cold
Leaving you just standing
Without you understanding

Are you listening
She said
I have something to say


I have cancer
I am about to die

Then we both start to cry
I said
I don't care that you lied
That you left me standing
Without any understanding

I will be at your side  
Apr 2016 · 320
I love the country life
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
Where the pace is slow
Where everyone is not in a hurry to go

Where there is nothing like the smell of fresh cut hay
Where something that simple will make your day

Where everyone on the highway waves
Where the country store is the place to go
Where everyone knows the difference in a buck and doe

Where your time is spent fishing
Not setting around wishing

Where there is a country fair
Where Grandpa and Grandma set on the porch
in their favorite chairs

Where you can see and try counting the stars
Not spending all night in the bars

Where neighbor looks after neighbor
Where they put up a barn and share the labor

Where the garden is your farmers market

Where everyone drives a truck
Where when you get stuck in the mud it does not ****

Where the roosters crow
The rivers flow
Where the banks want foreclose

Where the chickens are free range
That will never change

Where you still hand milk the cow
and the dinner table is always full of country chow

I love the country life
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
Rest in peace my brother
Rest in peace
Please share / repost in his memory ....What a great loss....
Apr 2016 · 213
Live !!
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
Not for the next day
Live to make the most of your lives
Please tell me you do not live to get pay
Just to turn around and give it away
Spending  all your time on the freeway
On your cell phones
Just to keep up with the people named  Jones
Keeping yourself in debt with all your loans
Who says you can't throw stones
At the end of your day sharing nothing
but your moans and groans
Making excuses of why it's all worth it  
Your salary is worth more then the reality ?


Go on a big spending spree !!
Go ahead buy one more pair of Ray-bans
Show everyone that you can '
Work really hard for that pension plan
That sure will make you better than
You call that a life's plan?
Your master plan?
Jumped right into that frying pan

Apr 2016 · 699
The greatest gift
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
You have been given is you
There is beauty in you
Can you see it
Do you believe it
Do you know it
There are no dues for it
Nothing you have to do for it
Believe, it is true
I hope you knew it
If not, now you know it
So it is time for you to  love you
And to you
You need to be true
If you believe it, there is nothing
you cannot get through
And nothing you cannot do
or pursue

The greatest gift given to you
is you
Apr 2016 · 299
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
I have experienced it in so many different places
I have been broke into a  million pieces
My trust decreases
When the pain slowly increases
When it grabs hold it never releases  
Hanging on until it ceases

I thought my heart was made of gold
Then why want it let the pain go
The pain  
Took it's golden glow
Hidden by the pains shadows  
It happened a very long time ago
Something pain bestows

It overflows
It is so **** strong
and it is hard to overthrow
Sad to say
It will still be with me
the day after tomorrow

I will continue to fight through it
Until I get strong enough
To say "O.K"
Enough is a enough
And I get my life back
the way it was before

And my heart is restored

Apr 2016 · 272
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
Does not stand still
People think  it's not a big deal
Just something measured by a clock
No matter what you do it cannot be blocked
It never stops
and cannot be stopped
It will never halt
It has never been seen
Embedded into our genes
It's presence we should be aware
It lingers in the air  
You know it's there
It has such importance
Then why is it so distorted

In a flash of  light
it is night
Before you know it
we are grown
Then the questions
How much of it was blown?
How much of it did I spend on the phone ?
Why did I spend so much of it alone ?
Did I spend enough of it with my own ?

Then we go to our grave
Where there will be no more
None remains
Apr 2016 · 301
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
When you give up on everyone of your dreams
Letting them go
How will you  know
How would you have known
Can I ask, how do you think you are going to grow
If you let them go
Then you start wondering
You start  pondering
About your direction
You have no connection

With out them  
The mountains will not move for you

With out them
You will ask what will  tomorrow  bring
Could I  have been a King
Could I  have been a Queen
In your dreams you could have seen

With out them
You are settling for less
You start to guess
Your dreams why would you ever suppress

Believe in your
Apr 2016 · 498
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
I am
Sometimes just because

