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Sep 2016 · 302
why can't we see
Mark Tilford Sep 2016
what we have done
we have crossed all the lines
we have declined
all the warning signs  
we have missed the deadlines
now one day our sun will not shine
to so many things, we remain blind
so stupid of us, that it never entered our minds
that we needed to be kind

to little, to late
to stop, mankind's fate
just wait!!

on this earth, the crimes, the crimes
committed against her
silent to what we have heard
we thought how absurd
and we just continue forward

when there is no more
to late, for what we should have heard

then when it is to late
we will look back
wishing we would have listened to  and heard
all the warnings

that we should  
and should have been
to our mother earth
Aug 2016 · 385
It's time for all of us
Mark Tilford Aug 2016
To stop all the fuss
Slow, there is no reason to rush
To stop making to much of stuff
It's time we
reach out an touch
each other
Forgiving one another
Remembering we are all sisters and  brothers
Start showing love to the other
Just like you would to your mother  
Not someday
but here and now
Not asking how
Making a vow
For us all to allow
Not forgetting
To smile at each other
Not forgetting  
This place is  for all of us
It's time we learn
Bridges we should not burn
The tables need to be turned
It's time for all us
To stop being afraid of each other
One another
Aug 2016 · 269
Thy will, will be done
Mark Tilford Aug 2016
My strength is gone
I cannot fight long
If it's your will
Soon to you I will belong
How could that be wrong?
I am trying to be strong
I am scared as the days are long
That my gift, that you gave, life
Could soon be gone
When that day dawns
And I hear my name
There will be no blame
Through my prayers
I hope to be ready
My nerves will be steady
As I resight
Our father
Who are in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
As it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
Forgive our trespasses
As we forgive those
Who trespass against us
Lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
For thine
Is the kingdom
And the power
And the glory
For ever and ever
Never think
It could never
I will be able to breathe
Mark Tilford Aug 2016
maybe your dreams
maybe a new song to sing
maybe a new fling
maybe something new that you have not seen
maybe you will be made a Queen
maybe you will be made a King
maybe an early spring
maybe everything
maybe an engagement ring
maybe a wedding ring
maybe a bee sting
maybe what was wrong will be made right
maybe you will go on your first flight
maybe you will no longer have to fight
maybe everyone will be polite
you never know what tomorrow will bring
maybe just maybe
everything will be alright
Aug 2016 · 242
with my last breath
Mark Tilford Aug 2016
i will ask for forgiveness
for my sins
as this one life ends
there is so much, i need to mend
with all of my family and  friends
with past girlfriends
with my last breath
there is no reason to pretend
so i will make amends

i am sorry that you wept
i am sorry i was a man without depth
i am sorry for not being grateful
i am sorry for the promises that were unkept
i am sorry i was so hard to accept
i am sorry for the time that was not spent

with my last breath
in my descent
the bad things they were not meant
done i promise without intent
i do and will repent
asking for forgiveness i need no consent

i made so many mistakes
i never put on the brakes
with my last breath
i realize family and friends you can never replace
with life there is not a retake
what you do, what you have done, you cannot erase  

with my last breath
I will ask
forgive me
Jul 2016 · 402
Who will visit my grave
Mark Tilford Jul 2016
Will I be left on my own
Will I become one of the unknown
Who will visit my grave
Cry, moan an grown
Will I be left alone
Will it be the price I pay
Because of the way I lived my days
My sinning ways
Who will visit my grave
On the cloudy and rainy days
Who will come and pray
More then a minute will they stay
Who will visit my grave
A single flower they gave
As I lay in my grave
an decay
Who will visit my grave
Will everyone stay away
Leaving me all alone
with my bones
A man not well liked or known
On my head stone
This will be engraved
Who will visit my grave

The man that dug my grave ?
Jul 2016 · 273
Heaven or Hell
Mark Tilford Jul 2016
Heaven takes away your sorrow
A place for hero's  
Hell loves sorrow
Sinners in an

