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Dec 2015 · 395
It's not to late
Mark Tilford Dec 2015
to change our  fate
to start over and to have a clean slate
to stop the hate
to stop the mistakes
that we all constantly make
with that, I think we all can relate
God's rules. those, we do not have to translate
or ever debate
his word we need to reinstate
never recreate
or  berate
at the end, with him, we all have a date
heaven is really not that far
but we have to change the way things are
we all have to  bare his scares
it's his world where we all are
we cannot change what we have done so far
it's not to late
for a restart
for us to be a little more smart  
to stop the wars that we start
before it's time for us to depart
to fill everyone's heart
"we aren't"
it's not to late
to pull someone you know or don't know
in from the cold
to find a stranger and just hold
and console
or lead them back home
to do good like we have been told

it's not to late
to change our fate
the way it was foretold
Dec 2015 · 352
I did not know
Mark Tilford Dec 2015
that love would not last a life time
that this world would be filled with so much crime
that there would be so many mountains that you would have to climb
that life would be so fast, as the clock again chimes
that I would not have someone to call mine
now that I settle into my prime

I did not know

that I would not have sons or daughters
that life could be so easily slaughtered
that there would be so many times in rough waters

I did not know

that I would be as rich as I am
that I would only be I'm
that I would only be where I am
that life would not  be as shiny as a new dime
that there would be so little time

I did not  know

that there would be so many people,  that I once knew
that there would be so many things, that I would not do
that there would be so many things, that I would be new to
that there would be so many things, that I would not be wise to
that there would be so many times ,that I was not true to

I did not know  

that I would be witness to what people go through

I did not know

there would be so many times that I would not be proud
of what I stooped to

I did not know

that death could come so soon
that this I am not immune to
that God loves me no matter what I do
that he will forgive me to

Nov 2015 · 290
The News Media
Mark Tilford Nov 2015
For ratings!!

I have to wonder if there is not some lies
Where no rules apply
Stories revised
Acts like all is a surprise
Ah!! How they can justify  
All the stories or some they customize
Bad people they glorify
and romanticize  
Some restraint they need to exercise
How could they not realize
I don't want to see bodies that are not alive

Constantly telling stories that terrifies
This world, they need to help stabilize
Minds they help to vandalize

What qualifies??

I don't need to be reminded
how the world is becoming demoralized

Nov 2015 · 866
Mark Tilford Nov 2015
All the things that we did
Everything that we had done
All the  things that we knew
Everything that was here
Everything we held dear
Everything we use to do
When I fail  in love with  you
The day that I knew
The first night I made love to you
The moments we shared when we were through
Just me and you
There were two souls
The world we told and wanted everyone to know
Very few nights that we spent  alone
The days we played in the snow
We had no fears
That we never caused tears
We told each other that we would not go  anywhere
We would always be here

The day that death came
My love it claimed
I could not remember my name
The day living became lame
How could it ever be the same
How I just wanted someone to explain

Nov 2015 · 503
Mark Tilford Nov 2015
As Rome, was not built in a day
but day by day
On the backs of immigrants
The USA they made
Hard work they always displayed
in a well mannered way
Often with less pay
(how soon we forget)

A nation of diversity
It was welcomed and invited
We would all stand united

Now we are ready to pick who will be slighted
(The Syrian  refugees)
Hatred reignited
So many ready to turn their  backs
and tell them they are not invited

President Obama I must say
I was proud of him today
Without delay  
He had some ***** today
And could care less what anyone would say
Sent a clear message that the Refugees should not stay away

The people
I am ashamed
Nov 2015 · 1.3k
Syrian Refugees
Mark Tilford Nov 2015
To deny entry
Is to deny God's theology
Based solely on someone's geology
And just because they might be!!
Why do they  have to plea??

I cannot understand why the debate
or why there is a disagree
I can see why they would flee
So would we !!

To live in a war torn nation
It's only human to want liberation
and some salvation
Lots of separation
from the fear of termination

To deny them entry
based on unfair thinking  of affiliation
is it's self an abomination
Not what I thought we stood for as great a nation

They are men, women and children !
Ten thousand of !
Not a billion of !
Where is the love??
From all of !
They are human !
Not kind of !
Not to be disposed of !

Someone that is FORCED to be
Nov 2015 · 328
I pray this world
Mark Tilford Nov 2015
Would calm !!!!!
Humans would learn something other than "Harm"
How can we live when we are all on alarm????
Just seems it would be a better world if everyone was disarmed
Instead of rearming
Could we all live in peace without bombing???