With no pause
Sometimes caused by my flaws

From what was
Sometimes from me breaking the human laws

From what I have done
Sometimes  because I had to run

  From what I have caused
Sometimes from what cannot  be undone

Of how I treated someone
Sometimes from how I treated everyone

From how I treated my loved ones
Sometimes from how I let everyone down

From me acting like a clown
Sometimes from me being a letdown

Of  how I just shutdown
Sometimes from not staying around  

Because of the people I have blamed
Sometimes from the people that I have shamed

No more
From what I have  done
Because no more will it be done
Apr 2016 · 812
A dog named King
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
He would follow us kids to our swimming hole
He would climb up on the rock and take a dive
Swim back to the bank and climb
And take another dive
He made sure we all stayed alive
Stayed right by our side to make sure we survived
With that he thrived

He never missed a day of waiting at the end of the road
for us to arrive

Protected us
Made sure there were no intruders

Always greeted us with a wagging  tail
It never failed
He never bailed

He was an  ex police dog
so many people he helped to jail

Our best friend until his age caught up with him
and his life started to fail
We stayed by his side
and we did not bail
We stayed
until he took his last inhale

our dog
he was one of a kind
Apr 2016 · 380
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
Living life slow
Not a lot mojo
It's people so miss understood
Pregnant and barefoot
Sorry, this is not textbook
We don't have a lot of neighborhoods
Something better
A lot of woods
Filled with flowering dogwoods

Grew up learning about manhood
and Womanhood
To stand with our neighbors
We should
We just would

Family feuds
None, as along as you pay your dues
The Hatfield's and the McCoy's
We all know about their attitudes

We love our Whiskey
Our Makers and heaven hill
and our  moonshine  
how mighty fine

Spend our days
In the fields
Sometime wadding in the mud
Where we had just dug
Maybe loose our shoes
All we do is shrug

We speak with a southern draw
We call our mom, maw
We call our dad, paw
By the time we start to craw
And we consider everyone ya all
Where the stars shine bright
Where everything is just right
And everything is alright

Apr 2016 · 462
So many people talking
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
Making so much noise
Not caring who they destroy
Apparently they have not heard of the words, "with poise"
Talking about someone, they do enjoy
Why do people have to be so mean
God forbid they could keep it clean
Adults acting like they are still in their teens
I think it is nothing but a smoke screen
To keep their problems unseen
That is why they keep throwing the gasoline
Feeding the fire
Keeping things afire
Most are liars
Their mouths they need to retire
And keep it shut
Stop the loose ****

Apr 2016 · 652
Why hide?
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
We are who we are
Why hide
Have some pride !!
Put what people think aside
Walk with your head held high
Walk with a stride
Remember you never have to justify
We may all look different on the outside
We are all the same on the inside
When you look into the mirror never be dissatisfied
Beauty Is in in the eye of the beholder
You are the beholder
Love that you are getting older
Big deal that you may get a cold shoulder
Be proud
Remember you do belong in the crowd
And you are allowed
You never need to bow
Smile never scow
I know you have not forgot how
Take a vow
To always be proud
Always treat yourself
Never ever
cheat yourself
Why Hide??
Apr 2016 · 420
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
Hello my friend

So many years without speaking
All we had to do is pick up the phone
(They no longer hang on the wall)
Then we would have known  

So much we have not shared
Why would we dare ?  
I am sure it was not because
we did not care
Somewhat unfair !

Things you did not know

I stood alone in time square
I was alone in all of my despair
There was a time I was on welfare
I am not a billionaire
Most of my life has been a nightmare
I was married and had many affairs
I have been nowhere
I always woke somewhere
I have lived most of my life in solitaire
So unaware

I hope your life does not compare
But how would I know
It's been such a long time ago
When we made the promise
That our friendship
we would never outgrow

Apr 2016 · 343
My Thoughts
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
My Thoughts
They creep in
Their cover will not be blown
Hearing  them
In very low tones
Where do they come from? Unknown
They come all on their own  
Keeping me company
So I do not have to be alone

My Thoughts
They are my friend
My girlfriend
My boyfriend
On them I can always depend
They are not pretend

My Thoughts
I create
In my silence
That I never speak  
They are never leaked
Never shared
That, I would not dare
They are my affair
Some of them are prayers

These are
My Thoughts
Apr 2016 · 666
Why can't we be kind
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
Why can't we be kind
To those
That are not our kind
That does not have the same lifestyle as yours and mine
To those
That we do not share the same blood line
That have a total different storyline
To those
That are less fortunate and live on the poverty line  
That does not own any property lines
To those
That does not have a personal credit line
That could care less about the interior design
To those
That does not always think of dollar signs  
That do not drink the finest wines
To those
That does not wear the finest cloths
That live in the shadows
To those
That never impose
That live day to day and lives it slow
To those
Having to live a life
That they never chose  