Heaven or Hell
I guess time will tell

Heaven will never leave you out in the cold
Hell, hot, so I have been told

Heaven or Hell
I guess time will tell

Heaven will sooth the soul
Hell, nothing but a big burning hole

Heaven or Hell
I guess time will tell

Heaven will set you free
Hell you will want to  flee

Heaven or Hell
I guess time will tell

Heaven, the pearly white gates
Hell, nothing but charcoal awaits

Heaven or Hell
I guess time will tell

Heaven full of Christians
Hell full of people that would not listen

Heaven or Hell
I guess time will tell

Heaven a  place I would stay

Hell a plaice I will stay away

I guess time will tell
Jul 2016 · 657
Know me
Mark Tilford Jul 2016
I have a loving side
I have a kind side
I have a mean side
I have a silent side
I have a loud side

I had a straight side
I had a gay side
I had a bi side

Poor, been on that side
Rich, been on that side
Homeless, I have seen that side

Single I had that side
Relationships I have had all sides

Bad boy one of my sides
Country boy loved that side
City boy another side

I had a healthy side
I have had my sick side
I have had an alcoholic side
Some drugs on the bad side  

I have had a smart side
Dumb side

Know me
and all of my sides
I have only been
Now you
know me
Jul 2016 · 384
Mark Tilford Jul 2016
It can be a merry-go=round
Driving you down

Begging it to stop
Wanting to get off

Ah! but it never stops
Round and round it goes

Where it goes you may never know
O.k....How bout just a little slow

Letting you grasp
What it shows

Your mind blows

You cannot let go
Keep looking for the rainbows

There Is always tomorrow
You can't borrow

Round and round
Like the merry-go-round
Where it goes
Who knows
Jul 2016 · 263
When you know
Mark Tilford Jul 2016
It's your soul letting you know
Jul 2016 · 226
Hey God !!
Mark Tilford Jul 2016
I have some questions
I want take much of your time

What is up with this world ??
Why can't man see others needs ??
When did it become about me, me, me ??
When did mankind become so blind ??
With such closed minds
When did they become so unkind ??
When did they become disinclined ??
Why did they start leaving so many people behind ??
When did they stop listening to you ??
Start listening to the so called masterminds
When was the exact moment they started
their decline ??
When did they fall from your grace ??
At such a fast pace
When did they lose face ??
How did they become such a disgrace ??
Have you been watching this crazy political race ??
Are you ashamed of this place
It was once your showplace
When did they decide it's not worth fighting for ??
When did they forget you are Lord
Do they not realize after this
there is so much more
It's our reward
Maybe not
Because they are so inclined
to destroy
Jul 2016 · 290
Mark Tilford Jul 2016
No other place near

No other place so dear

Year after year

Somewhere we both appear


In it's atmosphere

We stay

Not based on fear'


without tears

Right here

Nothing disappears


Where our love premiered

Born the love affair  

One life we share

Not making it on a prayer

Where ever

Jul 2016 · 299
the beating heart
Mark Tilford Jul 2016
it will beat time and time again
through thick and thin
it does not care what has been
it beats from what is within

it shows so much mercy
to the unworthy
even to the undeserving  
it's filled by the trustworthy

the beating is sustained by true love
the allowing of
the returning of

the beating heart
is who you are
of every day
every second of every hour
even if it's scared

share your beating heart
even if their's
skips a beat

the beating heart
Jul 2016 · 398
Last night
Mark Tilford Jul 2016
In my sleep
In my dream
Heavens team
I could plainly see
they came to me
Daddy was there
Grandpa and Grandma
Aunts and uncles to
To give me a preview
Of heavens realm
They grab my soul
and off we go
Weaving through the clouds
high and low
Then we slow
There for me to view
The pearly white gates
Streets of gold
Must have been one heck of a look
on my face
In his full grace
There God stood
It's all good
Guess what
He is not dead
He was greeting everyone
No one fled
Next thing I knew
I was laying, wide awake, in my bed
was I asleep
was it in my dream
No matter
I found out
God is not dead

Last night
Jul 2016 · 395
Mark Tilford Jul 2016
This I own
I choose to be
I have chosen to be
It is sad, now, that I have no one
to call my own
No one living in my home
Have I been lonely
Non without tears
No one to comfort my fears
Nor to hear my cheers
No one waiting for me
Laying here still alone
No one laying next to me
For some reason, I did not think,
someone I would ever need
Now  becoming  more needy
Really need some one next to me
Yes I have family
They are so busy actually

Now that my death is even more near
I fear
So many more tears
There are no more cheers
No one waiting upstairs for me
No one living in my home