Country against Country
Christians against Muslims
Muslims against Christians
Blacks against Whites
Whites against Blacks
Get what I mean
This world gets smaller and more lean
It's just a money making machine
Maybe it's time for all of our God's we worship
to come, to intervene
It appears that everyone is out to destroy this world
and it's  no longer their white pearl

This world I thought we shared
Eventually it needs to be spared (of)

Soon I am afraid we will ask
"Do you remember this world"
  It was calm and serene
Nov 2015 · 848
Mark Tilford Nov 2015
One of a kind???

To be undermined
As this earth is redesigned
by so called masterminds
The future predefined
becoming unaligned
and a lot less kind
The direction does not have to be underlined
The evils has all combined
To define the fate
of Mankind
The divine it seems
Mankind has lost it's  faith
Now it's only about cyberspace
So much time with this we waist  
Is it upper case or lower case
is it in the database ???
It will be the down fall of the human race
You wait!!
Can't you see how it dominates
It will detonate
As we overpopulate
We need to reevaluate
the direction of
This poem of mine trended and it was not finished ...Wow ..Thank you
I posted it by mistake .....
Nov 2015 · 4.8k
Oral sex!!
Mark Tilford Nov 2015
They walk up to me
I let them take the lead
They undo my belt
My **** starts to rise
Look out!!  your in for a very big surprise
Pulling my shorts down
I see their eyes are amazed at what they see
Yes baby, it's all me
They look up and say
I think that thing just might be to wide
To funny to me
It's still kind of limp you see
With a smile on their face they drop to their knees
And ready that mouth for me
Their knees planted firmly on the floor
and docked
It's time to **** this ten inch ****
They taste the tip of the head
with the tip of their tongue
They grab the shaft
and open wide
finally it's inside
Oh!! how moist
I am so glad I was their choice
I grab the back of their head and
gently pump back and forth
They stop me to taste that wonderful pre-***
and lick my walnut size *****
Then back in their mouth
They stroke my shaft to match their ****
I can feel it's starting to build
it's not going to be a small yield
They blow and blow
I pull out and I unload and unload and unload
sure was not no little specks
How I love
Oral ***

Nov 2015 · 223
That tree
Mark Tilford Nov 2015
That stands alone reminds me of me

It reminds me of all the love that bypassed me

That tree

It's fallen leaves

Like the tears that has fallen from me

How many times have I grieved

That tree

It's roots  embedded into the ground

Forever bound  

I  believed my loves would never uproot and leave

So many times it has happened to me

That tree

It's branches reaches out with hope

That there will be love

on the near hill *****

Another tree that it may seed

Ah!! it's truly just like me

That tree

It's bark weathered just like me

From waiting

Not so much from dating  

That tree

Standing strong

It will never leave

Waiting to see

If there should be

another love

Just like me

That tree

Nov 2015 · 276
At last
Mark Tilford Nov 2015
My lonely days are no more
My heart no longer torn or worn

At last

No longer am I feeling blue
The sun now shinning through

At last

I have someone that looks like you
You, I will call my boo

At last

My wait is now over
My life is not over

At last

My dreams
They are now things of the past  
Knowing this love will last
No more being the outcast
Nov 2015 · 251
Mark Tilford Nov 2015
A man, woman , or child
of the species **** sapiens,
distinguished from other animals
by superior mental development
power of articulate speech
and upright stance.

Are you kidding me!!!
The definition drives me insane
From the exterior, Maybe
From the interior, No
Seems to me most inferior

We have forgotten how to
an intense feeling of deep affection
so many imperfections
We need  a lot of redirection
a state of armed conflict between different
nations or states or different
groups within a nation or state
Then we want to call everyone our mate??
A common trait
intense hostility and aversion usually
deriving from fear, anger or a sense of injury
What a breed
intense selfish desire for something
especially wealth, power, or food
It's all women and men
an offense against religious or moral law
an action that is or is felt to be highly reprehensible
an often serious short coming
How cunning