To those that are homeless
Why can't we be kind
Apr 2016 · 237
Why ?
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
Is there no more love  
Doesn't it make you want to cry
This earth, it's about to die
Everyone turns a blinds eye
Why ?
Why ?
Does everyone just stand by
And not here the outcry
I am horrified
That  no one wants to rectify  
All they want to do is justify
And just get by
and not try
I guess it's easier to comply
To do nothing must be more
Why ?
Are people so satisfied
To just set back and watch this world die
Why ?
Are people not terrified
Because they are waiting for it to be clarified
When it happens I guess then they will be mortified
It will be to late to ask

Why ?
Apr 2016 · 282
What would I do ?
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
If I lost you
I have no clue
I know the sky would be dark and no longer blue
When I shut my eyes and I can't see you
I get a preview
of me without you

What would I do
If I lost you
I hope this question you would ask to
I know my days would not start new
From the beginning I knew
I did not want to be without you

What would I do
If I lost you
My life would be *******
Since my life is about tending to you
It is so easy for me to do

What would I do
If I lost you
There would be nothing to look forward to
Something I could not work through
I would not want to

What would I do
If I lost you
I would loose my mind
Since our minds are so  intertwined
I could not handle you leaving me behind

What would I do
If I lost you
The thoughts of and what I would do
Lets just say they would have to bury me next to you
Then my angel I could be with you

What would I do?
If I lost you
I do have a clue
I would continue  loving you
Apr 2016 · 1.4k
The new age, The new way
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
Many years past by to get to this new age
Now there are so many new ways
What is wrong with the old ways
They call it evaluation
There needs to be a revolution
I am afraid of this new nation
People of gratification
The new age of ligation
So much talk of deportation
And of emigration
No legalization  
This is
The new age , The new way
The new age of the politician
The new way of their deception
No reputation
No consideration
All about their affiliation
The new age, The new way
Of all corporation's
All about their accumulation (of money)
Their conglomeration
Jobs of elimination
The new age, The new way
Still so much discrimination
No equalization
Young life's - unjust- evaporation
with no justification
The new age, The new way
The world without conservation
Global warming no talks of  stabilization
Over populating

The new age , The new way
to our own
Mar 2016 · 559
This dying world
Mark Tilford Mar 2016
We must give more then what we take
Learn to make
Her gift to us is letting us stay
Then we take all of her gifts away
It did not take us long to forget
Now she will collect on that debt
She does not make idle threats
Mar 2016 · 278
I am going home
Mark Tilford Mar 2016
I will have no more fears
My God will be near
There will be no more tears
There will be no more pain
Where there will be so much to gain  
No more of my blood will be drained
My body will not be in any more strain
Where I will not have to complain  
I am going home
Where I will never have to be alone
At the moment, I will own
Where time stands still
Where I will be given back my strong will
Where there will be no more pills
To think about it gives me the chills
Where  I will be running barefoot through the hills
Where I will not die
Where everyone will be my ally
The place where never again will I  have to say bye  
When you look up to the sky
you may see me fly
I am going home
Please do not sigh
Do not cry
Will you please try
I am going home
Where there will be no doctors
that I have to abide by
Where I will not feel terrified
I am going home
I will be there at the blink of an eye

Only my body died

All of this was just  stepping stones
on my way home
Mark Tilford Mar 2016
It's not all about you and me
It's not about your an my needs
It's not about what we exceed
It's not about rather or not we have been pleased
It's not about what we have seized
It's not about what we have achieved
It's not about us living on easy street
It's not about just tomorrow
It's not about who we have beat

It's about
It's about not living in  darkness
It's about always landing on your feet
It's about being tough
It's about living for tomorrow
It's about hanging on when your at the end of your rope
It's about knowing there is hope
It's about how you meet
It's about how you greet

It's not about
It's not about our wins
It's not about the color of our skin
It's not about rather or not we are fat or thin
It's not about our possessions and our things
It's not about what we bring