I guess I will fulfill my destiny
and will die
Waiting for my death
No one laying next to me
No one in heaven waiting for me
Jul 2016 · 1.2k
I decided today
Mark Tilford Jul 2016
That I would kneel and pray.....As I knelt I thought what will I pray.....For my family? I do that anyway......I know, I will pray that all men will be brave and learn how to behave and stop blowing each other away.....Then I thought I should pray for the lonely that love will come their way.....Maybe I will pray for all the faces that I have seen covered in pain to stop the blame .....I should, pray for the kids that have to runaway and loose their way.....That mothers will be mothers, fathers will be fathers and will teach their kids the right way......I will pray for the men and women that fight our wars and that there will be no more......I need to pray for the hungry  that their hunger will go away, for the poor that they suffer no more.....I will pray for people with addictions that their addiction will disappear and go away......For the sick and dying that they feel no more pain , in God's name.....That these dark times come and go and we will see more rainbows .....

That everyone is treated the same

Today I decided that
I would kneel and pray
As I knelt
I thought what would I pray

After all my thoughts
It dawned on me
I just prayed
Jul 2016 · 303
Mark Tilford Jul 2016
Always seeking the
The teller of
Value the
No conditions of
Should be taught from the time of youth
What happened  to our culture for the truth
When did it become uncouth
To tell the truth

Jul 2016 · 1.6k
This World
Mark Tilford Jul 2016
Without color we all should be born
Because of, all we do now is mourn
As untimely deaths come to our
First born
Second born
Third born
Just because of their skin color
Our brothers
It's time we lay the weapons down
We all come together
Stand altogether
To stop loss of lives because of someone's skin color
(Black skin is not a sin)

This world
Now all we do is mourn
Evokes, fear across the world
Your neighbor?
Yes, they could be that near
Watch the news
It's something new every morning
They **** with no warning
Then our world goes into mourning
It's time
They lay their weapons down
For us all to come together
Stand altogether
To stop them from going into any town
Let us not back down

This world
Now again we are mourning
Caused by mass shootings
Because someone thought it was their duty
Not being choosy
In their shooting
Afterwards people standing behind
( the second amendment )
Of an aged constitution
It's time
For us all to come together
Stand altogether
To change the
There is no other solution

It's time
For us all to come together
Stand altogether
To stop
The pollution  
of  minds
Mark Tilford Jul 2016
When people use to pray
When the bible showed us the way
Them were the good 'O days
When people did not stray
From them good ways
When every Sunday was the Lord's day
When you feared the end of days
When people walked the good pathways
When people wanted to climb heavens stairway
When we did not with everyone lay
When we married to stay
When we knelt down to pray
Them were the good 'O ways
When our days were not gray
When our neighbors were in trouble
we did not turn our backs and turn away
When sinners were welcomed in church
When the American Flag was always on display
When all men were brave
And knew how to behave
When you were on the roadway
Everyone nodded and waved

When everyone was treated the same way

What happened
Them good 'o days
The good 'o ways
Jul 2016 · 924
Mark Tilford Jul 2016
Come from expecting

You expect your husband to do laundry on his day off
Instead he plays golf

You expect to get the promotion
There was never a notion

You expect a raise
All you hear is nay's

You expect an I love you
Because you thought it was due
It does not happen
Never just in passing

You expect an A on the test
Because you did your best
Instead an F

You expect the kids to clean their mess
You pick up the rest

You expect flowers
You wait for hours

You expect great ***
You leave perplexed

You expect your date to be on time
All you can hear is the clock chime

A world of expectations
Filled with disappointments
Go with the flow
Then who cares about the no's
Jul 2016 · 313
Mark Tilford Jul 2016
Lots, A Ton  
Having a taste of a sweet bun
Don't know the meaning of none
Can't stop once it has begun
I am never done
With having fun
I am not to old
I have no grandsons
You will not see me with a shotgun
I will always have a water gun
How fun !!
I am free
You should come hang with me
The fun will proceed
Trust me !!
You see!!
I do not give a **** !!
Always doing what I want
Fun, I flaunt
My house on the lake front
Lets just say I do not  bunt
But sure the hell can grunt...WINK
Not over with, at a blink
I will bring you to the brink
**** straight I am the missing link
Drink !
Drink !
Drink !
While those champagne glasses clink  
Oh yes it is exactly what you think
Believe me you will not rethink