the quality or state of being humane
the quality or state of being human
human attributes or qualities
the totality of human beings
I rest my case
Nov 2015 · 267
What have I done
Mark Tilford Nov 2015
All I want to do is  run, run, run
Straight into the sun , the sun, the sun
Make my life done, done, done
There is not going to be a rerun
So many things I have done
They cannot be undone
Right now it seems my life could be done
A second chance
God is the only one who knows
I have been alone
Many times in the worst pain
I brought it on myself
I am the one I need to blame
For all the ******* strains
All it does is rain
So hard to turn the wheel and change lanes
Drained, Drained , Drained
What a disaster
So many times  I fail to my knees and prayed
so hard to my master
Winked one eye this life
moved faster, faster, faster
I usually take life with a grain a salt
But now
that it is close to being done
Looking back I have to ask
What have I done??
Oct 2015 · 751
Out of control
Mark Tilford Oct 2015
I think I might be
Out of control
No !!
"I know"
I have lost control
I hate to pay life's toll
This is my goldfish bowl
Lots of
***, drugs and rock-n-roll
These things embedded in my soul
They make me feel whole
So many addicted to my 10 inch pole
Hard as hell to say no!!
When approached
"Ego stroked"
Drugs help me from going down the worm hole
Spent a lot of my bankroll
"Yes" I know
Provoked by rock-n-roll
Believe me all this has taken it's toll
But I will never feel low
and will never be on parole
I will never be controlled
"Bad boy"
It's all I know
So if your living life a little out of control
"Like this"
Oct 2015 · 379
Going somewhere
Mark Tilford Oct 2015
Needs to be anywhere
As long as it's a place of nowhere
I will go there
Before I have a breakdown
I need to get out of this **** town
No longer want to stick around
I am about to drown
You can see it in my frown
There is nothing here to keep me from going
somewhere not knowing
Maybe somewhere it's snowing
the moon is always glowing
Somewhere, it's calling for me
my destiny
A new place to see
Somewhere to clear the air
have a new love affair  
not have a care
Here or there
Going somewhere
where I can make believe
and will never want to leave
and my mind will stop moving
no more booing
no more need of overdoing
Going somewhere for some renewing
Where my thoughts makes since  
Going somewhere
Anywhere, Anywhere
To set myself free
It's all I need
Oct 2015 · 283
Mark Tilford Oct 2015
there will be no tomorrow
no more time to borrow
seeing becomes narrow
the mind becomes an inferno
doing nothing thorough
being alone
everybody disowned
hearing nothing but the moan
and the groan
tears flow
the world turns so slow
there is no more glow
become a john doe  
feeling just so so
no longer a believer
not allowing anyone to come closer
sorrow it constantly lurks
face always smirks
heart barely works
my sorrow maybe will end
the day after
Oct 2015 · 276
Mark Tilford Oct 2015
Setting here thinking/wondering

Thinking of when we were younger
You were such a stunner
And I was your boy wonder
Us together all summer
Our first kiss under our favorite tree
Just a little naïve
"All would be"
Side by side
I just knew someday you would be my bride
Then out of the clear blue sky
There you stood with another guy
Years went by

Setting here wondering
How are you
Are you happy
Do you ever think of the day you broke my heart
"Tears apart"
Is there a lot of distance between us
The past, would you like to discuss
Like our talks on the school bus
"Both of us"
Have you thought of me more then a thousand times
Hearing the clock chime
I have run out of time

Years of
Still loving ?
Oct 2015 · 276
This place
Mark Tilford Oct 2015
where i still see your face
our love , still exist just a trace
this was our space
that we came to after the rat race
when i walk in i try to keep a straight face
and not break
for loves sake
your absence i am not sure i can shake
there is only so much this man can take
sleepless nights and always awake
i swear i see your shadow
i take a double take
maybe our split was a mistake
is it to late
or was this our fate
how could you leave this place
and hate
not even a last date
wait, ours, this place
it was not even up for a debate
i could not get irate
you called me your soul mate
in this place
now i have lost my mental state
at any rate
apparently it does not matter
the after or
this place
would you like to answer
you would rather
see my heart shatter
with no more laughter
i am not much of an actor
i can't believe this place
nor i no longer  matter
our place

This place
Oct 2015 · 394
Right now !
Mark Tilford Oct 2015
I want to be with you right now
I want us to trust right now
I want to hear you right now  
I want you close right now
I don't know how right now
There is so much I want to do with you right now
Right now
I want to sleep with you right now
I want us to be they right now
I want to feel your touch right now
I want you to come over right now
I don't want to be alone right now
Right now
Touch me now
Kiss me now
Make love to me now
I am yours now
Between us now
Come home to me now
Right now
My fantasy is you right now
My dreams are of you right now
My thoughts are only of you right now
You are all I want right now
Right now
Trying not to be a fool right now
Trying to make this real right now
Your driving me wild right now
Trying to get your attention right now
Just trying to exist right now
Right now
My love is real for you
This fool has fallen for you
My heart is full for you
My obsession is for you
Only live for you
Right now
All I do is think of you
I am in love with you
"Right Now"