It's about
It's about being everything we can be
It's about how we disagree
It's about living in reality
It's about the actuality
It's about our will
It's about not standing still
It's about not leaving anyone behind
It's about being kind
It's about all of mankind
Mar 2016 · 269
Mark Tilford Mar 2016
it is part of me making my way
it deciding if I will get to stay
or if it will be my last day
maybe my time will be over in may  
living for another day
it's the only way
starting with
Mar 2016 · 231
Mark Tilford Mar 2016
Living my life and this is the cost
Being lost
Tell me please
Is it just me
In this state of feeling lost
Is this the way it should be
As every morning defrost
Feeling so lost
My eyes glossed
When did this happen to me ?
When my love I lost ?
Setting silent I often ponder and wander
Are they as lost as me ?
Are we, still what we both need ?
Why could it not be ?
Are they thinking of me ?
Are they feeling the same need ?
To see me ?
After not hearing their laughter
I listen and think I hear it in the rafters
While laying in bed thinking of our mornings after
I am
Mar 2016 · 250
Why tell ??
Mark Tilford Mar 2016
Keep it to yourself
Why can"t we keep it to ourself's
Why do we have to talk
  Keep it to oneself
Why tell ??
We are male
We kiss and tell
After getting a piece of tale
We put our ladies through hell
After we put them under our spell
Why tell???
All it leads to is a farewell
Then we have to fast talk
Make a hard sell
And all she can hear is alarm bells
Then we hear
"Go to hell"!!!
So why do we tell??
And put our ladies through so much hell
No wonder we can't find friends
Our mouths we need to cleanse
We need to ask for forgiveness for our sins
We are a hazard to ourself's
When we talk
Why tell ??
Mar 2016 · 390
My writes
Mark Tilford Mar 2016
Only my words
Am I a nerd ?
Only on the third word
A lot of the time they are so blurred
I just want them heard
But most often unheard
Some that are absolutely absurd
With no fancy catchwords
All of the time I rewrite and rewrite
and reword
Never hip and forward
Some that make no since
and that are slurred
All the above does not matter to me
You see these are my words
And I will never be

Mar 2016 · 294
Mark Tilford Mar 2016
Thank God for our memories
Keeping everything the same
In a tight picture frame
Framing all the time that passes by
While it flies by  
Storing everything until the day we die
Keeping all the promises we made
Every game we ever played
In the smaller grades  
Nothing ever fades
Decade after decades
Some are good
Some are bad
Even sad
Not letting us forget the people that we had
and known
So many memories we have made while we have grown
They are yours and those you own
Memories you can recall when you are alone
Mar 2016 · 423
Hold Up!!!!!!
Mark Tilford Mar 2016
Back up!!
Before I blow up!!
Lets make up !!
As long as you have grown up !!
Hold up!!
You want to start up!!
Lay up??
Give me a close up!!
Where will we wind up??
Let me clean up!!
Before we hook up!!
Once I start I want let up!!
I have been letting it pile up !!
It will be a big blow up!! :)
Let me get it lined up !!
It's tuned up !!
Hold UP!!
Slow up!!
It's up!!
Let me look up!!
It just blew up !!
Still want to break up??
After that !!
I figured you would
Hold Up!!
:) :) :) :) !!
Nothing like make up ***...LOL
Mar 2016 · 275
My heart
Mark Tilford Mar 2016
So the Doc's all say
Soon it will just stop
I will drop

Feeling fear knowing that my death is near
They could not have made it anymore clear
That it will happen
I may not see the next year
So living to make this year
A great year
I will for sure persevere

My real fear
Is not having my family near

Every time the pain hits
I think " Well this is it"
This time it will quit

Some will question
Why are you writing this
Just trying to keep my wit

With the thoughts of my impending death
Knowing that I will soon take my last breath
Scares me to death

So they say only the good die young
My saving grace
My heart does embrace

Feb 2016 · 225
Over and Over
Mark Tilford Feb 2016
How many times has it been over
With no love held over
Yes, I know your on another lay over
You want be stopping over
you want be staying over
I am tired of being a pushover
So we want be talking it over
To decide if this time it's really over
Over and Over
If  It's over  
How will I breath over and over  
I will feel nothing if it's over
Does it not matter that I loved you over and over
I wanted to feel your love over and over

Over and Over
Risking it all  over and over
In this same place over and over
Running over and over
Returning over and over
Face to face over and over
Talking it over and over