Jun 2016 · 550
You told me
Mark Tilford Jun 2016
You warned me
It was close to the end
There is nothing left to mend
No, we will not be friends
Got to let it go
Thought our love was strong
I guess I was wrong
How long
No reason to prolong
Not lasting one more day
No more dues to pay
Going to miss our play
Be on your way
You will never find anyone that
makes love like me
You will see
I am sure you will agree
While your searching for someone like me
I am telling you
After you get through a few
You will want to come back to me
You say please
I will remind you
You told me
Now I am telling you
Jun 2016 · 433
Sorry for the pain
Mark Tilford Jun 2016
That I caused
No reason really
Maybe just because
I broke all the love laws
No heart for me from my visit to OZ
Now I have to take pause
To all the pain that I caused
I am sorry for that pain
Looking back, I can see how lame
For all, I was to blame
******* my middle name
Referring to you as nothing more than a dame
Now feeling so much shame
I never treated you as my equal
or the same
My M O and my game
A bad boy was my claim to fame
All that *******, I have overcame
Being a man is to lay claim
What a foolish man
No wonder her and everyone else has ran
Avoided jumping back into the frying pan

Now I have a different plan
Jun 2016 · 263
The best I can
Mark Tilford Jun 2016
Standing on my own two feet
Nothing I have to beat
Only life, I have to, I need, to cheat
Lessons learned

I am a simple man
Unfortunately, so many not a fan  
Judging me
Because I am a different man
Because I am who I am
Called me so many different names
It is not who I am
In return not calling them
I would never abuse them
I am just that kind of man

It is not in me
I do not have a need to

Does not define me
I do not need it's pity

I am a man
A **** good man
Standing on my own two feet
Doing the best I can
Jun 2016 · 310
Ordinary ?
Mark Tilford Jun 2016
Not me
I am free

Of all the *******
The day to day political grit

Some say I have no ambition
Not true
Living is my ambition

Never had to pay a dime of tuition
"Having debt"
Living with no regret

I never have to fret
Believe me I am no one's threat

Life is my asset
The people that I have met
I never forget

Being happy
Is my outlet

Is not me
Because I
Never wanted to be
Jun 2016 · 298
Never Enough Time To Spend
Mark Tilford Jun 2016
With our families and our friends
Never Enough Time To Spend
Just letting our lives blend
Never Enough Time To Spend
Seems to be a normal trend
Never Enough Time To Spend
The words, I intend
Maybe this weekend
Regret, we will in the end

Time is of the essence
Family and friends
Becoming more of a quintessence's

Here today and gone tomorrow
Then feeling so much sorrow
Time, you cannot borrow

Nothing is more important then your family and friends
Not your job
Not your cell phone
Not Facebook
Not your favorite T.V. show
Not your favorite sport

Make enough time to spend
Jun 2016 · 584
Letting People Live Free
Mark Tilford Jun 2016
Should be the key
It should read on every marque

It does not matter to me
Who you be

In your choices
I do not listen to others voices

Be you and I will be me
Here and across the sea

Free from all the injustice
For the people of substance

Believing in the word trusted
It am afraid it has become rusted

Living Free
Still with so much reluctance

Because of your customs
Living in fear of your destruction

Live free
Without any repercussion

Fighting to stop the injustice
It's time we all live free
The blacks, The whites, The poor, The LGBT, The homeless, The people of different faiths, For anyone that dare be different, may you all someday be able to truly live free
Jun 2016 · 562
Is it Love
Mark Tilford Jun 2016
When I see you and my heart drops
and it almost stops
Is it Love
When I can not wait to see you
and I do not ask, is this really true
Is it Love
When I have made my mind up
and I do not think it over
Is it Love
When you are enough
And I want to give everyone else up
Is it Love
When it is not just another hookup
and I do not want to ***** it up
Is it Love
When we smile
While looking at each other face to face
Is it Love
When we do not mind sharing the same space
no matter the someplace
Is it Love
When we embrace
and we do not go to first base
Is it Love
When I knew in one moment
and I stop hoping
Is it Love
When I do not ask for more
and it's you I adore

Is it love
When I do not ask anymore
Jun 2016 · 382
Mark Tilford Jun 2016
Tears shed for our peers
Yes, our peers
Human as they appear
June 13th 2016