Oct 2015 · 315
Mark Tilford Oct 2015
That is all it takes
To cause a smile
Going the extra mile
Every once in awhile
Nice to hear
"A Thank you"
"How are ya"?
Up lifting it's the way we all should be  
It starts with you and me
After years of it's me, it's me all about me
It's time to be
Taking off the blinders
"People" this is a simple reminder
To make a strangers day finer
Something so simple so miner
Just to be a little "Kinder"
No one should ever be treated as an outsider
We need to be the provider
Of all words "Kinder"
Close the gap of this world being wider
It's starts with you and me
To be "Kinder"
Drop the dividers
Our minds we need to reconfigure
After all these years
"Go figure"!!
All it takes is us to be "Kinder"
Wait' a minute
This reminder of being "Kinder"
It starts with me
It only takes a hello, a thank you, how are ya , a smile
Remember to be "Kinder"
Oct 2015 · 401
This Poem (for someone )?
Mark Tilford Oct 2015
I do not know  
Maybe for someone in my future or
my past from long ago
"Who Knows"
This is not  a bio
Nor a request of
Just something to say hello
So!! "Hello"
Spark an interest
Something may grow
"A Desire to know"
Of course there is no status guo
"To know" !!
All it as to do is flow
I am not just any Joe blow
Right now I guess a John Doe
Because I am not known
To the people or person I am writing this to
You never know !!
It's 2 a.m. or so
Watching a T.V. show
Something they call a talk show (I think)
Rather be staring at a painting from Vincent Van Gogh
Laying here naked from head to toe
So I guess I got to go
Well any way
To Someone
I may or may not know
Oct 2015 · 197
our souls
Mark Tilford Oct 2015
so many this world has stole
that are no longer whole  
putting first their own goals
not having any self-control
something I think the Devil has stole
one by one our souls
so many has forgotten his good grace
it's not happened at a slow pace
or in any particular place nor
to just one race
"A Disgrace"
that we have lost God's embrace
something you cannot replace
can you imagine
we allowed our souls
to be stolen by the fire  breathing dragon
God's heart now sagging
he is no longer hearing prayer
nothing more to share ?
why would you dare
then we wonder why our souls
our in despair
no longer aware
our souls
Oct 2015 · 312
Mark Tilford Oct 2015
Busted by a bunch of schemes
Makes you want to pull your hair and scream
People will go to any extreme
to take advantage of your dreams
Does not matter of what theme
****!! it's just so mean
to shatter someone's dreams
Is there anyone out there with some honesty and
That want leave you hanging  
to dream of other dreams
And not looking for something  to gain
redeem off of your dreams
That is truly on your team
and will help you achieve your dreams  
That will not hold you down
And look at you like your some kind of clown
Not out to beat you down or
cause your dreams to drown

You ware the crown
you need to  
Oct 2015 · 265
One life to live
Mark Tilford Oct 2015
Yes, one
When it's done, it's done
Seconds, Minutes , Hours, Days, Weeks, Months and Years
Really is of the essence
Live for the present
Stop the discontent
It's time spent
No reason to reinvent
And set around to ferment
Life is not an argument
It should be an event
Not filled with intent
It really is worth a red cent
So live and represent
You need  no ones consent
The only have to's is taxes and the rent
A little to late when it's done to reinvent  
Life is not a percent
It's is something meant
When it's done it's done!!
With no odds of two to one
Never a life of one
So many life's are done before they have begun
It will not always be a home run
With all this being said
You have only one
When it's done it's done
****!!!! Go have some **** fun!!
Oct 2015 · 282
Mark Tilford Oct 2015
After the nights dark, come the days
The days becoming more often gray
Hiding the suns rays
No more light
Becoming the norm, an everyday way
It's showing on my face
Inside nothing but rain
Curled up in bed and staying away
Phone off, T.V. off I don't want to hear
what anyone has to say
No desire to play
I myself ,I betray
Laying full my ashtray
Fighting to live and stay
One day after the other, then they become days
All of a sudden it's May
None I remember or did I save
Consumed only by the pain of those days
When my love strayed
Nothing familiar because it is not the same
Depression I have become it's prey
As the days go by my heart becoming hard as clay
Day after day of not so good days
To trust and to love, who said it pays
Vivid are those last days
Before my love decided to stay away
Those days when we were called they
Twenty years ago of days

