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Mark Tilford Mar 2017
Take hold of me
With all your power
At every hour
This life has gone sour
I have fallen from my ivory tower
Have mercy on me
You the super power
Save me
I know you have not forgot
about me
This is not a plea
Just want you to show
mercy on me
Before the bad really starts
I am falling apart
I cannot feel anything in my heart
Have mercy
The pain keeps me up at night
With it comes so much fright
That my soul will take flight
I am loosing the fight
Mark Tilford Mar 2017
None of us
Is here to stay
There are  dues to pay
We are not promised today, nor yesterday
It can be over at a blink of an eye
Bye, bye
That promise is not a lie
Some day, sooner or later
We all die
So why?
The chase for more and more
Such a bore
Making life a chore
So quick to judge
The poor
The *****
Closing the door
To people not like you
Not having a clue
This is what I have got to say
To the who's who
You will get what is coming to you
What is due
No lie
We are all pink inside
Bleed red on the outside
We all cry
We all try
We all have pride
This does not need to be clarified
The bible
The guide
Should be applied
When it is not
Good and evil collide
Open your door
Look outside
It cannot be denied
You will see the divide
No one standing side by side
Are you horrified ?
To what is glorified
You should be terrified
I know
Your satisfied
To wear blinders
To cover your eyes
No lie
We all die
In common
We all have forgotten
Mark Tilford Feb 2017
There was a knock at the door
The doc. came through
This is what came out of his mouth
There is no more I can do
I am sorry for you

It was all I could do
I tried
Not to cry
I fail to my knees
I cried out
Why me
I am not ready to say goodbye
How long before I die
This has got to be a lie

I pulled myself up
Be strong
He is not wrong
It is not about how long
It is on God's terms
It is what he taught
What I have learned

If you see me
Do not feel for me
Let me know
I was a good man to know

Who knows
How fast or slow
I could go tomorrow
I am not feeling low
I know
I will see the golden road
I will see God face to face
I will finally be able to say
Mark Tilford Jan 2017
When did humans loose the ability to be human

Mark Tilford Jan 2017
fall to your knees
from the bottom of your heart
ask God
to ease your pain
in his name

when your heart is empty
and you think there is no love left
remember he loves you
and that you are blessed

when you need your family and friends
and they do not come around
and cannot be found
God will comfort you

when your eyes fill with tears
just whisper your fears
God will make them disappear

when things get rough
hold your hand out
God will take hold and guide you through
until everything goes smooth

when you are down and out
and you have to live in the streets
God will make sure you eat
when evening falls
he will give you a place to sleep

when dark times fall
God will provide the light
so you may see the way
just pray

when there is evil all around
God will push it away
he will keep you safe
Do not loose your faith

he will be by your side
Mark Tilford Jan 2017
That, that kept the bible beside his bed
That thanked God every morning he was not dead

I am a man
That, that has no regrets
That forgives and forgets

I am a man
That, that did not want it all
That preferred living small

I am a man
That, that learned from making mistakes
That understood what was at stake

I am a man
That, that never forgot a name
That refused to play all the games

I am a man
That, that knew he was not perfect
That just tried to be correct

I am a man
That, that had no problem admitting to wrong
That admits to being a little headstrong

I am a man
That, that did not mind to share
That would comfort you in your despair

I am a man
That, that will never forget where he was raised
That will never forget those days

I am a man
That, that love has been bitter sweet
That, the one, he has yet to meet

I am a man
That, that has not forgotten
That he is just
A man
Mark Tilford Jan 2017
we will fight for our last breath
then concede to death

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