Just out for a beer
At the start everything was unclear
A man is shooting dressed in his terroristic gear  
In an instant
It turned into unimaginable fear
Shooting people  
that were held dear
Fear with tears
Begging the man not to shoot
He knew is route
And continued to shoot
Hiding they could only see
the pacing of  his boots
Him again getting ready to shoot
His victims no time to dispute
One after the other he continued and
continued and continued to shoot
More then hundred times
He does his crimes
Dead are
Brothers and sisters
Yours and mine  
Yes our peers!!
May our government see all of our tears
and see our fear
And stop on behalf of the forty nine
these horrible crimes

Jun 2016 · 947
Mark Tilford Jun 2016
Do people judge
Think it is their job
Someone's life
Do not care to
Those people who
To me
Are nothing but
If you judge
I will
Hold a grudge
To me
Is hatred
It's no one's
Job to
Because there is
Only one
Dedicated to the LGBT communities
Because they know what it is to be
Jun 2016 · 300
Mark Tilford Jun 2016
Been so patient
Now becoming so impatient
About what I am facing
Now the realization
Of being alone
As I continue to roam
To find someone of my own
Someone that I would have known
That I could grow old with
That is not a myth
To make memories with
That last in love
And will give lots of
My life they will want to be part of
Settle down
Stay around
A friend
Until the end
Then I would/could stop searching
My heart would stop it's wanting
Jun 2016 · 505
Living Hell
Mark Tilford Jun 2016
It's been such a long time
It seems like, my whole life time
It's been a long time since everything was alright
And the sun shined bright  
Hell !!
No one ringing my bells
Not under anyone's spell

Hotel after hotel
Oh well !!
So many different girls
Fake blonds and died brunettes
Bad girls
You know the kind, that would never ware pearls  
Even some guys along the way
Please do not tell
Now do you understand my hell
Those **** pills
Waking up in landfills

I have changed my ways

Waking up in a ****** hotel
His picture was staring at me
It was meant to be
As I stared back at  him
I ask, where have you been
I have been asking for you, for a long time
I am at my end
I am worn thin

I started looking within
He promised me better days
I promised him I would change my ways
He whispered in my ear, " I am hear to stay"
The very next day
No more ****** hotels
No more pills
No more waking up in landfills
No more bad girls
Only the one's that ware pearls

That picture of our lord
Pulled me out of my

There has been so many brighter days
By me changing my bad ways
Thanks to that picture of our Lord
Him staring at me
And me staring back at him
Jun 2016 · 484
Mark Tilford Jun 2016
That word
That name
So many definitions it entertains
A representation of man
What he wanted us to be  
I question
What happened to his plan
What happened to man
From now to the start with Adam and Eve
We have lost our faith and what we should believe
I  greave
For man while we are still in this world
Up until the time we have to leave
That word
That name
So many definitions it entertains
So easy
Restore our faith and start to believe
Before we leave
Don't you agree
Jun 2016 · 371
We are
Mark Tilford Jun 2016
Not defined by:
By a car
That we drive a Mercedes instead of a ford  
Nor a golden credit card
Or if we are the chair of a board
By all the awards
Or how we serve our lord
By how big our front door
Or from how much more
Nor by winning a war
Or by our décor
Nor what we can buy in a store
Or by our address
By that fancy dress
Nor because we can live on the highest floor
Or because we are good looking and adored
Nor by the big diamonds locked in a drawer
By that we have money galore

A class war??

We should be defined by:
So much more
Or should be
Jun 2016 · 369
The Urge !!
Mark Tilford Jun 2016
What makes you feel that you would want to
That you would like to
That you need to
So strong
It nags
Until you
Give in
To something new
Which could be way over due
What it is ,I am sure you have a clue
Getting a tattoo
The urge
For something taboo
To paint yourself blue
To pursue
Someone to *****
Or that is equal to
The urge
Drives you to do what is not good for you
Makes you do the wrong things
Almost everything
The urge
Can definitely make you sin  
When it takes control of you
That is when it begins
The Urge
I have a strong urge too
Jun 2016 · 3.3k
Honesty and Integrity
Mark Tilford Jun 2016
The quality of being honest
Look at me directly in the eyes
Before you lie
When you agonize
And dramatize
I will analyze
I will realize
I will not empathize
I will brutalize
So I would not jeopardize
The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles
With dignity
Without enemies
No jealousy
Seeing objectively
Never causing unpleasantries