Without my love there were no more
Oct 2015 · 163
Until the end of time
Mark Tilford Oct 2015
Do you want to  be mine ?
Growing closer everyday
Will you take a chance on me ?
Will I be the only one on your mind ?
During the passes of time
It's so simple being mine
Will you forever mention my name?
It's really easy
Just see me for me
All you have to do is let it be
It could be so easy to say the word
which  includes me
I could care less about your past
I really just want this to last
There would be so many neat times
could be a blast
I am not scared
There could be so much shared
I promise I will always care
Can you see us two the God's has paired
It's been declared
It's going to be worth it
To have you laying next to me
or standing real close
Both under the angels glow
I hope you don't want to let me go
I hope you listen to the words I say
Because I want to ask
Do you want to be mine??
Until the end of time
Oct 2015 · 303
Money and Gold
Mark Tilford Oct 2015
If I had it, where would I go??
More then likely I would spend it on more blow
Hey, bro
you got a penny that you could let go ??
That I could turn into some money and gold
Really, to me it's just dough
I am not like other people that use it for show
I want my life slow
I really don't care
Some people would ask why would you dare
not care
I would say
Not having it makes me very aware
That's very fair
I am not about flair
I am not into what I ware
Does not bother me If my shirt has a tare
What I want??
What I need??
For me it's just about meeting my needs
Maybe having enough to buy a little ****
Yep, without seed
To many people take and take
What a mistake
They are nothing but a bunch of flakes
Wasting  their money and gold on steak
It's all about what they make
These people with money and gold
Thank God I will never be one of those
"Living life slow"
"Without money or gold"
I am just a wanna be Poet !!
Oct 2015 · 176
It ends
Mark Tilford Oct 2015
It ends
The time we spend
We will no longer depend
Saying goodbye to me and all our friends??
Our lives will no longer blend
Why can't we just be friends? (you ask)
After this thing we had ends
I really don't think my heart will mend
But I will hold my poker face
As you walk out of my place
Will act with grace
Alone again, I will embrace  
Our footsteps I am sure I will retrace (many times)
After this ends
Never call my name
Yes! You, I will blame
I will have to ask, who are you??
What's your name??
After acting so lame
It's a
It ends
I will never allow you to come back
Your head games
I will not go through the same
It ends
Our relationship  I would never reclaim
I proclaim
Oct 2015 · 468
Mark Tilford Oct 2015
Oct 2015 · 249
This morning....
Mark Tilford Oct 2015
Woke ***** as ****
Got on line to find a big dicked buck
Well to my surprise
So got into my truck  
Did not have to drive far
There standing in front of me
The God's sent to me
*** this was an incredible man
Rolled up next to him in the truck
Hey man, what's up
He answered:
"Not much"
He reached in and touched -- ----
Looked me in the eye and ask
Back to your place so we can ****????
He got into my truck
We went back to my place
****** and ****** and ******
And ******
Looked at him, "get dressed it's time to leave"
He looked at me in disbelief and said  
"After what I just received
I don't want to leave"
Ten years later
He is still with me
Just ask, Will you marry me???
This morning