I am sorry but this time
It's over
I am tired of
breaking each others heart
Over and Over
Feb 2016 · 387
A man
Mark Tilford Feb 2016
A man that never wore a crown of thorns    
That never grabbed life by the horns
Avoided all the yellow lights flashing and what it warned
Never looked into the mirror, so he would not have to see what it really showed
A man
That did not listen to all that was told
A man that did not travel on the smooth roads
But always took the side roads
A man that did not belong to any zip coed
A man
That never received or never gave, there was nothing owed
and nothing borrowed
A man  
That stuck close to the railroad
not carrying where it would go
Never saying hello
A man
That preferred to be a John Doe
That would never  stay awhile
That would always look ahead to the next mile
with a smile
A man
With his  own lifestyle  
Making it all worthwhile
Never having to reconcile
Feb 2016 · 278
God's Power
Mark Tilford Feb 2016
God's Power
Comes from our prayer
As we speak his words into the air
and we share
As we care
When we ask him to take care of our despair
To take care of our burdens
To ease our hurting's
And we listen to his sermons
and we
continue our leanings
From us preparing for his Son's return
From his Son's love that we yearn
Stopping our sin and to him we turn
From showing others our concern
Showing him all that we have learned
From us quenching someone's thirst
From us following  his laws
That we have never cursed
From us putting him first
Even when we are at our worst
From us believing that he sent his only son to us
And ask him to die for us
From the love from us
and from us knowing
that he
believes in
Mark Tilford Feb 2016
My desires
How I had to defy her
All of my priors
More so all of the liars
The sound of the choir
Life, in it's entire
The love that I require
The sound of gunfire
Always being in the line of fire
Fearing the ball of fire
Trying to figure out all of the secrets
The treatments
My weakness
People's sleekness
All of my fears
Thinking about all the past years
And what caused all of my tears
What will appear
That might cause my love to disappear
The thinking of my peers and their smears
When will I take my last breath
What keeps me up at night
My fears of
Feb 2016 · 606
Live Your Life And Be Happy
Mark Tilford Feb 2016
**** !!
Life is to short to be sappy
Every day does not have to be ******
Moment to moment
Day to day
**** being gray!!
Go ahead and stray
Find a way to  
Yell "Hey"
Soak up the suns rays  
Sing like the blue jay
Life is to **** short to delay
Everyday is not doomsday
With lots of foreplay
Make some headway
Lots of horseplay
On Friday
On Saturday
Start over on
Continue on Tuesday
More on Wednesday
Smiling on Thursday
Sing that song on the freeway
Don't stop when you pull into the driveway
Live Your Life And Be
Feb 2016 · 281
Mark Tilford Feb 2016
Looking to the left
Looking to the right  
As I walk out the door
I have been each way before
Lord knows, I have seen it all before
Sadly so much I have ignored
My m.o. has been to run away
I never stay
So much strength it took for me to say
Risk, I never take at all
Time and time again, I fall
Consistently hitting my head against the wall
I have never learned with life and love you need to crawl
I am never in it for the long haul
Love should be above it all
I am so far apart from my heart  
It ends before it starts
My mind, my heart, it outsmarts
I never look back
Is it compassion that I lack?
The reason all my loves I highjack
and attack to keep me on the fast track  
Now that another ends
and fades away
I find myself
Looking to the left
Looking to the right

Love nowhere near  

Feb 2016 · 846
Nearing Death
Mark Tilford Feb 2016
I have to ask
I need to know  

I have to ask
Why did so many people run in wolf packs
Turn away
To the misery of people everyday
Turn their backs and just walk away
As though they were dead prey
Day after day
Why did their evil  have to show
Why did they stroll with no human coed
Always traveling the nowhere roads
Knowing and knowed

I have seen
Children hold out their hand
Nothing it would land
All I saw were people turn their head
Pretend that they did not see that someone had bled
That there were people that needed to be fed  

I need to know...WHY?
People see only white or black
Turning there backs on people that were black
Yes, they did
It is fact

I need to know ...WHY?
So many people let their love go
and let it just fade away
Turn their heads and just walk away
Instead of facing the facts
Of why their lives lacks

I have to ask ..WHY??
People take their own lives
As though there was nothing to loose
Drown their lives in *****
Caused by so much abuse
All we did was make up an excuse

Near Death
I have to ask
I have to know
Are you going to keep turning your backs
And hide into the black

There is so much more I have to ask
and I need to know
I reach the day of my death.
Mark Tilford Feb 2016
The has been
The begin
The end
Ladies with the name Lynn
Next of kin
"You have to win"
So many  men
So many  women
"Going to the loony bin"
Music by a violin
The redskins
Might have been!!
The writing pin
"What's in"
People that are to thin
To much "Within"
The inn
Taking a fist to the chin
Gloom and doom
Being a groom
To assume
To presume
A classroom