The two go hand and hand
Jun 2016 · 824
The break up
Mark Tilford Jun 2016
We both know
This as nowhere to go
Us both
The love stopped
There will be no more growth
Regardless of our oath
Of not giving each other up
It's time to wake up
Break up
Our fears has replaced
Our cheers
I guess it's true
Nothing is ever what it appears
So true were the things that we here
Heard from our peers
I was not for you
You were not right for me
It's a shame we did not realize
But time flies by
Unfortunately love dies
Our love had so many tries
But there were
The lies after lies
We have to drop the disguise
We have to give each other up
Break up
May 2016 · 1.2k
Living and being alive
Mark Tilford May 2016
The will to thrive
Trying to survive
It is not a test-drive
It's about living and being alive
Maybe you just need to be revived
Staying alive
While taking a nose dive
You need drive
When needed, taking five
Living and being alive
You owe no one an alibi
I hope you realize
Never no need to apologize
Do not be terrified
You should not be deprived
Living and being alive
Then wait for the surprise
You will not be denied
Just satisfied
Living and being alive
Willingly it will provide
Even in your demise
While living and being alive
Your rules, you only need to abide by
May 2016 · 392
Do not give up
Mark Tilford May 2016
No matter how low
you may go

Take it slow
Until your able to take control

Dismiss your thoughts of letting go
Keep telling yourself NO

Do not give in
I promise you it will get better than it has been

Then your life again will begin
Then those thoughts, it will be their end

More than likely your asking yourself how does he know
I became that low

So low
I cut my wrist
As I clinched my fist

At that moment I looked down
And ask
My life how could I dismiss ?

Now when I am feeling low
I look at my scare
To remind me I can exist
I would be missed

So when your feeling low
Do not let go
Let those thoughts go
Say no
May 2016 · 269
I have nothing to loose
Mark Tilford May 2016
"So here goes"

Did you know I have a crush on you
I have nothing to loose
Unless it starts
I don't  know why I am protecting my heart
I have nothing to loose

I often think of you  
If I happen to run into you
Often acting shy
I will hide from you
Don't ask me why
I have nothing to loose

When I am talking to you
My tongue becomes tide
I cannot lie
Kind of hard to hide
Don't ask me why
I have nothing to loose

Your so **** fine
This is not a pick up line
It's pretty much defined
The crush I have on you
Once in a lifetime
I have nothing to loose

Do you have a clue
About this crush I have on you
I will give you a clue
That it is you
Today I ran into you
Soon I will not be able to see you
If this clue helps you
And you think it's you
It's true
It is you
I have nothing to loose

I hope you picked up on the clue
I am ready
If you want to
Letting this start
I think it would be smart
Why not
I have nothing to loose

I have nothing to loose
Yes I do
Loosing you
May 2016 · 256
The morning
Mark Tilford May 2016
No time for mourning
The start of the day

The start of what it will become
And it's outcomes

Taking a deep breath to fill the lungs
Getting ready for the things that you will have to overcome

And not run from
The everyday humdrum

Never playing dumb
Not living the day numb

The morning
How could you think of it boring

When it is life dawning
It is the world and life performing

In it's yawning
Quietly, without alarming

For now always returning
The morning
May 2016 · 650
My fear
Mark Tilford May 2016
My fear
Of no one ever loving me again
Love is something everyone needs
Including me
This is not a poor me
Just something about me
You see, there is no difference in me
My heart as well bleeds
I should take the lead
Then vulnerable I would be
Something I cannot be
I have been there you see
It just about destroyed me
That need
That is what stops me, to proceed
I have learned how and became content with
it just being me
Caused by my one true love leaving me
Because there was something else that they needed
Unfortunately that need was not me
Believe me I did not agree  
I have no trust left in me
Nor love to give from me
So my fear has become my reality
I am lying here in bed
With no one next to me
Of course I have the fly byes
No one that I can look deep into their eyes
No prize
Maybe I should try
But then why should I lie
I have never been able to forget
or forgive