Oct 2015 · 377
Where you been??????
Mark Tilford Oct 2015
Heard the door shut!!
Out showing off that but ...????
Don't lie !!
It's true, I feel it in my gut
So you found your KING TUT??
He is liable to find himself with a really deep CUT..!!
What the ****!!
You are nothing but loose ****!!
Lying in bed as I take that last draw off my cigarette BUT
As you walk toward me you need to  STRUT
Need to act for me
like you did for him, a ****
Yes we are still going to ****
and ****
King Tut ain't got nothing on me
I will **** like a wild BUCK
How many times can you scream
Neighbors will call out the Fire Trucks
Now ***** who Is KING TUT
I looked back as the door shut!
I yelled  
"Nothing like a good
GRUDGE ****"
Sep 2015 · 542
The Ghost that haunts me
Mark Tilford Sep 2015
This thing I cannot see
That is always staring at me
It moves from room to room with me
Wakes me in the middle of the night
with it's constant bite
Just out of spite
Then it ducks out of site
So foolish of me not feeling any fright
I am sure not being of it's delight
Always turning my head quickly trying  
to catch it in a second of sight  
All I see are small images of electric light
Moving at a low level of flight
Always in the darkest cover of night
When walking through the house it gives me chills
Making me ill
Praying that it will see
the guiding light
It just want leave
Then it dawned on me
It's not a Ghost that is bothering me
What is haunting me
is my inner me
Sep 2015 · 368
What scares me.
Mark Tilford Sep 2015
Taking my last breath
I guess the inevitable " Death "
Not ever being able to catch my breath
Having to dance my last dance with "Death"
Leaving all my friends
Not being able to make amends
Not being able to feel the summer and winter winds
Being conscious and knowing I am close to the end
My soul not knowing where to go
It being caught in limbo
Not being on God's  list
Never again being kissed
Not being missed
That sure would make me ******
Getting buried six feet under the ground
People stepping on my grave mound
Not ever hearing another sound
Not being able to fool around or to run around
Not being unaware
Not making it upstairs
Being kicked downstairs
Not ever feeling love
Being in the dark
Not ever hearing my name MARK
I guess you figured it out
Scares me.
Sep 2015 · 286
I should have said
Mark Tilford Sep 2015
As you walked away
I should have said

"I love you"

"Stay with me"

"Please don't leave"

"I am sorry I was so naïve"

I wish I would have said

"I don't want to be lonely"

"I want you to be my one and only"

"I want you to forgive me"

"It's you and me for eternity"

"I will loose my sanity"

These things
I should have said
As you walked away
staring  straight ahead
Leaving me hungry
Sep 2015 · 1.0k
Drunken stupor
Mark Tilford Sep 2015
Barely made it to bed
in my drunken stupor
Close to being dead
**** don't know if I made it to the right homestead
Hell for all  I know it could have been someone's shed
With the bed spinning, "Lord a waterbed"??
The way I feel I think I have become the undead ..
In this drunken stupor
Passed out
Woke up
And the cutest little Redhead was laying next to me
Someone that I have wed ????
Maybe dreaming instead?
Might drink some more getting ready for what might be ahead..
No!! She turned over and looked at me and said "I thought you were Jed"
Oh ****!! I am dead !!!
I ain't Jed
I said
But you can stay right here next to me "In your bed"??
**** this girl was fine a purebred Redhead
No it could not be, a knock at the door
She looked over at me and said
"Honey" " I think it's Jed"
I jumped out of bed
grabbed my pants, shirt and boots
Naked as a J-Bird
Ran out the back door
**** you Jed!!

I wanted that little Redhead
Sep 2015 · 322
Pope Francis
Mark Tilford Sep 2015
A kind man
A man of the hungry
and of the poor
Just the man to mend this world
His teachings of kindness
With no blindness
Very aware of the madness
He is certainly not mindless
to this world lesser of kindness
He is a man that has an open mind
Regardless of mankind
The people he will always be intertwined
for all generations
of different combinations
With much patients he will rebuild nations
" LOVE" will be his donation
His vocation
easily, with no inpatients  
Which he does and will show through demonstrations
Sharing his information
he has no limitations
People are his motivation
All of civilization
of different denominations
regardless of the ramifications
He will lift  this world to new elevations
of kindness  
Sep 2015 · 271
Leading me on
Mark Tilford Sep 2015
By this beautiful woman I would call a swan
so graceful swimming in her pond
gorgeous feathers of blond
A lady from beyond
At the light of every dawn
She would be gone
Never admitting or committing
to our goings-on
But my love, she does not know is so
Whereupon I have become her pawn
everyday starting at dawn
Even though I am still so drawn
Because of her you would not believe the changes
that I have undergone
Never have I felt such a bond
with this
she will never respond
Some day she will correspond
with a letter
Then I will become a
Dear John
Your beautiful blond
Sep 2015 · 672
Mark Tilford Sep 2015
My best bud
It's sure not  a dud
Pop that top. up comes the suds
Drink of the hottest studs
On my mind all day while I work in the mud
Runs through my blood
Hate to say it,  in a flood
**** that bottle, hell I could drink a jug
Sorry ladies turn your head because I will chug
Afterwards come over here and I will give you a big *** hug
I will be acting like a big  lug
Had much rather have a bud then any kind of drug
Sure the hell makes me a lot nicer
Don't know about wiser ?