Nothing that really matters
If I had my rather's
Jan 2016 · 272
When I die
Mark Tilford Jan 2016
I will miss

Having you to love
Remembering, As I look down from above
among the doves  

You being by my side
All those years you were my bride

Your touch
The way it felt
The way it made me melt
To you I knelt

Making love to you by candle light
all the excite
the delight

How I use to set and just watch  
you move
with nothing to prove  

Sustaining  our love
Never was it draining
It was done with no training

The way we escaped
The days as they shaped
As though they were videotaped

I will miss so much

I will miss

Jan 2016 · 739
When I am dead and gone
Mark Tilford Jan 2016
Will anyone visit my  stone
Miss me or wish that I was back home
Will anyone be broken hearted that I left them alone
Will they keep me in their memories and keep me  known

When I am dead and gone
Will they still call me an S.O.B.
Call me crazy
I hope that they would remember
that I was not lazy

When I am dead and gone
Will they remember that I was the one that they could  call on
I was the one they could depend on
And rely on

When I am dead and gone
I will be free of all the games  
Will they remember my name
without getting inflamed

When I am dead and gone
Will the people that hated me
Will they regret not taking a chance to get to know me
If not, Guess what, they can *******

When I am dead and gone
There will be no building that bares my name  
I hope people remember I lived my life to the fullest
With no regrets
I left this life with no debts
and I always took a chance and took the bet

When I am dead and gone
Will it really matter
I will be gone
Jan 2016 · 586
Heartbreak and misery
Mark Tilford Jan 2016
Two things I felt when you left me

Two things that no one needs

Two things that will make your heart bleed

Two things caused by misdeeds
and when you mislead and deceive

Two things that will make you take heed

Two things that will bring you to your knees

Two things that will make you grieve

Two things that will make you, not believe

Two things that will make you leave

Two things that will make you naïve

Two things that will make you step back
and reprieve

Two things that is hard to perceive

Two things caused when there is no longer we

Two things caused when you can no longer agree

Two things you could never foresee
or knew that they would be

Two things that will cause you to be a divorcee

Two things that have
common realities
and that is the actuality  

That I was left with when you left me

Jan 2016 · 213
The Pain
Mark Tilford Jan 2016
The night you walked out the door
And you decided you would no longer be my wife
And that you no longer wanted to be part of my life  
You should've  just stabbed me in the heart with a knife
"The Pain"

All the lonely nights
All the wishing you might
All the mornings that I woke and you were not beside me
All the times I dropped to my knees
Caused by  
"The Pain"

Just walking around in a daze
My days  
Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays  
Nothing but a haze
How unkind
"The Pain"

My heart
It cannot stand us being apart
It cannot find the energy for a fresh start
It cannot stop it's bleeding
It needs you needing
All it is feeling
"The Pain"

During the nights
I dream that you come back
Crying out your name
Then I wake in the pitch black
To realize you are not back
"Panic attack"!!
"The Pain"

I step out into the rain
Because I have no more tears
Scream out your name
Hoping you will hear
And you will come back
And we forget the night you walked out the door
And you take away
"The Pain"


Jan 2016 · 892
A Man or Woman
Mark Tilford Jan 2016
Looking for a man or a woman
When with one I miss the other
Not looking for a Mother
Sure not looking for a brother
Need one or the other that I can love forever
That want make me suffer
But will stay together
If I ask to see the other
That statement seemed to contradict the forever
Maybe I should be polyamorous

Like my men handsome, rough and rugged
that knows how to use a shovel
wears a big belt buckle
with a little muscle
Don't mind if he has been in a little trouble
is still a little humble
man enough to snuggle

Like my women soft beautiful, incredible
youthful, truthful
but not breakable
Want her to be
magical, mystical