My fear
Is really not being able to love
May 2016 · 452
When does love begin ?
Mark Tilford May 2016
At the first hello
I do not know
Is that when it starts to grow
When you start to feel alone
When there is an empty space
When you cannot see the others face
When you stumble and fall
When you announce it to all
When you are away
When you decide to stay
When you kiss goodbye
When eyes meet eyes
When you know there are no lies
No one cries
When you both watch the sunrise
When there are no more goodbyes
When there is no end
When two souls blend
When you do not pretend
When they become your best friend
Love begins
May 2016 · 363
I Am Back
Mark Tilford May 2016
Writing, I thought I would never miss
But when I am doing it I am in some sort of bliss
Corny I know, almost better then a kiss
So what if it goes amiss
People dis  
Try correcting a kiss
Some may resist  
That would be the pits
Writings you can correct this
On this
In this
Of this
And make it more crisp
So with this
I have missed your work
And the network
All the fine artwork
I hope you have missed mine
It was not all that fine
But they are mine
None that would make the headlines
But still just the same I am proud of mine
Never trying to outshine
Some with a crazy punch line
Some with very short lines
Some even on the borderline
Some I guess I should have drawled the line
But genuine

I am glad to be back
To enjoy yours and mine
May 2016 · 302
Mark Tilford May 2016
Absolutely get undressed
Lets get a little fresh

Yes !!
Of course you are the best
Why would you second guess

There is no need to process and process
Don't make things a mess

Yes !!
You are exactly what I need
You  make me drop to my knees

Everything is alright
I don't want to fight

You need to be a little more secure
Be a little more sure

You need to be a little more mature
Stop being so immature

You play way to many games
You need to stop with the nasty names

It is your claim to fame
I am the one you blame

You need to be a little more tame
Your being  so lame

Yes !!
No matter what, I love you everyday
Even though you make me pay

I want you to get undressed
So we can get a little fresh

Get your *** in that bed
Apr 2016 · 665
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
Keeping your secrets
Can be pretty tricky

Hiding those hickey's
And those quickies

With  guys named Rickey
and Dicky

With woman  named Niki


So easy!!
So ******!!

On the other hand how dreamy

And very steamy
Kind of fun being sneaky

Not so creepy
Love it deeply

Nothing wrong with briefly
getting freaky

Just do it discreetly
Then it want be so

Apr 2016 · 420
I am setting here
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
Looking at a blank screen
With a cigarette hanging from my mouth
As I inhale
I am hoping for the words
or a subject to write
Trying to keep it lite
Wanting something to trend
With words that will blend
Nothing about a girlfriend
Nothing about a boyfriend
Nothing that I would have to amend
Nothing that will offend
Something that everyone can comprehend
I don't think I should write about my wild weekend
My girlfriends tight end
I guess it will depend
If the words come
From where,
my dark side or my light side or my funny side
or my **** side, or my deep side , or from my romantic side
Maybe from my perverted side  
Poet's, how do we decide ?

Where do our words and  subjects come from??
We all have so many different sides

Our words are nothing we hide
Then why can't I decide
Apr 2016 · 1.6k
Your fantasy
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
Why do you not share  
Out of fear ?
Your fantasy
or of
Big *****
The touch of a whip
Your fantasy
Women to women
Men to men
A *******
A foursome
One or more
Walking naked through
someone's door
Your fantasy
Dressing like a man
Dressing like woman
Playing doctor and nurse
Your Fantasy
does not have to be
It is not a curse
just quenching your thirst
Go ahead let it be the first
Let your hair down
Be submersed
In your fantasy
Get out of your agony
It's not insanity
It is a fantasy
There is no shame
in a little pain
You have nothing to lose
Why would you let it be
such a recluse
Let  loose
be seductive
Your fantasy
I would just bet your partner would dare
Apr 2016 · 258
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
You have to be able to feel it
Beat after beat
Be a strong
Nothing about it can be discreet  
It just has to beat
It has to be alive
It cannot deprive
Needs to
Drive you crazy
It cannot be lazy
Needs to make your head bounce !!
Every word heavily pronounced
Loudly announced
Make you want to hit the floor
Not stand with that I am a model stance
It's got to make you want to take a chance
Make you jump
Put you into a trance
Your senses it has to enhance
Apr 2016 · 226
I have to be me
Mark Tilford Apr 2016
I have to be me
I am not going to flee
from me
There is not three
of me
just one of me
Not a rich me
Not a poor me
Some where in between is me
That is just fine with me
On all different levels
at different degrees
It's me
I was me  
At twenty
At thirty
And at forty
I will be me
I do not and will not
make apologies
for me being me
I will never make excuses
ask for forgiveness
It's just me
I answer to only me
Conceded, nah !
That's not me
I am just proud of me

We all should be
Because there is only one of
you and me

I have to be me!!
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