Since I am an old geyser LOL
Well, almost!!
Always have one in hand
What would I do if it was ever banned
all across this land
Bud and a hot rock-n-roll band
Drinking it until I crash land
Then afterwards
Struggling to stand
My girl sure  the hell does not understand
My friends taking the witness stand
This life sure is grander with my
Sep 2015 · 586
Bother and Sisters
Mark Tilford Sep 2015
These long time friends of mine
Make me shine
God assigned
He did a good job
picking these  three of mine
I am proud and  
would never decline
Sent me three of the most divine
"Bottom Line"
Even still today
Making me always fall into line
Keeping me from the criminal minds
I was no angel  
No doubt there were times they wanted to strangle
If you messed with me the three  would be ready
to tangle  
No problem if you came at  us with no angle
We have all moved away
One a thousand miles
Two just maybe an hour away
Sad we all four could not stay
Even though we have strayed
We would never or could never betray
It's our way
Never is it  expected to be repaid
The coed of brotherhood and sisterhood
always obeyed
We will always be at each others aide
These three my mom and dad made
We have now been together for decades
I would never trade
Anyone else would certainly be a downgrade

Sep 2015 · 329
The intention of the mind
Mark Tilford Sep 2015
Well being, it's a curse!
The brains waves it will disburse
With it's nonsense verse
Leading us to the bad that we will be submersed
Saving it's good intentions
Nothing  will  be reimbursed
Causing such thirst
Making it come first
Seeing the worst
Sometimes it plays over in your head
as though it was being rehearsed
Not allowing you to dread
It moves you fast ahead
No speaking of it's intention
always unsaid
It's intentions are well designed
causing your state of mind
only from one mind
your mind
Maybe not of sound mind
or a opened mind
it's intention is to close your mind
to undermine
Listen to it
It will be hard to stay of sound mind

Most powerful,
The subconscious mind
Sep 2015 · 297
On line dating
Mark Tilford Sep 2015
I thought I would try it
and throw my hat into the ring:( :)
Don't need a friend on the wing :)
Don't have to dress for winter or spring :)
Everyone is  looking and wanting a little  fling :)
Some may even swing :)
Never can you see if they are wearing a wedding  ring :(
But they don't mind showing their ding-a-lings :(
Some thinking they are Queens and Kings :(
Oh my!, Someone showing their *** hanging from a ceiling sling?? :(
Some loving to tie themselves  up in lots of string :-(
That was enough for me I  am done with
this on line dating thing !!!!!...
Sep 2015 · 1.3k
Mark Tilford Sep 2015
or  perversity
What I needed was in the underground
The places in disguise
so they could hide  
Where what I need and needed I found  
When you would walk in
The sights of people gaged
and bound
The sounds of a cracking whip
people at the end of it's tip
the smell of leather
all would make my skin lather
We all would hang tight together
Their  touch was not as lite as a feather
I wanted what they offered
a little or a lot of pain
For me there was no shame
I was not to vain
and willingly accepted their gift of pain
it stimulated my brain
it was always humane
When I was anchored to chains
and restrained  
I wanted to feel the tightness
and the pain
then, the blood would start rapidly running through my veins
I would never give in and abstain
I wanted and begged for the pain
to be a submissive
was part of the pain

"I was well trained"
Sep 2015 · 1.2k
Mark Tilford Sep 2015
" Stimulation of ones genitals or another  
resulting in ******"
How could that be an abomination ??
for me
with downward
With lots of exploration
With dreams and fascinations
Self exploitation
with new innovations
maybe a little *******
Nothing wrong with group participation
some change of ****** orientation
With lots of anticipation
**** for visual sensation  
Lots of perspiration
Even hotter with verbalization
nothing in moderation
Both hands moving in unification
with different combinations
self examination
Breath quickening with each
Waiting for
the ******
and it's
Sep 2015 · 242
Mark Tilford Sep 2015
None fleeting
None  in consensual
All so above usual
I would say normal
Nothing formal
All, the way they should have been informal
All my loves
Were my snow white doves
Some in my past times
Some in my present time
All part of my time
As some were in my beginning
They all will be in my ending
As everything does
It will begin
As well end
Some I have lost
and then found
Some on the rebound
It begins
Nothing presumed
All pursued  
In all consumed
That I met all of you
Now setting here reminiscing
And missing
Sep 2015 · 522
Going to hell
Mark Tilford Sep 2015
No heaven
When I was just eleven
I signed a contract with the devil
In blood
I would be for him his ****
My grave would be early dug
I could not ask for forgiveness of my sins
There was no meaning to the ends
No making a mends with the big man above
Could he still have some love
Always followed by two black crows never a white dove
The seediest of places I had my den
Living in the city of sin
Stripe clubs was my neighborhood pub
Anything other I would snub
It really did not matter to me where I would dine
on my line
Ironic my favorite liquor was called Heaven Hill
used as a chaser after all the pills
Always in court one appeal after the other appeal
The Devil was always by my side and
would always make some kind of deal
Never going to jail
So never had to come up with bail
I know I ain't going to heaven
I sure will be going to hell
Want matter before I die
If I should  ask for forgiveness for all my sins
He kept me tied to his path
for him I could not fail
I will
See you all in
Sep 2015 · 562
Dear Kim Davis of Kentucky
Mark Tilford Sep 2015