Maybe I should settle for one or the other
But if I did I would miss one or the other
A Man or a Woman
Jan 2016 · 285
What have we done??
Mark Tilford Jan 2016
I understand why you would be so done
the things your Sons and Daughters  
has done!!
No one asking for forgiveness and turning their backs
and you they shun
War after war with this your world we have destroyed
Young men constantly being deployed
Because someone with power is being paranoid
Replaced the stones that we use to throw
Killing one another
Thaw shall not ****
Now people killing for the thrill
Over a drug deal
or because
There is only so much a man needs
Money taken from people that they mislead
Scheme after Scheme
''We can make you money guaranteed"
You placed us in a "Garden of Eden"
Now where pollution is a breeden  
You gave us ten things that we needed to do
This is all we needed to do
To honor you
To repay you
For you giving your life
and hanging on the cross
beaten and bleeding
For the gift of life you gave to all of us  
Those ten things are a must
It is time for us
to show our love
While we wait for the new world
we will have to endure
all of the storms
as we wait for you to return
I am sorry, I cannot give you a reason
of why, or for
What we have done

What have we done ?
Dec 2015 · 229
Broken hearts
Mark Tilford Dec 2015
Stop the death wish
Get sober
So what, it's over
Stop going out of your mind
That love was not kind
Yep, you were blind
Enough is enough
Stand up and be tough
It does not have to be so rough
Same old stuff
Broken hearts
Most loves departs
Yes, it smarts
Your heart will mend it's just one of your parts
Where love ends, it again starts
Broken hears
I know love is no joke
***** when your heart is broke
Relax and take a very long soak
Maybe even a couple of tokes  
Stop having a stroke
Broken hearts
They will pay their dues
For being so mean to you
Go find someone new to *****
Maybe someone they knew
Broken hearts
It's crazy
Staying so blue
So what, that it is
Dec 2015 · 163
Mark Tilford Dec 2015
I have made a few
Sadly one of those was you
Yes it is true
How could I like all the things you did and do
I have made a list for you
There will be nothing new
No need for you to go through and pick and choose
It reminded me to
Of all the things that were said and done
Childish games!!
We are no longer young
You know what they say
"If it's to good to be true"
It usually is
I cannot figure out why your love never grew
What happened is not the picture In my mind I drew  
This mistake, it will stew
It will be awhile before my heart beats or even moves
Mistakes you cannot just undue
Do not misconstrue
This dream did not come true
The mistake "yes" it was you
Dec 2015 · 272
Just one, only one
Mark Tilford Dec 2015
Then I will know that I have won
All I need
One that does not care what I have done
One that does not care about my past
Just one that knows the past does not ever last
The past is the past  
One that does not care that I have cried
One that loves all my sides
Just one that knows there is nothing that I would hide
Yes, I have  lied
One that knows that I have tried
One that I can confide (in)
One that will not allow our lives to collide
That will never allow our love to divide
Just one that loves me
when ask it will not be denied
One that understands that I have a lot of pride
Just one that knows that I will always provide
One that will not take forever to decide
One, when they see me they will not sigh
Just one that will look at me eye to eye
One that will not run to the other side
If I  should ever try to commit suicide
One that understands that I may break their heart
would never allow it to tare us apart
Just one that would be smart in taking care of our two hearts

Just one that would call and ask.
How are you Mark??

Just one
Mark Tilford Dec 2015
I pray
He watches over you where ever
you may go
I pray
He blesses everyone that you may know
I pray
He provides you with lots of silver and gold
I pray
He will keep you warm and out of the cold
I pray
He will touch your soul rather you are
young or old
I pray
Your faith in him, you will uphold
I pray
His miracles you will not withhold
but you will behold  
I pray
If your about to fall you will look up to him
and not fold
I pray
You will accept him as your friend until
the end
I pray
All your love you will send
to your enemies and no longer will you offend
but they you will befriend
I pray
A helping hand you will extend
in this weary world where no one rejoices
I pray
His word you will always defend
I pray
When you look to the east
and you see that star
you will  remember "daily"
Born - was - the - King of Israel
I pray  
Each and everyone of you have a safe and
May joy once again come to this world
Dec 2015 · 192
Silent nights
Mark Tilford Dec 2015
as the sun goes down
as i roam the house, there is no one to be found
silent with no sound
i sat down, to unwound
there is no light, dark, as i look around
how profound
this house with no life abound
sad to say none inbound
or none that will come round
Silent nights
where did everyone go
all my family, friends, all the people I know
where did it go
the love that use to flow
where did they go  
the hearts that once glowed
Silent nights
all is calm
with so much peace
life's release
it's not for me, it's not in my heart
but still disconnected and still living apart
no mother of my child
no lives to share or to take part
Silent nights
lonely I might
but by knowing God
he keeps my life bright
i always sleep
in heavenly peace
in my
Silent nights
Dedicated to the lonely
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