I write this respectfully,

As I have followed your (story) if you will
I  had to wonder where is the disconnect in
Church separated from State
I must say it was easy to detect
Your reason for refusing
Could it be? For what you think in the future what you
will collect
I have a feeling you knew what you were going to affect
I think you clearly have not read the Constitution because it clearly directs
That is something you may not reject
or disrespect
As I watched you with your so called fan mail, thinking how much could really be hate mail , at your kitchen table
I hope the letters were filled with words that would help you become more stable, not so unstable
Then maybe you can  stop some of the hatred that you have helped to enable
I was set back when I heard you are on your forth remarriage
From a lack of commitment?? Of your vows
They are not like throw away towels
Then when you were released from jail
Honey I think you forgot to wear your veil
Maybe then you would have been more hailed...(your thought)
Then when you and your political FRIENDS? ran upon the stage to eye of the tiger
The song is for a winner of a fight not for someone who caused a fight
out of sure spite
Then to hear you say all this was out of the highest respect to God
Ma'am in church and state there is no connect
Something I think you should have checked
With much respect

Sep 2015 · 683
My weed
Mark Tilford Sep 2015
Took my **** out
Decided to have a smoke
Come on over take a ****
Give me a shot gun
Let me get rid of the gum
Wow!! Are we going to have some fun
**** this **** is really good
Some awesome blending
The room is spinning
The high is beginning
I bet I am grinning
Not looking for an ending
Could we be sinning ?
I think we are winning
Pass it around
Loving all this sharing
Would you call it daring
This ****
Sure not full of seed
Believe me
This joint is so tight
Like sipping out of a straw
Drawl baby drawl
Not slowing down to a crawl
There is more where this came from
Not playing dumb
Until we go numb
Then we can say
We are true smokers
Sep 2015 · 393
20 years ago
Mark Tilford Sep 2015
You slamming  the door and leaving me alone
20 years setting by the phone
Day after day
Thinking I heard it ring
Picking it up and hear nothing but a dial tone
Never leaving home
Did not know what it was like to use a comb
Never seeing my neighbors
The front porch filled with 20 years of papers
Living room filled with take out food boxes
Hearing nothing but the tick of all the clocks
Everyday hoping to hear some kind of door knocks
20 years setting playing with  building blocks
Stopped sleeping in our bed
The place we held divine  
Could not stand your body not being next to mine
20 years of me thinking about the times
that we  intertwined
when our life's aligned  
Been on a 20 year decline
20 years of being confined
Letting the bills go and always being behind
Who knew 20 years ago my life would unwind
20 years ago today
On this day
I can feel myself sleeping away
Trying to be brave

At the moment the phone
Sep 2015 · 521
Mark Tilford Sep 2015
Would really be nice if there was some
Abstaining !
Maybe some
Constraining !
If you only knew how
I am really not
Attaining !
"Stop" with the
Sure the hell not
Tired of it being so
Not anything said that is
Not worth all the
All the
And all the
It continues
So shut the **** up
and stop THE
Sep 2015 · 167
no more
Mark Tilford Sep 2015
When I was a teen
I ran into a pond hoping to

When I was in my early teens
two men
nothing to say, but how mean
took something from me
youth and my virginity
not just once
what they did to me
without permission
i became their mission
keeping quiet and without
any admissions
about what they took from me
now older
i now have to deal
with the damage
they did mentally
i cut my wrist
not accidentally
took a hand full of pills
now thinking back
it gives me cold chills
what they took from me
no more
will i ever allow them
to try take my life
from me
no more hoping
no more
will they take from me
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